6 research outputs found


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    There is paucity of quantified information on the simple, safe and affordable methods of invigorating seeds and storage of recalcitrant seeds. In this light, investigation was conducted in the screen house of the Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Afaka, Kaduna on the effect of the botanical pelletings and storage periods of C. albidum seeds. A seed pellet is a coating, usually of clay mixed with other inerts, which streamlines the size, shape, and uniformity of a small, non-round seed. A split-plot experimental design with four (4) replications was laid down to assess the effect of botanical pelletings with the leaves of six agro-forestry tree species (Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, Albizia lebbeck, Acacia auriculiformis, Parkia biglobosa and Dacryodus edulis) and storage periods (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks) on the germination of C. albidum seeds stored in the refrigerator.  The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)using SAS (2003)software. The percentage germination of seeds pelletized with G. sepium, L leucocephala, A. lebbeck, A. auriculiformis, P. biglobosa and D. edulis ranged between 18.50%-42.00%, 8.3%-13.60%, 5.2%-18.80%, 3.6% -16.30%, 5.0%-14.30%, and 2.5%-11.10%, for 2-8 weeks respectively. The percentage germination of seeds stored for 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks ranged between 8.50%-21%, 4.70%-24.58%, 9.42%-22.75%, 8.67%-19.58% and 3.33%-8.83% respectively. The percentage germination of seeds pelletized with the leaves of G. sepium, L. leucocephala, A. lebbeck, A. auriculiformis, P. biglobosa and D. edulis and stored for storage periods ranged between 1-65%, 0-30%, 0-30.5%, 1-25%, 0-20% and 0-30%. Botanical pelletings and storage periods significantly (P<0.05) enhanced the germination of C. albidum seeds. Highest germination percentage of 65% was recorded for seeds pelletized with G. sepium leaves and stored for 3 weeks. The research therefore recommends seed pelleting with G. sepium leaves and storage for 3 weeks for mass production of C. albidum seedlings for agro-forestry systems. &nbsp

    Sedimentation Assessment of a Small Reservoir at Afaka Forest Reserve, Kaduna, Nigeria

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    The sedimentation assessment of a small reservoir constructed in 1987 at the Afaka Forest Reserve, Kaduna, Nigeria was carried out between 2004 and 2013. The procedure for the assessment involved the peripheral survey as well as bathymetric survey of the reservoir to determine its water surface area and mean water depths, by means of a hand-held Global Positioning System, GPS (Model: GPSmap76CSGARMIN) and a 4m leveling staff, respectively. The study showed that the reservoir storage capacity has decreased, due to sediment build-up, from its initial design capacity 16400m3 to 10665 m3, implying a storage loss of about 35%. A linear relationship was established between the reservoir storage capacity and the age of the reservoir and the result shows a rate of change (decrease) in the reservoir storage capacity of 221m3yr-1. This implies that the reservoir storage capacity would eventually reduce to zero at reservoir age of 76.5, if desilting is not carried out. For economic justification, it is recommended that the reservoir be desilted, at least, every 15 years by a capacity of 3280m3 (which is equal to reservoir depth of 0.66m), equivalent to 20% of the design capacity, to ensure continuous life span of the reservoir. Results of reservoir sedimentation assessment are necessary tools that serve as guide for safe design of reservoirs for various catchments. Key Words: Reservoir sedimentation, Storage capacity, Assessment, Catchment, Afaka Kadun


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    Globally obesity has reached to epidemic proportions, and the people of the Gulf countries have also affected, especially high income, oilproducing countries. Recent data clearly indicate a high prevalence of adult obesity particularly in women in the Kingdom. This paper aims to identify the relationship between obesity and dietary intake of obese and pre-obese female students in Hail University–KSA. Descriptive analytical approach was used in this paper. BMI was calculated and related to dietary intake using food frequency questionnaire. Results shows prevalence of obesity grades was n(%); 43(43%) obesity grade I, 17(17%) obesity grade II, and 8(8%) were grade III obesity. Thirty one subjects were pre-obese and only one subject was overweight. Basic food groups consumption as stated in frequency per week revealed that: female students consumed more servings (>6 times/ week ) of fruits; vegetables; and dairy products, alternatives, sweets and candies, eggs, legumes, rice macaroni and other starch foods, non-alcoholic beverages. Whereas they consumed less servings (≤Once/ week) of breads, fruit juices, carbonated drinks and potato. The majority of the subjects 65% ate chicken with rice (Kabsa) as staple food, whereas 4% ate other starchy food. High consumption of energy dense foods might be responsible for increased deposition of calories in the form adipose tissue. Conclusion: It is crucial to enumerate awareness programs to modify dietary behavior and eating habits of female students and Hail community with respect to food intake. This will be effective in the treatment of obesity, especially in Saudi Arabia