57 research outputs found

    The role of teacher and students' success in mathematics teaching

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    Znaĉaj i uloga nastavnika, kao jednog od kljuĉnih ĉinilaca kvalitetnog nastavnog procesa, oduvek su privlaĉili paţnju razliĉitih autora i bili predmet brojnih teorijskih razmatranja i empirijskih istraţivanja, kako u oblasti pedagogije tako i šire. S obzirom na obim i širinu problema u nastavnom procesu, uloga nastavnika i naĉini nastavnog rada prouĉavaju se u okviru razliĉitih oblasti, kao što su, na primer: školski uzrast uĉenika, nivo ostvarenog uspeha uĉenika, vrsta škole, nastavni predmeti, nastavne metode, oblici nastavnog rada i sliĉno. U ovom radu prouĉavana je uloga nastavnika matematike u odnosu na uspeh uĉenika u ovom nastavnom predmetu. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se utvrde postupci nastavnika kojima realizuju svoju profesionalnu ulogu u najznaĉajnijim podruĉjima nastavnih delatnosti (organizacija i realizacija nastave; razvijanje motivacije i interesovanja uĉenika za uĉenje matematiĉkih sadrţaja; ostvarivanje kvalitetne komunikacije i interakcije na relaciji nastavnik – uĉenik), kao i da se utvrdi njihova povezanost sa ostvarenim nivoom uspeha uĉenika u nastavi matematike. U istraţivanju je uĉestvovalo 114 nastavnika matematike i 570 uĉenika sedmog razreda iz 84 osnovne škole sa prostora A.P. Kosova i Metohije (škole koje rade prema nastavnom planu i programu Republike Srbije), odnosno sa prostora centralnog i juţnog dela Republike Srbije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrĊeno je da ispitani nastavnici matematike koriste razliĉite postupke i naĉine rada u nastavi, kao i da na razliĉite naĉine ostvaruju svoju profesionalnu ulogu. Kod nastavnika koji podstiĉu uĉenike na aktivnost, razvijaju njihova interesovanja za uĉenje matematiĉkih sadrţaja i koji sa uĉenicima ostvaruju kvalitetne komunikativno-interaktivne odnose, utvrĊen je viši nivo ostvarenog uspeha uĉenika iz matematike, kao i veći stepen zadovoljstva uĉenika nivoom postignutog uspeha. S druge strane, ustanovljeno je da nešto više ispitanih nastavnika još uvek koristi tradicionalne postupke u nastavnom radu. Kod ovih nastavnika uglavnom prevladavaju postupci frontalnog izlaganja nastavnog gradiva i objašnjavanja matematiĉkih zadataka. U ovakvim situacijama uoĉena je smanjena aktivnost uĉenika, kao i smanjena angaţovanost nastavnika u razvijanju interesovanja uĉenika za uĉenje matematiĉkih sadrţaja. TakoĊe, uoĉeno je da ovi nastavnici manje paţnje posvećuju razvijanju kvalitetnih interaktivnih i komunikativnih odnosa sa uĉenicima. U takvim okolnostima uĉenici ostvaruju niţi stepen postignuća iz matematike i manje su zadovoljni postignutim uspehom u ovom nastavnom predmetu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata potvrĊena je opšta hipoteza definisana u metodološkom okviru ovog istraţivanja, odnosno ustanovljeno je da postoji povezanost izmeĊu profesionalne uloge nastavnika (uloga koje nastavnici zauzimaju u radu sa uĉenicima) i uspeha uĉenika u nastavi matematike.The significance and role of teacher, who is one of the key factors when it comes to the quality teaching process, have always attracted the attention of numerous scholars and have been the subject of numerous theoretical considerations and empirical research, both in the field of pedagogy and wider. Given the scope of problems in the teaching process, the role of teacher and teaching methods are studied from various perspectives, such as, for example, age of schoolchildren, students' level of achievement, type of school, subjects, teaching methods, forms of teaching etcetera. This dissertation examines the role of mathematics teacher in relation to the learners' achievement in this subject. The research was carried out with the aim of determining the methods used by teachers striving to fulfil their professional role in the most important teaching areas (organization and realization of teaching process; developing students' motivation and interest in learning mathematics subject matter; building a quality rapport with students). Furthermore, the research aimed to determine teachers' connection with the level of students' success in mathematics. The research involved 114 mathematics teachers and 570 seventh-grade students' from 84 primary schools from the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija (schools that work according to the educational curriculum of the Republic of Serbia), that is, from the territory of the central and southern parts of the Republic of Serbia. Based on the results obtained, the dissertation determined that the examined mathematics teachers use different teaching methods, and that they fulfil their professional role in different ways. Teachers who encourage students' to take part in classes actively develop their interest in learning mathematical contents and have high-quality communicative-interactive relationships with students', were found to achieve much better results in the field of mathematics with their students', as well as a higher degree of students' satisfaction with the level of achieved success. On the other hand, it was found that a slightly greater number of teachers still use traditional teaching methods. These teachers predominantly use methods such as frontal presentation of subject matter and explanations of mathematical problems. In such situations, a decreased activity of students' was noticeable, as well as a reduced involvement of teachers in developing students' interest in learning mathematical contents. What was also noticed is that these teachers devote less attention to developing quality interactive and communicative relationships with students'. In such circumstances, students' level of achievement in mathematics is much lower and they are less satisfied with their success achieved in this course. On the basis of the results obtained, the general hypothesis defined in the methodological framework of this research was confirmed. In other words, the dissertation established that there is a connection between the professional role of teacher (the role that teacher perform in teaching students') and students' success in mathematics teaching

    Syntactic functions of infinitive in older italian prose (Dante, Boccaccio, Machiavelli) ; Синтаксические функции инфинитива в старой итальянской прозе (Данте, Боккаччо, Макиавелли)

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    Predmet ovog rada jeste ispitivanje sintaksičkih funkcija infinitiva u starijem italijanskom jeziku analizom korpusa koji čine književna dela autora čije je stvaralaštvo obeležilo razvoj italijanskog proznog diskursa, s ciljem da se ukaže na promene nastale u strukturi, načinu upotrebe i zastupljenosti infinitivnih konstrukcija, što će pružiti sveobuhvatni prikaz njihovih izražajnih mogućnosti i sintaksičko-semantičkih vrednosti. Uočene infinitivne konstrukcije klasifikovane su i analizirane u okviru sledećih podgrupa: apsolutne infinitivne konstrukcije, modalne konstrukcije, implicitne zavisne rečenice, poimeničene infinitivne konstrukcije, nezavisna upotreba infinitiva, kao i perfirastične konstrukcije sa infinitivom. Kroz analizu strukture i upotrebe infinitivnih konstrukcija u odabranom jezičkom materijalu, rad prati razvoj italijanskog proznog diskursa, kao i uticaj latinske sintakse na kreiranje dominantnih sintaksičkih modela italijanskog jezika. Naglašenu upotrebu infinitivnih struktura u analiziranom korpusu objašnjavamo podražavanjem latinskih uzora. Polazimo od pretpostavke da su osnovne sintaksičke funkcije infinitiva nasleđene iz latinskog jezika, što dokazujemo ispitivanjem uticaja različitih sintaksičkosemantičkih činilaca na koherentnost posmatranih infinitivnih konstrukcija te i na funkcije njihovih članova. Širok spektar sintaksičko-semantičkih vrednosti infinitiva kao neličnog glagolskog oblika u kojem su kombinovane glagolske i nominalne karakteristike posmatramo na primerima poimeničenih infinitivnih struktura, uz poseban osvrt na parcijalnu nominalizaciju infinitiva karakterističnu za književni italijanski jezik. Upotrebom infinitivnih konstrukcija postiže se konciznost, jasnoća, neposrednost u pripovedanju, pojednostavljuje rečenična struktura, oslobođena složenih hipotaksičkih odnosa, i obogaćuje rečenični sadržaj različitim sintaksičkim i semantičkim vrednostima koje se ne mogu postići upotrebom ličnih glagolskih oblika, ili pak imenskih sintagmi. Podaci do kojih smo došli proučavanjem infinitivnih konstrukcija u starijoj italijanskoj prozi pružaju sistematičan pregled i širu sliku sintaksičkih vrednosti infinitiva, kao i mogućnosti za podrobnija ispitivanja pojedinih aspekata infinitivnih struktura, koji su u velikoj meri zanemareni u italijanskim gramatikama.The subject of this scientific paper is examining syntactic functions of infinitive in older Italian language by analyzing the corpus that consists of literary works of authors who marked the development of Italian prose discourse. Our objective is to point at changes in structure and the way infinitive constructions are used and represented, which will provide a comprehensive overview of their expressive characteristics and syntactic-semantic functions. Infinitive constructions we have found are classified and analyzed within the following subgroups: absolute infinitive constructions, modal infinitive constructions, implicit subordinate clauses, nominalized infinitive constructions, independent use of infinitive and periphrastic constructions with infinitive. By analyzing the structure and the use of infinitive constructions, the scientific paper looks into the development of Italian prose discourse, as well as the influence Latin syntax had on creating dominant syntactic models of the Italian language. Prominent use of infinitive structures in the analyzed corpus is explained by supporting Latin models. Our starting point is that the basic syntactic functions of infinitive are borrowed from Latin and we prove it by examining the influence various syntacticsemantic factors have on the coherence of analyzed infinitive constructions and the functions of their parts. A wide spectrum of syntactic-semantic functions of infinitive as an impersonal verb form with combined verbal and nominal characteristics is analyzed by examining examples of nominalized infinitive structures, with special reference to partial nominalization of infinitive which is characteristic of literary Italian. Using infinitive constructions means accomplishing conciseness, clarity, narrative immediacy, simplified sentence structure without complex hypotaxic relationships and it enriches sentences with various syntactic and semantic functions which is not possible to accomplish by using personal verb forms or nominal syntagmas. The data we obtained by analyzing infinitive constructions in older Italian prose provide a systematic overview and a wide picture of syntactic functions of infinitive, as well as a possibility of a more detailed examination of particular aspects of infinitive structures which have been largely neglected in Italian grammar books

    Association between tobacco smoking and pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Background/Aim. Numerous studies evaluate the influence of tobacco smoking on the tuberculosis (TB) development, with the results indicating that smoking can be also considered as important risk factor in TB. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of tobacco smoking as the risk factor in the development of TB as well as in its clinical course. Methods. We analyzed data from the medical records of 192 consecutively hospitalized TB patients (124 males and 68 females) in the Institute of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade in the period from 2005 to 2007. Results. Among the analyzed TB patients there were more smokers (63.5%) than nonsmokers (36.5%). The majority of the smokers (73.8%) belonged to a middle age group (35-54 years) while the majority of nonsmokers (64.3%) were older than 55 years. Sex ratio among the smokers showed the domination of males (80.3%). There were significantly more males in the smoking group and more females in the nonsmoking group (χ2 = 34.402, p < 0.0001). Most smokers (68.9%) smoked more than 20 cigarettes daily. The average index of pack/years among all of the examinated patients was 32.75 ± 18.26. Cavitary pulmonary lesions were more frequently verified in the smokers (64.2%) than in the nonsmokers (35.8%). The sputum acid-fast bacillus smear-positive finding was more frequent in the smokers (78%) than in the nonsmokers (22%). The nonsmoking TB patients had more accompanied immunodeficient diseases (34%) than the smoking ones (19%). Body-mass index was lower in the smokers (21.75) than in the nonsmokers (23.80), although this difference did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusion. There are more smokers than nonsmokers in TB patients. Smokers more frequently have cavitary forms of TB with sputum acid-fast bacillus smear - positive finding than nonsmokers

    In situ XRPD and DSC study of order-disorder phase transition in nanosize Li-ferrite

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    An order-disorder phase transition of nanosize Li-ferrite (Li0.50Fe2.50O4) was studied by DSC measurements and in situ XRPD technique. The phase transition temperature is found to be 762 °C (DSC) and (745±5) °C (XRPD).Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    A Compact Multiphoton 3D Imaging System for Recording Fast Neuronal Activity

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    We constructed a simple and compact imaging system designed specifically for the recording of fast neuronal activity in a 3D volume. The system uses an Yb:KYW femtosecond laser we designed for use with acousto-optic deflection. An integrated two-axis acousto-optic deflector, driven by digitally synthesized signals, can target locations in three dimensions. Data acquisition and the control of scanning are performed by a LeCroy digital oscilloscope. The total cost of construction was one order of magnitude lower than that of a typical Ti:sapphire system. The entire imaging apparatus, including the laser, fits comfortably onto a small rig for electrophysiology. Despite the low cost and simplicity, the convergence of several new technologies allowed us to achieve the following capabilities: i) full-frame acquisition at video rates suitable for patch clamping; ii) random access in under ten microseconds with dwelling ability in the nominal focal plane; iii) three-dimensional random access with the ability to perform fast volume sweeps at kilohertz rates; and iv) fluorescence lifetime imaging. We demonstrate the ability to record action potentials with high temporal resolution using intracellularly loaded potentiometric dye di-2-ANEPEQ. Our design proffers easy integration with electrophysiology and promises a more widespread adoption of functional two-photon imaging as a tool for the study of neuronal activity. The software and firmware we developed is available for download at http://neurospy.org/ under an open source license

    Advice on assistance and protection from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : Part 2. On preventing and treating health effects from acute, prolonged, and repeated nerve agent exposure, and the identification of medical countermeasures able to reduce or eliminate the longer term health effects of nerve agents

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    The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has provided advice in relation to the Chemical Weapons Convention on assistance and protection. We present the SAB’s response to a request from the OPCW Director-General in 2014 for information on the best practices for preventing and treating the health effects from acute, prolonged, and repeated organophosphorus nerve agent (NA) exposure. The report summarises pre- and post-exposure treatments, and developments in decontaminants and adsorbing materials, that at the time of the advice, were available for NAs. The updated information provided could assist medics and emergency responders unfamiliar with treatment and decontamination options related to exposure to NAs. The SAB recommended that developments in research on medical countermeasures and decontaminants for NAs should be monitored by the OPCW, and used in assistance and protection training courses and workshops organised through its capacity building programmes.Peer reviewe

    Development of SARS-CoV-2 N-protein specific capture ELISA

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    Ta na dijagnoza ljudi sa sumnjom na infekciju SARS-CoV-2 je od suštinskog zna aja zasuzbijanje globalnog širenja COVID-19. Prisustvo SARS-CoV-2 može se otkriti RT-PCRom (otkriva RNK virusa) ili detekcijom prisustva virusnih antigena u biološkim te nostimaELISA-om ili sli nom tehnikom koje koriste antitela razvijena u životinjama. Cilj studijeje bio uspostavljanje kvantitativnog testa koji se zasniva na koriš enju poliklonskih serumaza rutinsko odre ivanje koncentracije SARS-CoV-2 nukleokapsidnog proteina merenjamapsorbancije u standardnoj mikrotitarskoj plo ici sa 96 bunara. Za potrebe razvoja testaproizveden je rekombinantni N-protein i koriš en za proizvodnju antiseruma u miševima ize evima. Proizvedeni antiserumi su pre iš eni i odre en im je titar. Poliklonskiantiserumivisokog afiniteta specifi ni za N-protein koriš eni su za razvoj ELISA testa specifi nog zaovaj protein. Test se zasniva na koriš enju poliklonskih seruma miševa koji su adheriranina dno bunara mikrotitarske plo ice za hvatanje N-proteina iz uzorka. Razli itekoncentracije rekombinantnog N-proteina su koriš ene za standardnu krivu zakvantifikaciju proteina. N-protein vezan za antitela miševa je detektovan ze jimpoliklonskim serumom i anti-ze jim antitelom povezanim sa enzimom koji obezbe ujespektrofotometrijsko merenje. Uspešno smo razvili prototip ELISA testa za kvantifikacijuN-proteina sa granicom detekcije u opsegu od ng/mL. Prose na vrednost LOD za prototipELISA testa za detekciju N-proteina je 9,2 ng/mL, dok je prose na vrednost LOQ10,2 ng/mL. Pokazali smo da su proizvedeni poliklonski antiserumi pogodni za detekcijuN-proteina sa sli nim ili boljim afinitetom i specifi noš u od komercijalnih antitela.Štaviše, prototip ELISA testa se može koristiti sa zadovoljavaju om pouzdanoš u zakvantifikaciju N-proteina u uzorcima bogatim proteinima, poput ljudskih seruma.The accurate diagnosis of people with suspected infection with the SARS-CoV-2 isessential to curb the global spread of COVID-19. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 can bedetected by RT-PCR (it detects RNA of the virus) or by the presence of viral antigens inbiological fluids in ELISA or similar techniques using antibodies developed in animals.The aim of the study was the establishment of a quantitative polyclonal sera-based test forroutine measurement of the concentration of SARS CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein usingabsorbance measurement in a standard 96-well microtiter plate. For the purposes of the testdevelopment, recombinant N protein was produced and used for the production of miceand rabbit antisera. Produced antisera were purified and titer was determined. High-affinitypolyclonal N-protein specific antisera were used for N-protein specific ELISA testdevelopment. The test is based on mice polyclonal sera adhered to microtiter plate bottomfor the capture of the N protein from the specimen. Various concentrations of therecombinant N-protein were used to generate a standard curve for protein quantification.The N-protein bound to the mice antibodies was detected with rabbit polyclonal sera andanti-rabbit antibody coupled to an enzyme that provides spectrophotometric measurement.We have successfully developed the prototype ELISA for the quantification of N-proteinwith the detection limit being in the range of ng/mL. The average LOD value for theprototype ELISA was determined to be 9.2 ng/mL, while the average LOQ value was10.2 ng/mL. We have demonstrated that produced polyclonal antisera are suitable for thedetection of N-protein with affinity and specificity similar to, or better than commercialantibodies. Furthermore, the prototype ELISA can be used with satisfactory confidence forquantification of the N-protein in protein-rich samples, similar to human sera.Abstract: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5361

    Development of SARS-CoV-2 N-protein specific capture ELISA

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    Ta na dijagnoza ljudi sa sumnjom na infekciju SARS-CoV-2 je od suštinskog zna aja za suzbijanje globalnog širenja COVID-19. Prisustvo SARS-CoV-2 može se otkriti RT-PCRom (otkriva RNK virusa) ili detekcijom prisustva virusnih antigena u biološkim te nostima ELISA-om ili sli nom tehnikom koje koriste antitela razvijena u životinjama. Cilj studije je bio uspostavljanje kvantitativnog testa koji se zasniva na koriš enju poliklonskih seruma za rutinsko odre ivanje koncentracije SARS-CoV-2 nukleokapsidnog proteina merenjam apsorbancije u standardnoj mikrotitarskoj plo ici sa 96 bunara. Za potrebe razvoja testa proizveden je rekombinantni N-protein i koriš en za proizvodnju antiseruma u miševima i ze evima. Proizvedeni antiserumi su pre iš eni i odre en im je titar. Poliklonskiantiserumi visokog afiniteta specifi ni za N-protein koriš eni su za razvoj ELISA testa specifi nog za ovaj protein. Test se zasniva na koriš enju poliklonskih seruma miševa koji su adherirani na dno bunara mikrotitarske plo ice za hvatanje N-proteina iz uzorka. Razli ite koncentracije rekombinantnog N-proteina su koriš ene za standardnu krivu za kvantifikaciju proteina. N-protein vezan za antitela miševa je detektovan ze jim poliklonskim serumom i anti-ze jim antitelom povezanim sa enzimom koji obezbe uje spektrofotometrijsko merenje. Uspešno smo razvili prototip ELISA testa za kvantifikaciju N-proteina sa granicom detekcije u opsegu od ng/mL. Prose na vrednost LOD za prototip ELISA testa za detekciju N-proteina je 9,2 ng/mL, dok je prose na vrednost LOQ 10,2 ng/mL. Pokazali smo da su proizvedeni poliklonski antiserumi pogodni za detekciju N-proteina sa sli nim ili boljim afinitetom i specifi noš u od komercijalnih antitela. Štaviše, prototip ELISA testa se može koristiti sa zadovoljavaju om pouzdanoš u za kvantifikaciju N-proteina u uzorcima bogatim proteinima, poput ljudskih seruma.The accurate diagnosis of people with suspected infection with the SARS-CoV-2 is essential to curb the global spread of COVID-19. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 can be detected by RT-PCR (it detects RNA of the virus) or by the presence of viral antigens in biological fluids in ELISA or similar techniques using antibodies developed in animals. The aim of the study was the establishment of a quantitative polyclonal sera-based test for routine measurement of the concentration of SARS CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein using absorbance measurement in a standard 96-well microtiter plate. For the purposes of the test development, recombinant N protein was produced and used for the production of mice and rabbit antisera. Produced antisera were purified and titer was determined. High-affinity polyclonal N-protein specific antisera were used for N-protein specific ELISA test development. The test is based on mice polyclonal sera adhered to microtiter plate bottom for the capture of the N protein from the specimen. Various concentrations of the recombinant N-protein were used to generate a standard curve for protein quantification. The N-protein bound to the mice antibodies was detected with rabbit polyclonal sera and anti-rabbit antibody coupled to an enzyme that provides spectrophotometric measurement. We have successfully developed the prototype ELISA for the quantification of N-protein with the detection limit being in the range of ng/mL. The average LOD value for the prototype ELISA was determined to be 9.2 ng/mL, while the average LOQ value was 10.2 ng/mL. We have demonstrated that produced polyclonal antisera are suitable for the detection of N-protein with affinity and specificity similar to, or better than commercial antibodies. Furthermore, the prototype ELISA can be used with satisfactory confidence for quantification of the N-protein in protein-rich samples, similar to human sera.Poster: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5362

    Syntactic functions of infinitive in older italian prose (Dante, Boccaccio, Machiavelli) ; Синтаксические функции инфинитива в старой итальянской прозе (Данте, Боккаччо, Макиавелли)

