54 research outputs found

    Grupos semânticos de adjetivos-epítetos em contos folclóricos russos

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    The lexical-semantic groups of adjectives-epithets in Russian folk tales are considered in the article. This is an analytical-historical research used to obtain data from the documentary methodology. The resuls showed that the semantic groups of nouns, defined by adjectives, are marked; national cultural connotations, expressed by adjectival substantive combinations, are detected in Russian tales. Various codes of culture are defined, with which described adjectives-epithets, used in direct and figurative (metaphorical and metonymic) meanings, correlate and their linguocultural significance is actualized as fragments of the Russian language picture of the world. In some cases attention is applied to use specific for Russian language suffixes in adjectives, expressing positive or, on the contrary, negative connotations.Los grupos léxico-semánticos de adjetivos-epítetos en los cuentos populares rusos se consideran en el artículo. Esta es una investigación histórico-analítica utilizada para obtener datos de la metodología documental. Los resultados mostraron que los grupos semánticos de sustantivos, definidos por adjetivos, están marcados; Las connotaciones culturales nacionales, expresadas por combinaciones sustantivas de adjetivo, se detectan en los cuentos rusos. Se definen varios códigos de cultura, con los cuales se describen los adjetivos-epítetos, utilizados en significados directos y figurativos (metafóricos y metonímicos), se correlacionan y su importancia lingüística se actualiza como fragmentos de la imagen del mundo en idioma ruso. En algunos casos, se aplica atención al uso específico de los sufijos del idioma ruso en los adjetivos, que expresan connotaciones positivas o, por el contrario, negativas.Os grupos léxico-semânticos de adjetivos-epítetos em contos folclóricos russos são considerados no artigo. Esta é uma pesquisa analítico-histórica usada para obter dados da metodologia documental. Os resultados mostraram que os grupos semânticos de substantivos, definidos por adjetivos, são marcados; conotações culturais nacionais, expressas por combinações substantivas adjetivas, são detectadas em contos russos. São definidos vários códigos de cultura, com os quais se descrevem os adjetivos-epítetos, utilizados em significados diretos e figurativos (metafóricos e metonímicos), correlacionados e seu significado linguocultural se atualiza como fragmentos da imagem de língua russa do mundo. Em alguns casos, aplica-se atenção ao uso específico de sufixos de língua russa em adjetivos, expressando conotações positivas ou, ao contrário, negativas

    À pergunta sobre idioma estrangeiro e abreviaturas russas e os seus derivados no aspecto das normas de ortografia russa

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    This article deals with the issue of the orthography of foreign-language and Russian origin of abbreviations, as well as their derivatives. The relevance of the topic of our research is that the analysis of units that appeared in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century by abbreviation is carried out - a method of forming of new words, which is very actively implemented at the turn of the century. Abbreviations were classified according to their origin, since it was during this era that these units were not only produced in Russian, but were borrowed from English, which was not typical of the Soviet era. Abbreviations of both Russian and foreign origin as a whole are rather actively involved in the system of Russian word-production, forming new derived words. Foreign language abbreviations can retain their original spelling or function on writing in Latin and Russian graphic forms, however, in the original writing they are able to act as a component of a new complex word that has arisen on Russian soil. Derivatives from English abbreviations are mainly subject to the norms of the spelling of the Russian language. In Russian abbreviations differing in the diversity of structural types, and their derivatives, numerous spelling variants are observed, some of which are not in line with the orthographic norm and therefore need to be streamlined.Este artículo trata el tema de la ortografía de las abreviaturas de origen extranjero y ruso, así como sus derivados. La relevancia del tema de nuestra investigación es que el análisis de las unidades que aparecieron en la lengua rusa a fines del siglo XX se lleva a cabo por abreviatura, un método de formación de nuevas palabras, que se implementa muy activamente al final de el siglo. Las abreviaturas se clasificaron según su origen, ya que fue durante esta era que estas unidades no solo se produjeron en ruso, sino que se tomaron del inglés, lo que no era típico de la era soviética. Las abreviaturas de origen ruso y extranjero en su conjunto están bastante involucradas en el sistema de producción de palabras rusas, formando nuevas palabras derivadas. Las abreviaturas de idiomas extranjeros pueden conservar su ortografía original o su función en la escritura en formas gráficas latinas y rusas, sin embargo, en la escritura original pueden actuar como un componente de una nueva palabra compleja que surgió en suelo ruso. Los derivados de las abreviaturas en inglés están sujetos principalmente a las normas de ortografía de la lengua rusa. En las abreviaturas rusas que difieren en la diversidad de los tipos estructurales y sus derivados, se observan numerosas variantes ortográficas, algunas de las cuales no están en línea con la norma ortográfica y, por lo tanto, deben simplificarse.Este artigo trata da questão da ortografia de abreviações de origem estrangeira e russa, bem como seus derivados. A relevância do tema de nossa pesquisa é que a análise das unidades que apareceram na língua russa no final do século XX por abreviação é realizada - um método de formação de novas palavras, que é muito ativamente implementado na virada o século. As abreviaturas foram classificadas de acordo com a sua origem, uma vez que foi durante esta época que estas unidades não foram apenas produzidas em russo, mas foram emprestadas do inglês, o que não era típico da era soviética. As abreviações da origem russa e estrangeira como um todo estão bastante ativamente envolvidas no sistema de produção de palavras russas, formando novas palavras derivadas. Abreviaturas de língua estrangeira podem manter sua grafia original ou função na escrita em latim e russo formas gráficas, no entanto, na escrita original eles são capazes de atuar como um componente de uma nova palavra complexa que surgiu em solo russo. Derivativos das abreviaturas inglesas estão principalmente sujeitos às normas da ortografia da língua russa. Nas abreviaturas russas que diferem na diversidade dos tipos estruturais e seus derivados, são observadas numerosas variantes ortográficas, algumas das quais não estão alinhadas com a norma ortográfica e, portanto, precisam ser simplificadas

