540 research outputs found

    Gender-Related Differential Item Functioning of Mathematics Computation Items among Non-native Speakers of English

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    This study aimed at determining the presence of gender Differential Item Functioning (DIF) for mathematics computation items among non-native speakers of English, and thus examining the relationship between gender DIF and characteristics of mathematics computation items. The research design is a comparative study, where the boys form the reference group and the girls form the focal group. The software WINSTEPS, which is based on the Rasch model was used. DIF analyses were conducted by using the Mantel-Haenszel chi-square method with boys forming the reference group and girls forming the focal group. A total of 988 boys and 1381 girls in form two were selected from 34 schools, with 17 schools located in the Penang island, 12 schools in Penang mainland and five schools in Perak. Some 20 items were selected from the grade eight TIMSS 1999 and TIMSS 2003 released mathematics items. Findings revealed that seven items were flagged as DIF, where two were of moderate DIF and one as large DIF. Two DIF items assessed combined operation from the topics of fraction and negative numbers in the Number domain and the cognitive domain of lower-order thinking skills of Knowing favoured girls. One moderate DIF which assessed higher order thinking skills of Applying from the Algebra domain favoured boys. The findings trigger a possibility that computation items with one step operation, which assess lower-order thinking skills favour girls, while items that assess higher-order thinking skills favour boys

    Impact of Maltreatment: Psychosocial Experience of Parentless School Going Adolescents

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    The present study examines the impact of maltreatment among the Parentless School Going Adolescents (PSGAs) and their psychosocial experiences in Northern Provence in Sri Lanka. Prevalence of PSGAs’ exposure to maltreatment can be understood considering the size of PSGAs exposed and their experiences, how exposure impacts PSGAs psychosocial development, factors that increase risk or provide protection against the negative effects of exposure, and the types of interventions that can be implemented to mitigate harmful effects. Participants (PSGAs) were recruited from two districts; namely Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu. Participants with recent experiences and had psychosocial distress were examined. 30 cases {[Female=18 (60%), Male=12 (40%)] and [Mean Age=14.7, SD=1.9]}, were recruited using purposive sampling techniques. An exploratory approach was adopted and semi-structured interview was conducted as the present study aims to have an in- depth understanding on various elements of maltreatment experiences. The questions were mostly open-ended and were intended to be used as a guide to explore or capture as much as possible the PSGAs’ thoughts and feelings about his/her experiences. Content analysis was used to identify common themes related to the objective. Twenty two cases (73.3%) were subject to maltreatment by care takers and their family members. The three most frequent types of relationships to the PSGAs were grandparents (9 cases), uncle (6 cases), and aunty (2 cases). Others included cousin (3), and brother-in-law (2). Maltreated by other people occurred in 21 cases (70 %). This included neighbor (7 cases), total stranger (4), friend’s parents (4), friend (2), teacher (2), priest (1) and servant (1). Many PSGAs faced with multiple maltreatment. Maltreatment occurs on the background of caretaker’s dysfunction and sociocultural factors. The findings underscore the need of providing support for caretakers so they can provide better care of PSGAs. Psychosocial intervention should be individualized to meet the needs of each PSGA. Further research is needed to clarify the issues of risk and protective factors in the post-war context in Northern Provence

    Sugar Palm Fibre-Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composite Interface Characterisation by Pull-Out Test.

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    Polymer composites using natural fibres as the reinforcing agents have found their use in many applications. However, they do suffer from a few limitations, due to the hydrophilicity of the natural fibres which results in low compatibility with the hydrophobic polymer matrices. This paper aims to determine the best sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) fibre surface treatment to improve the fibre-matrix interfacial adhesion. Fibre surface modifications were carried out by water retting process where the fibres were immersed in sea water, pond water and sewage water for the period of 3 days. The test samples were fabricated by placing a single fibre in an unsaturated polyester resin. Single-fibre pull-out tests showed that freshwater-treated fibres possessed the highest interfacial shear strength, followed by untreated fibres, sewage water-treated fibres, and sea water-treated fibres. Further surface analyses of the samples were performed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and an Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) system. (2011) Trans Tech Publications

