137 research outputs found

    In vivo label-free mapping of the effect of a photosystem II inhibiting herbicide in plants using chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime

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    Background In order to better understand and improve the mode of action of agrochemicals, it is useful to be able to visualize their uptake and distribution in vivo, non-invasively and, ideally, in the field. Here we explore the potential of plant autofluorescence (specifically chlorophyll fluorescence) to provide a readout of herbicide action across the scales utilising multiphoton-excited fluorescence lifetime imaging, wide-field single-photon excited fluorescence lifetime imaging and single point fluorescence lifetime measurements via a fibre-optic probe. Results Our studies indicate that changes in chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime can be utilised as an indirect readout of a photosystem II inhibiting herbicide activity in living plant leaves at three different scales: cellular (~ÎŒm), single point (~1 mm2) and macroscopic (~8 × 6 mm2 of a leaf). Multiphoton excited fluorescence lifetime imaging of Triticum aestivum leaves indicated that there is an increase in the spatially averaged chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime of leaves treated with Flagon EC—a photosystem II inhibiting herbicide. The untreated leaf exhibited an average lifetime of 560 ± 30 ps while the leaf imaged 2 h post treatment exhibited an increased lifetime of 2000 ± 440 ps in different fields of view. The results from in vivo wide-field single-photon excited fluorescence lifetime imaging excited at 440 nm indicated an increase in chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime from 521 ps in an untreated leaf to 1000 ps, just 3 min after treating the same leaf with Flagon EC, and to 2150 ps after 27 min. In vivo single point fluorescence lifetime measurements demonstrated a similar increase in chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime. Untreated leaf presented a fluorescence lifetime of 435 ps in the 440 nm excited chlorophyll channel, CH4 (620–710 nm). In the first 5 min after treatment, mean fluorescence lifetime is observed to have increased to 1 ns and then to 1.3 ns after 60 min. For all these in vivo plant autofluorescence lifetime measurements, the plants were not dark-adapted. Conclusions We demonstrate that the local impact of a photosystem II herbicide on living plant leaves can be conveniently mapped in space and time via changes in autofluorescence lifetime, which we attribute to changes in chlorophyll fluorescence. Using portable fibre-optic probe instrumentation originally designed for label-free biomedical applications, this capability could be deployed outside the laboratory for monitoring the distribution of herbicides in growing plants

    In situ chemically specific mapping of agrochemical seed coatings using stimulated Raman scattering microscopy.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley-VCH-Verlag via the DOI in this record.Providing sufficient, healthy food for the increasing global population is putting a great deal of pressure on the agrochemical industry to maximise crop yields without sustaining environmental damage. The growth and yield of every plant with sexual reproduction, depends on germination and emergence of sown seeds, which is affected greatly by seed disease. This can be most effectively controlled by treating seeds with pesticides before they are sown. An effective seed coating treatment requires a high surface coverage and adhesion of active ingredients onto the seed surface and the addition of adhesive agents in coating formulations plays a key role in achieving this. Although adhesive agents are known to enhance seed germination, little is understood about how they affect surface distribution of actives and how formulations can be manipulated to rationally engineer seed coating preparations with optimized coverage and efficacy. We show, for the first time, that stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy can be used to map the seed surface with microscopic spatial resolution and with chemical specificity to identify formulation components distributed on the seed surface. This represents a major advance in our capability to rationally engineer seed coating formulations with enhanced efficacy.We thank the funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, BB/M017915/1 and BB/K013602/1)

    Hepatic Resection Using a Water Jet Dissector

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    The mortality and morbidity in major hepatic resection is often related to hemorrhage. A high pressure, high velocity water jet has been developed and has been utilized to assist in hepatic parenchymal transection. Sixty-seven major hepatic resections were performed for solid hepatic tumors. The tissue fracture technique was used in 51 patients (76%), and the water jet dissector was used predominantly in 16 patients (24%). The extent of hepatic resection using each technique was similar. The results showed no difference in operative duration (p = .499). The mean estimated blood loss using the water jet was 1386 ml, and tissue fracture technique 2450 ml (p = .217). Transfusion requirements were less in the water jet group (mean 2.0 units) compared to the tissue fracture group (mean 5.2 units); (p = .023). Results obtained with the new water dissector are encouraging. The preliminary results suggest that blood loss may be diminished

    The effect of communication between the right and left liver on the outcome of surgical drainage for jaundice due to malignant obstruction at the hilus of the liver

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    Debate continues regarding the optimal management of irresectable malignant proximal biliary obstruction. Controversy exists concerning the ability of unilateral drainage to provide adequate biliary decompression with tumors that have occluded the communication between the right and left hepatic ductal systems. Between October 1986 and October 1989, 18 patients with malignant proximal biliary obstruction were treated by an intrahepatic biliary enteric bypass. Patients were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of a communication between the right and left biliary systems. In Group I (n = 9), there was free communication; and in Group II (n = 9) there was no communication. There were two perioperative deaths (11%) one due to persistent cholangitis and the other to myocardial insufficiency both with one death in each group. The median survival (excluding perioperative deaths) was 5.6 months. Comparison of pre- and postoperative serum levels of bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase showed a significant decrease in each group, but no difference between the groups in the size of the reduction. Sixteen patients survived at least three months and the palliation was judged as excellent in eight, fair in five, and unchanged in three. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of biliary enteric bypass regardless of communication between the left and right biliary ductal systems.H. U. Baer, M. Rhyner, S. C. Stain, P. W. Glauser, A. R. Dennison, G. J. Maddern, and L. H. Blumgar

    From Environmental to Sustainability Programs: A Review of Sustainability Initiatives in the Italian Wine Sector

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    The Italian wine industry is strongly committed to sustainability: the stakeholders' interest for the topic is constantly growing and a wide number of sustainability programs have been launched in recent years, by both private businesses and consortiums. The launch of these initiatives has signaled the commitment of farmers and wine producers to the implementation of sustainability principles in viticulture and wine production, which is a positive signal. Unfortunately, however, the varied design of the sustainability initiatives and the differences in the objectives, methodologies, and proposed tools risks to create confusion, and undermine the positive aspects of these initiatives. In order to bring some clarity to this topic, we herein present a comparison of the most important sustainability programs in the Italian wine sector, with the overall objective of highlighting the opportunity to create synergies between the initiatives and define a common sustainability strategy for the Italian wine sector

    Communication and proximity effects on outcomes attributable to sense of presence in distance bioinformatics education

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Online learning is increasingly popular in medical education and sense of presence has been posited as a factor contributing to its success. Communication media influences on sense of presence and learning outcomes were explored in this study. Test performance and ratings of instruction and technology, factors influenced by sense of presence, are compared under four conditions involving different media and degrees of student physical presence: 1) videoconference co-located, 2) webcast co-located, 3) videoconference dispersed, and 4) webcast dispersed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighty one first to forth year medical students heard a lecture on telemedicine and were asked to collaboratively search a telemedicine website under conditions where the lecture was delivered by videoconference or one way streaming (webcast) and where students were either co-located or dispersed. In the videoconference conditions, co-located students could use the technology to interact with the instructor and could interact with each other face to face, while the dispersed students could use the technology to interact with both the instructor and each other. In the webcast conditions, all students could use chat to communicate with the instructor or each other, although the co-located students also could interact orally. After hearing the lecture, students collaboratively searched a telemedicine website, took a test on lecture-website content and rated the instruction and the technology they used. Test scores on lecture and website content and ratings of instruction and technology for the four conditions were compared with analysis of variance and chi-square tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no significant differences in overall measures, although there were on selected ratings of instruction. Students in both webcast conditions indicated they were encouraged more to follow up on their own and felt instruction was more interactive than co-located videoconferencing students. Dispersed videoconferencing students indicated the highest levels of interaction and there was evidence they interacted more.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results do not strongly support proximity as a sense of presence factor affecting performance and attitudes, but do suggest communication medium may affect interactivity.</p

    Electrophysiological, cognitive and clinical profiles of at-risk mental state: the longitudinal minds in transition (MinT) study

