152 research outputs found

    Attention to speech and music in young children with bilateral cochlear implants: a pupillometry study

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    Early bilateral cochlear implants (CIs) may enhance attention to speech, and reduce cognitive load in noisy environments. However, it is sometimes difficult to measure speech perception and listening effort, especially in very young children. Behavioral measures cannot always be obtained in young/uncooperative children, whereas objective measures are either difficult to assess or do not reliably correlate with behavioral measures. Recent studies have thus explored pupillometry as a possible objective measure. Here, pupillometry is introduced to assess attention to speech and music in noise in very young children with bilateral CIs (N = 14, age: 17–47 months), and in the age-matched group of normally-hearing (NH) children (N = 14, age: 22–48 months). The results show that the response to speech was affected by the presence of background noise only in children with CIs, but not NH children. Conversely, the presence of background noise altered pupil response to music only in in NH children. We conclude that whereas speech and music may receive comparable attention in comparable listening conditions, in young children with CIs, controlling for background noise affects attention to speech and speech processing more than in NH children. Potential implementations of the results for rehabilitation procedures are discussed

    The orexigenic hormone acyl-ghrelin increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis and enhances pattern separation.

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    An important link exists between intact metabolic processes and normal cognitive functioning; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. There is accumulating evidence that the gut hormone ghrelin, an orexigenic peptide that is elevated during calorie restriction (CR) and known primarily for stimulating growth hormone release, has important extra-hypothalamic functions, such as enhancing synaptic plasticity and hippocampal neurogenesis. The present study was designed to evaluate the long-term effects of elevating acyl-ghrelin levels, albeit within the physiological range, on the number of new adult born neurons in the dentate gyrus (DG) and performance on the Spontaneous Location Recognition (SLR) task, previously shown to be DG-dependent and sensitive to manipulations of plasticity mechanisms and cell proliferation. The results revealed that peripheral treatment of rats with acyl-ghrelin enhanced both adult hippocampal neurogenesis and performance on SLR when measured 8-10 days after the end of acyl-ghrelin treatment. Our data show that systemic administration of physiological levels of acyl-ghrelin can produce long-lasting improvements in spatial memory that persist following the end of treatment. As ghrelin is potentially involved in regulating the relationship between metabolic and cognitive dysfunction in ageing and neurodegenerative disease, elucidating the underlying mechanisms holds promise for identifying novel therapeutic targets and modifiable lifestyle factors that may have beneficial effects on the brain.This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (grant G0902250/94306), The Royal Society and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant BB/G019002/1).This is the final version. It was first published by Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030645301400399

    Chondroitin 6-sulphate is required for neuroplasticity and memory in ageing

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    Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan-containing structures on the neuronal surface that have been implicated in the control of neuroplasticity and memory. Age-related reduction of chondroitin 6-sulphates (C6S) leads to PNNs becoming more inhibitory. Here, we investigated whether manipulation of the chondroitin sulphate (CS) composition of the PNNs could restore neuroplasticity and alleviate memory deficits in aged mice. We first confirmed that aged mice (20-months) showed memory and plasticity deficits. They were able to retain or regain their cognitive ability when CSs were digested or PNNs were attenuated. We then explored the role of C6S in memory and neuroplasticity. Transgenic deletion of chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase (chst3) led to a reduction of permissive C6S, simulating aged brains. These animals showed very early memory loss at 11 weeks old. Importantly, restoring C6S levels in aged animals rescued the memory deficits and restored cortical long-term potentiation, suggesting a strategy to improve age-related memory impairment

    False recognition in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease: rescue with sensory restriction and memantine.

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    Alzheimer's disease is commonly regarded as a loss of memory for past events. However, patients with Alzheimer's disease seem not only to forget events but also to express false confidence in remembering events that have never happened. How and why false recognition occurs in such patients is currently unknown, and treatments targeting this specific mnemonic abnormality have not been attempted. Here, we used a modified object recognition paradigm to show that the tgCRND8 mouse-which overexpresses amyloid β and develops amyloid plaques similar to those in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease-exhibits false recognition. Furthermore, we found that false recognition did not occur when tgCRND8 mice were kept in a dark, quiet chamber during the delay, paralleling previous findings in patients with mild cognitive impairment, which is often considered to be prodromal Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, false recognition did not occur when mice were treated with the partial N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptor antagonist memantine. In a subsequent experiment, we found abnormally enhanced N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptor-dependent long-term depression in these mice, which could be normalized by treatment with memantine. We suggest that Alzheimer's disease typical amyloid β pathology leads to aberrant synaptic plasticity, thereby making memory representations more susceptible to interfering sensory input, thus increasing the likelihood of false recognition. Parallels between these findings and those from the literature on Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment suggest a mechanism underlying false recognition in these patients. The false recognition phenomenon may provide a novel paradigm for the discovery of potential therapies to treat the mnemonic dysfunction characteristic of this disease