    Effect of nitrogenous bases on the thermal stability of jet fuels

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    Fuels from naphthenic petroleums were evaluated, and it was found that they had more N bases than those paraffinic ones (0.00024 and 0.000009% N, respectively). The removal of the N bases improved significantly the thermal stability and reduced the residue formation during oxidation of the fuel. The improvement depended on both content and composition of the bases. Thus, fuels with similar content of N bases (0.00058% N) and thermal stability had oxidation residues of 17.5 and 5.6 and sol. gum of 13 and 1.5 mg/100 ml, before and after removing the N bases, respectively

    Comparative characteristics of biochemical composition of synovial fluid of knee and elbow human joints

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    The purpose of this study was comparative analysis of normal biochemical composition of synovial fluid of knee and elbow human joints. Studies were performed on synovial fluid samples of 33 cadavers of suddenly dead people of both sexes (26 men and. 7 women) at the age of 23 to 79 years, without articular pathology registered by expert. We didn't reveal reliable differences of albumen-globulin coefficient, but there were differences in contents of albumen fractions, products of oxide peroxidation of albumens. At the developement of pathological process cast of albumen in synovial fluid is possibly the compensatory reaction in providing of synovia viscosity, because albumen component provides this function on level with hyaluronic acid. Knee joint is an hinge joint, that is meant to bend only in one plane. Biomechanics of elbow joint is much more complicated and. is described as "ginglymoid hinge" with abduction-adduction besides the joint is much smaller. Obtained results can be used as normative values of biochemical synovial fluid indexes in orthopaedic and. trauma practic

    Genetic diversity of wild stone fruit species: specific aspects of <i>ex situ</i> conservation

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    Background. One of the most important tasks faced by the scientists of Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station of VIR is the long-term preservation of the stone fruit gene pools (over 1,000 genotypes of 44 species) collected during plant explorations. It is much more difficult to preserve representatives of the wild flora than cultivars, due to their ecological specialization to specific environments and the need to create conditions for their successful development. This aspect concerns, first of all, such species as Louiseania pedunculata (Pall.) Pachom., L. ulmifolia (Franch.) Pachom., Prunus cocomilia Ten., P. brigantiaca Vill., Armeniaca sibirica (L.) Lam., Padus ssiori (F. Schmidt) C.K. Schneid., and some others.Methods. The studies were carried out in the collection plantations of the field genebank at Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station of VIR according to VIR’s guidelines. Accessions of wild stone fruit species were the objects of the studies.Results. Many years of field research into ex situ conservation of introduced wild species proved the efficiency of stone fruit cultivation in tub culture and a modified technique of dense planting with crown formation according to the “border-hedge” pattern. It takes into account biological characteristics of genotypes shaped in natural areas, the use of own-root or grafted plants on clonal rootstocks of various growth rates depending on their life form (tree or shrub), resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors, soil and terrain requirements, and the tasks posed before researchers. The recommended planting schemes (2.5–4.0 × 0.5–1.0 m) significantly reduce the area occupied by the same number of plants in conventional cultivation patterns and cut down power and labor inputs into technological practices


