421 research outputs found

    Thin films flowing down inverted substrates: Three dimensional flow

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    We study contact line induced instabilities for a thin film of fluid under destabilizing gravitational force in three dimensional setting. In the previous work (Phys. Fluids, {\bf 22}, 052105 (2010)), we considered two dimensional flow, finding formation of surface waves whose properties within the implemented long wave model depend on a single parameter, D=(3Ca)1/3cotαD=(3Ca)^{1/3}\cot\alpha, where CaCa is the capillary number and α\alpha is the inclination angle. In the present work we consider fully 3D setting and discuss the influence of the additional dimension on stability properties of the flow. In particular, we concentrate on the coupling between the surface instability and the transverse (fingering) instabilities of the film front. We furthermore consider these instabilities in the setting where fluid viscosity varies in the transverse direction. It is found that the flow pattern strongly depends on the inclination angle and the viscosity gradient


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    Background: The frequent coexistence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with functional dyspepsia (FD) and an irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been described in the literature. Aim: To study the specific features of GERD clinical course and diagnosis in patients with GERD in combination with FD and constipation predominant IBS (IBS-C) in comparison to patients with isolated GERD; to assess the efficacy of lactulose and itopride hydrochloride. Materials and methods: A total of 60 patients with GERD, FD (Rome criteria III), and IBS-C (Rome criteria III) and 29 patients with isolated GERD were examined. GERD diagnosis was based on clinical, endoscopic, and pH-metric criteria. For 4 weeks 10 patients with combination of non-erosive reflux disease (NERD), FD and IBS-C received lactulose monotherapy and other 10 patients received combination of lactulose with itopride hydrochloride. Clinical symptoms and pH-metric parameters were assessed before and 4 weeks after treatment. Results: Combination of GERD, FD and IBS-C was noted more frequently in women under 40 with normal body mass index (р<0.05). Classic GERD symptoms were absent in 43.4% of patients with gastrointestinal comorbidity and in 10.3% of patients with isolated GERD (р=0.004). A higher prevalence of belching and nausea was found in patients, suffering from GERD, FD and IBS-C, than in those with isolated GERD (р<0.05). After 4-week lactulose and itopride hydrochloride treatment all the patients with GERD, FD and IBS-C showed a reduction of clinical symptoms (p<0.05) and normalization of pH-metric parameters (р<0.001). Conclusion: GERD course in patients with concomitant FD and IBS-C has the following peculiarities: predominance of women, absence of classic GERD-symptoms in almost half of these patients, and frequent combination with other functional symptoms. Combination therapy with lactulose and itopride hydrochloride enables successful control of GERD and FD symptoms as well as esophageal pH normalization

    Three-dimensional localized coherent structures of surface turbulence. III Experiment and model validation

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    The paper continues a series of publications devoted to the 3D nonlinear localized coherent structures on the surface of vertically falling liquid films. The work is primarily focussed on experimental investigations. We study: (i) instabilities and transitions leading to 3D coherent structures; (ii) characteristics of these structures. Some nonstationary effects are also studied numerically. Our experimental results, as well as the results of other investigators, are in a good agreement with our theoretical and numerical predictions.Comment: 42 pages, 15 figure


