811 research outputs found

    Solving Elliptic Eigenproblems with Adaptive Multimesh hp-FEM

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    This paper proposes a novel adaptive higher-order nite element (hp-FEM) method for solving elliptic eigenvalue problems, where n eigenpairs are calculated simultaneously, but on individual higher-order nite element meshes. The meshes are automatically hp-rened independently of each other, with the goal to use an optimal mesh sequence for each eigenfunction. The method and the adaptive algorithm are described in detail. Numerical examples clearly demonstrate the superiority of the novel method over the standard approach where all eigenfunctions are approximated on the same nite element mesh

    Extraordinary Magnetoresistance in Hybrid Semiconductor-Metal Systems

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    We show that extraordinary magnetoresistance (EMR) arises in systems consisting of two components; a semiconducting ring with a metallic inclusion embedded. The im- portant aspect of this discovery is that the system must have a quasi-two-dimensional character. Using the same materials and geometries for the samples as in experiments by Solin et al.[1;2], we show that such systems indeed exhibit a huge magnetoresistance. The magnetoresistance arises due to the switching of electrical current paths passing through the metallic inclusion. Diagrams illustrating the flow of the current density within the samples are utilised in discussion of the mechanism responsible for the magnetoresistance effect. Extensions are then suggested which may be applicable to the silver chalcogenides. Our theory offers an excellent description and explanation of experiments where a huge magnetoresistance has been discovered[2;3].Comment: 12 Pages, 5 Figure

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem Based Learning) Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Kompleks Oleh Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Sei Kanan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/ 2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem Based Learning) Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Kompleks oleh Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Sei Kanan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Sei Kanan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015 yang terdiri dari 5 (lima) kelas yang berjumlah 138 orang. Dari populasi tersebut diambil sampel penelitian sebanyak 35 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah secara random sampling. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode quasi eksperimen (eksperimen semu) dengan desain one group pre-test post-test design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah termasuk dalam kategori cukup dengan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa adalah 63,29, sedangkan kemampuan siswa menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks sesudah menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa adalah 75,14. Selanjutnya pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan (4,68) > (2,00) pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05. Dengan ditolak dan diterima, berarti ada Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem Based Learning) Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Kompleks Oleh Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Sei Kanan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks sesudah menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah lebih baik daripada hasil pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Dan proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks

    The Islamic Ideology of Indonesian Linguistic Politeness

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    - This article is aimed at describing the ideology of Islam in the Indonesian linguistic politeness system. The population was the emails posted to the mailing list by the members of Indonesian Moslem Society in America (IMSA) and the topic of discussion was Islam. The reason for choosing the topic is that it has potential to reveal expressions of linguistic politeness even as it encourages participation of the members, since it is a topic of interest to everyone. The sample was the email threads triggered by an article entitled ‘Mendeteksi virus liberal' (Detecting the liberal virus), which followed by four, more-focused topics of discussion derived from the first, chronologically: Kaca retak (Cracked mirror), Apakah Islam Agama yang Sempurna? (Is Islam a Perfect Religion), Apakah status ke-Islam-an JJ? (Is JJ a good Muslim?); and Memutus Rantai Permusuhan (Breaking the chain of enmity) which cover 57 emails during the period of April 26, 2011 to Mei 16, 2011 and written by 25 members of the IMSA. The method of study was discourse analysis by following the procedure such as: a) Identifying the expressions of disagreement; b) Identifying politeness strategies used; c) Classifying the politeness strategies; d) Identifying dispreferred utterances; e) Classifying dispreferred utterances: and f) Finding out the ideology of Islam in Indonesian linguistic politeness system. The findings show that the politeness strategies used are: a) professing personal-inadequacy on the matter at hand; b) posing questions; c) referring to Al Qur'an/Al Hadits and the precedents set by other pious Muslims; and d) complimenting, honouring, and praying for one another. Dispreferred utterances include: a) those who complimenting themselves; b) those who criticize others, making jokes on others, gossiping others, and making the situation more critical; and c) those who threaten others. The ideology of Islam that lies behind linguistic politeness is: a) the ideology of “watawa shaubil haq watawa shaubish shabr'', an Arabic phrase meaning ‘Muslims must point one another towards the truth and they must do it patiently'; b) The ideology that implies that linguistic politeness is not only concerned with the present but is believed to have consequences for the hereafter; and c) The ideology which believe linguistic politeness does not merely concern communication and living in harmony with others, as previous theories suggest, but more importantly it concerns with keeping Muslim brotherhood and with one's self-actualization as obedient to God. It is suggested for future researchers to compare the findings with data from oral communication. Keywords : Islamic ideology, Indonesian language, politenessPaper Type: Research Pape

    The Effect of Transfer Printing on Pentacene Thin-Film Crystal Structure

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    The thermal deposition and transfer Printing method had been used to produce pentacene thin-films on SiO2/Si and plastic substrates (PMMA and PVP), respectively. X-ray diffraction patterns of pentacene thin films showed reflections associated with highly ordered polycrystalline films and a coexistence of two polymorph phases classified by their d-spacing, d(001): 14.4 and 15.4 A.The dependence of the c-axis correlation length and the phase fraction on the film thickness and printing temperature were measured. A transition from the 15.4 A phase towards 14.4 A phase was also observed with increasing film thickness. An increase in the c-axis correlation length of approximately 12% ~16% was observed for Pn films transfer printed onto a PMMA coated PET substrate at 100~120 C as compared to as-grown Pn films on SiO2/Si substrates. The transfer printing method is shown to be an attractive for the fabrication of pentacene thin-film transistors on flexible substrates partly because of the resulting improvement in the quality of the pentacene film.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure