14 research outputs found

    Role of Operon aaoSo-mutT in Antioxidant Defense in Streptococcus oligofermentans

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    Previously, we have found that an insertional inactivation of aaoSo, a gene encoding L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO), causes marked repression of the growth of Streptococcus oligofermentans. Here, we found that aaoSo and mutT, a homolog of pyrophosphohydrolase gene of Escherichia coli, constituted an operon. Deletion of either gene did not impair the growth of S. oligofermentans, but double deletion of both aaoSo and mutT was lethal. Quantitative PCR showed that the transcript abundance of mutT was reduced for 13-fold in the aaoSo insertional mutant, indicating that gene polarity derived from the inactivation of aaoSo attenuated the expression of mutT. Enzymatic assays were conducted to determine the biochemical functions of LAAO and MutT of S. oligofermentans. The results indicated that LAAO functioned as an aminoacetone oxidase [47.75 nmol H2O2 (min·mg protein)–1]; and MutT showed the pyrophosphohydrolase activity, which removed mutagens such as 8-oxo-dGTP. Like paraquat, aaoSo mutations increased the expression of SOD, and addition of aminoacetone (final concentration, 5 mM) decreased the mutant’s growth by 11%, indicating that the aaoSo mutants are under ROS stress. HPLC did reveal elevated levels of cytoplasmic aminoacetone in both the deletion and insertional gene mutants of aaoSo. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy showed increased hydroxyl radicals in both types of aaoSo mutant. This demonstrated that inactivation of aaoSo caused the elevation of the prooxidant aminoacetone, resulting the cellular ROS stress. Our study indicates that the presence of both LAAO and MutT can prevent endogenous metabolites-generated ROS and mutagens. In this way, we were able to determine the role of the aaoSo-mutT operon in antioxidant defense in S. oligofermentans

    A complex thiolate switch regulates the Bacillus subtilis organic peroxide sensor OhrR

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    Oxidation of protein thiolates is central to numerous redox-regulated processes. Bacillus subtilis OhrR is an organic peroxide sensor that represses expression of an inducible peroxiredoxin, OhrA. Here, we present evidence that oxidation of the sole cysteine residue in OhrR leads to a sulfenic acid-containing intermediate that retains DNA-binding activity: further reaction to generate either a mixed disulfide (S-thiolation) or a protein sulfenamide (sulfenyl-amide) derivative is essential for derepression. Protein S-thiolation protects OhrR from overoxidation and provides for a facile regeneration of active OhrR by thiol–disulfide exchange reactions. The sulfenamide can also be reduced by thiol–disulfide exchange reactions, although this process is much slower than for mixed disulfides. Recovery of oxidized OhrR from B. subtilis identifies three distinct S-thiolated species, including mixed disulfides with a novel 398-Da thiol, cysteine, and CoASH. Evidence for in vivo formation of the sulfenamide derivative is also presented

    Posttranslational control of transcription factor FixK2, a key regulator for the Bradyrhizobium japonicum–soybean symbiosis

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    Rhizobial FixK-like proteins play essential roles in activating genes for endosymbiotic life in legume root nodules, such as genes for micro-oxic respiration. In the facultative soybean symbiont, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, the FixK2 protein is the key player in a complex regulatory network. The fixK2 gene itself is activated by the 2-component regulatory system FixLJ in response to a moderate decrease of the oxygen tension, and the FixK2 protein distributes and amplifies this response to the level of approximately 200 target genes. Unlike other members of the cAMP receptor protein family, to which FixK2 belongs, the FixK2 protein does not appear to be modulated by small effector molecules. Here, we show that a critical, single cysteine residue (C183) near the DNA-binding domain of FixK2 confers sensitivity to oxidizing agents and reactive oxygen species. Oxidation-dependent inactivation occurs not only in vitro, as shown with cell-free transcription assays, but also in vivo, as shown by microarray-assisted transcriptome analysis of the FixK2 regulon. The oxidation mechanism may involve a reversible dimerization by intermolecular disulfide-bridge formation and a direct, irreversible oxidation at the cysteine thiol, depending on the oxidizing agent. Mutational exchange of C183 to alanine renders FixK2 resistant to oxidation, yet allows full activity, shown again both in vitro and in vivo. We hypothesize that posttranslational modification by reactive oxygen species is a means to counterbalance the cellular pool of active FixK2, which would otherwise fill unrestrictedly through FixLJ-dependent synthesis

    Bacillithiol is an antioxidant thiol produced in Bacilli

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    Glutathione is a nearly ubiquitous low-molecular-weight thiol and antioxidant, although it is conspicuously absent from most Gram-positive bacteria. We identify here the structure of bacillithiol, a novel and abundant thiol produced by Bacillus species, Staphylococcus aureus, and Deinococcus radiodurans. Bacillithiol is the α-anomeric glycoside of l-cysteinyl-d-glucosamine with l-malic acid and likely functions as an antioxidant. Bacillithiol, like structurally similar mycothiol, may serve as a substitute for glutathione