263 research outputs found

    Analisis Keberkelanjutan USAhatani Tanaman Karet Di Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi: Studi Kasus Di Kalimantan Tengah / Analysis of the Sustainablility of Rubber Plantations Farming System in Degraded Peatland: a Case Study in Central Kalimantan

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    Analisis keberlanjutan USAhatani tanaman karet bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat keberlanjutan dari aplikasi model USAhatani yang dikembangkan dalam suatu demplot pola tanam (intercropping) di lahan gambut terdegradasi, dengan tanaman pokok tanaman karet dengan tanaman sela nenas di antara tanaman pokok karet dan aplikasi amelioran, yang berlokasi di Desa/Kecamatan Jabiren, Pulangpisau (Kalimantan Tengah). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei terstruktur dengan memilih 30 responden petani di sekitar demplot. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan multidimensi (multidimentional scaling/MDS), meliputi dimensi sosial, ekonomi dan dimensi lingkungan. Tingkat keberlanjutan (Ikb) USAhatani tanaman karet di lahan gambut terdegradasi yang didasarkan pada nilai indeks keberlanjutan multidimensi di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan skala cukup berkelanjutan dengan nilai indeks 66,69, artinya model USAhatani yang dikembangkan cukup berkelanjutan. Dengan kata lain bahwa model USAhatani tersebut memberi manfaat secara ekonomi, secara sosial dapat diterima masyarakat, dan secara ekologis tidak merusak lingkungan. Dimensi sosial lebih dominan menentukan keberlanjutan USAhatani yaitu kontribusi terhadap Ikb sebesar 72,65 dibanding dengan dimensi ekonomi dan lingkungan dengan kontribusi nilai masing-masing 68,11 dan 57,25. Faktor yang peka mempengaruhi keberlanjutan, meliputi: intensitas penyuluhan (dimensi sosial), kestabilan harga hasil petani pada saat panen (dimensi ekonomi), pH air di lahan USAhatani dan fluktuasi debit air di lahan petani (dimensi lingkungan/ekologi)

    Manfaat Inovasi Teknologi Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian Dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Pertanian

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    Abstrak. Permasalahan pupuk, lahan terdegradasi, dan pencemaran, pengelolaan sumberdaya lahan rawa, dan pengelolaan sumberdaya air yang terbatas di lahan pertanian, merupakan isu atau permasalahan mendesak yang harus dicari pemecahannya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, Balai Besar Litbang Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian (BBSDLP) telah menghasilkan beberapa teknologi yang siap diaplikasikan. Dalam dua tahun terakhir, output hasil penelitian BBSDLP tersebut dalam bentuk produk teknologi dan rekomendasi anjuran teknologi sumberdaya lahan telah diaplikasikan dan dimanfaatkan dalam mendukung program prioritas sektor pertanian. Program prioritas dimaksud, adalah: (1) program selamatkan rawa dan sejahterakan petani disingkat SERASI, (2) program penurunan pencemaran lingkungan, (3) program peningkatan produktivitas pertanian dan (4) program antisipasi perubahan iklim. Terdapat opini yang paradoks, institusi lembaga riset menganggap bahwa banyak teknologi hasil penelitian yang siap diaplikasikan, tetapi menurut sebagian petani sangat terbatas teknologi hasil penelitian yang siap dimanfaatkan petani. Untuk itu perlu analisis secara seksama sehingga memperoleh gambaran yang akurat dan dimana letak permasalahannya serta bagaimana cara mengatasinya agar teknologi hasil penelitian tersebut efektif. Hasil evaluasi awal beberapa teknologi yang dimanfaatkan dalam program prioritas tersebut telah menunjukkan nilai tambah atau nilai indeks efisiensi teknis dalam bentuk meningkatkan produktivitas hasil (sekitar 30%) atau efisiensi penggunaan input produksi (contohnya mengefisiensikan penggunaan pupuk N,P sebesar 20%), walaupun masih perlu kajian lebih lanjut, apakah teknologi tersebut berpotensi memberikan dampak potensial (potential impact). Sebagian besar teknologi unggulan tersebut menunjukkan dampak awal (initial impact) yang positif dalam bentuk penyebaran dan aplikasi teknologi oleh petani di wilayah pengembangan.  Abstract. The problem of fertilizer, degraded land, and pollution, management of swampy land resources, and management of limited water resources on agricultural land, are urgent issues or problems that have to be resolved. To overcome these problems, ICALRD has produced several technologies that have been and are ready to be applied. In the last two years, it has been shown that some of the outputs of research results in the form of technological products and recommendations for land resource technology have been applied and utilized in supporting the priority programs in the agricultural sector. The priority programs referred to are: (1) safe the peat swamp and increased farmer’s welfare program abbreviated as SERASI, (2) environmental pollution reduction program, (3) agricultural productivity improvement program and (4) climate change anticipation program. There is a paradox opinion between beween research institute and farmers; where many technologies have been resulted by research institute and ready for application but according to some farmers only few technologies are available and applicable. For this reason, a careful analysis is needed to assess what the problems are and how to overcome them so that the research technology is more effective. Initial evaluation results of several technologies utilized in the priority program have shown the added values or technical efficiency index values in the form of increasing yield productivity (around 30%) or efficient use of production inputs (eg efficient use of N, P fertilizers up to 20%). However, there is still a need for further study to determine whether the technology is promishing to have a potential impact. Most of the leading technologies show positive initial impacts in the form of technological dissemination and application by farmers in development areas. 

