38 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Skemata Struktur Bahasa Indonesia Terhadap Kecampingan Kalimat (Ill-formedness) Bahasa Inggris Pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP PGRI Semarang: Sebuah Kajian Morfosintaksis

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    The morfosyntactical errors in students?óÔé¼Ôäó writing composition have been a phenomenon that both writing teachers and other faculty members have complained about. Those errors are not only made by junior students, but also made by senoir students at the university level. One of the reasons of making those morfosyntactical errors is that our students still use their background knowledge of Indonesian sentences?óÔé¼Ôäó structure in their English writing.?é?á?é?á The main objective of this research is to investigate the influence of schemata of Indonesian language structure toward the ill-formedness of English sentences. In brief, this research studies the morfosyntax elements that can cause the formation of ill-formed sentences, the types of ill-formed sentences made by Indonesian students in writing English composition, and also to investigate the students?óÔé¼Ôäó difficuties in writing English. The data of this research was taken from the 3rd semester students of the English Education Department of IKIP PGRI Semarang. The researchers collected the data by (1) Observation and mid semester test result to choose the students. Those who got the score 75 or upper were choosen as the repondents. (2) Questionnaire, and (3) The writing test. From the findings, it was found that the schemata of Indonesian language structure give a significant influence toward the ill-formedness of students?óÔé¼Ôäó English sentences. The most frequent types of ill-formedness are from: noun form and tenses. This fact indicates that our students have difficulty mostly in those two types of topic

    The Influence of Bank Ownership on Bank Performance and Risks (The Case of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia)

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    This research aims to find out the influence of bank ownership (domestic, foreign, state-owned, or private) on bank performance and risks in Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia. This research uses quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results of the research show that variable of Domestic-Foreign Bank has positive significant effects, variable of State Owned-Private Bank has negative not significant effects on the Return on Assets, and variable of Domestic-Foreign Bank has positive significant effects, variable of State Owned-Private Bank has negative significant effects to the Non-Performing Financing on Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia.     Keywords: Ownership of Domestic-Foreign Bank, Ownership of State Owned-Private Bank, Return on Assets, Non-Performing Financing

    Media Glenn Doman sebagai Pengajaran Membaca dan Memperkaya English Vocabulary Anak secara Mandiri di Rumah

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    Glenn Doman is one of the fascinating learning medias for teaching vocabularies to children. This media fosters the students to memorize the words quickly, in this case is the English words. The children?óÔé¼Ôäós eagerness to learn can be fostered by applying this media of playing and learning in their spare time. Parents can easily adopt the media by making of their own, using the things in their surrounding. The quick children memorization can be occurred by showing the children the letters in the card and then asking the children to utter the words in the cards several times. This media has been acknowledged to Sendangguwo Women Association. This media provides children with interesting and fun way for learning English vocabularies at home

    Mekarsari Kelurahan Rowosari Kecamatan Tembalang

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    Being successful enterpreneur is everyone?óÔé¼Ôäós passion. Enterpreneurship can be an alternative way to reach prosperity in life. It needs to be noticed that it takes a lot of effort , passion, patience and creativity to be a succesful?é?á enterpreneur. So many people have great eagerness to be enterpreneur, but they have less knowledge to make it true. That becomes the reason why this training is given to them. It aims to train the people to be more knowledgeable in enterpreneurship. It also trains them to be more creative by recycling?é?á used things to valuable one. It is hoped that this training can be useful for them. They can practice what they have already got in the training in their life. They can produce may new things from the used thing around them and sell them around to make money without money. It will help them to be more prosperous for their financial. ?é?áFurthermore, it will help them to open more job vacancies. This training was acknowledged to the Young Islamic association, Mekarsari,?é?á in Rowosari village. This training provides the young people knowledge, creativity and new experience to create useful and valuable things

    Does Microcredit Bring the Women into Economic World: Evidence from Bangladesh

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    The empowerment, entrepreneurship and education are the most imperative issues among women to develop the country. Micro credit is one of the effective tools to eradicate poverty among poor people through enhancing women empowerment, enhancing the entrepreneurial activities and improving education level for both men and women. It has initiated the schemes to encourage entrepreneurial activities along with developing education level and enhance the women empowerment in the country. The main goal of this research is to inspect the improvement of women empowerment, evaluate the development of entrepreneurship and the education level among micro credit borrowers in Bangladesh. There are two hundred and thirty respondents were participated in this research. The data were analyzed by the descriptive and multiple linear regression analysis. The results found that the women empowerment slightly develops even though it is not significant statistically whereas the entrepreneurship and education are negatively associated with micro credit programs. This research influences the micro credit institutions to develop and focus on the application of loaned amount by borrowers to affect significantly on women empowerment, entrepreneurial activities and education level. Finally, this research is also merits the government to widen the facilities and lessen the hardship on micro credit institutions and encourages the policy in Bangladesh.     Keywords: Micro credit, women entrepreneurship, women empowerment, poverty alleviation, Banglades


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    Demoralization occured in school life. Teachers as the person incharge of the students?óÔé¼Ôäó education in school must find the way out to demolish the demoralization. Character Education needs to be developed in school to maintain students?óÔé¼Ôäó behaviour. Character Building is important to be developed in the learning process. The development of Character Building is integrated into subject matters in elementary schools. Teachers should be involved in the character education for students. In running the process of learning, instructional materials are needed. Syllabus and lesson plan are parts of the instructional materials. Teachers are not only responsible for educating students in school but also responsible for building students?óÔé¼Ôäó characters through the material they deliver. Character Buildings are integrated in the syllabus and lesson plan in order that the students can apply the moral values from the material they learn in their daily lifes. The syllabus and lesson plan improvement with all the potency can be used for supporting the effectivity of character education implementation which is becoming the prior attention. Teachers should know more about students personality and what students need in the learning process. Teachers can improve their skills in making syllabus and lesson plans based character education by joining this workshop. Teachers need to be ?óÔé¼?ôan up-date?óÔé¼?Ø person in giving materials and delivering the moral values to build the students?óÔé¼Ôäó character. Through the program of repetition drills and monitoring, teachers can learn more about syllabus based character education to fulfill the students?óÔé¼Ôäó need. Syllabus based character education has to be used for imprasing the character education in order for gaining teachers?óÔé¼Ôäó and students?óÔé¼Ôäó creativity

    Wpływ wsparcia rządowego i inkubatora organizacji na sukces kobiet przedsiębiorców : Stowarzyszenie Kobiet Przedsiębiorców w Indonezji

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze relation between role of government support and incubator organization to success behaviour of woman entrepreneur with motivation moderation, as an empirical research in Indonesian Woman Entrepreneur Association (IWAPI). There are factors that are considered to increase success behaviour of woman entrepreneur, including government support and incubator organization. The role of government will deal with policy initiatives in providing infrastructure and financial access for woman entrepreneur. Incubator organization as mediator that nurturing designed to accelerate the growth and success of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support resources and services Government supports and business incubator moderated by business motivation in order to reach success behavior. The result shows that Relating to the research conducted about the external factors which affect boosting motivation woman entrepreneur, the result is that there is a relation between incubator organization and entrepreneurial motivation, and entrepreneurial motivation to success behaviour which is linearly related each other. While government support to motivation and success behaviour, and also incubator organization support to success behaviour of woman entrepreneur do not affect one another. The finding pointed government support less effective and still lack of coverage and socialization.Celem niniejszego badania jest analiza związku między rolą wsparcia rządowego i inkubatora organizacji, a zachowaniami kobiet sukcesu. Badania przeprowadzono w Indonezyjskim Stowarzyszeniu Kobiet Przedsiębiorców (IWAPI). Istnieją czynniki, które są uważane za czynniki zwiększające sukces kobiet-przedsiębiorców, w tym wsparcie rządowe i inkubator organizacji. Rolą rządu jest podejmowanie działań związanych z inicjatywami w zakresie zapewniania infrastruktury i dostępu finansowego dla kobiet przedsiębiorców. Rezultat przeprowadzonego badania pokazuje, że istnieje związek między inkubatorem organizacji a motywacją przedsiębiorczą oraz motywacją do zachowań przedsiębiorczych, które są liniowo ze sobą powiązane. Podczas gdy rządowe wsparcie motywacji i zachowania związanego z osiągnięciem sukcesu, a także inkubator organizacji, wspierają zachowania związane z osiągnięciem sukcesu u kobiet przedsiębiorców, nie wpływają one na siebie nawzajem. Wnioski z przeprowadzonego badania wykazały, że wsparcie rządu jest mniej efektywne, ma ograniczony zasięg i nie wpływa na socjalizację

