264 research outputs found

    Anomalous branching pattern of common hepatic artery: a case report

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    A number of hepatic artery variations exists which is continuously proving a hindrance for the surgeons and radiologists. During routine dissection in the subhepatic region in 50 year old male cadaver for undergraduate teaching, a variation in the branching pattern of common hepatic artery was noticed. We observed an unusual branching of the common hepatic artery into seven terminal branches, of which two were left hepatic arteries, two were right gastric arteries and the remaining three were right hepatic artery, cystic artery and gastroduodenal artery. Hepatic artery proper was absent. Embryological basis of these variations were discussed. The present case is a rarity and will further throw light on the knowledge of the hepatic artery variations, thus assisting surgeons and radiologists in various surgical and diagnostic procedures

    Higher dietary magnesium intake and higher magnesium status are associated with lower prevalence of coronary heart disease in patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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    In type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), the handling of magnesium is disturbed. Magnesium deficiency may be associated with a higher risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). We investigated the associations between (1) dietary magnesium intake; (2) 24 h urinary magnesium excretion; and (3) plasma magnesium concentration with prevalent CHD in T2D patients. This cross-sectional analysiswas performed on baseline data fromthe DIAbetes and LifEstyle Cohort Twente-1 (DIALECT-1, n = 450, age 63 � 9 years, 57%men, and diabetes duration of 11 (7–18) years). Prevalence ratios (95% CI) of CHD by sex-specific quartiles of magnesium indicators, as well as by magnesium intake per dietary source, were determined using multivariable Cox proportional hazard models. CHD was present in 100 (22%) subjects. Adjusted CHD prevalence ratios for the highest compared to the lowest quartiles were 0.40 (0.20, 0.79) for magnesium intake, 0.63 (0.32, 1.26) for 24 h urinary magnesium excretion, and 0.62 (0.32, 1.20) for plasma magnesium concentration. For every 10 mg increase of magnesium intake from vegetables, the prevalence of CHD was, statistically non-significantly, lower (0.75 (0.52, 1.08)). In this T2D cohort, higher magnesium intake, higher 24 h urinary magnesium excretion, and higher plasma magnesium concentration are associated with a lower prevalence of CHD

    Effectiveness of circuit interval training and physiotherapy health education on anthropometric measurements and quality of life among obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome- a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: The objective was to assess the effectiveness of circuit interval training and physiotherapy health education on anthropometric measurements and quality of life (QOL) among obese women with PCOS. Methods: The study is a parallel group randomised controlled trial   among 40 obese women diagnosed with PCOS based on Rotterdam criteria and conducted in obstetrics and gynaecology Physiotherapy centre, IGMC&RI, Puducherry. Allocation of participants to group A and group B done using permutated block randomization by an independent physiotherapist. Group A(n=20) received the conventional treatment and Group B (n=20) received the circuit interval training for 6 weeks. Results: The outcome values obtained were calculated by the software SPSS 26. The power of the study is 80%. P<0.05 was considered a significant difference and 95% confidence. There was a significant improvement in the pre and post-test values of anthropometric measurements (BMI and WHR) within the experimental group. The minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of 1.03 points in BMI, 0.019 in WHR, and 0.018 in WHtR, which was higher than the MCID of the control group was observed between the groups. The results show that circuit interval training is effective in improving the anthropometric measurements and quality of life obesity was found to have a negative correlation with the quality of life, implying that increased weight reduces the quality of life in PCOS women. Conclusions: Circuit interval training along with physiotherapy health education, has a positive impact on improving anthropometric measurements such as BMI, waist circumference, and metabolic parameters over time

    Replication in Drosophila chromosomes. Part IV. Patterns of chromosomal replication in salivary gland polytene nuclei of Drosophila nasuta

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    Replication in polytene nuclei, of late third instar larvae and early prepupae of D. nasuta has been studied by autoradiography of squash preparations of salivary glands following a 10 min in vitro pulse of 3H-thymidine. A reference photomap of polytene chromosomes of D. nasuta is also presented As described earlier in D. kikkawai [Roy and Lakhotia, Indian J exp Biol, 17 (I 979) 231], in D. nasuta also 3 Categories of early-S 3H-thymidine labelling patterns (low, mid, and heavy, interband type) are seen in high frequency in late larval stages but not in early prepupae when the conventional discontinuous (2D and I D) labelling patterns are predominant. In some of the low interband type labelled nuclei, only one puff site, 48A on 2R, is seen to be labelled and this particular puff also remains labelled with a much higher silver grain density in comparison with 4 other puff sites on 2R, in all labelling patterns. Most of the other puffs are unlabelled in late-S patterns. It is suggested that in polytene nuclei of late third instar larvae of D. nasuta, a polytene S-period is initiated by DNA synthesis only at the 48A puff, the other disperse regions (puffs and interbands) start replicating later in a sequential manner followed by initiation of replication of band regions, The 48A puff seems to have an unusually extended period of DNA synthesis and shows striking similarity with the E-11E puff of D. kikkawai (Roy and Lakhotia, 1979). The patterns of replication of X-.chromosome in male and female polytene nuclei of D. nasuta in the early stages of polytene-S period have also been examined. The observations suggest that in D. nasuta the replication of different sites on male X is initiated slightly later than some sites on autosornes or on female X's. However after this initial delay the male X becomes faster replicating from the heavy interband labelling stage onwards and as in other species, completes its replication cycle in late-S (ID type pattern) before many autosomal or female X chromosomal sites

