56 research outputs found
Strategic Direction of Public Policy in Scenario Planning for Sustainable Conservation of Lake Limboto
Lake Limboto, classified among the 15 national priority lakes, is undergoing a critical condition and is predicted to transform into dry land by 2035 due to an annual decrease in area of 65.89 hectares. This situation demands strategic policies that have not been fully visible or effectively implemented, necessitating a more comprehensive approach and initiative. To address these challenges, scenario planning becomes crucial. The research method employed is qualitative, focusing on "Scenario Planning for the Sustainable Conservation of Lake Limboto in Gorontalo Regency. Data were gathered through interviews, observations, and documentation, analyzed using an interactive analysis model, assisted by SWOT analysis, and PEST-Plus analysis. Serious threats to the sustainability of Lake Limboto in Gorontalo Regency emanate from three main aspects: economic, climatic, and political. The economic aspect creates an imbalance in the utilization of lake resources, requiring strengthening through training and the development of related sectors. Climatic conditions, especially the rise in air temperature, pose a serious threat that necessitates scenario planning and in-depth risk analysis. The political aspect indicates a lack of attention to lake preservation, requiring political commitment, resource allocation, and community participation. Despite the use of the TAIDA Approach (Tracking, Analyzing, Imaging, Deciding, Acting) in scenario planning, there are still some weaknesses in its implementation. In the context of sustainable development, further attention is needed regarding environmental protection and the sustainable management of lake resource consumption
The objective of this research to figure out result of evaluation of school based curriculumpolicy in SMA Negeri 1 Ampibabo examined based on William Dunn theory using variables such s1) effectiveness, 2) efiiciency, (3 adequateness, 4) equality, 5) responsiveness and 6) accuracy. This was a qualitative research with 5 informants. The research result showed that the implantation of school bsed curriculum in SMA Negeri 1 Ampibabo have not been optimal due to the lack of facilities supporting in the school as the complementary of school Based Curriculum in SMA Negeri1 Ampibabo. The researcher also suggested that the teachers need to understand comprehensively the implementation of school Based Curriculum either in concept, arrangement or the practice in the field
The aim of this research was to identify and to analyze the reality of the implementation of broadcasting license policy in Gorontalo Province and also to find out the obstacle factors of the process of realizing the local television permission in Gorontalo Province which studied based on the model theory of policy implementation of Van Metter and Van Horn by using variables: 1) Standard and policy target and the aims of the policy. 2) Source covers human resource and financial resource. 3) Implementer organization characteristic. 4) Communication between related organizations. 5) Disposition of implementer attitude, and 6) Social environment, economic and politic. This research was a qualitative research took sixth informant purposively. The result of this research showed that the implementation of broadcasting license policy in Gorontalo Provincedid not optimal yet because of: 1) the policy implementer had not conduct the policy based on the standard, 2) the source had not reached whether the human resource, money, communication and also policy implementer attitude maximum. The obstacle factor of optimum implementing of the broadcasting license policy was the policy implementer did not proactive in carried out the broadcasting license based on the time that has been determined and also there was lack of money support that caused the people involved to the policy cannot work maximum
Uji Banding Efektivitas Ekstrak Buah Pare Belut(Trichosantes Anguina Linn) Dengan Zinc Pyrithione 1% Terhadap Pertumbuhan Pityrosporum Ovale Pada Penderita Berketombe
Background. Dandruff is a thin skuama hiperproliferation in scalp within itchysensation with or without inflammation. Snake gourd is one of natural ingredient thathave antifungal activity. Zinc pythitione very effective for inhibiting growth ofPityrosporum ovale that cause dandruff.Objective. To compare effectiveness of snake gourd extract (Trichosanthes AnguinaLinn.)100% with zinc pyrithione 1% in inhibiting the growth of Pityrosporum ovalein patients with dandruff in vitro.Method. This was an experimental laboratories study with Post test only controlgroup design. Subject was 30 patients with dandruff. Examination materials wasscraping scalp of patient that suffers dandruff. Examined microscopically in 10%KOH plus parker blue black ink. Positive culture results were diluted in sterile 0.9%NaCl solution and made the same turbidity with a solution of 0.5 McFarlan 0.1 cc isthen taken and implanted in the SDA media containing olive oil and snake gourdextract 100% and zinc pyrithione 1%. Data were analyzed using chi square test orFischer-exact test with significance p value <0.05.Result. From 30 SDA media containing olive oil extract of snake groud 100%, 25(41.7%) had P.ovale negative (-) and 5 (8.3%) tubes have a positive P.ovale (+).From 30 media SDA olive oil containing zinc pyrithione 1%, 1 (1.7%%) hadPityrosporum ovale positive (+) and 29 (48.3%) had P. ovale negative (-). Terms ofchi-square test is not fulfilled, because there were two cells that have less expectationof 5 (1 and 5), so the test method used by the Fischer-exact p = 0.195, which meansthere is no significant difference between the effects of pare belut fruit extract withzinc pythirione 1%.Conclusion. Effectiveness of Snake groud ( T.Anguina Linn.) extract 100% equalwith zinc pyrithione 1% to inhibited the growth of P. ovale.Key word. Dandruff, P. ovale, pare belut extract 100%, zinc pythirione 1%
Analisis Perhitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan Meter Pascabayar dan Meter Prabayar dalam Menggunakan Metode Variable Cost pada PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Manado Selatan
Pln company, which means a state-owned electricity company, in which this state-owned company has a meter product that helps the public to supply electricity, but in determining the selling price of the meter products orten experience problems because the selling price of the meter products often changes making customers often make complaints towards the company, for that the authors aim to examine the cost of goods sold in the company by using the variabel cost method, the study was conducted using a type of qualitative data to analyze accounting treatment and for the calculation of the author using quantitative data in the form of financial statements in order to calculate the calculation of cost of goods sold, after analysis by using the varibel cost method, the authors get the results under the calculation of variabel cost more profitable and not harming customers or costs that are not interested in calculating the cost of goods sold is the final result of the process of calculating the cost of goods sold of a postpaid meter product and a prepaid meter using the Variable cost method. There are 2 major groups in each sales process that will form the cost of goods sold report, namely production costs and non-production costs. PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Manado Selatan which is the object of research has a calculation of cost of goods in postpaid and prepaid meter products. In the calculation of the company's cost of goods sold is very high for the emphasis on the cost of products that cause very high cost problems, therefore according to the discussion to solve a problem in the calculation of cost of goods sold, the authors use the cost of goods sold calculation with the variable cost method. After recalculation using the variable cost method, the results obtained are lower than the calculation by the company, where the cost of selling postpaid and prepaid meters is lower, the difference is caused by excess loading of costs that should not be included in the cost of goods sold
Sebagai Negara kepulauan terbesar didunia, Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 17.000 pulau dengan 95.181 km panjanggaris pantai. 2/3 dari luas Negara merupakan daerah kelautan. Transportasi laut merupakan unsur vital dalamkehidupan bangsa dalam memupuk kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan. Angkutantransportasi laut merupakan moda transportasi yang sarat akan regulas (aturan). Salah satu jenisnya adalah transportasipengangkut muatan. Salah satu jenis kapal pengangkutan muatan adalah kapal penyeberangan tongkang. Namundalam pelaksanaan pelayaran sering kali terjadi kecelakaan dalam berlayar. Tercatat dalam data kecelakaan dariKomite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT). Dan salah satu penyebabnya adalah kelebihan muatan padakapal. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena tidak terorganisirnya muatan yang masuk pada kapal. Salah satu solusi yangterlintas adalah adanya alat yang dapat mengorganisirnya dan lebih mudah jika dapat di pantau sewaktu-waktu. Makadari itu, aplikasi internet berbasis Android ini menjadi salah satu bentuk solusinya
Kampung Jawa Tondano adalah salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Tondano Utara, Kabupaten Minahasa, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki budaya tersendiri diantara suku Minahasa. Budaya tersebut hasil asimilasi antara suku Minahasa dan Jawa yang dipertahankan hingga kini sejak kedatangan Kiay Modjo dan rombongan yang diasingkan oleh kolonial Belanda. Peninggalan budaya dan makam Kiay Modjo adalah daya tarik para wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara untuk berkunjung di kampung Jawa sebagai tujuan wisata.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi eksisting infrastruktur pariwisata dan strategi pengembangan infrastruktur di Kampung Jawa Tondano. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu menganalisa berdasarkan masalah-masalah atau fenomena yang bersifat aktual. Sedangkan pengembangan infrastruktur pariwisata menggunakan analisis SWOT berdasarkan faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal kondisi aktual.Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa kondisi infrastruktur pariwisata di Kampung Jawa masih diperlukan penanganan yang komprehensif dan berkelanjutan terutama sarana/prasarana jalan, lampu penerangan, air bersih, tempat sampah/sanitasi, pusat informasi dan petunjuk jalan. Sedangkan strategi yang menjadi prioritas utama dalam pengembangan pariwisata adalah strategi mempertahankan peran secara selektif (selective maintenance strategy) dengan kegiatan dan program utama yang dilakukan adalah melakukan konsilidasi pada kondisi internal dengan cara memperbaiki kelemahan-kelemahan untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang ada.Kata Kunci : Infrastruktur Pariwisata, Kampung Jawa Tondano, Kiay Modj
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