    Calorie restriction activates new adult born olfactory‐bulb neurones in a ghrelin‐dependent manner but acyl‐ghrelin does not enhance subventricular zone neurogenesis

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    The ageing and degenerating brain show deficits in neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) plasticity that are accompanied by impairments in olfactory discrimination. Emerging evidence suggests that the gut hormone ghrelin plays an important role in protecting neurones, promoting synaptic plasticity and increasing hippocampal neurogenesis in the adult brain. In the present study, we investigated the role of ghrelin with respect to modulating adult subventricular zone (SVZ) NSPCs that give rise to new olfactory bulb (OB) neurones. We characterised the expression of the ghrelin receptor, growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR), using an immunohistochemical approach in GHSR‐eGFP reporter mice to show that GHSR is expressed in several regions, including the OB but not in the SVZ of the lateral ventricle. These data suggest that acyl‐ghrelin does not mediate a direct effect on NSPC in the SVZ. Consistent with these findings, treatment with acyl‐ghrelin or genetic silencing of GHSR did not alter NSPC proliferation within the SVZ. Similarly, using a bromodeoxyuridine pulse‐chase approach, we show that peripheral treatment of adult rats with acyl‐ghrelin did not increase the number of new adult‐born neurones in the granule cell layer of the OB. These data demonstrate that acyl‐ghrelin does not increase adult OB neurogenesis. Finally, we investigated whether elevating ghrelin indirectly, via calorie restriction (CR), regulated the activity of new adult‐born cells in the OB. Overnight CR induced c‐Fos expression in new adult‐born OB cells but not in developmentally born cells, whereas neuronal activity was absent following re‐feeding. These effects were not present in ghrelin−/− mice, suggesting that adult‐born cells are uniquely sensitive to changes in ghrelin mediated by fasting and re‐feeding. In summary, ghrelin does not promote neurogenesis in the SVZ and OB; however, new adult‐born OB cells are activated by CR in a ghrelin‐dependent manner

    Stress-inducible phosphoprotein 1 (HOP/STI1/STIP1) regulates the accumulation and toxicity of α-synuclein in vivo

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    The predominantly pre-synaptic intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein is prone to misfolding and aggregation in synucleinopathies, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Molecular chaperones play important roles in protein misfolding diseases and members of the chaperone machinery are often deposited in Lewy bodies. Here, we show that the Hsp90 co-chaperone STI1 co-immunoprecipitated α-synuclein, and co-deposited with Hsp90 and Hsp70 in insoluble protein fractions in two mouse models of α-synuclein misfolding. STI1 and Hsp90 also co-localized extensively with filamentous S129 phosphorylated α-synuclein in ubiquitin-positive inclusions. In PD human brains, STI1 transcripts were increased, and in neurologically healthy brains, STI1 and α-synuclein transcripts correlated. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyses revealed direct interaction of α-synuclein with STI1 and indicated that the STI1 TPR2A, but not TPR1 or TPR2B domains, interacted with the C-terminal domain of α-synuclein. In vitro, the STI1 TPR2A domain facilitated S129 phosphorylation by Polo-like kinase 3. Moreover, mice over-expressing STI1 and Hsp90ß presented elevated α-synuclein S129 phosphorylation accompanied by inclusions when injected with α-synuclein pre-formed fibrils. In contrast, reduced STI1 function decreased protein inclusion formation, S129 α-synuclein phosphorylation, while mitigating motor and cognitive deficits as well as mesoscopic brain atrophy in α-synuclein-over-expressing mice. Our findings reveal a vicious cycle in which STI1 facilitates the generation and accumulation of toxic α-synuclein conformers, while α-synuclein-induced proteostatic stress increased insoluble STI1 and Hsp90

    The Efficacy of Emamectin Benzoate against Infestations of Lepeophtheirus salmonis on Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L) in Scotland, 2002–2006

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    Infestations of the parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus salmonis, commonly referred to as sea lice, represent a major challenge to commercial salmon aquaculture. Dependence on a limited number of theraputants to control such infestations has led to concerns of reduced sensitivity in some sea lice populations. This study investigates trends in the efficacy of the in-feed treatment emamectin benzoate in Scotland, the active ingredient most widely used across all salmon producing regions. Study data were drawn from over 50 commercial Atlantic salmon farms on the west coast of Scotland between 2002 and 2006. An epi-informatics approach was adopted whereby available farm records, descriptive epidemiological summaries and statistical linear modelling methods were used to identify factors that significantly affect sea lice abundance following treatment with emamectin benzoate (SLICEH, Schering Plough Animal Health). The results show that although sea lice infestations are reduced following the application of emamectin benzoate, not all treatments are effective. Specifically there is evidence of variation across geographical regions and a reduction in efficacy over time. Reduced sensitivity and potential resistance to currently available medicines are constant threats to maintaining control of sea lice populations on Atlantic salmon farms. There is a need for on-going monitoring of emamectin benzoate treatment efficacy together with reasons for any apparent reduction in performance. In addition, strategic rotation of medicines should be encouraged and empirical evidence for the benefit of such strategies more fully evaluated

    Calpain inhibition mediates autophagy-dependent protection against polyglutamine toxicity.

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    Over recent years, accumulated evidence suggests that autophagy induction is protective in animal models of a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Intense research in the field has elucidated different pathways through which autophagy can be upregulated and it is important to establish how modulation of these pathways impacts upon disease progression in vivo and therefore which, if any, may have further therapeutic relevance. In addition, it is important to understand how alterations in these target pathways may affect normal physiology when constitutively modulated over a long time period, as would be required for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Here we evaluate the potential protective effect of downregulation of calpains. We demonstrate, in Drosophila, that calpain knockdown protects against the aggregation and toxicity of proteins, like mutant huntingtin, in an autophagy-dependent fashion. Furthermore, we demonstrate that, overexpression of the calpain inhibitor, calpastatin, increases autophagosome levels and is protective in a mouse model of Huntington's disease, improving motor signs and delaying the onset of tremors. Importantly, long-term inhibition of calpains did not result in any overt deleterious phenotypes in mice. Thus, calpain inhibition, or activation of autophagy pathways downstream of calpains, may be suitable therapeutic targets for diseases like Huntington's disease.This is the published version of the manuscript. It is available online from NPG in Cell Death and Differentiaiton here: http://www.nature.com/cdd/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/cdd2014151a.html

    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: epidemiological trends and controversies in treatment

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus has the widest geographic range of all tick-borne viruses and is endemic in more than 30 countries in Eurasia and Africa. Over the past decade, new foci have emerged or re-emerged in the Balkans and neighboring areas. Here we discuss the factors influencing CCHF incidence and focus on the main issue of the use of ribavirin for treating this infection. Given the dynamics of CCHF emergence in the past decade, development of new anti-viral drugs and a vaccine is urgently needed to treat and prevent this acute, life-threatening disease

    Multiple Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Strains Are Associated with Disease Outbreaks in Sudan, 2008–2009

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    The tick-borne virus which causes the disease Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is known to be widely distributed throughout much of Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southern Russia. Humans contract the virus from contact with infected people, infected animals (which do not show symptoms), and from the bite of infected ticks. CCHF was recently recognized in the Sudan when several hospital staff and patients died from the disease in a rural hospital. The genetic analysis of viruses associated with the 2008 and 2009 outbreaks shows that several CCHF viral strains currently circulate and cause human outbreaks in the Sudan, highlighting CCHF virus as an emerging pathogen. The Sudanese strains are similar to others circulating in Africa, indicating movement of virus over large distances with introduction and disease outbreaks in rural areas possible. Understanding the epidemiology of zoonotic diseases such as CCHF is especially important in the Sudan given the large numbers of livestock in the country, and their importance to the economy and rural communities. It is imperative that hospital staff consider CCHF as a possible disease agent, since they are at a high risk of contracting the disease, especially in hospitals with limited medical supplies