23 research outputs found

    Balancing Wargames through Predicting Unit Point Costs

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    In tactical wargames, such as Warhammer 40K, two or more players control asymmetrical armies that include multiple units of different types and strengths. In these type of games, unit are assigned point costs, which are used to ensure that all players will control armies of similar strength. Players are provided with a total budget of points they can spend to purchase units that will be part of their army lists. Calculating the point value of individual units is a tedious manual process, which often requires long play-testing sessions and iterations of adjustments. In this paper, we propose an automated way of predicting these point costs using a linear regression approach. We use a multi-unit, turn-based, non-balanced game that has three asymmetric armies. We use Monte Carlo Tree Search agents to simulate the players, using different heuristics to emulate playing strategies. We present six different variants of our unit-point prediction algorithm, and we show how our best variant is able to almost reduce the unbalanced nature of the game by half

    Convolutional-Match Networks for Question Answering

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    In this paper, we present a simple, yet effective, attention and memory mechanism that is reminis- cent of Memory Networks and we demonstrate it in question-answering scenarios. Our mechanism is based on four simple premises: a) memories can be formed from word sequences by using convo- lutional networks; b) distance measurements can be taken at a neuronal level; c) a recursive soft- max function can be used for attention; d) extensive weight sharing can help profoundly. We achieve state-of-the-art results in the bAbI tasks, outper- forming Memory Networks and the Differentiable Neural Computer, both in terms of accuracy and stability (i.e. variance) of results

    Match memory recurrent networks

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    Imbuing neural networks with memory and attention mechanisms allows for better generalisation with fewer data samples. By focusing only on the relevant parts of data, which is encoded in an internal 'memory' format, the network is able to infer better and more reliable patterns. Most neuronal attention mechanisms are based on internal networks structures that impose a similarity metric (e.g., dot-product), followed by some (soft-)max operator. In this paper, we propose a novel attention method based on a function between neuron activities, which we term a 'match function', which is augmented by a recursive softmax function. We evaluate the algorithm on the bAbI question answering dataset and show that it has stronger performance when only one memory hop is used in both terms of average score and in terms the number of solved questions. Furthermore, with three memory hops, our algorithm can solve 12/20 benchmark questions using 1000 training samples per task. This is an improvement on the previous state of the art of 9/20 solved questions, which was held by end-to-end memory networks

    General video game AI: Competition, challenges, and opportunities

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    The General Video Game AI framework and competition pose the problem of creating artificial intelligence that can play a wide, and in principle unlimited, range of games. Concretely, it tackles the problem of devising an algorithm that is able to play any game it is given, even if the game is not known a priori. This area of study can be seen as an approximation of General Artificial Intelligence, with very little room for game-dependent heuristics. This short paper summarizes the motivation, infrastructure, results and future plans of General Video Game AI, stressing the findings and first conclusions drawn after two editions of our competition, and outlining our future plans

    Decoding machine learning benchmarks

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    Despite the availability of benchmark machine learning (ML) repositories (e.g., UCI, OpenML), there is no standard evaluation strategy yet capable of pointing out which is the best set of datasets to serve as gold standard to test different ML algorithms. In recent studies, Item Response Theory (IRT) has emerged as a new approach to elucidate what should be a good ML benchmark. This work applied IRT to explore the well-known OpenML-CC18 benchmark to identify how suitable it is on the evaluation of classifiers. Several classifiers ranging from classical to ensembles ones were evaluated using IRT models, which could simultaneously estimate dataset difficulty and classifiers' ability. The Glicko-2 rating system was applied on the top of IRT to summarize the innate ability and aptitude of classifiers. It was observed that not all datasets from OpenML-CC18 are really useful to evaluate classifiers. Most datasets evaluated in this work (84%) contain easy instances in general (e.g., around 10% of difficult instances only). Also, 80% of the instances in half of this benchmark are very discriminating ones, which can be of great use for pairwise algorithm comparison, but not useful to push classifiers abilities. This paper presents this new evaluation methodology based on IRT as well as the tool decodIRT, developed to guide IRT estimation over ML benchmarks.Comment: Paper published at the BRACIS 2020 conference, 15 pages, 4 figure

    Virtual player design using self-learning via competitive coevolutionary algorithms

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    The Google Artificial Intelligence (AI) Challenge is an international contest the objective of which is to program the AI in a two-player real time strategy (RTS) game. This AI is an autonomous computer program that governs the actions that one of the two players executes during the game according to the state of play. The entries are evaluated via a competition mechanism consisting of two-player rounds where each entry is tested against others. This paper describes the use of competitive coevolutionary (CC) algorithms for the automatic generation of winning game strategies in Planet Wars, the RTS game associated with the 2010 contest. Three different versions of a prime algorithm have been tested. Their common nexus is not only the use of a Hall-of-Fame (HoF) to keep note of the winners of past coevolutions but also the employment of an archive of experienced players, termed the hall-of-celebrities (HoC), that puts pressure on the optimization process and guides the search to increase the strength of the solutions; their differences come from the periodical updating of the HoF on the basis of quality and diversity metrics. The goal is to optimize the AI by means of a self-learning process guided by coevolutionary search and competitive evaluation. An empirical study on the performance of a number of variants of the proposed algorithms is described and a statistical analysis of the results is conducted. In addition to the attainment of competitive bots we also conclude that the incorporation of the HoC inside the primary algorithm helps to reduce the effects of cycling caused by the use of HoF in CC algorithms.This work is partially supported by Spanish MICINN under Project ANYSELF (TIN2011-28627-C04-01),3 by Junta de Andalucía under Project P10-TIC-6083 (DNEMESIS) and by Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Emotional Sentence Annotation Helps Predict Fiction Genre

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    Fiction, a prime form of entertainment, has evolved into multiple genres which one can broadly attribute to different forms of stories. In this paper, we examine the hypothesis that works of fiction can be characterised by the emotions they portray. To investigate this hypothesis, we use the work of fictions in the Project Gutenberg and we attribute basic emotional content to each individual sentence using Ekman’s model. A time-smoothed version of the emotional content for each basic emotion is used to train extremely randomized trees. We show through 10-fold Cross-Validation that the emotional content of each work of fiction can help identify each genre with significantly higher probability than random. We also show that the most important differentiator between genre novels is fear

    Monte-Carlo Tree Search for the Physical Travelling Salesman Problem

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    The significant success of MCTS in recent years, particularly in the game Go, has led to the application of MCTS to numerous other domains. In an ongoing effort to better understand the performance of MCTS in open-ended real-time video games, we apply MCTS to the Physical Travelling Salesman Problem (PTSP). We discuss different approaches to tailor MCTS to this particular problem domain and subsequently identify and attempt to overcome some of the apparent shortcomings. Results show that suitable heuristics can boost the performance of MCTS significantly in this domain. However, visualisations of the search indicate that MCTS is currently seeking solutions in a rather greedy manner, and coercing it to balance short term and long term constraints for the PTSP remains an open problem. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Monte Mario

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