    Synchrony of replication in sister salivary glands of Drosophila kikkawai

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    Intergland synchrony of replication in the larval salivary glands of D. kikkawai bas been studied by 3H-thymidine pulse labelling and very light squashing. It is observed that there is a striking synchrony of replication between the 2 sister glands with respect to the position of the replicating nuclei and the frequency of different labelling patterns. There is also considerable synchrony within a gland where a group of neighbouring nuclei show similar kind of labelling. These observations suggest that the replication cycles of different polytene nuclei in the two sister salivary glands of a Iarva are developmentally determined

    Service Quality Of Indian Banks: A Fuzzy Inference System Approach

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    A major shift has been observed in the banking sector in recent times worldwide. The Indian banking sector has witnessed a massive transformation over the last few years due to the introduction of certain government policies. Banks are now considering the development of new service quality policies and strategies that promote customer satisfaction and loyalty. The present study attempts to evaluate the service quality of Indian banks from the customer's perspective. We propose a fuzzy inference system for predicting various dimensions of service and identifying deficient service dimensions that promote effective strategy design

    Papillomavirus Infection of the Anogenital Region: Correlation Between Histology, Clinical Picture, and Virus Type. Proposal of a New Nomenclature

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    The clinical and histologic picture of 84 anogenital condylomatous and condyloma-like lesions of both sexes were analyzed in an effort to establish a correlation to the different papillomavirus (PV) types. The presence of human papillomavirus (HPV)-specific DNA sequences was confirmed through molecular hybridization and the presence of PV structure antigens was verified in thin sections by means of a group-specific anti-PV-antiserum using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. Three distinct clinical forms harboring distinct HPV types were distinguished: (1) Condylomata acuminata in which HPV-6 DNA was present in 37 of 59 samples and HPV-11 DNA in only 13 of 59 samples. HPV-16 DNA was not detected at all and 9 condylomatous lesions remained unclassified. (2) Flat condyloma-like lesions, where HPV-6 and HPV- 11 were associated with lesions of low epidermal atypia in 8 and in 2 of 18 cases, respectively, and where HPV-16 was associated exclusively with 6 of 18 such lesions with severe atypia, called bowenoid papulosis. (3) Pigmented papules where HPV16 was detected twice in lesions of bowenoid papulosis and HPV-11 in 2 of the benign pigmented lesions. The fourth clinical manifestation of genital papillomavirus infections—the so-called condylomata plana—was not available for virologic analysis. Histologically 5 different koilocytotic features were determined which could not be correlated either with one of the clinical pictures or with a specific PV type. HPV-16, however, was found frequently in non-koilocytotic lesions exhibiting the features of severe epithelial atypia known in bowenoid papulosis. The existence of PV structure antigens in these lesions could not be verified using the indirect immunoperoxidase—PAPtechnique—in contrast to the koilocytotic lesions where clear evidence of the presence of HPV was proved in 36 of 56 (64.3%) of the cases

    Intake of dietary saturated fatty acids and risk of type 2 diabetes in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Netherlands cohort: associations by types, sources of fatty acids and substitution by macronutrients.

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    The association between dietary saturated fatty acids (SFA) intake and type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains unclear. This study aimed at investigating the association between SFA intake and T2D risk based on (1) individual SFA (differing in carbon chain length), (2) food sources of SFA and (3) the substituting macronutrients

    Use of benzodiazepine and Z‐drugs and mortality in older adults after myocardial infarction

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    BACKGROUND: The adverse cardiovascular effects of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs (jointly referred as BZDRs) have been of concern. Yet, little is known about the use of BZDRs in relation to mortality risk among older adults with myocardial infarction history (post-MI). METHODS: This study is a secondary analysis of the Alpha Omega Cohort study, comprising post-MI patients aged 40-60 years. Self-reported information on the use of BZDRs, including types and dose, was collected at baseline. Four categories of mortality were examined, namely all-cause mortality, cardiovascular (CVD) mortality, cancer mortality, and non-CVD/non-cancer mortality. Associations between BZDRs use, by types and doses, and mortality were estimated with Cox regression models, adjusted for demographic and classic cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: A total of 433 (8.9%) out of 4837 (21.8% females) patients reported BZDRs use at baseline. During a median follow-up of 12.4 years, 2287 deaths were documented, of which 825 (36.1%) were due to CVD. BZDRs use was related to a statistically significantly higher risk of all-cause and CVD mortality; adjusted hazard ratios [95% CI] were (1.31 [1.41, 1.52]) and (1.43 [1.14, 1.81]), respectively. These relationships were dose-dependent-patients using BZDRs on an as-needed basis had similar risks compared to the non-uses, whereas patients with a daily use schedule and increasing doses had higher risks (p-value for trend: <0.001). CONCLUSION: BZDRs use was independently associated with a higher risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in older post-MI patients, and there was evidence for a dose-dependent relationship. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00127452 (www.gov)

    Delayed hemolytic reaction due to anti Jk a alloimmunization

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Kidd blood group system has a special importance in transfusion medicine as the antibodies to Kidd antigens tend to go down to undetectable levels but show an anamnestic response on exposure through pregnancy or blood transfusion and cause hemolytic transfusion reaction, most commonly delayed transfusion reaction. Case Report: We report a patient who developed alloantibodies to &apos;Kidd a&apos; antigen leading to delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction. Conclusion: We emphasize the steps for detecting these antibodies and the precautions to be taken once these antibodies are identified