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    The onset of schizophrenia is typically preceded by a prodromal period lasting several years during which sub-threshold symptoms may be identified retrospectively. Clinical interviews are currently used to identify individuals who have an ultra-high risk (UHR) of developing a psychotic illness with a view to provision of interventions that prevent, delay or reduce severity of future mental health issues. The utility of bio-markers as an adjunct in the identification of UHR individuals is not yet established. Several event-related potential measures, especially mismatch-negativity (MMN), have been identified as potential biomarkers for schizophrenia. In this 12-month longitudinal study, demographic, clinical and neuropsychological data were acquired from 102 anti-psychotic naive UHR and 61 healthy controls, of whom 80 UHR and 58 controls provided valid EEG data during a passive auditory task at baseline. Despite widespread differences between UHR and controls on demographic, clinical and neuropsychological measures, MMN and P3a did not differ between these groups. Of 67 UHR at the 12-month follow-up, 7 (10%) had transitioned to a psychotic illness. The statistical power to detect differences between those who did or did not transition was limited by the lower than expected transition rate. ERPs did not predict transition, with trends in the opposite direction to that predicted. In exploratory analysis, the strongest predictors of transition were measures of verbal memory and subjective emotional disturbance.Rebbekah J. Atkinson, W. Ross Fulham, Patricia T. Michie, Philip B. Ward, Juanita Todd, Helen Stain ... et al

    On The Rate and Extent of Drug Delivery to the Brain

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    To define and differentiate relevant aspects of blood–brain barrier transport and distribution in order to aid research methodology in brain drug delivery. Pharmacokinetic parameters relative to the rate and extent of brain drug delivery are described and illustrated with relevant data, with special emphasis on the unbound, pharmacologically active drug molecule. Drug delivery to the brain can be comprehensively described using three parameters: Kp,uu (concentration ratio of unbound drug in brain to blood), CLin (permeability clearance into the brain), and Vu,brain (intra-brain distribution). The permeability of the blood–brain barrier is less relevant to drug action within the CNS than the extent of drug delivery, as most drugs are administered on a continuous (repeated) basis. Kp,uu can differ between CNS-active drugs by a factor of up to 150-fold. This range is much smaller than that for log BB ratios (Kp), which can differ by up to at least 2,000-fold, or for BBB permeabilities, which span an even larger range (up to at least 20,000-fold difference). Methods that measure the three parameters Kp,uu, CLin, and Vu,brain can give clinically valuable estimates of brain drug delivery in early drug discovery programmes

    EstereĂłtipos de gĂȘnero e sexismo ambivalente em adolescentes masculinos de 12 a 16 anos

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    A discriminação e a violĂȘncia contra o gĂȘnero feminino associam-se a representaçÔes distorcidas da mulher. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de mensurar a existĂȘncia de preconceitos nas manifestaçÔes dos estereĂłtipos de gĂȘnero e sexismo ambivalente, em adolescentes masculinos de 12 a 16 anos. Em um estudo transversal, aplicaram-se trĂȘs questionĂĄrios (sociodemogrĂĄfico, Gender stereotyping, InventĂĄrio do Sexismo Ambivalente) a 787 estudantes de 11 escolas pĂșblicas. Nos resultados, detectou-se a presença de estereĂłtipos de gĂȘnero. Houve diferença significante entre alunos de escolas estaduais e municipais e tambĂ©m nos alunos que estudavam em bairros de poder aquisitivo elevado em relação aos demais. O sexismo, tambĂ©m presente, apresentou-se significantemente mais benĂ©volo que hostil. O escore para o componente benĂ©volo variou conforme a escola cursada. O hostil nĂŁo foi influenciado pelas variĂĄveis estudadas. Os achados corroboram a existĂȘncia de estereĂłtipos de gĂȘnero e sexismo ambivalente nos adolescentes masculinos e a necessidade de desenvolvimento de açÔes e polĂ­ticas para sua erradicação.Discrimination and violence against the female gender are associated with distorted representation of women. This paper aims at measuring the existence of prejudice in the manifestations of ambivalent sexism and gender stereotypes in male adolescents aged 12 to 16 years. Three questionnaires (socio-demographic, Gender stereotyping, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory) were applied to 787 students of 11 public schools in a cross-sectional study. The results pointed out to the presence of gender stereotypes. There was a significant difference between students of state and city schools and also between those who studied in neighborhoods presenting a higher economic status in comparison to the others. Sexism presented itself significantly more benevolent than hostile. The score to the benevolent component varied according to the attended school, while the hostile one was not influenced by the studied variables. These results corroborate the existence of gender stereotypes and ambivalent sexism in male adolescents and the necessity of developing actions and policies to their eradication