    Analisis Perbedaaan Average Abnormal Return Dan Trading Volume Activity Sebelum Dan Sesudah Peristiwa Dividen Tunai Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) Periode 2014 – 2017

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    This study aims to find out and explain the market reaction caused by the corporate action announcement in the form of dividend cash made by issuers registered in the Jakarta Islamic Index for the period of 2014 to 2017. The object of research is issuers who carry out activities on the announcement of Cash Devidend in the period of observation that are registered in the Jakarta Islamist Index which has been determined based on certain criteria (purposive sampling). There are 17 issuers with a total of 91 being the research sample. The observation period consists of 60 days estimated period, 10 days before the cume date and 10 days after the cume date. The focus of the research is to see the reaction shown by changes in Average Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity by using paired sample t-test for trading volume activity variables and Wilcoxon sign-rank test for abnormal return variables. Processing data using Stata ver statistical tools 14 by setting a significant level of 5%. The results showed that there were significant differences in Average Abnormal Return before and after the announcement and there were no differences in the Trading Volume Activity before and after the announcement

    Pengaruh Variabel Makroekonomi Terhadap Jakarta Islamic Index Periode 2011-2018

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    This research aims to determine the effect of Macroekonomic Variables against the sharia stock index, Jakarta Islamic Index . the approach used is quantitative by using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis technique with the STATA program.While the Inflation, Exchange Rates,Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate, Industrial Production Index and Oil Price as dependent variables and Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) as the independent variable.Secondary data are used in this research from the official website Badan Pusat Statistik, Bank Indonesia, U.S Energy Information Administration(EIA) and yahoofinance. The result of the research shows that in the short term, Inflation, Exchange Rates,Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate, Industrial Production Index and Oil Price have no significant influence against Jakarta Islamic Index. While in the long term, Inflation, Exchange Rates,Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate, Industrial Production Index have signicant influence against Jakarta Islamic Index. Oil price in the long term has no significant influence against Jakarta Islamic Inde

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Volatilitas Harga Saham Pada Emiten Yang Terdaftar Di Jakarta Islamic Index

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu meneliti pengaruh kebijakan dividen, volume perdagangan, volatilitas laba, ukuran Perusahaan dan tingkat hutang terhadap volatilitas harga saham di emiten yang terdaftar di JII dari tahun 2015 sampai 2019. Adapun manfaat dari penelitian ini dalam eksistensi pasar finansial secara global karena dapat mengukur tingkat risiko. Penelitian ini dibantu dengan alat analisis Eviews 10. Regresi data panel dipilih dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa secara individual dividend payout ratio, volume perdagangan dan volatilitas laba secara positif memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan, ukuran Perusahaan secara negatif memiliki pengaruh signifikan, dan tingkat hutang tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap volatilitas harga saham. Secara simultan, variabel dividend payout ratio, volume perdagangan, ukuran Perusahaan, volatilitas laba, dan tingkat hutang signifikan berpengaruh terhadap volatilitas harga saham