306 research outputs found

    Contact-less characterizations of encapsulated graphene p-n junctions

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    Accessing intrinsic properties of a graphene device can be hindered by the influence of contact electrodes. Here, we capacitively couple graphene devices to superconducting resonant circuits and observe clear changes in the resonance- frequency and -widths originating from the internal charge dynamics of graphene. This allows us to extract the density of states and charge relaxation resistance in graphene p-n junctions without the need of electrical contacts. The presented characterizations pave a fast, sensitive and non-invasive measurement of graphene nanocircuits.Comment: 4 figures, supplementary information on reques

    Wideband and on-chip excitation for dynamical spin injection into graphene

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    Graphene is an ideal material for spin transport as very long spin relaxation times and lengths can be achieved even at room temperature. However, electrical spin injection is challenging due to the conductivity mismatch problem. Spin pumping driven by ferromagnetic resonance is a neat way to circumvent this problem as it produces a pure spin current in the absence of a charge current. Here, we show spin pumping into single layer graphene in micron scale devices. A broadband on-chip RF current line is used to bring micron scale permalloy (Ni80_{80}Fe20_{20}) pads to ferromagnetic resonance with a magnetic field tunable resonance condition. At resonance, a spin current is emitted into graphene, which is detected by the inverse spin hall voltage in a close-by platinum electrode. Clear spin current signals are detected down to a power of a few milliwatts over a frequency range of 2 GHz to 8 GHz. This compact device scheme paves the way for more complex device structures and allows the investigation of novel materials.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Study of the radioactivity induced in air by a 15-MeV proton beam

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    Radioactivity induced by a 15-MeV proton beam extracted into air was studied at the beam transport line of the 18-MeV cyclotron at the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital). The produced radioactivity was calculated and measured by means of proportional counters located at the main exhaust of the laboratory. These devices were designed for precise assessment of air contamination for radiation protection purposes. The main produced isotopes were 11C, 13N and 14O. Both measurements and calculations correspond to two different irradiation conditions. In the former, protons were allowed to travel for their full range in air. In the latter, they were stopped at the distance of 1.5 m by a beam dump. Radioactivity was measured continuously in the exhausted air starting from 2 min after the end of irradiation. For this reason, the short-lived 14O isotope gave a negligible contribution to the measured activity. Good agreement was found between the measurements and the calculations within the estimated uncertainties. Currents in the range of 120-370 nA were extracted in air for 10-30 s producing activities of 9-22 MBq of 11C and 13N. The total activities for 11C and 13N per beam current and irradiation time for the former and the latter irradiation conditions were measured to be (3.60 ± 0.48) × 10−3 MBq (nA s)−1 and (2.89 ± 0.37) × 10−3 MBq (nA s)−1, respectivel

    Einfluss des Anbausystems auf Ertrag und Gesundheit von Winterweizen

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    In a long-term trial in central Switzerland, yield and health of winter wheat was examined under organic, extensive and intensive management. In the organic cropping system, soil was ploughed and fertilised with cattle dung. In the extensive system, soil was cultivated ploughless and dung was supplemented by mineral fertiliser. Herbicides were used, but no growth regulators or fungicides. In the intensive system, soil was ploughed and manure was based on cattle dung and mineral fertiliser with 20 % more nitrogen than in the extensive system. For plant protection, herbicides, growth regulators and fungicides were used. In the period from 2004 to 2007, average winter wheat yields of the intensive and the extensive crop management system exceeded those of the organic production by 21.3 % and 5.5 % respectively. This was probably due to the higher level of fertilisation and plant protection. In 2007, a year with frequent rain during the summer, the infestation of grains with Microdochium nivale and Fusarium graminearum was lowest in the organic wheat. In consequence, its germination capacity was higher and the deoxynivalenol content was lower compared with the other systems. The increased grain infestation with F. graminearum and the higher deoxynivalenol content of wheat grains in the extensive system can be explained by the ploughless tillage, with straw from the previous maize crop remaining on the soil surface

    Nonequilibrium properties of graphene probed by superconducting tunnel spectroscopy

