77 research outputs found

    Baznas Social Responsibility and Free Health Program in Karanganyar, Central Java

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    BACKGROUND: Free health program in Karanganyar District, Central Java, have not been implemented optimally by the government. The community did not feel the expected benefits from this program. However, there has been an increasing awareness among moslems in Karanganyar to channel their income and wealth with zakat, infak, and sodaqoh, in order to help the poor in the community. Baznas is an instutional fund collected and accumulated by moslems to be distributed and utilized by the poor segment of the community. This fund can be used to finance free health care program. This study aimed to describe BAZNAS as social responsebi-lity in the form of health program in Karanganya, East Java. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a qualitative study conducted in Karanganyar, East Java. The data were collected by interview, observation, and document review. RESULTS: BAZNAS was a form of social responsibility that has some positive impacts on the community as follow: 1) Build confidence; 2) Strengthen solidarity; 3) Expand network; 4) Maximize fund collection; and 5) Redistribute income and wealth within a community. CONCLUSION: BAZNAS can be used as sources of financing free health care program for the poor in the community. It enhances solidarity and fairness of income distribution within the community. Keywords: BAZNAS, social responsibility, free health car

    Performance of Oxfendazole in Nematode-Infected Post-Weaning Lamb on Pasture

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    A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of drug anthelmintic intensity oxfendazole against gastrointestinal nematode worm infections in weaned lambs. Experiments conducted on 18 lambs weaned off, randomly divided into 3 groups namely P0: grazed sheep, untreated as controls, P1: grazed sheep treated with oxfendazole, and P2: un-grazed sheep, not treated with oxfendazole. The total worm eggs per gram (TEG) in the feces until 9 weeks before treatment 9 with no significant differences (P0.05), means that the grazing treatment oxofendale treatment have real impact on the intensity of infection at week 9 post-treatment. This is related to the maturing of young worms and the intensity of infection depends on the influence of time outside the body of sheep. Of total plasma protein (TPP) and packed cell volume (PCV) until week 12 showed that antibiotic treatment measures and grazing is very real effect (P0.05). Means treatment with oxfendazole helminthic very real effect on total plasma protein and packed cell volume in both the shepherd and the sheep who did not shepherd. (Animal Production 12(1): 39-43 (2010)Key Words: oxfendazole, grazing and gastrointestinale nemato

    Analisa Pengaruh Hedonic Dan Utilitarian Value Terhadap Repurchase Intention Pada Industri Pusat Kebugaran Kelas Menengah Atas Di Sidoarjo

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    An increasing rate of Indonesian economic growth has pushed the middle class people to the greater number. This condition also makes the middle class consumers to become more consumptive, especially on the need for leisure. This consumptive behavior can be traced by exhibiting the growth of the middle class fitness center, which is significantly faster than the exclusive one. There are two attributes to define how the consumptive behavior works in the middle class fitness center, it is by using hedonic value and utilitarian value as the primary consideration of buying process. The researcher hypothesized that those two different attributes have direct relationships to customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, as this paper would reveal the truth of those ideas. This research uses Partial Least Square (PLS) to analyze the relationships between the variables. Also, there are 120 respondents involved to gather the data

    Frequency of Exercise Impacts on Body Weight of Obese Women

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    Obesity is weight that is higher than what is considered as healthy weight for a given height. This caused lot of difficulties including health complications. The aim of study is to find the relation between frequency of exercise in a week and total body weight loss in obese women. Total of 40 participants with age 35 years old who obese, selected within 3 neighborhood areas and joined according to their selected program at the same place which is Masjid Kampung Melayu Majidee’s court. There is strong positive correlation with Pearson’s correlation of 0.8338. Thus, our study confirmed the relation between frequency of exercises in a week and total body weight loss.Â

    Logic Algorithm for contour following task: An evaluation using Adept SCARA Robot

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    This paper presents the performance evaluation of logic algorithms for contourfollowing task in order to automate the manual programming process. The main objective of this work is to evaluate and compare the performance of single logic and dual sensor logic algorithmsfor autonomous contourfollowing in industrial robot. Thosi atgorithms have been implemented using Adept SCAM robot. The algorithms were tested on a semicircle object o/ 40 millimeter radius. The result shows mean of error and standard deviation value of single logic algorithm is a bit lower than clual sensar logic algorithtn

    Model Pembelajaran Terpadu Modifikasi Wolfinger di Sekolah Dasar

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    Model pembelajaran terpadu modifikasi Wolfinger adalah model pembelajaran terpadu (integrated learning) yang berkaitan dengan kurikulum terpadu (integrated curriculum). Kurikulum terpadu menggabungkan sejumlah disiplin ilmu melalui pemaduan isi, ketrampilan dan sikap. Model pembelajaran terpadu modifikasi Wolfinger di sekolah dasar menjadi strategi pembelajaran bahasa asing yang memusatkan keterpaduan ketrampilan berbahasa. Penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa sekolah dasar masih rendah, khususnya pemahaman siswa pada bahasa Inggris. Guru perlu menciptakan model pembelajaran yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan model pembelajaran terpadu modifikasi Wolfinger pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar. Responden terdiri dari delapan siswa kelas IV Sekolah Alam Bengawan Solo Kabupaten Klaten. Model pembelajaran terpadu modifikasi Wolfinger sebagai suatu konsep dapat diartikan sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan beberapa mata pelajaran untuk memberikan pengalaman bermakna kepada siswa. Siswa mampu memahami konsep yang dipelajari melalui pengalaman langsung lalu menghubungkannya dengan konsep lain yang sudah dipahami. Melalui langkah-langkah model pembelajaran terpadu modifkasi Wolfinger, siswa dirangsang untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa disertai dengan tindakan pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di lingkungan sekolahnya. Siswa yang memiliki banyak penguasaan kosakata lebih mudah menguasai keterampilan berbahasa lain. Guru sekolah dasar dapat memadukan keterampilan bahasa Inggris dengan pelajaran lain

    Efektivitas Frekuensi dan Volume Penyemprotan Daun dengan Agens Hayati Filosfer dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Tanaman dan Hasil Padi

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    Increased of plant productivity in field determined by the use of quality seed from improved variety. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of frequency and volume of phyllosphere biological agents by foliar spray on rice plant infected by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) in improving plant growth, production of rice seed, and controlling bacterial leaf blight (BLB). This research was conducted at Seed Health Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University, and Muara Experimental Field, Rice Research Institute, March through September 2014. The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with two factors, and replicates as blocks. The first factor was five levels of frequency of spraying with biological agents: P0 = control, P1 = Xoo seed inoculated then invigorated with biomatriconditioning, P2 = Xoo inoculated seed, then biomatriconditioned, and the plants were sprayed with phyllosphere biological agents F112 once, P3 = as P2, and the plants were sprayed with F112 twice, and P4 = as P2, and the plants were sprayed with F112 three times. The second factor was three levels of spray volume: i.e., 300, 400, and 500 L ha-1. Result of this experiment revealed that biomatriconditioning with rhizobacteria P. diminuta A6 and B. subtilis 5/B improved field emergence and seedling dry weight. Seeds applied with biomatriconditioning then followed by foliar spray with phyllosphere bacteria F112 at 40, 60, and 80 days after transplanting effectively reduced severity of BLB, increased plant dry weight and seed yield. All treatments increased yield as compared to untreated control. Volume of foliar application showed no significant difference, therefore, the lowest volume of 300 L ha-1 was recommended

    Exploring Baba and Nyonya culture via multiple image lenses : food travellers’ perspective / Jason M. S. Lam...[et al.]

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    This study applies a multidimensional approach in the context of Baba and Nyonya cuisine. A total of 209 international food tourists were surveyed in Malacca, Malaysia. The results derived from structural equation modelling empirically confirmed that the cognitive image dimensions of safety, uniqueness and family-oriented significantly and positively influenced both affective and conative images. However, the cognitive image dimension of variety only partially influenced affective image, but not a conative image, while the cognitive image of cooking methods did not show any significant effects on the affective nor conative image. Finally, affective image dimensions significantly and positively influenced the conative image. Relevant implications, limitations, and suggestions for future studies for Baba and Nyonya cuisine also discussed
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