2,417 research outputs found

    Deformed Harry Dym and Hunter-Zheng Equations

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    We study the deformed Harry Dym and Hunter-Zheng equations with two arbitrary deformation parameters. These reduce to various other known models in appropriate limits. We show that both these systems are bi-Hamiltonian with the same Hamiltonian structures. They are integrable and belong to the same hierarchy corresponding to positive and negative flows. We present the Lax pair description for both the systems and construct the conserved charges of negative order from the Lax operator. For the deformed Harry Dym equation, we construct the non-standard Lax representation for two special classes of values of the deformation parameters. In general, we argue that a non-standard description will involve a pseudo-differential operator of infinite order.Comment: Latex file, 15 page

    Action versus Result-Oriented Schemes in a Grassland Agroecosystem: A Dynamic Modelling Approach

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    Effects of agri-environment schemes (AES) on biodiversity remain controversial. While most AES are action-oriented, result-oriented and habitat-oriented schemes have recently been proposed as a solution to improve AES efficiency. The objective of this study was to compare action-oriented, habitat-oriented and result-oriented schemes in terms of ecological and productive performance as well as in terms of management flexibility. We developed a dynamic modelling approach based on the viable control framework to carry out a long term assessment of the three schemes in a grassland agroecosystem. The model explicitly links grazed grassland dynamics to bird population dynamics. It is applied to lapwing conservation in wet grasslands in France. We ran the model to assess the three AES scenarios. The model revealed the grazing strategies respecting ecological and productive constraints specific to each scheme. Grazing strategies were assessed by both their ecological and productive performance. The viable control approach made it possible to obtain the whole set of viable grazing strategies and therefore to quantify the management flexibility of the grassland agroecosystem. Our results showed that habitat and result-oriented scenarios led to much higher ecological performance than the action-oriented one. Differences in both ecological and productive performance between the habitat and result-oriented scenarios were limited. Flexibility of the grassland agroecosystem in the result-oriented scenario was much higher than in that of habitat-oriented scenario. Our model confirms the higher flexibility as well as the better ecological and productive performance of result-oriented schemes. A larger use of result-oriented schemes in conservation may also allow farmers to adapt their management to local conditions and to climatic variations

    Catalogue des habitats forestiers de Guyane

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    Grâce à de nombreux efforts de prospections et d'inventaires naturalistes, la biodiversité guyanaise est de mieux en mieux connue et les listes d'espèces nouvelles ne cessent de s'allonger années après années. Cependant l'écosystème forestier ne se résume pas à une juxtaposition d'individus et d'espèces : de complexes relations interspécifiques régissent le fonctionnement des communautés qui sont elles-mêmes influencées par les conditions environnementales. dans lesquelles elles se développent. Gérer et conserver la biodiversité guyanaise implique de mieux cerner ces interactions entre faune, flore et environnement ; interactions qui façonnent toute une diversité d'habitats forestiers avec des dynamiques propres et des compositions originales. Plusieurs programmes de recherche se sont attelés à démêler cet écheveau écologique en se concentrant tout d'abord sur quelques plateformes scientifiques (Paracou, Nouragues, Piste de Saint-Elie) puis en élargissant la focale à l'ensemble de notre territoire sous l'impulsion des gestionnaires publics et des associations naturalistes guyanaises (programmes de recherche DIME, ECOTROP, HABITATS, etc.). Ce catalogue des habitats forestiers présente une synthèse de ces résultats sous la forme de fiches descriptives dressant un portrait précis des différents habitats naturels rencontrés en forêt guyanaise et des mécanismes qui les ont peu à peu façonnés. Un travail collectif important a été accompli pour fournir des éléments précis concernant les cortèges de grande faune, les peuplements d'arbres qui les abritent et la qualité des sols qui les supportent

    Telomerase activation cooperates with inactivation of p16 in early head and neck tumorigenesis

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    Alteration of the p16/pRb pathway may cooperate with telomerase activation during cellular immortalization and tumour progression. We studied p16 expression status by immunohistochemistry and telomerase activity using the TRAP assay in 21 premalignant lesions of the head and neck epithelium as well as 27 squamous-cell carcinomas. We also examined expression of other components of the pathway (cyclin D1 and pRb) as well as presence of human papillomavirus genomes which can target these molecules. 4 of 9 mild dysplastic lesions (44%), 8 of 12 moderate/severe dysplastic lesions (67%), and 25 of 27 squamous-cell carcinomas (92%) demonstrated high telomerase activity (P = 0.009). There was a parallel increase with severity of lesions for the trend in proportions of cases demonstrating p16 inactivation or cyclin D1 overexpression (P = 0.02 and P = 0.01, respectively). For Ki67, a marker of cell proliferation, this trend was not significant (P = 0.08). Human papillomavirus infection was only found in 4 cases among the 48 samples tested (8.3%). In conclusion, progression of disease is accompanied by a parallel and continuous increase in telomerase activity and alterations in cell cycle regulators (p16, cyclin D1), as proposed by in vitro models. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Use of specific Green's functions for solving direct problems involving a heterogeneous rigid frame porous medium slab solicited by acoustic waves

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    A domain integral method employing a specific Green's function (i.e., incorporating some features of the global problem of wave propagation in an inhomogeneous medium) is developed for solving direct and inverse scattering problems relative to slab-like macroscopically inhomogeneous porous obstacles. It is shown how to numerically solve such problems, involving both spatially-varying density and compressibility, by means of an iterative scheme initialized with a Born approximation. A numerical solution is obtained for a canonical problem involving a two-layer slab.Comment: submitted to Math.Meth.Appl.Sc

    Biological Effects of Stellar Collapse Neutrinos

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    Massive stars in their final stages of collapse radiate most of their binding energy in the form of MeV neutrinos. The recoil atoms that they produce in elastic scattering off nuclei in organic tissue create radiation damage which is highly effective in the production of irreparable DNA harm, leading to cellular mutation, neoplasia and oncogenesis. Using a conventional model of the galaxy and of the collapse mechanism, the periodicity of nearby stellar collapses and the radiation dose are calculated. The possible contribution of this process to the paleontological record of mass extinctions is examined.Comment: gzipped PostScript (filename.ps.Z), 12 pages. Final version, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Slit1 and Slit2 Cooperate to Prevent Premature Midline Crossing of Retinal Axons in the Mouse Visual System

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    AbstractDuring development, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons either cross or avoid the midline at the optic chiasm. In Drosophila, the Slit protein regulates midline axon crossing through repulsion. To determine the role of Slit proteins in RGC axon guidance, we disrupted Slit1 and Slit2, two of three known mouse Slit genes. Mice defective in either gene alone exhibited few RGC axon guidance defects, but in double mutant mice a large additional chiasm developed anterior to the true chiasm, many retinal axons projected into the contralateral optic nerve, and some extended ectopically—dorsal and lateral to the chiasm. Our results indicate that Slit proteins repel retinal axons in vivo and cooperate to establish a corridor through which the axons are channeled, thereby helping define the site in the ventral diencephalon where the optic chiasm forms
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