2,899 research outputs found

    The largest eigenvalue of rank one deformation of large Wigner matrices

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish universality of the fluctuations of the largest eigenvalue of some non necessarily Gaussian complex Deformed Wigner Ensembles. The real model is also considered. Our approach is close to the one used by A. Soshnikov in the investigations of classical real or complex Wigner Ensembles. It is based on the computation of moments of traces of high powers of the random matrices under consideration

    The International Urban Energy Balance Comparison Project: Initial Results from Phase 2.

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    Many urban land surface schemes have been developed, incorporating different assumptions about the features of, and processes occurring at, the surface. Here, the first results from Phase 2 of an international comparison are presented. Evaluation is based on analysis of the last 12 months of a 15 month dataset. In general, the schemes have best overall capability to model net all-wave radiation. The models that perform well for one flux do not necessarily perform well for other fluxes. Generally there is better performance for net all wave radiation than sensible heat flux. The degree of complexity included in the models is outlined, and impacts on model performance are discussed in terms of the data made available to modellers at four successive stages

    Origin-Destination (O-D) Trip Table Estimation Using Traffic Movement Counts from Vehicle Tracking System at Intersection

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    A new video-based vehicle tracking system is proposed to provide accurate information on directional traffic counts at intersections. The extracted counts are fed to estimate an origin- destination trip table which is necessary information for traffic impact study and transportation planning. The system utilizes a fisheye lens to expand the area covered by a single camera and uses a particle filtering method to track an individual vehicle. The filter is designed to handle environmental changes and multiple motion dynamics. Experimental results show its strong ability on tracking in various conditions. The paper shows how to use the tracking outputs in obtaining accurate origin-destination (O-D) table

    Visual Traffic Movement Counts at Intersection for Origin-Destination (O-D) Trip Table Estimation

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    Origin-destination (O-D) trip table is necessary information for transportation planning and traffic impact study. However, current O-D estimations rely on estimated directional traffic counts at intersections, which obviously diminish reliability in the table. A video-based vehicle tracking system that utilizes wide view-angle lenses has been studied [26] to provide accurate direction traffic counts. The system expands the area covered by a single camera and uses a particle filtering method to handle environmental changes as well as geometric distortion caused by those lenses. This paper shows tracking capability of the system and also shows how to incorporate the directional traffic counts in the O-D estimation

    Exponential torsion growth for random 3-manifolds

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    We show that a random 3-manifold with positive first Betti number admits a tower of cyclic covers with exponential torsion growth

    Chaos synchronization in generalized Lorenz systems and an application to image encryption

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    Examples of synchronization, pervasive throughout the natural world, are often awe-inspiring because they tend to transcend our intuition. Synchronization in chaotic dynamical systems, of which the Lorenz system is a quintessential example, is even more surprising because the very defining features of chaos include sensitive dependence on initial conditions. It is worth pursuing, then, the question of whether high-dimensional extensions of such a system also exhibit synchronization. This study investigates synchronization in a set of high-dimensional generalizations of the Lorenz system obtained from the inclusion of additional Fourier modes. Numerical evidence supports that these systems exhibit self-synchronization. An example application of this phenomenon to image encryption is also provided. Numerical experiments also suggest that there is much more to synchronization in these generalized Lorenz systems than self-synchronization; while setting the dimension of the driver system higher than that of the receiver system does not result in perfect synchrony, the smaller the dimensional difference between the two, the more closely the receiver system tends to follow the driver, leading to self-synchronization when their dimensions are equal. © 2021 The Author

    Random walks and random fixed-point free involutions

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    A bijection is given between fixed point free involutions of {1,2,...,2N}\{1,2,...,2N\} with maximum decreasing subsequence size 2p2p and two classes of vicious (non-intersecting) random walker configurations confined to the half line lattice points l1l \ge 1. In one class of walker configurations the maximum displacement of the right most walker is pp. Because the scaled distribution of the maximum decreasing subsequence size is known to be in the soft edge GOE (random real symmetric matrices) universality class, the same holds true for the scaled distribution of the maximum displacement of the right most walker.Comment: 10 page

    Dynamics of a tagged particle in the asymmetric exclusion process with the step initial condition

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    The one-dimensional totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) is considered. We study the time evolution property of a tagged particle in TASEP with the step-type initial condition. Calculated is the multi-time joint distribution function of its position. Using the relation of the dynamics of TASEP to the Schur process, we show that the function is represented as the Fredholm determinant. We also study the scaling limit. The universality of the largest eigenvalue in the random matrix theory is realized in the limit. When the hopping rates of all particles are the same, it is found that the joint distribution function converges to that of the Airy process after the time at which the particle begins to move. On the other hand, when there are several particles with small hopping rate in front of a tagged particle, the limiting process changes at a certain time from the Airy process to the process of the largest eigenvalue in the Hermitian multi-matrix model with external sources.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figure

    Spectra of random Hermitian matrices with a small-rank external source: supercritical and subcritical regimes

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    Random Hermitian matrices with a source term arise, for instance, in the study of non-intersecting Brownian walkers \cite{Adler:2009a, Daems:2007} and sample covariance matrices \cite{Baik:2005}. We consider the case when the n×nn\times n external source matrix has two distinct real eigenvalues: aa with multiplicity rr and zero with multiplicity nrn-r. The source is small in the sense that rr is finite or r=O(nγ)r=\mathcal O(n^\gamma), for 0<γ<10< \gamma<1. For a Gaussian potential, P\'ech\'e \cite{Peche:2006} showed that for a|a| sufficiently small (the subcritical regime) the external source has no leading-order effect on the eigenvalues, while for a|a| sufficiently large (the supercritical regime) rr eigenvalues exit the bulk of the spectrum and behave as the eigenvalues of r×rr\times r Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE). We establish the universality of these results for a general class of analytic potentials in the supercritical and subcritical regimes.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure