10 research outputs found
Care for the Carers: A Self-management program for carers of people with vision impairment
Care for the Carers is a self-management program for carers of people with a vision impairment. The Care for the Carers manual includes all the materials necessary for a health professional to initiate and facilitate a six-session course for carers of people with a vision impairment. Step-by-step instructions for establishing the course and recruiting participants are also provided. The program is underpinned by the principles of self-management. The Care for the Carers program grew out of a series of workshops for carers developed for ABWA by Susan Douglas and Lisa Viska. The Care for the Carers self-management program builds upon these workshops and embeds the principles of self-management in a structured program tailored for carers of people with vision loss. This protocol aims to provide people in a care giving role with the opportunity to gain more knowledge about their partner’s or family member’s vision loss, with practical strategies to assist their partner or family member to manage their vision loss and also with skills and strategies to enhance their self-care. The Care for the Carers program comprised one component of the Vision Self-management in Practice Project, a collaborative project between the Centre for Research into Disability and Society of Curtin University and the Association for the Blind of Western Australia. The project aimed to develop and evaluate new self-management interventions, to provide health professionals with the knowledge and skills to facilitate self-management programs, and to develop organisational capacity to electronically record and monitor participant outcomes over time. The Care for the Carers component specifically aimed to empower people in a caring role, by providing them with information, strategies and skills, so as to increase their confidence in managing their caring role
ABSTRACTSponges are multicellular metazoan animals belonging to the phylum Porifera. Sponges have antibacterial, anticancer and anti-parasitic activity. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Stylissa carteri sponge obtained from the waters of Manado Bay have the potential of antibacterial activity against Staphyloccous aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. The extraction method used is maceration using 95% ethanol as solvent and the fractionation method used is liquid-liquid fractionation. Testing of antibacterial activity using disk diffusion agar method (kirby-bauer). The results obtained from the antibacterial activity test against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, the methanol fraction obtained an average yield of 10.21 mm, and the n-hexane fraction obtained an average yield of 6.93 mm. Against Escherichia coli bacteria, the methanol fraction obtained an average yield of 7.96 mm and the n-hexane fraction averaged 8.62 mm, while the ethanol extract and chloroform fraction did not shown antibacterial activity against the two test bacteria. The methanol fraction had strong inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus and moderate inhibition against Escherichia coli, while the n-hexane fraction had moderate inhibition against the two test bacteria.                                                                                              Keywords: Stylissa carteri, antibacterial, Staphylococcous aureus, Escherichia coli.  ABSTRAKSpons merupakan hewan metazoa multiseluler yang tergolong dalam filum porifera. Spons memiliki aktivitas antibakteri, anti kanker dan anti parasit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah spons Stylissa carteri yang diperoleh dari perairan Teluk Manado memiliki potensi aktivitasi antibakteri terhadap bakteri Staphyloccous aureus dan Escherichia coli. Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan adalah maserasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol 95% dan metode fraksinasi yang digunakan yaitu fraksinasi cair-cair. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi agar (disc diffusion kirby). Hasil yang didapat dari pengujian aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Staphyloccous aureus, fraksi metanol mendapatkan hasil rata-rata 10,21 mm, dan pada fraksi n-hexan hasil rata-rata 6,93 mm. Pada bakteri Escherichia coli, fraksi metanol mendapatkan hasil rata-rata 7,96 mm dan pada fraksi n-hexan hasil rata-rata 8,62 mm, sedangkan ekstrak etanol dan fraksi kloroform tidak memiliki aktivitas antibakteri pada kedua bakteri uji. Fraksi metanol memiliki daya hambat kuat terhadap bakteri Staphyloccous aureus dan daya hambat sedang pada bakteri Escherichia coli, sementara fraksi n hexan memiliki daya hambat sedang terhadap kedua bakteri uji. KataKunci:Stylissa carteri, antibakteri, Staphylococcous aureus, Escherichia coliÂ
Rotasi Dan Kualitas Audit: Evaluasi Atas Kebijakan Menteri Keuangan Kmk No. 423/kmk.6/2002 Tentang Jasa Akuntan Publik
Auditor's independency is a foundation of the public trust to public accountant profession and is one important factor for assessing audit quality. Regulators expect that the longer the audit tenure (long term relationship between auditor and client), the more often auditor will compromise client's accounting choices and reporting for his bussines purpose in such a way which will decrease the auditor's independence. Related to auditor rotation, regulator in Indonesia have made compulsory the rotation for public accountant (AP) every 3 years and public accounting firm (KAP) every 5 years since the end of 2002 by issuing KMK Number 423/KMK.06/2002 dated September 30, 2002 about public accountant services. The objective of this rotation is to prevent independence deterioration of public accountant and public accounting firm. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate whether the audit tenure has any effect on audit quality and whether rotation for public accountant and public accounting firm will increase audit quality before and after the implementation of KMK number 423/KMK.06/2002. The result shows that KMK No. 423/KMK.06/2002 about audit rotation needs to be evaluated because this study finds no evidence that longer audit tenure and auditor rotation will increase audit quality. Keywords: audit rotation, audit tenure, audit quality, discretionary accrual Independensi auditor merupakan dasar kepercayaan masyarakat pada profesi akuntan publik dan merupakan salah satu faktor yang sangat penting untuk menilai kualitas jasa audit. Regulator menduga semakin panjang jangka waktu audit (hubungan auditor-klien yang lama), maka auditor semakin sering untuk mengkompromikan pilihan akuntansi dan pelaporan klien dalam rangka bisnisnya sehingga mengurangi independensi auditor. Berkaitan dengan hal ini, regulator di Indonesia telah menerapkan aturan Kewajiban Rotasi Akuntan publik (AP) dan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) sejak akhir 2002 dengan dikeluarkannya KMK Nomor 423/KMK
Pengaruh Pendapatan Orang Tua dan Percaya Diri terhadap Hasil Belajar pada Siswa Kelas Tinggi SD Negeri 03 Ngadirejo Mojogedang Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019
This study aims to understand the influence of: (1) parents’incomes to learning outcomes of high class student in SDN 03 Ngadirejo, (2) self confidence to learning outcomes of high class student in SDN 03 Ngadirejo and (3) parents’incomes and self confidence to learning outcomes of high class student in SDN 03 Ngadirejo. This study included in research deskriptive quantiative. The population of this research is all high class student (IV, V, VI) SDN 03 Ngadirejo which is 64 students. Technique chief and documentation. Technique of analysis data using analysis of simple linier regression and multiple linier regression which was preceded by normality test and linierity test. Based on the result of multiple analysis regression obtained equation: Y = 51,90 + 0,00000015 X_1 + 0,33 X_2. The results of the analysis of data with significance 5% obtained: (1) Parents’incomes impact on student learning outcomes that is 6,76%, (2) Self confidence impact on student learning outcomes that is 13,10%, (3) Parents’incomes and self confidence impact on student learning outcomes that is 4,76%. The result showed that there was a positive and significance influnce of parents’incomes to learning outcomes, there was a positive and significance influnce of self confidence to learning outcomes, there was a positive and significance influnce of parents’incomes and self confidence to learning outcomes of high class student in SDN 03 Ngadirejo
Analysis Crystal Structure of Thin Films Bazr0.2ti0.8o3 Which Have Deposited by Sol Gel Method
Fabrication of BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thin film on Si substrate by sol gel method use spin coater has been done successfully. Bariumasetat, zirconiumisoproponol, titaniumisopropoksid were used as deposition components BZT thin film. Asetat acid and etylen glycol were used as solvent. There are three basic principles of thin film fabrication by sol gel method, i.e. chemical process (Solvent fabrication), thin film deposition use spin coater, and thermal process (annealing). The layers number variation has done to get layer which become target in this research. Speed and duration of spin coater rotation were set at 3000 rpm for 30 seconds, while annealing temperature and duration were set in 8000 °C for 3 hours. Characterization that we have done i.e. X-Ray Flurosence (XRF) test to observe