394 research outputs found

    Submillimeter vibrationally excited water emission from the peculiar red supergiant VY CMa

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    Vibrationally excited emission from the SiO and H2O molecules probes the innermost circumstellar envelopes of oxygen-rich red giant and supergiant stars. VY CMa is the most prolific known stellar emission source in these molecules. Observations were made to search for rotational lines in the lowest vibrationally excited state of H2O. The APEX telescope was used for observations of H2O lines at frequencies around 300 GHz. Two vibrationally excited H2O lines were detected, a third one could not be found. In one of the lines we find evidence for weak maser action, similar to known (sub)millimeter H2O lines. We find that the other line's intensity is consistent with thermal excitation by the circumstellar infrared radiation field. Several SiO lines were detected together with the H2O lines.Comment: APEX A&A special issue, accepte

    Balancing reservoir creation and seismic hazard in enhanced geothermal systems

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    Fracture shear-dilatancy is an essential process for enhancing the permeability of deep geothermal reservoirs, and is usually accompanied by the radiation of seismic waves. However, the hazard and risk perspective of induced seismicity research typically focuses only on the question of how to reduce the occurrence of induced earthquakes. Here we present a quantitative analysis of seismic hazard as a function of the two key factors defining an enhanced geothermal system: The permeability enhancement, and the size of the stimulated reservoir. Our model has two coupled components: (1) a pressure diffusion model and (2) a stochastic seismicity model. Permeability is increased in the source area of each induced earthquake depending on the amount of slip, which is determined by the magnitude. We show that the few largest earthquakes (i.e. 5-10 events with M ≥ 1.5) contribute more than half of the total reservoir stimulation. The results further indicate that planning and controlling of reservoir engineering operations may be compromised by the considerable variability of maximum observed magnitude, reservoir size, the Gutenberg-Richter b-value and Shapiro's seismogenic index (i.e. a measure of seismic reactivity of a reservoir) that arises from the intrinsic stochastic nature of induced seismicity. We also find that injection volume has a large impact on both reservoir size and seismic hazard. Injection rate and injection scheme have a negligible effect. The impact of site-specific parameters on seismicity and reservoir properties is greater than that of the injected volume. In particular, conditions that lead to high b-values—possibly a low differential stress level—have a high impact on seismic hazard, but also reduce the efficiency of the stimulation in terms of permeability enhancement. Under such conditions, target reservoir permeability can still be achieved without reaching an unacceptable level of seismic hazard, if either the initial reservoir permeability is high or if several fractures are stimulated. The proposed methodology is a first step towards including induced seismic hazard analysis into the design of reservoir stimulation in a quantitative and robust manne

    Phosphoproteomics data classify hematological cancer cell lines according to tumor type and sensitivity to kinase inhibitors

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    The Abundance of SiC2 in Carbon Star Envelopes: Evidence that SiC2 is a gas-phase precursor of SiC dust

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    Silicon carbide dust is ubiquitous in circumstellar envelopes around C-rich AGB stars. However, the main gas-phase precursors leading to the formation of SiC dust have not yet been identified. The most obvious candidates among the molecules containing an Si--C bond detected in C-rich AGB stars are SiC2, SiC, and Si2C. We aim to study how widespread and abundant SiC2, SiC, and Si2C are in envelopes around C-rich AGB stars and whether or not these species play an active role as gas-phase precursors of silicon carbide dust in the ejecta of carbon stars. We carried out sensitive observations with the IRAM 30m telescope of a sample of 25 C-rich AGB stars to search for emission lines of SiC2, SiC, and Si2C in the 2 mm band. We performed non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer calculations based on the LVG method to model the observed lines of SiC2 and to derive SiC2 fractional abundances in the observed envelopes. We detect SiC2 in most of the sources, SiC in about half of them, and do not detect Si2C in any source, at the exception of IRC +10216. Most of these detections are reported for the first time in this work. We find a positive correlation between the SiC and SiC2 line emission, which suggests that both species are chemically linked, the SiC radical probably being the photodissociation product of SiC2 in the external layer of the envelope. We find a clear trend in which the denser the envelope, the less abundant SiC2 is. The observed trend is interpreted as an evidence of efficient incorporation of SiC2 onto dust grains, a process which is favored at high densities owing to the higher rate at which collisions between particles take place. The observed behavior of a decline in the SiC2 abundance with increasing density strongly suggests that SiC2 is an important gas-phase precursor of SiC dust in envelopes around carbon stars.Comment: Published in A&A. 16 pages and 10 figure

    High-resolution observations of the symbiotic system R Aqr. Direct imaging of the gravitational effects of the secondary on the stellar wind

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    We have observed the symbiotic stellar system R Aqr, aiming to describe the gravitational interaction between the white dwarf (WD) and the wind from the Mira star, the key phenomenon driving the symbiotic activity and the formation of nebulae in such systems. We present high-resolution ALMA maps of the 12CO and 13CO J=3-2 lines, the 0.9 mm continuum distribution, and some high-excitation molecular lines in R Aqr. The maps, which have resolutions ranging between 40 milliarcsecond (mas) and less than 20 mas, probe the circumstellar regions at suborbital scales as the distance between the stars is ~ 40 mas. Our observations show the gravitational effects of the secondary on the stellar wind. The AGB star was identified in our maps from the continuum and molecular line data, and we estimated the probable position of the secondary from a new estimation of the orbital parameters. The (preliminary) comparison of our maps with theoretical predictions is surprisingly satisfactory and the main expected gravitational effects are directly mapped for the first time. We find a strong focusing in the equatorial plane of the resulting wind, which shows two plumes in opposite directions that have different velocities and very probably correspond to the expected double spiral due to the interaction. Our continuum maps show the very inner regions of the nascent bipolar jets, at scales of some AU. Continuum maps obtained with the highest resolution show the presence of a clump that very probably corresponds to the emission of the ionized surroundings of the WD and of a bridge of material joining both stars, which is likely material flowing from the AGB primary to the accretion disk around the WD secondary.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics. 7 pages, 6 figure

    Correlation between Infrared Colors and Intensity Ratios of SiO Maser Lines

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    We present the results of SiO millimeter-line observations of a sample of known SiO maser sources covering a wide dust-temperature range. A cold part of the sample was selected from the SiO maser sources found in our recent SiO maser survey of cold dusty objects. The aim of the present research is to investigate the causes of the correlation between infrared colors and SiO maser intensity ratios among different transition lines. In particular, the correlation between infrared colors and SiO maser intensity ratio among the J=1-0 v=1, 2, and 3 lines are mainly concerned in this paper. We observed in total 75 SiO maser sources with the Nobeyama 45m telescope quasi-simultaneously in the SiO J=1-0 v=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and J=2-1 v=1, 2 lines. We also observed the sample in the 29SiO J=1-0 v=0 and J=2-1 v=0, and 30SiO J=1-0 v=0 lines, and the H2O 6(1,6)-5(2,3) line. As reported in previous papers, we confirmed that the intensity ratios of the SiO J=1-0 v=2 to v=1 lines clearly correlate with infrared colors. In addition, we found possible correlation between infrared colors and the intensity ratios of the SiO J=1-0 v=3 to v=1&2 lines. Two overlap lines of H2O (i.e., 11(6,6) nu_2=1 -> 12(7,5) nu_2=0 and 5(0,5) nu_2=2 -> 6(3,4) nu_2=1) might explain these correlation if these overlap lines become stronger with increase of infrared colors, although the phenomena also might be explained by more fundamental ways if we take into account the variation of opacity from object to object.Comment: 49 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ. Full resolution version available at http://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/~junichi/paper

    SiO masers in TX Cam: Simultaneous VLBA observations of two 43 GHz masers at four epochs

