640 research outputs found

    MEMO: Gemeenschapsanalyse bodemschaafgegevens 2009-2012 en boxcorermonsters 2009–2011 in de Zeeuwse banken

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    Occupational Therapists (OTs) who recommend housing adaptations for people with disabilities, funded through public finance, must satisfy professional codes of practice and the employing local authority requirement to allocate finite resources effectively and fairly. At the same time they must also meet service user expectations. Ethical reasoning will be required to balance these demands whilst practising to a personally acceptable professional standard. This study investigates how OTs understand themselves to develop a sense of fairness and how they use their community of practice in developing professional ethical practice. This was a 2 part methodology. Firstly, OTs from 2 community services were invited to participate in small discussion groups. 3 group sessions, of different sizes ranging from 2-6 participants and duration of 2-3 hours, were recorded in which OTs discussed cases which posed ethical challenges with respect to fairness. All participants were female. Secondly, 4 individual interviews with volunteers from the groups were recorded to collect OT narratives of personal ethical development. Transcripts were analysed using a literary-critical approach focussing for transcripts of group sessions on dialogue in community of practice and ethical approaches used; focussing for interview transcripts on the process of ethical development. OTs were shown developing professional practice dialogically within their own community of practice groups. This finding confirms the importance for professional development of encouraging opportunities for dialogical interaction between OTs. Practical reasoning about justice as theorised by Sen (2009) better characterised OT ethical reasoning practices than biomedical-ethical approach applying universal, abstract ethical principles. OT narratives of ethical development fitted the Aristotelian model of growth in virtue as a whole, across both professional and personal aspects of life. Empathy was tentatively categorised as a virtue rather than a technical skill in this context. Empathy contributed to OT clinical reasoning processes as well as ethical reasoning.<br/

    Bemonstering van de macrofauna op de Zeeuwse Banken in 2011. Data rapport

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    Op de Zeeuwse Banken worden de relatief hogere concentraties aan schelpdieren, gastropoden en bivalven, aangetroffen in de diepere troggen (b.v. Middeldiep) tussen de banken. Deze zijn daarmee niet interessant voor schelpdier etende zeevogels, in het bijzonder zee-eenden die een voorkeur hebben voor ondieper water. De hoogste dichtheid aan schelpdieren (Abra alba) is aangetroffen op de locaties 63 en 35 in het Middeldiep (respectievelijk 122 en 125 individuen m-2). De hoogste dichtheid aan Ensis is aangetroffen aan de noordrand van de Rabsbank (23 individuen per m2). Op alle andere bemonsterde locaties was de dichtheid aan schelpdieren minder dan 6 individuen per m2. Op de toppen van de banken zijn de dichtheden van schelpdieren zeer laag. Gezien de lage dichtheden van schelpdieren en/of de grote dieptes van het gebied is het onwaarschijnlijk dat het gebied van betekenis is als foerageergebied voor schelpdier etende vogels

    Fine-tuning the balance between peptide thioester cyclization and racemization

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    Ring-closure towards seven-membered bislactams containing an -amino acid and -alanine is problematic. Such difficult lactamizations are accompanied by side-reactions such as hydrolysis, oligomerization and racemization. By starting from linear peptide 4-methoxythiophenol esters, dilution to 1 mM in combination with phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) intermolecular reactions and racemization could be largely suppressed. Thioesters with the chiral residue at the C-terminus gave the bislactams in yields up to 60% and enantiomeric excess up to 99%. Enantiopure bislactams were obtained exclusively from the reversed sequence bearing -alanine at the C-terminus

    Inter- and intrafractional 4D dose accumulation for evaluating ΔNTCP robustness in lung cancer.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Model-based selection of proton therapy patients relies on a predefined reduction in normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) with respect to photon therapy. The decision is necessarily made based on the treatment plan, but NTCP can be affected when the delivered treatment deviates from the plan due to delivery inaccuracies. Especially for proton therapy of lung cancer, this can be important because of tissue density changes and, with pencil beam scanning, the interplay effect between the proton beam and breathing motion. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this work, we verified whether the expected benefit of proton therapy is retained despite delivery inaccuracies by reconstructing the delivered treatment using log-file based dose reconstruction and inter- and intrafractional accumulation. Additionally, the importance of two uncertain parameters for treatment reconstruction, namely deformable image registration (DIR) algorithm and α/β ratio, was assessed. RESULTS The expected benefit or proton therapy was confirmed in 97% of all studied cases, despite regular differences up to 2 percent point (p.p.) NTCP between the delivered and planned treatments. The choice of DIR algorithm affected NTCP up to 1.6 p.p., an order of magnitude higher than the effect of α/β ratio. CONCLUSION For the patient population and treatment technique employed, the predicted clinical benefit for patients selected for proton therapy was confirmed for 97.0 % percent of all cases, although the NTCP based proton selection was subject to 2 p.p. variations due to delivery inaccuracies

    De macrobenthosgemeenschap van de Zeeuwse Banken na zandwinning. Een overzicht van drie T0 jaren en een eerste jaar van rekolonisatie

