601 research outputs found

    Fungsi Visum et Repertum dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana

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    Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang penghapusan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (selanjutnya disingkat dengan UUPKDRT) yang disahkan pada 22 september 2004 dalam konsiderannya menyebutkan bahwa segala tindak kekerasan dalam rumah tangga merupakan kejahatan terhadap martabat kemanusiaan, oleh karnanya segala bentuk kekerasan yang terjadi didalamnya hendaknya segera dilaporkan kepada aparat penegak hokum agar hal tersebut dapat segera diproses sesuai dengan ketentuan sebagaimana yang tersirat di dalam undang-undang. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana fungsi visum et repertum dalam sitem peradilan pidana di Negara Indonesia. Pendekatan masalah yang digunakan adalah pendekatan normative yang dilakukan dengan mempelajari data sekunder dengan cara mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan masalah, buku-buku, atau literature dan karya ilmiah lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa fungsi visum et repertum adalah sebagai alat bukti yang sah, baik sebagai bukti keterangan surat, maupun keterangan ahli yang dapat membuktikan bahwa telah terjadi suatu perbuatan terhadap seorang yang berdamapak terhadap fisiknya yang merupakan suatu peristiwa pidana sehingga dapat menentukan dan membuat suatu kesimpulan bersalah atau tidaknya terdakwa dalam proses persidangan


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    ABSTRACT   The existence of the corona virus requires face-to-face teaching to be replaced with online teaching. As a new alternative in learning, it will certainly bring up several obstacles that will be faced by students while studying. This study aims to determine the difficulties faced by students during online learning by using various applications that support online learning such as WhatsApp, Google Classroom and Zoom Meeting. In this study, qualitative methods have been used and a descriptive approach was used to explain the data. In data collection, questionnaires and interviews were used to obtain in-depth information about the difficulties faced by students during online learning. The results in this study indicate that students experience various kinds of obstacles in the implementation of online learning, such as (1) operating learning applications, (2) limited internet quota, (3), incomplete learning resources / materials, (4) poor communication, and (5) decreased learning motivation during online learning, however, even though there were obstacles faced by the students, it did not stop them from continuing to study in difficult times such as the Covid 19 pandemic.   &nbsp


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has been around the world for almost two years. Many human activities have been carried out in different ways since the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, one of which is in the field of education. Learning during the pandemic is carried out online so that it has caused various obstacles in its implementation. However, recently the governmenthas allowed some schools to carry out face-to-face learning despite very strict health protocols. However, this does not mean that learning in schools can be carried out freely as before before the COVID-19 pandemic, many things have been adapted from this pandemic in learning after the pandemic. This study aims to determine the teacher's strategy in developing student interest in learning after the COVID-19 pandemic in Islamic schools. The research was carried out using a qualitative method using a descriptive approach to examine the strategies that teachers apply when studying in order to develop students' interest inlearning after the covid 19 pandemic. Data were collected by giving direct interviews to ten teachers at Mts Al-Hadi. The results of the study show that teachers have prepared themselves with new knowledge about the strategies they will use in teaching after the covid 19 pandemic. Teachers have also used various strategies to improve students' sense of learning while studying after the covid 19 pandemic.Keywords: Strategy, Learning Interest, Covid 19 Pandemic, and Islamic schoo


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    Cultivation is one of the planned activities of maintaining biological resources carried out on an area of ??land to take advantage or harvest results. The steps taken in this activity are to provide training to young people on how to cultivate horticultural ornamental cactus plants through four stages: 1) Explain the material about an overview of ornamental cactus plants, which includes the definition of ornamental cactus plants and the benefits of cultivating ornamental cactus plants, 2) Planting ornamental cactus plants, treating and controlling pests, 3) Utilizing ornamental cactus plants as economic value, 4) Evaluating the training that has been carried out and drawing conclusions. This activity was carried out with a very good response from the training participants so that they thought this training could be useful in the future. Participants hope that training activities like this can continue with different themes in order to provide education in the development and utilization of existing resources to help from the economic point of view of the local community


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    A tourism destination is a place that can be used for recreation. This location is a spot that can be a feature or icon of an area. A tourism destination can provide an atmosphere that is easy to remember if it has special or specific characteristics or has advantages than other tourist attractions. This study aims to determine students' opinions related to the use of local destinations to improve students' English speaking skill. The method used in this research is qualitative by using a descriptive approach. The data was obtained through the provision of questionnaires and to obtain more in-depth information, several students were interviewed. Data is analyzed through the stages of interpreting, describing and concluding. The results showed that students found it easier to express English based on their experience of visiting local destinations. In addition, students have the ability to express better through understanding the character of the atmosphere of a tourism place. Students also have positive attitudes in using English to communicate

    Improving Students’ English Skill by Using The Papets (Paper Puppets) Learning Media

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    Fun learning can make students interested in participating in a lesson. The teacher as the main key in the classroom must have various ways to attract students' interest in learning. One way that teachers can do to attract students' interest in learning is with use teaching media. Media or teaching tools are tools that can be used to stimulate students in learning various kinds of material, especially English. The use of learning media can also help teachers in transferring knowledge to students in a fun way. One of the learning media that teachers can do is the use of the Papets (Paper Puppets) media. This study aims to see how far the paper puppets learning media can improve students' understanding in learning English. The research was conducted in one of the elementary schools in Bengkulu province. The method used in this research is qualitative using a descriptive approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews and direct field practice in schools. Then the data is analyzed by going through several stages namely; data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results showed that students were very enthusiastic about learning English by using the papets media. In addition, interesting and funny pictures also make students excited so that students' knowledge of English increases very well.

    Analisa Kesesuaian Lahan Hutan Rakyat di Desa Tambak Ukir, Kecamatan Kendit Kabupaten Situbondo

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    Minat petani di desa Tambak Ukir, Kecamatan Kendit, Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur, untuk mengembangkan hutan rakyat dilahan kering telah meningkat. Untuk itu perlu dukungan pemilihan jenis tumbuhan agar sesuai dengan kondisi lahannya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan karakteristik dan kualitas lahan dengan persyaratan tumbuh tanaman. Hasil analisa menunjukan lahan yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk membangun hutan rakyat termasuk kelas kesesuaian lahan potensial cukupsesuai(S2) untukjenissengonlaut ), jati( ) danmahoni ( ). Sedangkan untuk kacang komak ( ), jagung ( ) dan kacang tanah ) termasuk kelas kesesuaian lahan potensialnya cukup sesuai (S2) hanya padalereng dengankemiringan dari3%-8
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