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    We present the results of simultaneous high resolution observations of v=1 and v=2, J=1-0 SiO masers toward TX Cam at four epochs covering a stellar cycle. Near maser maximum (Epochs III and IV), the individual components of both masers are distributed in ring-like structures but the ring is severely disrupted near stellar maser minimum (Epochs I and II). In Epochs III and IV there is a large overlap between the radii at which the two maser transitions occur. However in both epochs the average radius of the v=2 maser ring is smaller than for the v=1 maser ring, the difference being larger for Epoch IV. The observed relative ring radii in the two transitions, and the trends on the ring thickness, are close to those predicted by the model of Humphreys et al. (\cite{humphreys02}). In many individual features there is an almost exact overlap in space and velocity of emission from the two transitions, arguing against pure radiative pumping. At both Epochs III and IV in many spectral features only 50% of the flux density is recovered in our images, implying significant smooth maser structure. For both transitions we find that red- and blue-shifted masers occur in all parts of the rings, with relatively few masers at the systemic velocity. Thus there is no evidence for rotation, although the blue-shifted masers are somewhat more prominent to the west. At all four epochs red-shifted components are generally brighter than blue-shifted ones. At Epochs III and IV, we see many filamentary or spoke-like features in both v=1 and v=2 masers, especially in the red-shifted gas. These spokes show systematic velocity gradients consistent with a decelerating outward flow with increasing radius. We outline a possible model to explain why, given the presence of these spokes, there is a deficit of maser features at the systemic velocity.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figs, accepted to A&A, Abstract is reduced (see the paper for full length

    Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in natural Leishmania populations vary with genetic background

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    The evolution of drug-resistance in pathogens is a major global health threat. Elucidating the molecular basis of pathogen drug-resistance has been the focus of many studies but rarely is it known whether a drug-resistance mechanism identified is universal for the studied pathogen; it has seldom been clarified whether drug-resistance mechanisms vary with the pathogen's genotype. Nevertheless this is of critical importance in gaining an understanding of the complexity of this global threat and in underpinning epidemiological surveillance of pathogen drug resistance in the field. This study aimed to assess the molecular and phenotypic heterogeneity that emerges in natural parasite populations under drug treatment pressure. We studied lines of the protozoan parasite Leishmania (L.) donovani with differential susceptibility to antimonial drugs; the lines being derived from clinical isolates belonging to two distinct genetic populations that circulate in the leishmaniasis endemic region of Nepal. Parasite pathways known to be affected by antimonial drugs were characterised on five experimental levels in the lines of the two populations. Characterisation of DNA sequence, gene expression, protein expression and thiol levels revealed a number of molecular features that mark antimonial-resistant parasites in only one of the two populations studied. A final series of in vitro stress phenotyping experiments confirmed this heterogeneity amongst drug-resistant parasites from the two populations. These data provide evidence that the molecular changes associated with antimonial-resistance in natural Leishmania populations depend on the genetic background of the Leishmania population, which has resulted in a divergent set of resistance markers in the Leishmania populations. This heterogeneity of parasite adaptations provides severe challenges for the control of drug resistance in the field and the design of molecular surveillance tools for widespread applicability

    Evidence for a companion to BM Gem, a silicate carbon star

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    Balmer and Paschen continuum emission as well as Balmer series lines of P Cygni-type profile from H_gamma through H_23 are revealed in the violet spectra of BM Gem, a carbon star associated with an oxygen-rich circumstellar shell (`silicate carbon star') observed with the high dispersion spectrograph (HDS) on the Subaru telescope. The blue-shifted absorption in the Balmer lines indicates the presence of an outflow, the line of sight velocity of which is at least 400 km s^-1, which is the highest outflow velocity observed to date in a carbon star. We argue that the observed unusual features in BM Gem are strong evidence for the presence of a companion, which should form an accretion disk that gives rise to both an ionized gas region and a high velocity, variable outflow. The estimated luminosity of ~0.2 (0.03-0.6) L_sun for the ionized gas can be maintained by a mass accretion rate to a dwarf companion of ~10^-8 M_sun yr^-1, while ~10^-10 M_sun yr^-1 is sufficient for accretion to a white dwarf companion. These accretion rates are feasible for some detached binary configurations on the basis of the Bond-Hoyle type accretion process. We concluded that the carbon star BM Gem is in a detached binary system with a companion of low mass and low luminosity. However, we are unable to determine whether this companion object is a dwarf or a white dwarf. The upper limits for binary separation are 210 AU and 930 AU for a dwarf and a white dwarf, respectively. We also note that the observed features of BM Gem mimic those of Mira (omi Cet), which may suggest actual similarities in their binary configurations and circumstellar structures.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap