690 research outputs found

    DiviML: A Module-based Heuristic for Mapping Neural Networks onto Heterogeneous Platforms

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    Datacenters are increasingly becoming heterogeneous, and are starting to include specialized hardware for networking, video processing, and especially deep learning. To leverage the heterogeneous compute capability of modern datacenters, we develop an approach for compiler-level partitioning of deep neural networks (DNNs) onto multiple interconnected hardware devices. We present a general framework for heterogeneous DNN compilation, offering automatic partitioning and device mapping. Our scheduler integrates both an exact solver, through a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation, and a modularity-based heuristic for scalability. Furthermore, we propose a theoretical lower bound formula for the optimal solution, which enables the assessment of the heuristic solutions' quality. We evaluate our scheduler in optimizing both conventional DNNs and randomly-wired neural networks, subject to latency and throughput constraints, on a heterogeneous system comprised of a CPU and two distinct GPUs. Compared to na\"ively running DNNs on the fastest GPU, he proposed framework can achieve more than 3Ă—\times times lower latency and up to 2.9Ă—\times higher throughput by automatically leveraging both data and model parallelism to deploy DNNs on our sample heterogeneous server node. Moreover, our modularity-based "splitting" heuristic improves the solution runtime up to 395Ă—\times without noticeably sacrificing solution quality compared to an exact MILP solution, and outperforms all other heuristics by 30-60% solution quality. Finally, our case study shows how we can extend our framework to schedule large language models across multiple heterogeneous servers by exploiting symmetry in the hardware setup. Our code can be easily plugged in to existing frameworks, and is available at https://github.com/abdelfattah-lab/diviml.Comment: accepted at ICCAD'2

    A comparative study for removal of methylene blue by naoh treated and raw eggshells.

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    In this work, the adsorption of cationic dye Methylene blue (MB) on prepared activated carbons from eggshells treated with NaOH (TES) and eggshells Without Treatment (NTES) as a new and potential biosorbent was investigated. Removal of MB dye from aqueous solutions were  studied under laboratory conditions and physicochemical parameters as a function of initial dye concentration, temperature and pH. The removal of BM increased  by increasing the initial concentration of the dye, contact time and pH of the solution and also decreased by  increasing temperature of the adsorbent. Adsorption were modeled by using the Freundlich and Langmuir to fit equilibrium at different temperatures and the isotherm parameters were calculated to describe the biosorption process; Langmuir model was found suitable for the biosorption of the dye. A Comparison of different kinetic models parameters was evaluated for the pseudo-first-order and the pseudo-second-order model on the removal of MB. The results indicated that the dye process followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics for each dye–adsorbent system. The negative values of thermodynamic parameters ΔH° and ΔG° indicated that the adsorption of MB onto TES and NTES was exothermic and spontaneous process respectively, concerning  ΔS° which is also negative, it have showed that disorder in the interface system decreases during the adsorption process. Finally, We have established a good potentiality for the TES and NTES particles to be employed as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of colour and dyes

    Craniofacial Cephalometric Characteristics and Open Bite Deformity in Individuals with Amelogenesis Imperfecta-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND Individuals with amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) often present with malocclusions, especially a dental or skeletal anterior open bite (AOB). OBJECTIVES To evaluate the craniofacial characteristics in individuals with AI. MATERIAL AND METHODS A systematic literature search was conducted with the PubMed, Web of Science, Embase and Google Scholar databases to identify studies relating to the cephalometric characteristics of individuals with AI, without any language or publication date restrictions. The grey literature was searched using Google Scholar, Opengrey and Worldcat. Only studies with a suitable control group for comparison were included. Data extraction and a risk of bias assessment were carried out. A meta-analysis was performed using the random effects model for cephalometric variables that were evaluated in at least three studies. RESULTS The initial literature search yielded 1857 articles. Following the removal of duplicates and a screening of the records, seven articles were included in the qualitative synthesis, representing a total of 242 individuals with AI. Four studies were included in the quantitative synthesis. The meta-analysis results showed that individuals with AI present a smaller SNB angle and larger ANB angle than those of control groups in the sagittal plane. In the vertical plane, those with AI present a smaller overbite and larger intermaxillary angle than those without AI. No statistically significant differences were found for the SNA angle when comparing the two groups. CONCLUSIONS Individuals with AI seem to present with more vertical craniofacial growth, leading to an increased intermaxillary angle and decreased overbite. This possibly leads to a more retrognathic mandible with a larger ANB angle due to an anticipated posterior mandibular rotation

    Heat flux identification using reduced model and the adjoint method. Application to a brake disk rotating at variable velocity

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    International audienceIn previous works [1], reduced models have been used for solving inverse problems, characterized by a complex geometry requiring a large number of nodes and / or an objective of online identification. The treated application was a brake disc in two-dimensional representation, in rotation at variable speed. The dissipated heat flux at the pad-disk interface had been identified by Beck's method. We present here a similar application using the adjoint method. The modal reduction is done by using special bases (called branch bases) that offer the advantage of dealing with nonlinear problems and / or unsteady parameters. Adjoint method provides particularly accurate results in this configuration

    Toxicity and Positivity Across Genders: Feminine, Masculine, and Androgynous Consumer Characteristics

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    A research model is designed to assess toxic and positive consumer behavior based on masculinity, femininity, and androgyny. New definitions of androgyny are developed, resulting in two types of consumer androgyny – hypo-androgyny and hyper-androgyny. Also, the hypotheses of the research model are assessed using a snowball sample beginning with young consumers enrolled in upper-division marketing classes at a large U.S. university. Results show important insights on the toxicity of certain consumer characteristics not only in individuals who measure high in masculinity, but also those others included in this study who are more feminine or androgynous. Results also offer findings indicating positive consumer characteristics for all consumer classifications of this research

    Impact of Clustering Microgrids on Their Stability and Resilience during Blackouts

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    In this paper, the impact of clustering multiple microgrids during blackouts, on their stability and supply availability, will be investigated. Microgrids have the capability of satisfying their emergency loads during blackouts. However, distributed energy resources (DERs)-dominated microgrids are affected by the uncertainty of their input energy supply, e.g. impact of solar irradiance on photovoltaic (PV) output. Moreover, an individual islanded microgrid is prone to instability issues due to large sudden load/generation changes. In order to increase the supply security, and enhance system stability, we propose to use the existing distribution grid infrastructure, if applicable, during blackouts to form microgrid clusters. The paper discusses the required control hierarchy required to manage the microgrid clusters, and communicate with the Distribution Network Operator (DNO). A case study based on the 13-bus standard distribution feeder, and two microgrid models, is presented. Results show that microgrids clustering helps improve their performance and that the microgrid generator inertia has a direct impact on the stability of the microgrid cluster

    Anatomie du nerf laryngé externe et ses applications chirurgicales

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    Objectif : La lésion de la branche externe du nerf laryngé supérieur (BeNLS) , non rare lors de la chirurgie thyroïdienne, est responsable de modifications de la voix et de troubles de la déglutition. Mais ses différentes variantes anatomiques ainsi que les faibles taux de son identification ont découragé les chirurgiens de son repérage systématique.Le but de notre travail est de faire une description anatomique des variantes de la BeNLS , d’estimer la fréquence des nerfs à risque et de décrire les techniques chirurgicales de son identification pour proposer une approche systématique de sa préservation.Matériel et méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude prospective portant sur 10 patients ayant eu une chirurgie thyroïdienne et chez qui on a procédé à un repérage systématique de la BeNLS dans l’espace avasculaire de Reeve. On a utilisé la classification de Cernea pour regrouper les variations anatomiques rencontrées.Résultats : On a procédé à la dissection de 13 nerfs. Le taux  d’identification de la BeNLS était de 84% , 38% sont de Type 2a , 46% sont de Type 2b. Des complications ont été notées chez 3 patients dont 2 qui présentent une BeNLS de Type Ni.Conclusion : On pense que la variante anatomique de la BeNLS de type 2 présente un risque de blessure car le chirurgien manipule le pédicule supérieur au niveau du centimètre critique situé au-dessus du pôle supérieur de la thyroïde. Le sous-type 2b , le plus fréquent dans notre série , est une variante à haut risque. L’identification du nerf lors de la chirurgie thyroïdienne est la solution de choix.Mots-clés : Branche externe du nerf laryngé supérieur, anatomie, muscle crico-thyroïdien, chirurgie thyroïdienne, voix

    Fixed Bed Column Study for Removal of Textile Effluent Acid Orange 7 by NaOH Treated Eggshells and Amberlite FPA-98 as Efficient Adsorbents Using Response Surface Methodology.

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    In this study, we investigated the adsorption of Methylene blue (MB) dye on prepared activated carbons from eggshells treated with NaOH (TES) and eggshells Without Treatment (NTES)  as a new and potential biosorbent. Biosorption capacities and rates of different kinds of treated bioadsorbent for Removal of MB dye from aqueous solutions were compared under laboratory conditions as a function of initial dye concentration, temperature and pH . The extent of dye removal increased with increasing in the initial concentration of the dye ,increased with increase in contact time and the initial pH of the solution and also decreased with increasing in temperature of the adsorbent. Adsorption data were modeled using the Freundlich and Langmuir to fit experimental equilibrium data at different solution temperatures and the isotherm parameters were calculated in order to describe the biosorption process;  Langmuir model was found suitable for describing the biosorption of the dye by all the bioadsorbent. Among the two  adsorbents , TES exhibited the highest dye uptake capacity (Q0 =200 mg/g) at 20°C. A Comparison of different kinetic models parameters was evaluated for the pseudo-first-order and the pseudo-second-order model on the removal of MB. The results indicated that the dye uptake process followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics for each dye–adsorbent system. The thermodynamic parameters were evaluated; The negative values of ΔH° and ΔG° indicated respectively that the adsorption of MB onto TES and NTES was exothermic and spontaneous process, concerning  ΔS° which is also negative, it have showed that disorder in the interface system decreases during the adsorption process. In summary, the results have established good potentiality for the TES and NTES particles to be employed as  a low cost  sorbent for the removal of colour and dyes from wastewater.

    Les abcès froids pariétaux thoraciques chez les sujets immunocompétents

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    Les abcès froids de la paroi thoracique représentent une forme rare et inhabituelle de tuberculose extrapulmonaire. Sa fréquence est estimée àmoins de 5% des tuberculoses ostéoarticulaires, évaluées elles-mêmes à 15% des tuberculoses extrapulmonaires. L'objectif de ce travail est derapporter la prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique de cette localisation dans notre structure. Etude rétrospective portant sur 18 cascolligés au service des maladies respiratoires du centre hospitalier universitaire Ibn Rochd de Casablanca, sur une période de 13 ans. La moyenne d'âge était de 34 ans (21-57). Un antécédent de tuberculose traitée était relevé dans un cas. Le tableau clinique était révélé par l'apparition insidieuse d'une masse pariétale de taille, de consistance et de siège variables. A l'imagerie thoracique, l'abcès pariétal était associé à une lyse osseuse dans sept cas, une atteinte parenchymateuse et pleurale dans quatre cas chacune et des adénopathies médiastinales dans deux cas. La confirmation diagnostique était bactériologique et/ou histologique dans tous les cas. La sérologie du virus de l'immunodéficience   humaineétait négative chez tous nos malades. L'évolution sous traitement antibacillaire couplé ou non à une résection chirurgicale était favorable chez tous nos malades. Malgré la fréquence de la tuberculose dans notre  contexte, la localisation pariétale thoracique reste rare, survenant chez une population non immunodéprimée et non toxicomane, contrairement à ce qui est souvent rapporté dans la littérature. Les abcès froids tuberculeuxreprésentent une forme rare de tuberculose extrapulmonaire dont  l'évolution reste favorable sous traitement précoce et bien conduit
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