400 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of the heaviest nuclei (theory)

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    Recent progress in the applications of covariant density functional theory (CDFT) to the description of the spectroscopy of the heaviest nuclei is reviewed. The analysis of quasiparticle spectra in actinides and the heaviest A ~ 250 nuclei provides a measure of the accuracy of the description of single-particle energies in CDFT and an additional constraint for the choice of effective interactions for the description of superheavy nuclei. The response of these nuclei to the rotation is rather well described by cranked relativistic Hartree+Bogoliubov theory and it serves as a supplementary tool in configuration assignment in odd-mass nuclei. A systematic analysis of the fission barriers with allowance for triaxial deformation shows that covariant density functional theory is able to describe fission barriers on a level of accuracy comparable with the best phenomenological macroscopic+microscopic approaches.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, invited talk of A.V. Afanasjev at the International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2010), Vancouver, Canada, July 4-9, 2010, to be published in Journal of Physics G: Conference Series (JPCS

    Self-consistent calculations within the Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems

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    The Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems(ETFFS) describes nuclear excitations considering phonons and pairing degrees of freedom, using experimental single particle energies and the effective Landau-Migdal interaction. Here we use the Skyrme interactions in order to extend the range of applicability of the ETFFS to experimentally not yet investigated short-lived isotopes. We find that Skyrme interactions which reproduce at the mean field level both ground state properties and nuclear excitations are able to describe the spreading widths of the giant resonances in the new approach, but produce shifts of the centroid energies. A renormalization of the Skyrme interactions is required for approaches going beyond the mean field level.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, corrected typo

    Microscopic description of the pygmy and giant electric dipole resonances in stable Ca isotopes

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    The properties of the pygmy (PDR) and giant dipole resonance (GDR)in the stable 40Ca^{40}Ca,44Ca^{44}Ca and 48Ca^{48}Ca isotopes have been calculated within the \emph{Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems}(ETFFS). This approach is based on the random phase approximation (RPA) and includes the single particle continuum as well as the coupling to low-lying collectives states which are considered in a consistent microscopic way. For 44Ca^{44}Ca we also include pairing correlations. We obtain good agreement with the experimental data for the gross properties of both resonances. It is demonstrated that the recently measured A-dependence of the strength of the PDR below 10 MeV is well understood in our model:due to the phonon coupling some of the strength in 48Ca^{48}Ca is simply shifted beyond 10 MeV. The predicted fragmentation of the PDR can be investigated in (e,e)(e,e') and (γ,γ)(\gamma ,\gamma') experiments. Whereas the isovector dipole strength of the PDR is small in all Ca isotopes, we find in this region surprisingly strong isoscalar dipole states, in agreement with an (α,αγ)(\alpha,\alpha'\gamma) experiment. We conclude that for the detailed understanding of the structure of excited nuclei e.g. the PDR and GDR an approach like the present one is absolutely necessary.Comment: 6 figure

    Problem of Office Suite Training at the University

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    Te paper considers the problem of office suite applications training, caused by a rapid change of their versions, variety of software developers and a rapid development of software and hardware platforms. The content of office suite applications training, based on the system of office suite notions, its basic functional and standards of information technologies development (OpenDocument Format Standard, ISO 26300-200Х) is presented

    Covariant theory of particle-vibrational coupling and its effect on the single-particle spectrum

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    The Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) approach describing the motion of independent particles in effective meson fields is extended by a microscopic theory of particle vibrational coupling. It leads to an energy dependence of the relativistic mass operator in the Dyson equation for the single-particle propagator. This equation is solved in the shell-model of Dirac states. As a result of the dynamics of particle-vibrational coupling we observe a noticeable increase of the level density near the Fermi surface. The shifts of the single-particle levels in the odd nuclei surrounding 208-Pb and the corresponding distributions of the single-particle strength are discussed and compared with experimental data.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    The possibility of administration of glutamate receptors antagonists in the treatment of parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease is the slow-progressing chronic neurodegenerative disease. Modern medicine has not yet found methods of curing disease, however, the existing methods of conservative and surgical treatment significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and slow the progression of the diseas

    How the "wisdom of the inner crowd" can boost accuracy of confidence judgments

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    Rheology and porosity effect on the proliferation of preosteoblast on zirconia ceramics

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    It has been studied ZrO2(MexOy) based porous ceramics, obtained from the powders consisting of hollow spherical particles. It was shown that the structure is represented as a cellular carcass with a bimodal porosity, formed of a large pore close to a spherical shape and the pores that were not filled with the powder particles during the compaction. For such ceramics the increase of pore volume is accompanied by an increase in strain in an elastic area. It was also shown that the porous ZrO2 ceramics had no acute or chronic cytotoxicity. At the same time, ceramics possess the osteoconductive properties: adhesion support, spreading, proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of MSCs

    Changes in gray forest soil organic matter pools under anthropogenic load in agrocenoses

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    Received: August 6th, 2023 ; Accepted: September 30th, 2023 ; Published: October 24th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] relevance of research is determined by a complex of factors that shape the change in the humus system of gray forest soil dynamics (content, total reserves, values variability of labile and stable humus pools, humification processes direction) under the influence of mineral fertilizers and chemical reclamation in the long-term ecotope conditions. The purpose of the research was to assess the impact of systematic anthropogenic loading on changes in soil organic matter pools. Research methods included long-term stationary studies, laboratory determination of organic matter content and humus group composition, and statistical data analysis. It has been proven that liming practically did not contribute to the increase of the total humus content, however, due to the coagulating effect, certain changes in labile and more stable forms of humus substances occurred in its qualitative composition. It has been established that the cultivation of crops сultivation in crop rotation with a purely mineral fertilizer system did not lead to a significant organic matter accumulation in the soil, despite the increase in crop yield levels under appropriate conditions and the accumulation of a larger vegetative mass of root and post-harvest residues entering the soil, but its losses were significantly reduced. The use of organic components (green manure, by-products) in combination with moderate rates of mineral fertilizers on a liming background (humus content 1.63%), provided a clear tendency to expand humus reproduction by 0.16%, compared to the initial level, and by 15% and 12% more than in the version with no fertilizers and just mineral system. Under such a fertilizing system, there is a tendency to increase more stable humic acids. The increase in humification of organic matter was achieved through the application of fertilizers in limed backgrounds. In this case, the humus formation type exhibited characteristics of humate-fulvate, with a value of 0.9, which is characteristic of soils of forest origin in the northern Forest-Steppe region with the presence of soil-forming factors specific to that territory. The article materials are of practical value for agricultural producers in the development of an innovative strategy for preserving the environment safety, and soil fertility under the influence of elements of energy-saving technologies for crops