    ANALISIS KEBERKELANJUTAN USAHATANI TANAMAN KARET DI LAHAN GAMBUT TERDEGRADASI: STUDI KASUS DI KALIMANTAN TENGAH / Analysis of The Sustainablility of Rubber Plantations Farming System in Degraded Peatland: A Case Study in Central Kalimantan

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    Sustainability analysis of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) farming system aimed to assess the sustainability of the application of farming models which was developed in a pilot project in degraded peatland, which is located in Village/District Jabiren, Regency Pulangpisau (Central Kalimantan). Research was conducted by a structural survey method with 30 selected respondent farmers around the plots. The analysis was performed with the multidimentional scaling (MDS) approach, including social, economic and environmental dimensions. The level of (lkb) farming system sustainability of rubber trees in degraded peatland based on values of sustainability index of multidimensional in the Jabiren District showed sustained considerable scale with an index value of 66.69, meaning that farming models developed are quite sustainable farming. In other words that farming models are economically beneficial, socially acceptability to society, and ecologically not damage the environmental. The social dimension is more dominant determine the sustainability of farming that contributes to IKB amounted to 72.65 compared with the economic and environmental dimension with a contribution value of each 68.11 and 57.25. Sensitive factors affecting the sustainability, include: the intensity of extention (the social dimension), the stability of the prices of the farmers surplus productivity (the economic dimension), the water pH and water level fluctuations (the ecological dimensions).Keywords: sustainability index, rubber farming system, degraded peatland AbstrakAnalisis keberlanjutan usahatani tanaman karet bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat keberlanjutan dari aplikasi model usahatani yang dikembangkan dalam suatu demplot pola tanam (intercropping) di lahan gambut terdegradasi, dengan tanaman pokok tanaman karet dengan tanaman sela nenas di antara tanaman pokok karet dan aplikasi amelioran, yang berlokasi di Desa/Kecamatan Jabiren, Pulangpisau (Kalimantan Tengah). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei terstruktur dengan memilih 30 responden petani di sekitar demplot. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan multidimensi (multidimentional scaling/MDS), meliputi dimensi sosial, ekonomi dan dimensi lingkungan. Tingkat keberlanjutan (Ikb) usahatani tanaman karet di lahan gambut terdegradasi yang didasarkan pada nilai indeks keberlanjutan multidimensi di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan skala cukup berkelanjutan dengan nilai indeks 66,69, artinya model usahatani yang dikembangkan cukup berkelanjutan. Dengan kata lain bahwa model usahatani tersebut memberi manfaat secara ekonomi, secara sosial dapat diterima masyarakat, dan secara ekologis tidak merusak lingkungan. Dimensi sosial lebih dominan menentukan keberlanjutan usahatani yaitu kontribusi terhadap Ikb sebesar 72,65 dibanding dengan dimensi ekonomi dan lingkungan dengan kontribusi nilai masing-masing 68,11 dan 57,25. Faktor yang peka mempengaruhi keberlanjutan, meliputi: intensitas penyuluhan (dimensi sosial), kestabilan harga hasil petani pada saat panen (dimensi ekonomi), pH air di lahan usahatani dan fluktuasi debit air di lahan petani (dimensi lingkungan/ekologi).Kata kunci: indeks keberlanjutan usahatani karet, lahan gambut terdegradas

    Analisis Mutu, Produktivitas, Keberlanjutan Dan Arahan Pengembangan USAhatani Tembakau Di Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah

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    Analysis of quality, productivity and sustainability anddevelopment direction of tobacco farming in TemanggungDistrict, Central JavaTemanggung tobacco is an important commodity for cigaretteindustry, farmers' income and product domestic regional brutto (PDRB)of Temanggung District. Tobacco stimulates economy activities, so that itcan grow other bussiness activities, such as transportation, agroproductand employment availability. Uncontrolled cultivation intensity andmarket structure monopsonistic resulted in weak bargaining position offarmer in marketing tobacco. Tobacco is a fancy product, it means that itsmarketing and transaction are very determined by quality. Theseconditions affected the sustainability of tobacco farm. This research wascarried out from January 2004 to March 2005 in the center of Temanggungtobacco production, which varies in terms of elevation, slope aspect andtopography. Temanggung tobacco varies in terms of quality andproductivity. Elevation and slope aspect were the primary factorsinfluencing tobacco productivity and quality. The quality of tobaccoplanted at farmer location at the elevation more than 1.000 m above sealevel (asl) with slope facing east, was significantly better than the qualityof tobacco planted at the elevation less than 1.000 m asl with slope facingnorth-east and north. The tobacco productivity planted on the slope facingeast differed significantly with the tobacco productivity planted on north-east and north slope facing. The slope did not significantly influencetobacco quality and productivity. Sustainability index of tobacco farmbelongs to enough category (IKb = 55.53 at scale of sustainability 0 –100)

    Reduced graphene oxide-multiwalled carbon nanotubes hybrid film with low Pt loading as counter electrode for improved photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitised solar cells

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    In this work, the role of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) with hyperbranched surfactant and its hybridisation with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and platinum (Pt) nanoparticles (NPs) as counter electrode (CE) were investigated to determine the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSCs). Sodium 1,4-is(neopentyloxy)-3-(neopentyloxycarbonyl)- 1,4-dioxobutane-2-sulphonate (TC14) surfactant was utilised as dispersing and stabilising agent in electrochemical exfoliation to synthesise graphene oxide (GO) as initial solution for rGO production prior to its further hybridisation and fabrication as thin film. A chemical reduction process utilising hydrazine hydrate was conducted to produce rGO due to the low temperature process and water-based GO solution. Subsequently, hybrid solution was prepared by mixing 1 wt% MWCNTs into the produced rGO solution. TC14-rGO and TC14-rGO_MWCNTs hybrid solution were transferred into fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate to fabricate thin film by spraying deposition method. Finally, the CE films were prepared by coating with thin Pt NPs. Photoanode film was prepared by a two-step process: hydrothermal growth method to synthesise titanium dioxide nanowires (TiO2 NWs) and subsequent squeegee method to apply TiO2 NPs. According to solar simulator measurement, the highest energy conversion efficiency (η) was achieved by using CE-based TC14-rGO_MWCNTs/Pt (1.553%), with the highest short current density of 4.424 mA/cm2. The highest η was due to the high conductivity of CE hybrid film and the morphology of fabricated TiO2 NWs/TiO2 NPs. Consequently, the dye adsorption was high, and the photovoltaic performance of DSSCs was increased. This result also showed that rGO and rGO_MWCNTs hybrid can be used as considerable potential candidate materials to replace Pt gradually

    Effect of Lithium Chloride (Licl) Dopant on The Performance of Catalysts for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane

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    The present study reports effects of lithium chloride (LiCl) doping on MgO, La2O3, SnO2, CaO and ZnO catalysts. All the catalysts were prepared by the impregnation method. The catalysts were tested at reaction temperature of 775oC. The feed flow rate of methane, oxygen and nitrogen was carried out in the ratio of 3:1:2 giving a weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) of 0.375 g.s/cm3. La2O3 showed the highest C2+ selectivity among the undoped catalysts. All the catalysts were doped with LiCl to compare their methane conversion, selectivity and product yield. The 2.0 mol% LiCl doped into La2O3 was the best catalyst formulation having achieved 46.7% of C2+ selectivity with CH4 conversion of 29.0% and the increase in selectivity was attributed to the presence of chlorine. Hydrogen production was more pronounced for MgO based catalysts and believed to be generated by surfacecatalyzed reactions

    Role of promoters in hoisting the catalytic performance for enhanced CO methanation

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    The increasing demand of natural gas and its rising cost have urged some countries to take initiatives to fulfil their energy needs. The production of substituted natural gas (SNG) by syngas (CO + H2) from coal or biomass is one of the most effective methods. As a promising source of energy, SNG has attracted much attention on research and applications due to the high demand for environmental protection. It is regarded as a clean energy source and an effective method for the application of coal resources, particularly in the regions with abundant coal resources but scarce natural gas such as in China [1-3]. SNG has attracted increasing attention due to its lower emission of sulphur and particulate matter. SNG is expected to be one of the main energy sources of the 21st century. It is environmentally friendly and less costly, has high calorific value, complete combustion, and smoke free compared to other energy sources. It has significant importance for the industrial level and transportation sectors

    Modulation of Sn concentration in ZnO nanorod array: intensification on the conductivity and humidity sensing properties

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    Tin (Sn)-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod arrays (TZO) were synthesized onto aluminum-doped ZnO-coated glass substrate via a facile sonicated sol–gel immersion method for humidity sensor applications. These nanorod arrays were grown at different Sn concentrations ranging from 0.6 to 3 at.%. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the deposited TZO arrays exhibited a wurtzite structure. The stress/strain condition of the ZnO film metamorphosed from tensile strain/compressive stress to compressive strain/tensile stress when the Sn concentrations increased. Results indicated that 1 at.% Sn doping of TZO, which has the lowest tensile stress of 0.14 GPa, generated the highest conductivity of 1.31 S cm− 1. In addition, 1 at.% Sn doping of TZO possessed superior sensitivity to a humidity of 3.36. These results revealed that the optimum performance of a humidity-sensing device can be obtained mainly by controlling the amount of extrinsic element in a ZnO film

    Effect of substrate placement in schott vial to hematite properties

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    In the present study, hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanostructures were deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) coated glass substrate using sonicated immersion synthesis method. The effect of FTO glass substrate placement in Schott vial during immersion process was studied on the growth of the hematite nanostructure and its properties. XRD pattern has revealed seven diffraction peaks of α-Fe2O3 for both hematite nanostructures samples attributed to polycrystalline with rhombohedral lattice structure. The surface morphologies from FESEM have shown that the hematite nanostructures were grown uniformly in both samples with FTO conductive layer facing up and down. Hematite sample with FTO facing down exhibits a smaller size of nanorod, 26.7 nm average diameter, compared to the hematite sample that FTO face up with 53.8nm average diameter. Optical properties revealed higher transmittance in the sample with FTO facing down, probably due to smaller size of nanostructure. The optical band gap energy plotted and extrapolated at 2.50eV and 2.55eV for FTO face up and FTO face down hematite samples respectively, presenting the sample with FTO face up has a lower optical bandgap energy

    A contemporary assessment on composite titania onto graphitic carbon nitride-based catalyst as photocatalyst

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has drawn widespread interest by researchers as a precious semiconductor that is responsive towards photodegradation of various pollutants. This catalyst has its own limitations such as fast electron-hole recombination, wide band gap, and can only be utilised under ultraviolet (UV) region. In order to overcome these problems, the addition of a metal-free dopant is a common practice to prevent electron-hole recombination and enhance photodegradation under visible light. Among various types of metal-free catalysts, carbon nitride material has received much attention due to its numerous benefits such as good in terms of physical and chemical strength, as well as an attractive electronic band combined with a band gap (2.7 eV). This review summarised recent works in the development of titania incorporated with graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) for enhanced photocatalytic activity