11 research outputs found

    Cluster Percolation in O(n) Spin Models

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    The spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Ising model can be equivalently described in terms of percolation of Wolff clusters. In O(n) spin models similar clusters can be built in a general way, and they are currently used to update these systems in Monte Carlo simulations. We show that for 3-dimensional O(2), O(3) and O(4) such clusters are indeed the physical `islands' of the systems, i.e., they percolate at the physical threshold and the percolation exponents are in the universality class of the corresponding model. For O(2) and O(3) the result is proven analytically, for O(4) we derived it by numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, minor modification

    Robustness of optimal working points for non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation

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    Geometric phases are an interesting resource for quantum computation, also in view of their robustness against decoherence effects. We study here the effects of the environment on a class of one-qubit holonomic gates that have been recently shown to be characterized by "optimal" working times. We numerically analyze the behavior of these optimal points and focus on their robustness against noise.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    q-Quaternions and q-deformed su(2) instantons

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    We construct (anti)instanton solutions of a would-be q-deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on the quantum Euclidean space R_q^4 [the SO_q(4)-covariant noncommutative space] by reinterpreting the function algebra on the latter as a q-quaternion bialgebra. Since the (anti)selfduality equations are covariant under the quantum group of deformed rotations, translations and scale change, by applying the latter we can generate new solutions from the one centered at the origin and with unit size. We also construct multi-instanton solutions. As they depend on noncommuting parameters playing the roles of `sizes' and `coordinates of the centers' of the instantons, this indicates that the moduli space of a complete theory will be a noncommutative manifold. Similarly, gauge transformations should be allowed to depend on additional noncommutative parameters.Comment: Latex file, 39 pages. Final version appeared in JM

    q-Deformed quaternions and su(2) instantons

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    We have recently introduced the notion of a q-quaternion bialgebra and shown its strict link with the SO_q(4)-covariant quantum Euclidean space R_q^4. Adopting the available differential geometric tools on the latter and the quaternion language we have formulated and found solutions of the (anti)selfduality equation [instantons and multi-instantons] of a would-be deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on this quantum space. The solutions depend on some noncommuting parameters, indicating that the moduli space of a complete theory should be a noncommutative manifold. We summarize these results and add an explicit comparison between the two SO_q(4)-covariant differential calculi on R_q^4 and the two 4-dimensional bicovariant differential calculi on the bi- (resp. Hopf) algebras M_q(2),GL_q(2),SU_q(2), showing that they essentially coincide.Comment: Latex file, 18 page

    Spontaneous Magnetization of Axion Domain Wall and Primordial Magnetic Field

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    We show that axion domain walls gain spontaneous magnetization in early universe by trapping either electrons or positrons with their spins polarized. The reason is that the walls produces an attractive potential for these particles. We argue that the wall bounded by an axionic superconducting string leaves a magnetic field after its decay. We obtain a field 1023\sim 10^{-23} Gauss on the scale of horizon at the recombination.Comment: 10 Pages, Revte

    Mutual Exclusion Statistics in Exactly Solvable Models in One and Higher Dimensions at Low Temperatures

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    We study statistical characterization of the many-body states in exactly solvable models with internal degrees of freedom. The models under consideration include the isotropic and anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain, the Hubbard chain, and a model in higher dimensions which exhibits the Mott metal-insulator transition. It is shown that the ground state of these systems is all described by that of a generalized ideal gas of particles (called exclusons) which have mutual exclusion statistics, either between different rapidities or between different species. For the Bethe ansatz solvable models, the low temperature properties are well described by the excluson description if the degeneracies due to string solutions with complex rapidities are taken into account correctly. {For} the Hubbard chain with strong but finite coupling, charge-spin separation is shown for thermodynamics at low temperatures. Moreover, we present an exactly solvable model in arbitrary dimensions which, in addition to giving a perspective view of spin-charge separation, constitutes an explicit example of mutual exclusion statistics in more than two dimensions

    Spin - or, actually: Spin and Quantum Statistics

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    The history of the discovery of electron spin and the Pauli principle and the mathematics of spin and quantum statistics are reviewed. Pauli's theory of the spinning electron and some of its many applications in mathematics and physics are considered in more detail. The role of the fact that the tree-level gyromagnetic factor of the electron has the value g = 2 in an analysis of stability (and instability) of matter in arbitrary external magnetic fields is highlighted. Radiative corrections and precision measurements of g are reviewed. The general connection between spin and statistics, the CPT theorem and the theory of braid statistics are described.Comment: 50 pages, no figures, seminar on "spin

    Constraints on pre-big bang models for seeding large-scale anisotropy by massive Kalb-Ramond axions

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    We discuss the conditions under which pre-big bang models can fit the observed large-scale anisotropy with a primordial spectrum of massive (Kalb--Ramond) axion fluctuations. The primordial spectrum must be sufficiently flat at low frequency and sufficiently steeper at high frequency. For a steep and/or long enough high-frequency branch of the spectrum the bounds imposed by COBE's normalization allow axion masses of the typical order for a Peccei--Quinn--Weinberg--Wilczek axion. We provide a particular example in which an appropriate axion spectrum is obtained from a class of backgrounds satisfying the low-energy string cosmology equations.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, two figures included using epsfig. An updated collection of papers on the pre-big bang scenario is available at http://www.to.infn.it/~gasperi