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    Conservation of the world’s plant genetic resources is one of the most significant and relevant problems of mankind. At Krymsk Experimental Breeding Station of VIR, where the largest stone fruit plant genetic diversity in Russia is assembled (more than 5 thousand genotypes: cultivars and species, wild forms, distant hybrids and polyploids), a collection maintenance technology of ‘border hedging’ has been developed and successfully used. This method makes it quite economical (in terms of space reduction, simplification of the system of care for the storage garden, and decreasing the use of chemical protection agents) to maintain a large number of live accessions ex situ. The border hedging technology is based on a propagule nursery system that enables plants to grow longer than in conventional gardens, constantly keeping them in a state of active growth. The basic elements of this technology are dense arrangement of plants (intervals for high-growing plants: 4.0–5.0 m between rows, and 1.0–1.5 m in a row; for low-growing ones: 2.5 m between rows, and 0.5–1.0 m in a row) and annual pruning of shoots at a height of 1.0–1.2 m. Years of experience in using a denser planting pattern for collection garden maintenance helped to identify a number of most significant factors in this system, which make up the scientific basis of the technology for optimally efficient preservation of genotypes and their genetic compliance (representativeness). Among them are biological features of the in situ plant growth habit, including vigor, selection of rootstock or decision on own-root cultivation, layout of the plot, and maintenance system. If it is necessary to study the accessions in the garden where they are preserved in order to make their initial evaluation (approbation, morphological description, study of crop structure, biochemical or biotechnological assessment, analysis of resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors), the plants should not be pruned for 1–2 years. Upon completion of these works, the trees are coppiced again

    Some features of the morphological reconstruction of the gastric mucosa in the newly diagnosed ulcer upper gastrointestinal tract associated with various factors ulcerogenesis opisthorchiasis

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    At 56 residents of Khanty-Ugra with newly diagnosed gastric and duodenal ulcers evaluated the morphological reconstruction of the gastric mucosa by the results of histological examination of biopsy samples and analysis of the factors ulcerogenesis. We examined patients, in the absence of infection M. pylori, chronic opisthorchiasis and NSAIDs - factors, combined with morphological changes of gastric mucosa was significantly more likely than alcohol. It was revealed that the invasion of H. pylori is a major factor ulcerogenesis, manifests the formation of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum to the morphological reconstruction coolant in 64% of cases.У 56 жителей ХМАО-Югры с впервые выявленными язвами желудка и ДПК проведена оценка морфологической перестройки слизистой желудка по результатам гистологического исследования биоптатов и анализ факторов ульцерогенеза. У обследованных пациентов, при отсутствии инвазии H.pylori, хронический описторхоз и НПВП - факторы, сочетающиеся с морфологическими изменениями слизистой оболочки желудка статистически значимо чаще, чем с алкоголем. Выявлено, что инвазия H.pylori является значимым фактором ульцерогенеза, манифестирующим образованием язв желудка и ДПК до морфологической перестройки СОЖ в 64% случаев

    Discussion of drug and non-drug methods of pain relief during the labor and analysis of women’s choice

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of methods of anesthesia during childbirth. The most relevant trend in modern obstetrics is considered to be psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women, since the process of childbirth and the postpartum period largely depends on the emotional and psychological state of a pregnant woman.Статья посвящена анализу методов обезболивания во время родов. Наиболее актуальным направлением в современном акушерстве считается психопрофилактическая подготовка беременных, так как от эмоционального и психологического состояния беременной во многом зависит восприятие и эмоциональная окраска процесса родов и послеродового периода

    Biochemical changes of synovial fluid in patients with osteoporosis of knee joint of various etiology

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    The aim of this study was to perform comparative analysis of biochemical composition of synovial fluid in patients with osteoarthrosis of various etiology. Studies were conducted on samples of synovial fluid of patients which were divided into two groups. Thefirstgroup consisted of 16 patients with patellofemoral arthrosis of the 2nd stage, the second group included 54 patients with bilateral gonarthrosis. The samples of synovial fluid of 11 cadavers of suddenly dead people of both sexes (4 men and 7 women) of 23-79 years who didn't have articular pathology registered by an expert were considered as a norm. Conducted study testifies significant imbalance of prooxidant and antioxidant processes in the synovial fluid and development of oxidative stress the intensity of which depends on the severity of the pathological process but is regardless to its etiology


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    Investigations results pertaining to ferro-resonance and cumulative over-voltages in switch gears by means of computer modeling are given in the paper. In order to solve the problem concerning limitation of ferro-resonance and cumulative over-voltages it has been proposed to use a nonlinear resistance which is brought from the side of  low-voltage winding of the voltage transformer. The paper shows efficiency of the protection from both over-voltages in the integrated gear.Приводятся результаты исследования феррорезонансных и кумулятивных перенапряжений в распределительных устройствах с помощью компьютерного моделирования. Для выполнения задачи ограничения феррорезонансных и кумулятивных перенапряжений было предложено использование нелинейного сопротивления, вводимого со стороны низшего напряжения трансформатора напряжения. Показана эффективность при организации защиты от обоих перенапряжений в едином устройстве