468 research outputs found

    Distance education possibilities analysis for integrated innovative projects

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    The materials presented the possibilities development of solar and wind power plants, project development for all those who are engaged in the power studies and baseness. In this, phase of work in NTU "KPI" – studies the possibility of increasing the economic efficiency of alternative energy sources. A review of the literature and the necessary articles written on the subject: аs technologies and economies develop and become more complex, energy needs increase greatly; types and methods of alternative energy, as well as the possibility of calculating the basic set of main economic indicators are classified; identified possible areas of work in obtaining the necessary infor-mation and results. Energy is a fundamental input for economic systems. Current economic activity depends overwhelmingly on fossil fuels including oil, coal, and natural gas. These fuels are non-renewable. Renewable sources such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar power currently provide less than 10% of global energy. In just a few decide solar and wind power has developed from alternative energy sources to a new fast growing industrial branch. The history of industrial civilization is a history of energy transitions. In less developed, agrarian economies, people's basic need for food calories is provided through simple forms of agriculture, which is essentially a method of capturing solar energy for human use. As economies develop and become more complex, energy needs increase greatly

    The relationship between foreign direct investment and GDP in Cameroon (2000–2020)

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    Relevance. In the last 20 years Cameroon has faced a series of crises. The 2035 governmental programme of recovery aims to transform the country into an emerging economy nation. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have slowed down economic growth in Cameroon and the country is hoping to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and thus benefit from the new business opportunities to revitalize its economy. This context makes the research on the relationship between FDI and GDP particularly relevant.Research objective. This paper is designed to assess the relationship between GDP and FDI in Cameroon in 2000-2020. In addition, we aim to assess the scope of internationalization through FDI as a possible catalyst for economic recovery.Data and methods. The paper uses correlation and regression analysis to show the relationship between FDI and GDP.Results. The results show that FDI can increase Cameroon’s GDP and may be used as an empirical basis for policy- and strategy-making in Cameroon.Conclusions. We found a strong correlation between FDI and GDP in Cameroon for a 21-year period. This result is supported by the double effect of FDI on the national economy: FDI directly affects the investment component of GDP, but it also influences economic growth indirectly. The activities of foreign firms in Cameroon can support trade and even balance of payment, which indirectly influences the export and import component of GDP. Foreign subsidiaries both solely owned or joint ventures pay indirect taxes to the government and thus influence government spending

    Use of uncertain external information in statistical estimation

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    A product’s life cycle hinges on its sales. Product sales are determined by a combination of market demand, industrial production, logistics, supply chains, labor hours, and countless other factors. Business-specific questions about sales are often formalized into questions relating to specific quantities in sales data. Statistical estimation of these quantities of interest is crucial but restricted availability of empirical data reduces the accuracy of such estimation. For example, under certain regularity conditions the variance of maximum likelihood estimators cannot be asymptotically lower than the Cramer-Rao lower bound. The presence of additional information from external sources therefore allows the improvement of statistical estimation. Two types of additional information are considered in this work: unbiased and possibly biased. In order to incorporate these two types of additional information in statistical estimation, this manuscript minimizes mean squared error and variance. Publicly available Walmart sales data from 45 stores across 2010-2012 is used to illustrate how these statistical methods can be applied to use additional information for estimating weekly sales. The holiday effect (sales spikes during holiday weeks) adjusted for overtime trends is estimated with the use of relevant external information

    Use of uncertain additional information in newsvendor models

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    The newsvendor problem is a popular inventory management problem in supply chain management and logistics. Solutions to the newsvendor problem determine optimal inventory levels. This model is typically fully determined by a purchase and sale prices and a distribution of random market demand. From a statistical point of view, this problem is often considered as a quantile estimation of a critical fractile which maximizes anticipated profit. The distribution of demand is a random variable and is often estimated on historic data. In an ideal situation, when the probability distribution of demand is known, one can determine the quantile of a critical fractile minimizing a particular loss function. When a parametric family is known, maximum likelihood estimation is asymptotically efficient under certain regularity assumptions and the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) are used for estimating quantiles. Then, the Cramer-Rao lower bound determines the lowest possible asymptotic variance for the MLEs. Can one find a quantile estimator with a smaller variance then the Cramer-Rao lower bound? If a relevant additional information is available then the answer is yes. This manuscript considers minimum variance and mean squared error estimation which incorporate additional information for estimating optimal inventory levels

    Accounting for deficit in ABC-XYZ analysis

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    This work proposes an ABC-XYZ-type analysis modified with observed merchandise deficit. The deficit is determined by right censoring. This manuscript proposes to account for right censoring in the ABC-XYZ analysis. The modified ABC-XYZ analysis updates many important quantities including projected income, the coefficient of variation, and the Kaplan-Meier estimator. An illustrative example shows that the classical ABC-XYZ algorithm underestimates a merchandise value when deficit was observed; magnitude of the coefficient of variation is also underestimated. The new method corrects this bias and recalculates overall profit and the coefficient of variation


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    Growing need for an independent evaluation of the performance results of insurance companies is due to the need to meet the needs of stakeholders to reliable information about the evaluation results of insurers. It makes sense to study the approaches of international rating agencies to assess insurance companies. In the article the list of users (investors and management of insurance companies, insurance consumers and reinsurers) and purposes of rating insurance companies by international rating agencies, depending on the users of its results were deterined. The article presents a description of methods of international rating agencies: A. M. Best, Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings, which are used by insurance companies in Ukraine to determine the requirements for non–resident reinsurers. Analyzed methods of the international rating agencies: A. M Best, Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings on the main directions of evaluation scales and criteria of international rating agencies of long–term financial reliability (stability) of insurers provided to determine the most informative method for users is methods of international rating agency Standard & Poor's.В статье обосновано перечень пользователей и цели рейтинговой оценки страховых компаний международными рейтинговыми агентствами, в зависимости от пользователей ее результатов. Приведено характеристику методик международных рейтинговых агентств: A. M. Best, Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings, которые используются страховыми компаниями Украины для определения выполнения требований к перестраховщикам–нерезидентам. Проведенный анализ методик международных рейтинговых агентств: A. M. Best, Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings по основным направления оценки, шкалами и критериям международных рейтинговых агентств долгосрочной финансовой надежности (устойчивости) страховых компаний предоставил возможность определить, что наиболее информативной методикой для пользователей является методика международного рейтингового агентства Standard & Poor's.У статті обґрунтовано перелік користувачів та цілі рейтингової оцінки страхових компаній міжнародними рейтинговими агентствами, залежно від користувачів її результатів. Наведено характеристику методик міжнародних рейтингових агентств: A. M. Best, Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings, які використовуються страховими компаніями України для визначення виконання вимог до перестраховиків–нерезидентів. Проведений аналіз методик міжнародних рейтингових агентств: A. M. Best, Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings за основними напрями оцінки, шкалами та критеріями міжнародних рейтингових агентств довгострокової фінансової надійності (стійкості) страхових компаній надав змогу визначити, що найбільш інформативною методикою для користувачів є методика міжнародного рейтингового агентства Standard & Poor's

    Regional risks of artificial forestation in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan (case study of the green belt of Astana)

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    This article deals with results of research on artificial forest in a green zone around the city of Astana. The authors of the article established temporary sample plots where condition, capacity for survival, and growth of trees were observed by standard techniques adapted to conditions of the forest-steppe subzone of Northern Kazakhstan. The reasons for the unsatisfactory condition of the planted forest were found and recommendations on improvement were made. The conclusion was drawn that to establish forest plantations it is necessary to select such species of trees and shrubs that will be resistant in specific conditions to the negative factors of urban lands. A possibility of replanting adult trees to intensify reforestation was also studied. The authors analyzed the dynamics of Silver birch preservation in 2011-2017. The Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test was used to prove the presence of differences between the types of trees' average preservations. Based on the data thus obtained, it was concluded that the forest plantations created by the different methods differed significantly in terms of the preservation rate, as well as in the heights and diameters of the trees. Forecasts of tree preservations in 2018 were made using moving average and linear regression methods. The best forecasts were chosen in terms of the mean relative absolute error of approximation. The results confirmed an initial hypothesis predicting significant differences between the methods used for artificial reforestation: the non-replanted trees are expected to have the highest rate of preservation, whereas the trees replanted to a low location, the lowest preservation rate. The prediction of the preservation rate of forest plantations of Silver birch created by the different methods will allow reducing the risks when conducting forestry activities on artificial reforestation. Regional features must be taken into account in the development of recommendations for a comprehensive system of measures which are based on the scientific forestry techniques to ensure optimum reforestation

    Methodological Basis of KPI Motivation

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    A well-built system of motivation can become a source of long-term competitiveness of the enterprise development. The article presents an overview of the main stages of the KPI motivation development and its deployment process. The purpose of this research paper is to reveal the fundamental aspects of building a motivation system based on KPI. The general theoretical basis of this study is the concept of methodology "Management by Objectives", method of "Performance management". It is proposed to integrate the KPI's system into the enterprise management system. It has been proven that the KPI system is a tool for specifying and bringing business strategy to each department and employee through the mechanism of motivating each employee to achieve this goal. The article identifies the place of the KPI system in the structure of business processes. A typology of KPI system options is based on the resources required to develop and implement such system. It has been proven that the system of motivation based on the KPI is a tool for achieving long-term and short-term company goals and is not just a monetary and non-monetary incentive system