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    Predmet ovog rada jeste ispitivanje sintaksičkih funkcija infinitiva u starijem italijanskom jeziku analizom korpusa koji čine književna dela autora čije je stvaralaštvo obeležilo razvoj italijanskog proznog diskursa, s ciljem da se ukaže na promene nastale u strukturi, načinu upotrebe i zastupljenosti infinitivnih konstrukcija, što će pružiti sveobuhvatni prikaz njihovih izražajnih mogućnosti i sintaksičko-semantičkih vrednosti. Uočene infinitivne konstrukcije klasifikovane su i analizirane u okviru sledećih podgrupa: apsolutne infinitivne konstrukcije, modalne konstrukcije, implicitne zavisne rečenice, poimeničene infinitivne konstrukcije, nezavisna upotreba infinitiva, kao i perfirastične konstrukcije sa infinitivom. Kroz analizu strukture i upotrebe infinitivnih konstrukcija u odabranom jezičkom materijalu, rad prati razvoj italijanskog proznog diskursa, kao i uticaj latinske sintakse na kreiranje dominantnih sintaksičkih modela italijanskog jezika. Naglašenu upotrebu infinitivnih struktura u analiziranom korpusu objašnjavamo podražavanjem latinskih uzora. Polazimo od pretpostavke da su osnovne sintaksičke funkcije infinitiva nasleđene iz latinskog jezika, što dokazujemo ispitivanjem uticaja različitih sintaksičkosemantičkih činilaca na koherentnost posmatranih infinitivnih konstrukcija te i na funkcije njihovih članova. Širok spektar sintaksičko-semantičkih vrednosti infinitiva kao neličnog glagolskog oblika u kojem su kombinovane glagolske i nominalne karakteristike posmatramo na primerima poimeničenih infinitivnih struktura, uz poseban osvrt na parcijalnu nominalizaciju infinitiva karakterističnu za književni italijanski jezik. Upotrebom infinitivnih konstrukcija postiže se konciznost, jasnoća, neposrednost u pripovedanju, pojednostavljuje rečenična struktura, oslobođena složenih hipotaksičkih odnosa, i obogaćuje rečenični sadržaj različitim sintaksičkim i semantičkim vrednostima koje se ne mogu postići upotrebom ličnih glagolskih oblika, ili pak imenskih sintagmi. Podaci do kojih smo došli proučavanjem infinitivnih konstrukcija u starijoj italijanskoj prozi pružaju sistematičan pregled i širu sliku sintaksičkih vrednosti infinitiva, kao i mogućnosti za podrobnija ispitivanja pojedinih aspekata infinitivnih struktura, koji su u velikoj meri zanemareni u italijanskim gramatikama.The subject of this scientific paper is examining syntactic functions of infinitive in older Italian language by analyzing the corpus that consists of literary works of authors who marked the development of Italian prose discourse. Our objective is to point at changes in structure and the way infinitive constructions are used and represented, which will provide a comprehensive overview of their expressive characteristics and syntactic-semantic functions. Infinitive constructions we have found are classified and analyzed within the following subgroups: absolute infinitive constructions, modal infinitive constructions, implicit subordinate clauses, nominalized infinitive constructions, independent use of infinitive and periphrastic constructions with infinitive. By analyzing the structure and the use of infinitive constructions, the scientific paper looks into the development of Italian prose discourse, as well as the influence Latin syntax had on creating dominant syntactic models of the Italian language. Prominent use of infinitive structures in the analyzed corpus is explained by supporting Latin models. Our starting point is that the basic syntactic functions of infinitive are borrowed from Latin and we prove it by examining the influence various syntacticsemantic factors have on the coherence of analyzed infinitive constructions and the functions of their parts. A wide spectrum of syntactic-semantic functions of infinitive as an impersonal verb form with combined verbal and nominal characteristics is analyzed by examining examples of nominalized infinitive structures, with special reference to partial nominalization of infinitive which is characteristic of literary Italian. Using infinitive constructions means accomplishing conciseness, clarity, narrative immediacy, simplified sentence structure without complex hypotaxic relationships and it enriches sentences with various syntactic and semantic functions which is not possible to accomplish by using personal verb forms or nominal syntagmas. The data we obtained by analyzing infinitive constructions in older Italian prose provide a systematic overview and a wide picture of syntactic functions of infinitive, as well as a possibility of a more detailed examination of particular aspects of infinitive structures which have been largely neglected in Italian grammar books

    Meaning and features of the pedagogical principles of the humanistic education

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    This paper investigates the essence, meaning, importance, and features of pedagogical principles in the theory and practice of the humanistic education. The author's contention is that the pedagogical principles are crucial features of any educational approach. Furthermore, each educational approach is fully realized through a system of aims and conventions of the instruction. Additionally, the paper emphasises the need for correlation of the pedagogical principles and their systematic implementation in the process of design, application, evaluation, and improvement of the modern education