556 research outputs found

    The algebra of dual -1 Hahn polynomials and the Clebsch-Gordan problem of sl_{-1}(2)

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    The algebra H of the dual -1 Hahn polynomials is derived and shown to arise in the Clebsch-Gordan problem of sl_{-1}(2). The dual -1 Hahn polynomials are the bispectral polynomials of a discrete argument obtained from a q-> -1 limit of the dual q-Hahn polynomials. The Hopf algebra sl_{-1}(2) has four generators including an involution, it is also a q-> -1 limit of the quantum algebra sl_{q}(2) and furthermore, the dynamical algebra of the parabose oscillator. The algebra H, a two-parameter generalization of u(2) with an involution as additional generator, is first derived from the recurrence relation of the -1 Hahn polynomials. It is then shown that H can be realized in terms of the generators of two added sl_{-1}(2) algebras, so that the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of sl_{-1}(2) are dual -1 Hahn polynomials. An irreducible representation of H involving five-diagonal matrices and connected to the difference equation of the dual -1 Hahn polynomials is constructed.Comment: 15 pages, Some minor changes from version #

    Torsion divisors of plane curves and Zariski pairs

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    In this paper we study the embedded topology of reducible plane curves having a smooth irreducible component. In previous studies, the relation between the topology and certain torsion classes in the Picard group of degree zero of the smooth component was implicitly considered. We formulate this relation clearly and give a criterion for distinguishing the embedded topology in terms of torsion classes. Furthermore, we give a method of systematically constructing examples of curves where our criterion is applicable, and give new examples of Zariski tuples.Comment: 19 page

    Exactly Solvable Birth and Death Processes

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    Many examples of exactly solvable birth and death processes, a typical stationary Markov chain, are presented together with the explicit expressions of the transition probabilities. They are derived by similarity transforming exactly solvable `matrix' quantum mechanics, which is recently proposed by Odake and the author. The (qq-)Askey-scheme of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable and their dual polynomials play a central role. The most generic solvable birth/death rates are rational functions of qxq^x (xx being the population) corresponding to the qq-Racah polynomial.Comment: LaTeX, amsmath, amssymb, 24 pages, no figure

    Convergence to equilibrium under a random Hamiltonian

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    We analyze equilibration times of subsystems of a larger system under a random total Hamiltonian, in which the basis of the Hamiltonian is drawn from the Haar measure. We obtain that the time of equilibration is of the order of the inverse of the arithmetic average of the Bohr frequencies. To compute the average over a random basis, we compute the inverse of a matrix of overlaps of operators which permute four systems. We first obtain results on such a matrix for a representation of an arbitrary finite group and then apply it to the particular representation of the permutation group under consideration.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, v1-v3: some minor errors and typos corrected and new references added; v4: results for the degenerated spectrum added; v5: reorganized and rewritten version; to appear in PR