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    This article is supposed to make a professional analysis and assess the reliability of the historical buildings in Ryazan - an object of cultural heritage of federal importance “House of Saltykov-Shchedrin (Morozov) - 18th century”. On the basis of visual inspection and a large number of field studies using methods of ground-based laser scanning, photogrammetric method and other measuring instruments, areas of destruction and loss of the building were identified. According to the results of the analysis of archival documents and the processing of field work, a complex of architectural and archaeological measurement drawings was drawn up, on the basis of which further house restoration will be carried out without any damage to historical material. The article on a specific example provides brief archival information about the historical significance of the building, describes the methods and methods of the survey.Se supone que este artículo hace un análisis profesional y evalúa la confiabilidad de los edificios históricos en Ryazan, un objeto del patrimonio cultural de importancia federal "Casa de Saltykov-Shchedrin (Morozov) - Siglo XVIII". Sobre la base de la inspección visual y un gran número de estudios de campo que utilizan métodos de escaneo láser en tierra, el método fotogramétrico y otros instrumentos de medición, se identificaron áreas de destrucción y pérdida del edificio. De acuerdo con los resultados del análisis de documentos de archivo y el procesamiento del trabajo de campo, se diseñó un complejo de planos de mediciones arquitectónicas y arqueológicas, sobre la base de la cual se llevará a cabo una restauración adicional de la casa sin dañar el material histórico. El artículo sobre un ejemplo específico proporciona información breve de archivo sobre el significado histórico del edificio, describe los métodos y los métodos de la encuesta.В данной статье предполагается сделать профессиональный анализ и оценить надежность здания исторической застройки г. Рязани – объект культурного наследия федерального значения «Дом Салтыкова-Щедрина (Морозова)-XVIII в.». На основе визуального обследования и большого количества натурных исследований методами наземного лазерного сканирования, фотограмметрическим методом и другими измерительными приборами было выявлены участки разрушений и утраты здания. По результатам анализа архивных документов и обработки полевых работ стал комплекс архитектурно-археологических обмерных чертежей, на основе которого будет дальнейшая реставрация дома без какого-либо ущерба историческому материалу. В статье на конкретном примере приводятся краткие архивные сведения об исторической значимости здания, описаны методы и способы обследования

    The Modified Weighted Slab Technique: Models and Results

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    In an attempt to understand the source and propagation of galactic cosmic rays we have employed the Modified Weighted Slab technique along with recent values of the relevant cross sections to compute primary to secondary ratios including B/C and Sub-Fe/Fe for different galactic propagation models. The models that we have considered are the disk-halo diffusion model, the dynamical halo wind model, the turbulent diffusion model and a model with minimal reacceleration. The modified weighted slab technique will be briefly discussed and a more detailed description of the models will be given. We will also discuss the impact that the various models have on the problem of anisotropy at high energy and discuss what properties of a particular model bear on this issue.Comment: LaTeX - AASTEX format, Submitted to ApJ, 8 figures, 20 page

    Evolution of the cosmic ray anisotropy above 10^{14} eV

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    The amplitude and phase of the cosmic ray anisotropy are well established experimentally between 10^{11} eV and 10^{14} eV. The study of their evolution into the energy region 10^{14}-10^{16} eV can provide a significant tool for the understanding of the steepening ("knee") of the primary spectrum. In this letter we extend the EAS-TOP measurement performed at E_0 around 10^{14} eV, to higher energies by using the full data set (8 years of data taking). Results derived at about 10^{14} and 4x10^{14} eV are compared and discussed. Hints of increasing amplitude and change of phase above 10^{14} eV are reported. The significance of the observation for the understanding of cosmic ray propagation is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication on ApJ Letter

    Investigation into the operation of an autothermal two-section subbituminous coal fluidized bed gasifier

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    Using a newly developed experimental setup, the features and advantages of an autothermal single-casing atmospheric subbituminous coal fluidized bed air-blown gasifier, combining a combustion and gasification section, and mixing the dispersed phase (inert material, char) and heat exchange between them through an annular transfer device, have been revealed. To increase the efficiency of the gasifier, an experimental-computational method was developed find the conditions for optimal operation, combining changing the annular flow’s geometry and regulating the primary air for gasification. A simple and reliable multizone thermodynamic calculation model makes it possible to predict the composition of char and syngas in the gasification section with acceptable accuracy. This method confirmed that a two-section fluidized bed gasifier can provide efficient gasification of solid fuels and is suitable for use in small-scale cogeneration plants. Syngas with a heating value of 3.6–4.5 MJ/m3 and CGE of 38.2%–42.3% was obtained in the experimental setup without optimizing the primary air flow rate. With optimization, the indicators increased to the heating value of syngas of 5.20–5.34 MJ/m3 and CGE of 42.5%–50.0%. With heat regeneration of 0.8, CGE increases to 70%. © 2023, The Author(s).Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe research funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ural Federal University Program of Development within the Priority-2030 Program) is gratefully acknowledged