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    De hoofdvraag van dit onderzoek is: wat is de ruimtelijke en temporele dynamiek van de bodemdiergemeenschap van de Zeeuwse Banken in relatie tot de zandwinning activiteiten. Na zandwinning zal de bodemdiergemeenschap zich weer herstellen. In theorie is het herstel compleet als er geen significante verschillen zijn in bodemdiersamenstelling en biomassa in het gewonnen gebied en hetzelfde gebied als er niet was gewonnen. In de praktijk wordt het herstel in het gewonnen gebied vergeleken met een referentiegebied in de buurt waar geen zand is gewonnen

    A question of scale: Human migrations writ large and small

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    Several recent papers illustrate the importance of migration and gene flow in molding the patterns of genetic variation observed in humans today. We place the varied demographic processes covered by these terms into a more general framework, and discuss some of the challenges facing attempts to reconstruct past human mobility and determine its influence on our genetic heritage

    Uncovering the Oppenheimer Siddur: using scientific analysis to reveal the production process of a medieval illuminated Hebrew manuscript

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    The aim of this research was to use non-invasive scientifc analysis to uncover evidence of the planning process and relationship between pigments used in text copying and artwork production in the Oppenheimer Siddur (Oxford Bodleian Library MS Opp. 776), an illuminated 15th-century Hebrew prayer book. In many medieval Hebrew illuminated manuscripts, the authorship of the artwork is unknown. This manuscript’s colophon states that it was copied by its scribe-owner for personal family use but does not confrm who was responsible for the artwork. Prior deductive analysis suggested that the scribe-owner may also have been the manuscript’s artist, based on common motifs and an apparent shared colour palette appearing in both texts and artwork. Visual examination using high resolution digital images also identifed points of contact between pigments used in the manuscript’s texts and artwork, raising questions about the pigment application sequence, and concurrent versus sequential text copying and artwork production. An in-house developed remote spectral imaging system (PRISMS) with 10 flters spanning the spectral range from 400 to 880 nm was modifed for close-range application to image two of the folios to examine the sequence of production, identify the pigments and compare the materials used for the illumination and the text. Optical microscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy in the attenuated total refection mode (FTIR-ATR) were used directly on the folios to complement the spectral imaging data in binding media and pigment identifcation. The results revealed close matches in refectance spectra for the colorants and inks used in both text copying and illuminations, suggesting that the same mixture of colorants and inks have been used. The spectral imaging in the near infrared bands revealed a hidden underdrawing, indicating a design change during production of the manuscript, and the outlining of letters prior to coloured pigment being applied. The pigment use, the variation in the binder for diferent pigments and some elements of its production were found to be consistent with those described in historical sources. The evidence from this study supports the hypothesis that the scribe applied pigments for the manuscript’s artwork at the same time he did some of the scribal work which has implications for understandings of Jewish medieval visual cultures

    Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in old age

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: Subclinical thyroid dysfunction has been implicated as a risk factor for cognitive decline in old age, but results are inconsistent. We investigated the association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Prospective longitudinal study of men and women aged 70–82 years with pre-existing vascular disease or more than one risk factor to develop this condition (N = 5,154). Participants taking antithyroid medications, thyroid hormone supplementation and/or amiodarone were excluded. Thyroid function was measured at baseline: subclinical hyper- and hypothyroidism were defined as thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) &#60;0.45 mU/L or &#62;4.50 mU/L respectively, with normal levels of free thyroxine (FT4). Cognitive performance was tested at baseline and at four subsequent time points during a mean follow-up of 3 years, using five neuropsychological performance tests.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: Subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism were found in 65 and 161 participants, respectively. We found no consistent association of subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism with altered cognitive performance compared to euthyroid participants on the individual cognitive tests. Similarly, there was no association with rate of cognitive decline during follow-up.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusion: We found no consistent evidence that subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism contribute to cognitive impairment or decline in old age. Although our data are not in support of treatment of subclinical thyroid dysfunction to prevent cognitive dysfunction in later life, only large randomized controlled trials can provide definitive evidence.&lt;/p&gt

    Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in old age

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: Subclinical thyroid dysfunction has been implicated as a risk factor for cognitive decline in old age, but results are inconsistent. We investigated the association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Prospective longitudinal study of men and women aged 70–82 years with pre-existing vascular disease or more than one risk factor to develop this condition (N = 5,154). Participants taking antithyroid medications, thyroid hormone supplementation and/or amiodarone were excluded. Thyroid function was measured at baseline: subclinical hyper- and hypothyroidism were defined as thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) &#60;0.45 mU/L or &#62;4.50 mU/L respectively, with normal levels of free thyroxine (FT4). Cognitive performance was tested at baseline and at four subsequent time points during a mean follow-up of 3 years, using five neuropsychological performance tests.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: Subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism were found in 65 and 161 participants, respectively. We found no consistent association of subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism with altered cognitive performance compared to euthyroid participants on the individual cognitive tests. Similarly, there was no association with rate of cognitive decline during follow-up.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusion: We found no consistent evidence that subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism contribute to cognitive impairment or decline in old age. Although our data are not in support of treatment of subclinical thyroid dysfunction to prevent cognitive dysfunction in later life, only large randomized controlled trials can provide definitive evidence.&lt;/p&gt
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