the composition of thin film BZT and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) test to observe crystal structure. The XRF characterization results show that deposition components of BZT thin film have deposited on Si substrate. The implication of more layers number which have formed is more components BZT thin film which have deposited. The XRD characterizations results show that crystality of BZT thin film because raise some peaks which have been cross check by ICDD database and conclude that the owner of some peaks is BZT. The conclusions have strength by smoothing results by General StuctureAnalysis System (GSAS) software. The implication ofmore layers number is more high intensity on certain oriented plane. Keywods: Sol gel, BZT, XRD, XRF, GSAS
ANALISIS STRUKTUR KRISTAL LAPISAN TIPIS BaZr0,2Ti0,8O3 YANG DITUMBUHKAN DENGAN METODE SOL GEL. Penumbuhan lapisan tipis BaZr0,2Ti0,8O3 menggunakan metode sol gel yang disiapkan dengan spin coater telah berhasil ditumbuhkan di atas substrat Si. Bariumasetat, zirconium isoproponol, titanium isopropoksid digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat BZT dan asam asetat serta etilen glicol digunakan sebagai pelarut. Ada tiga prinsip dasar pembentukan lapisan tipis menggunakan metode sol gel yaitu proses kimia (pembuatan larutan), penumbuhan lapisan menggunakan spin coater, dan proses termal (annealing). Variasi jumlah lapis dilakukan untuk mendapatkan lapisan yang diinginkan. Sedangkan kecepatan dan waktu putar, suhu annealing, waktu annealing dibuat sama yaitu 3000 rpm selama 30 detik dengan 800 oC selama 3 jam. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi uji menggunakan alat X-Ray Flurosence (XRF) untuk mengetahui komposisi lapisan tipis BZT dan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) untuk mengetahui struktur kristal. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan XRF menunjukkan bahwa unsur-unsur pembentuk BZT telah terdeposit di atas substrat Si. Makin banyak jumlah lapisan maka makin banyak unsur-unsur pembentuk BZT. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan XRD menunjukkan kekristalan lapisan tipis BZT. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan munculnya beberapa puncak yang teridentifikasi sebagai milik BZT setelah dicocokkan dengan ICDD database. Hal ini diperkuat dengan penghalusan menggunakan program General Stucture Analysis System (GSAS). Makin banyak jumlah lapis makin tinggi intensitas pada suatu orientasi bidang tertentu
"One for Sorrow, Two for Joy?": American embryo transfer guideline recommendations, practices and outcomes for gestational surrogate patients
In January 2016, Melissa Cook, a California gestational surrogate experiencing a multiple birth pregnancy following the in vitro fertilization (IVF) transfer of three embryos comprised of donor eggs and sperm provided by the intended father went to the media when the intended father requested that she undergo a fetal reduction because twins were less expensive to raise than triplets. Much of the legal interest in this case to date has centered on the enforceability of surrogacy contracts. However, the Cook case also raises troubling issues about fertility treatment practices involving gestational surrogates, twin preference, and third-party reproduction medical decision-making. This paper focuses on multipleembryo transfers in the context of U.S. surrogacy arrangements. Offering an original analysis of data obtained from the U.S. national assisted reproduction registry, it examines single- and multiple-embryo transfer trends over an eleven-year period (2003 to 2014). Findings reveal that recommended guidelines were followed in less than 42% of cases in 2014. The paper argues that ensuring equitable medical treatment for all recipients of IVF requires the adoption of treatment guidelines tailored to, and offering protections for, specific patient groups, and that, once in place, guidelines must be robustly implemente
Perancangan interior House of Javanese Batik di Surabaya
Perancangan interior ini merupakan sebuah wadah yang memberikan informasi seputar batik Jawa khususnya dalam hal fashion. Informasi yang diberikan berupa sejarah singkat batik hingga tata cara pembuatan batik. Pengunjung yang datang dapat melihat informasi yang ada dengan berbagai media yaitu media film, buku dan poster. Selain itu pengunjung juga dapat langsung mengikuti workshop batik yang ada, melihat perkembangan fashion batik terbaru melalui fashion show yang diadakan serta menikmati makanan dan minuman yang tersedia di kafetaria. Sesuai dengan tujuan perancangan, maka konsep perancangan mengacu pada memunculkan kembali kesan tradisional dan menggabungkannya dengan bentukan modern dalam keselarasan, sehingga muncul interior yang dinamis