58 research outputs found

    TIME Perspective and Psychological Problems Among Adolescents Affected by Violent Conflict in Indonesia

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    Conflicts and wars in several areas in Indonesia have caused a large number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). IDPs adolescents are a vulnerable group for developing psychological problems. There was a concern about the form of time perspective that these adolescents have and its relationship with the occurrence of psychological problems in thefuture. However, there is a lack of studies of internally displaced persons that assess the relationship between psychological distress and time perspective in low income countries. The study aim was to assess psychological status and time perspective of adolescents who were affected by violent conflict in Indonesia. Cross sectional community based study. Questionnaires were used to obtain data from 129 adolescents whose lives were affected by violent conflict, both displaced and non-displaced. Subjects were selected by simple random sampling. Displaced adolescentswere present-past oriented, while non-displaced adolescents were future oriented. Displaced adolescents had more difficulties compared to non-displaced adolescents, especially in emotional symptoms. Factors like migration status, gender and religion have partial significance toward time dominance and psychological problems. There is a significant association between time perspective and psychological problems in which present-past oriented adolescents had greater difficulties than future oriented adolescents. The most common problem was emotional symptoms, especially anxiety problems


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    Prasarana sanitasi merupakan kebutuhan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun masi terdapat wilayah yang tidak memiliki prasarana sanitasi yang memadai. Pemerintah pun menghadap permasalahan terjain penyediaan prasarana perkotaan khususnya sanitasi akibat kurangnya pemeliharaa sehingga tidak dapat berfungsi dengan semestinya. Untuk itu diperlukan peran dari masyarakat aga terciptanya suatu pembangunan yang berkelanjutan, dimana system itu telah diterapkan di Keluraha Rowosari, Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang melalui program Sanitasi Perkotaan Berbasis Masyaraka (SPBM)

    The accuracy of Hopkins Symptom Checklist – 25 (HSCL-25) depression subscales (Indonesian version) on adolescents

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    Hopkins Symptom Checklist - 25 (HSCL-25) depression subscales is an easy-to-use, mainstream screening to detect early stage of depression symptoms, including on adolescents. The accuracy studies of HSCL-25 conducted all over the countries indicated a relatively good accuracy. However, there has been no accuracy testing on HSCL-25 in Indonesia. This study aimed to examine the accuracy of HSCL-25 depression subscales (Indonesian version) by comparing it to semi-structured diagnostic interview as the gold standard. This was a non-experimental study by diagnostic interviewing 40 participants. The results of depression status from the interview then compared to HSCL-25 depression subscales scores from previous study. The results analyzed using crosstabs, pearson chi square, and Receiver Operatic Characteristic (ROC) analysis to obtain the accuracy and the optimum cut-off score. The results show that HSCL-25 depression subscales have a good sensitivity (87.5%) and fairly good specificity (65.4%) with the +LR of 2.5 and –LR of .2. The cut-off score used in this study (1.75) was optimum to be used as a cut-off point in the prevention context. Then it can be conclude that HSCL-25 have a fairly good accuracy and the current cut-off score used was already good for detecting the early depression symptoms among adolescents

    Analisis Daya Saing Crude Palm Oil (Cpo) Indonesia Di Pasar Internasional

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    This research aimed to analysis comparative advantage, competitive advantage, Indonesia CPO export position, and factors which are support competitiveness of Indonesia CPO in International market compare to Malaysia and Thailand. This descriptive research uses qualitative – quantitative approach. Analysis with qualitative approach is used to analysis comparative advantage, competitive advantage, and export position of Indonesia CPO in International market used RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) and ISP (Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan) index. Analysis with quantitative approach is used to analysis factors which are support competitiveness of Indonesia CPO in International market used Diamond Porter. This research used secondary time series data 1999 – 2014 time period. The result of RCA and ISP analysis reveals that Indonesia CPO has the strongest comparative advantage, competitive advantage, and Export position of Indonesia CPO at marturity stage in International market or Indonesia is called as nett exporter CPO in International market. Diamond Porter analysis shows that factors which are support competitiveness of Indonesia CPO in International market are production and supporting and related industries factors

    Perceived Peer Social Support dan Psychological Distress Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan psychological distress antara mahasiswa yang memiliki perceived peer social support dengan mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki perceived peer social support. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan alat ukur HSCL-25 untuk mengetahui psychological distress partisipan dan data demografis untuk membedakan antara partisipan yang memiliki perceived peer social support dengan yang tidak. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 666 mahasiswa S1 program reguler Universitas Indonesia yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik acak. Teknik statistik yang digunakan adalah independent sample t-test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan psychological distress yang signifikan antara mahasiswa UI yang memiliki perceived peer social support dengan mahasiswa UI yang tidak memiliki perceived peer social support. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena psychological distress tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh perceived peer social support, tetapi juga faktor-faktor lain.Keywords: HSCL-25 questionnaire, perceived peer social support, psychological distress, students random samplin

    Analysis Learning Model of Discovery and Understanding the Concept Preliminary to Physics Learning Outcomes SMA

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    This study aims: 1) to determine whether the student learning outcomes using discovery learning is better than conventional learning 2) To determine whether the learning outcomes of students who have a high initial concept understanding better then of low initial concept understanding, and 3) to determine the effect of interaction discovery learning and understanding of the initial concept of the learning outcomes of students. The samples in this study was taken by cluster random sampling two classes where class X PIA 3 as a class experiment with applying discovery learning and class X PIA 2 as a control class by applying conventional learning. The instrument used in this study is a test of learning outcomes in the form of multiple-choice comprehension test initial concept description form. The results of research are: 1) learning outcomes of students who were taught with discovery learning is better than the learning outcomes of students who are taught by conventional learning, 2) student learning outcomes with high initial conceptual understanding better than the learning outcomes of students with low initial conceptual understanding, and 3) there was no interaction between discovery learning and understanding of initial concepts for the student learning outcomes

    Sifat Kepribadian Dan Stres Psikologis Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia

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    Previous researchs showed that there is a relationship between personality trait andpsychological distress. This study aims to describe the dominant personality traits among thestudents of University of Indonesia (UI) and to investigate the relationship between dominantpersonality traits of the students and the psychological distress. This is a quantitative studywith 702 undergraduate students at UI. The participants were recruited through randomsampling. The instruments of the study were Neuroticism Extraversion Openness PersonalityInventory (NEO-PI) for determining the dominant personality trait, and the HopkinsSymptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) for measuring their psychological distress. The resultshowed that the most common dominant personality trait found in this study was neuroticism(31,5%). There was a significant relationship between dominant trait neuroticism withpsychological distress among the students of Universitas Indonesia (r = 0,415, p < 0.01). Thedominant traits among the students of UI were consecutively were neuroticism,conscientiousness, openness to experience, extraversion, and agreeableness. The students withthe dominant trait of neuroticism possessed high level of psychological distress. Noassociations were found between psychological distress and other dominant personality trait


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    Based on people's unhealthy lifestyle habits and from data on the five biggest diseases for the period July – September 2022 which shows that diabetes mellitus occupies the second level of the five biggest diseases in Batu Bara Hospital, and drug information services are very necessary because there are many patients who still do not understand what to do about drugs, this is done to minimize abuse and interactions between drugs that are not wanted by patients. To find out how drug information services are for DM patients at the Batu Bara Hospital pharmacy installation on an outpatient basis, and to identify the completeness of the information provided by pharmaceutical staff to patients at the Framing Installation at the Batu Bara General Hospital, and also to find out the problems found in technical drug information services provided to patients at the Batu Bara Regional Hospital Pharmacy Installation. This type of research is an observational study. The design of this study is qualitative by making direct observations or observations, interviews and documentation. Drug information services for diabetes mellitus patients in outpatient care at the Batu Bara Hospital pharmacy installation were in the very good category with a result of 96%. Drug information services performed by eight pharmacists consisting of six pharmacists and two pharmacy technicians for outpatient diabetes mellitus patients at the Batu Bara Hospital pharmaceutical installation have met the standards in the very good category with a yield of 96%
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