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    © 2019 American Physical Society. We report on nonequilibrium properties of graphene probed by superconducting tunnel spectroscopy. A hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) tunnel barrier in combination with a superconducting Pb contact is used to extract the local energy distribution function of the quasiparticles in graphene samples in different transport regimes. In the cases where the energy distribution function resembles a Fermi-Dirac distribution, the local electron temperature can directly be accessed. This allows us to study the cooling mechanisms of hot electrons in graphene. In the case of long samples (device length L much larger than the electron-phonon scattering length le-ph), cooling through acoustic phonons is dominant. We find a crossover from the dirty limit with a power law T3 at low temperature to the clean limit at higher temperatures with a power law T4 and a deformation potential of 13.3 eV. For shorter samples, where L is smaller than le-ph but larger than the electron-electron scattering length le-e, the well-known cooling through electron out-diffusion is found. Interestingly, we find strong indications of an enhanced Lorenz number in graphene. We also find evidence of a non-Fermi-Dirac distribution function, which is a result of noninteracting quasiparticles in very short samples.This work has received funding from ERC project TopSupra (787414), the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 696656 (Graphene Flagship), the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, the Swiss NCCR QSIT, Topograph, ISpinText FlagERA networks and from the OTKA FK-123894 grants. P.M. acknowledges support from the Bolyai Fellowship and as a Marie Curie fellow. This research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary within the Quantum Technology National Excellence Program (Project No. 2017-1.2.1-NKP-2017-00001). S.H., Sa.C., and R.W. acknowledge support from the EPSRC (EP/K016636/1, EP/M506485/1)

    Tunable hole spin-photon interaction based on g-matrix modulation

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    We consider a spin circuit-QED device where a superconducting microwave resonator is capacitively coupled to a single hole confined in a semiconductor quantum dot. Thanks to the strong spin-orbit coupling intrinsic to valence-band states, the gyromagnetic g-matrix of the hole can be modulated electrically. This modulation couples the photons in the resonator to the hole spin. We show that the applied gate voltages and the magnetic-field orientation enable a versatile control of the spin-photon interaction, whose character can be switched from fully transverse to fully longitudinal. The longitudinal coupling is actually maximal when the transverse one vanishes and vice-versa. This "reciprocal sweetness" results from geometrical properties of the g-matrix and protects the spin against dephasing or relaxation. We estimate coupling rates reaching ~ 10 MHz in realistic settings and discuss potential circuit-QED applications harnessing either the transverse or the longitudinal spin-photon interaction. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the g-matrix curvature can be used to achieve parametric longitudinal coupling with enhanced coherence

    Global strain-induced scalar potential in graphene devices

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    By mechanically distorting a crystal lattice it is possible to engineer the electronic and optical properties of a material. In graphene, one of the major effects of such a distortion is an energy shift of the Dirac point, often described as a scalar potential. We demonstrate how such a scalar potential can be generated systematically over an entire electronic device and how the resulting changes in the graphene work function can be detected in transport experiments. Combined with Raman spectroscopy, we obtain a characteristic scalar potential consistent with recent theoretical estimates. This direct evidence for a scalar potential on a macroscopic scale due to deterministically generated strain in graphene paves the way for engineering the optical and electronic properties of graphene and similar materials by using external strain

    Measurement of Spin Density Matrix Elements in Λ(1520) Photoproduction at 8.2-8.8 GeV

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    We report on the measurement of spin density matrix elements of the Λ(1520) in the photoproduction reaction γp→Λ(1520)K+, via its subsequent decay to K−p. The measurement was performed as part of the GlueX experimental program in Hall D at Jefferson Laboratory using a linearly polarized photon beam with Eγ = 8.2 GeV–8.8 GeV. These are the first such measurements in this photon energy range. Results are presented in bins of momentum transfer squared, − (t − t0). We compare the results with a Reggeon exchange model and determine that natural exchange amplitudes are dominant in Λ(1520) photoproduction

    Correlated Strength in Nuclear Spectral Function

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    We have carried out an (e,e'p) experiment at high momentum transfer and in parallel kinematics to measure the strength of the nuclear spectral function S(k,E) at high nucleon momenta k and large removal energies E. This strength is related to the presence of short-range and tensor correlations, and was known hitherto only indirectly and with considerable uncertainty from the lack of strength in the independent-particle region. This experiment confirms by direct measurement the correlated strength predicted by theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. Let