644 research outputs found

    Robust predictions for an oscillatory bispectrum in Planck 2015 data from transient reductions in the speed of sound of the inflaton

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    We update the search for features in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) power spectrum due to transient reductions in the speed of sound, using Planck 2015 CMB temperature and polarisation data. We enlarge the parameter space to much higher oscillatory frequencies of the feature, and define a robust prior independent of the ansatz for the reduction, guaranteed to reproduce the assumptions of the theoretical model and exhaustive in the regime in which the feature is easily distinguishable from the baseline cosmology. We find a fit to the 20\ell\approx20--4040 minus/plus structure in Planck TT power spectrum, as well as features spanning along the higher \ell's (100\ell\approx100--15001500). For the last ones, we compute the correlated features that we expect to find in the CMB bispectrum, and asses their signal-to-noise and correlation to the ISW-lensing secondary bispectrum. We compare our findings to the shape-agnostic oscillatory template tested in Planck 2015, and we comment on some tantalising coincidences with some of the traits described in Planck's 2015 bispectrum data.Comment: 19 pages - matches published versio

    Analysis of volatile organic compounds in a waste collection centre using multisorbent adsorption and GC/MS thermal desoprtion system

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by waste treatment systems may lead to major impacts such as toxic air levels, discomfort incidents and annoying odours. The main objectives of this work were to identify and quantify selected VOCs, emitted during waste collection and processing, to control exposure hazards. An analytical method, previously developed and validated in our laboratory, for the determination of VOCs within a wide range of volatility and polarity and with variable concentrations was used.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Bootstrapping Conditional GANs for Video Game Level Generation

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown im-pressive results for image generation. However, GANs facechallenges in generating contents with certain types of con-straints, such as game levels. Specifically, it is difficult togenerate levels that have aesthetic appeal and are playable atthe same time. Additionally, because training data usually islimited, it is challenging to generate unique levels with cur-rent GANs. In this paper, we propose a new GAN architec-ture namedConditional Embedding Self-Attention Genera-tive Adversarial Network(CESAGAN) and a new bootstrap-ping training procedure. The CESAGAN is a modification ofthe self-attention GAN that incorporates an embedding fea-ture vector input to condition the training of the discriminatorand generator. This allows the network to model non-localdependency between game objects, and to count objects. Ad-ditionally, to reduce the number of levels necessary to trainthe GAN, we propose a bootstrapping mechanism in whichplayable generated levels are added to the training set. Theresults demonstrate that the new approach does not only gen-erate a larger number of levels that are playable but also gen-erates fewer duplicate levels compared to a standard GAN

    Radiative corrections to the polarizability tensor of an electrically small anisotropic dielectric particle

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    Radiative corrections to the polarizability tensor of isotropic particles are fundamental to understand the energy balance between absorption and scattering processes. Equivalent radiative corrections for anisotropic particles are not well known. Assuming that the polarization within the particle is uniform, we derived a closed-form expression for the polarizability tensor which includes radiative corrections. In the absence of absorption, this expression of the polarizability tensor is consistent with the optical theorem. An analogous result for infinitely long cylinders was also derived. Magneto optical Kerr effects in non-absorbing nanoparticles with magneto-optical activity arise as a consequence of radiative corrections to the electrostatic polarizability tensor.This work has been supported by the EU NMP3-SL-2008-214107-Nanomagma, the Spanish MICINN Consolider NanoLight (CSD2007-00046), FIS2006-11170-C02-02 and by the Comunidad de Madrid Microseres-CM Program. R.G.-M. acknowledges support from the EU COST-MP0803. Work by R.G.-M. and L.S.F.-P. was supported by the MICINN “Juan de la Cierva” Program.Peer reviewe

    Validação de 3 Equipamentos de TDR (Reflectometria no Domínio do Tempo) para a Medida da Umidade de Solos.

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    Breaking Barriers: Bioinspired Strategies for Targeted Neuronal Delivery to the Central Nervous System

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    Central nervous system (CNS) disorders encompass a vast spectrum of pathological conditions and represent a growing concern worldwide. Despite the high social and clinical interest in trying to solve these pathologies, there are many challenges to bridge in order to achieve an effective therapy. One of the main obstacles to advancements in this field that has hampered many of the therapeutic strategies proposed to date is the presence of the CNS barriers that restrict the access to the brain. However, adequate brain biodistribution and neuronal cells specific accumulation in the targeted site also represent major hurdles to the attainment of a successful CNS treatment. Over the last few years, nanotechnology has taken a step forward towards the development of therapeutics in neurologic diseases and different approaches have been developed to surpass these obstacles. The versatility of the designed nanocarriers in terms of physical and chemical properties, and the possibility to functionalize them with specific moieties, have resulted in improved neurotargeted delivery profiles. With the concomitant progress in biology research, many of these strategies have been inspired by nature and have taken advantage of physiological processes to achieve brain delivery. Here, the different nanosystems and targeting moieties used to achieve a neuronal delivery reported in the open literature are comprehensively reviewed and critically discussed, with emphasis on the most recent bioinspired advances in the field. Finally, we express our view on the paramount challenges in targeted neuronal delivery that need to be overcome for these promising therapeutics to move from the bench to the bedside.This work was financially supported by the project PTDC/CTM-NAN/3547/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016639) funded by FEDER funds through the Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização-COMPETE 2020 and Portuguese funds through FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. A.P.S., B.C. and S.D.S. acknowledge FCT for the Ph.D. scholarships (SFRH/BD/137073/2018 and SFRH/BD/145652/2019) and the contract under the Norma Transitória–DL57/2016/CP/CP1360/CT0013, respectively. V.L. acknowledges her contract in the framework of the project NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-033399, funded by FEDER funds through the Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI I&DT), Aviso nº 03/SI/2017, Projetos em Co-promoção do Programa Interfac

    Micromorphological evidences of pedogenetic changes due to anthropic action in Amazonian Dark Earth in the Central Amazon, Brazil.

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    This study aimed to use micromorphology to assess the formation processes of ADE in the municipality of Iranduba, Brazil

    Micropedologia de um Argissolo amarelo com horizontes antrópicos (Terra Preta de Índio) na Amazônia Central.

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    Estudos micropedológicos foram carreados em Terra Preta de Índio (TPI) com o objetivo de elucidar os processos envolvidos em sua gênese, bem como suas formas de utilização pré-colombiana. Blocos indeformados de solo foram coletados por horizonte e em suas respectivas transições em um perfil de Argissolo Amarelo A Antrópico (TPI) localizado no município de Iranduba, AM. As lâminas delgadas confeccionadas a partir dos blocos foram descritas por meio de microscopia óptica. Os resultados mostraram que os processos envolvidos na gênese desse solo envolveram: i) condições pedoambientais diferentes das atuais (pedorrelíquias - nódulos ferruginosos); ii) argiluviação, indicada por revestimentos de ferri-argilãs orientados na parede de poros entre agregados e canais; iii) migração de ferro impregnando o fundo matricial (cutãs de difusão); iv) bioturbação, atestada por preenchimento de poros por pelotas fecais e microagregação zoogenética e v) antropismo, que contribuiu com a queima de resíduos (partículas de carvões) e descarte de artefatos cerâmicos. A análise dos fragmentos cerâmicos corroborou a utilização de cauixi (Tubella reticulata e Parnula betesil) e cariapé (Bignoniacea) como antiplástico para o seu fabrico