    A Study On Ketamine Abusers In Georgetown, Kuala Lumpur And Johor Bahru

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    Ketamine N-methyl-D-aspartat (NMDA) merupakan agen anestetik, digunakan secara luas sebagai ‘club-drug’. Sehingga kini, tiada data mengenai demografi sosio pengguna ketamine di Malaysia. Ketamine an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) is an anaesthetic agent, widely used as a club-drug. To date, there is no data on the socio-demographic characteristics of ketamine users in Malaysia

    Mahathir's leadership communication for social change on Indian community in Malaysia: Indian Hindu spiritual values

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    This research focuses on Mahathir’s leadership communication in creating social changes among Indians in Malaysia. Various studies were conducted on leadership communication but researches which touches on the leadership communication between a leader of a majority community (Malay) and his/her followers from the minority group (Indian) from the cultural perspective are limited. Therefore, this study investigates the leadership communication of Mahathir from the Indian perspective. The researcher interviewed Indians in Malaysia including leaders and commoners based on purposive sampling method. A total of 23 informants have been recruited as the study informants. Data were collected through interviewing, notetaking and audio recording. Descriptive accounts of the Indians’ responses towards Mahathir’s leadership communication for social changes from the Indian perspective were explored and presented using the transformational leadership theory. Based on the thematic analysis, five themes were emerged to answer the aims of the study; Indians leadership communication conception, Mahathir’s leadership communication, the influence of Indian culture towards Mahathir’s leadership communication, leadership communication for social change, responses to Mahathir’s leadership communication and the expectation of Indians towards leadership communication. Based on the findings of this study, a leadership communication model from the Indian perspective is developed which could be used as a reference in managing the Indians who are the minority community. This study provides an insight of leadership communication towards bringing social change, particularly focusing on the relationship of a leader and his followers from the minority community

    Determining gender differential item functioning for mathematics in coeducational school culture

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    Purpose - In an attempt to explore item characteristics that behave differently between boys and girls, this comparative study examines gender Differential Item Functioning in a school culture that is noted to be ‘thriving’ mathematically.Methodology - Some 24 grade eight mathematics items from TIMSS 2003 and TIMSS 2007 released items, with equal number of computation and word problem items were administered on 460 boys and 445 girls studying in Grade Eight from three secondary Chinese-medium coeducational schools. Word problem items were defined as items set in a real-world context. Content validity was established by constructing a table of specifications. By employing the software WINSTEPS version 3.67.0 that is based on the Rasch Model for dichotomous responses, Differential Item Functioning analysis was conducted by using Mantel-Haenszel Chi-square method. DIF items were flagged when the Mantel-Haenszel probability value was less than 0.05 and classified as negligible, moderate or large DIF based on the DIF size suggested by Educational Testing Service DIF category. The focal and reference groups were girls and boys respectively. The main delimitation was substantive analysis by using expert judgment was not conducted to identify biased items. Findings - Using Mantel-Haenszel chi-square, two moderate DIF items that assess subtraction favoured girls. They assessed Knowing from topics Whole Number and Fraction. Sources of DIF are linguistics density and item presentation style. The findings suggest that with only two moderate DIF mathematics items, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that the mathematics items functioned differently between boys and girls in school culture noted for successful mathematics learning, even though linguistics complexities of the test language cannot be ignored.Significance - While constructing Mathematics multiple choice items, careful considerations need to be given in selecting suitable numbers in composing the content of the item so that, only the correct algorithm would produce the correct answer ‘if and only if’ those numbers are used. The modest results of detecting two moderate DIF items nevertheless inform national testing agencies and teacher educators on the principles of building fair items as a part of their test improvement practice in the 21st Century. The novelty of this study is that gender Differential Item Functioning was studied in the context of school culture, which is notable for successful mathematics learning

    The Validity Of Administering Bilingual Mathematics Test Among Malaysian Bilingual Students Using Differential Item Functioning (Dif)

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    Language dissimilarity is a liability in translated tests which can result in construct non-equivalence as the construct under measure in one test cannot be generalised to the construct of another test in a different language. This study examines the validity of using bilingual test booklet to assess Form Two Malaysian students’ mathematical achievement. The equivalence of the two test booklets were inspected using differential item functioning methodology. The sample consists of 4,768 Form Two students from 34 schools in two states in Malaysia. The instruments used were bilingual mathematics test (English and Malay languages) and English-only mathematics test. Both tests contain the same 40 multiple-choice items where 20 are word-problem and another 20 are computation items that were obtained from 1999 and 2003 TIMSS released items. Random group design with spiral administration was employed. Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analyses performed were based on the Mantel Haenszel method, Multidimensional model and IRT 1-PL model. Only one common DIF item was flagged which made up 2.5% of the test items. Therefore, the two test booklets are equivalent. Test validity was not compromised with the use of the bilingual test. This study has important implication on Mathematics test item writers who need to remove language redundancy when developing test items and constructing tests

    Primary mediastinal choriocarcinoma masquerading as lung metastasis: a rare disease with a fatal outcome

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    Background: Most germ cell tumors eg. choriocarcinomas are located in the gonads, however about 2–5% arise from extragonadal regions, such as the mediastinum, retroperitoneum, and central nervous system. Non-gestational choriocarcinoma in mediastinum without a detectable primary in the gonads is termed primary mediastinal choriocarcinoma. Materials and method: Contrast-enhanced whole body computed tomography scan and correlated with tumour markers such as beta human chorionic gonadotropin are used to assess the mediastinal mass. Confirmation of diagnosis was made with image guided biopsy, histopathological examination and special staining. Results: Primary mediastinal choriocarcinoma was confirmed by lack of testicular lesion on ultrasound examination and presence of mediastinal mass with multiple metastatic lesions. Confirmation by CKAE1/AE3 (immunohistochemical study) positive which showed presence of multinucleated epithelial cells. Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced computed tomography is useful tool to diagnose this condition as also provide image guided access for biopsy. In correlation with tumour markers investigation and special immunohistochemical studies can help to clinch the diagnosis

    Barriers of Implementing Action Research among Malaysian Teachers

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    Action research is instrumental in enhancing teachers’ professional development.Therefore, this study attempts to identify the challenges faced by Malaysian teachers in conducting action research in their schools and ensure its successful implementation.A total of 34 mathematics and science teachers participated in a focus group discussion.Thematic analyses indicate that the challenges can be classified as the ‘S Factor’ (school factor) and the ‘T Factor’ (teacher factor).The key challenges were found to be lack of research culture in schools, which have led to a series of other challenges, and teachers’ lack of confidence due to limited scaffolding received in acquiring research-based knowledge and skills

    The relationship between perceived teachers’ self-disclosure and out-of-classroom communication among Malaysian undergraduates in a private institution of higher learning / Aniljeet Singh, Paul Gnanaselvam Pakirnathan and S. Maartandan Suppiah

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    This quantitative study was conducted to determine whether a significant relationship exists between perceived teachers’ self-disclosure and students’ out of classroom communication with teachers in a Malaysian private institution of higher learning. A survey consisting of two questionnaires, namely the Perceived Teacher’s Self-Disclosure scale designed by Cayanus and Martin (2008) as well as Knapp and Martin’s (2002) Out-of-Classroom Communication Scale were collected from 144 final year undergraduates from a Malaysian private institution of higher learning. Using the SPSS, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, independent-samples t-test and one-way between-groups ANOVA with post-hoc tests were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated a positive relationship between the dimensions of amount and relevance in perceived teachers’ self-disclosure and students’ out of classroom communication. There was no significant difference recorded between gender, with perceived teachers’ self-disclosure and students’ out of classroom communication. Besides, there was also no significant difference recorded between age, with perceived teachers’ self-disclosure and students’ out of classroom communication. The study concludes that Malaysian undergraduates’ perceptions towards teachers’ self-disclosure influences the out of classroom communication with teachers