3,169 research outputs found

    Holographic Chern-Simons Theories

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    Chern-Simons theories in three dimensions are topological field theories that may have a holographic interpretation for suitable chosen gauge groups and boundary conditions on the fields. Conformal Chern-Simons gravity is a topological model of 3-dimensional gravity that exhibits Weyl invariance and allows various holographic descriptions, including Anti-de Sitter, Lobachevsky and flat space holography. The same model also allows to address some aspects that arise in higher spin gravity in a considerably simplified setup, since both types of models have gauge symmetries other than diffeomorphisms. In these lectures we summarize briefly recent results.Comment: 20 pp, invited lectures prepared for the 7th Aegean Summer School "Beyond Einstein's Theory of Gravity", 201

    Anreize zur Reduktion von Schäden durch Naturkatastrophen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Möglichkeiten im Kontext von Kompensation und Versicherung von Hochwasserschäden

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    Im Rahmen des Workshops des ACRP Projekts InsAdapt diskutierten 25 ExpertInnen aus Verwaltung, Versicherungswirtschaft und Wissenschaft sowie ein Vertreter einer BürgerInnen-initiative Möglichkeiten zur Risikoreduktion in Bezug auf Naturkatastrophen auf Haushalts-ebene und Anreize, deren Umsetzung zu forcieren. - Im Kontext steigender Schäden durch Überschwemmungen und wachsender Finan-zierungslücken müssen Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung des aktuellen Hochwasserrisiko-managements und besonders bestehender Risikotransfermechanismen in Erwägung ge-zogen werden. - Weder Zahlungen aus dem Kompensationsfonds, noch Leistungen privater Versicherer bie-ten aktuell Anreize und Auflagen zur privaten Risikoreduktion. Problematisch ist überdies die Risikodemenz in der Bevölkerung, d.h. das rasche Vergessen katastrophaler Ereig-nisse. - Umfassender öffentlicher Hochwasserschutz bei gleichzeitig unzulänglicher Bewusst-seinsbildung beeinflusst das Risikobewusstsein in der Bevölkerung negativ. - Standardisierte Versicherungsprämien für Naturkatastrophen tragen nicht zur Bewusstseinsbildung bei. - ÖsterreicherInnen bezahlen aktuell den Großteil der Schäden aus eigener Tasche, nur ein Teil wird aus öffentlichen Kompensationszahlungen und privater Hochwasserversicherung gedeckt. - Sowohl auf Seiten der öffentlichen Hand als auch der Privatwirtschaft gibt es vereinzelte Lösungsansätze, um das aktuelle System zu verbessern. - In Vorarlberg werden zum Beispiel versicherbare Schäden bis 7.200 EUR nicht öffentlich kompensiert - In Salzburg, werden Schäden in der roten Gefahrenzone nur in Ausnahmefällen kompensiert. In Niederösterreich wird nur unter der Voraussetzung der Richtigkeit behördlicher Bewilligungen eine Kompensation ausbezahlt - In einer öffentlichen - privaten Zusammenarbeit wurde eine risikobasierte Versiche-rungslösung für Naturkatastrophen erarbeitet, die 100% Schadensdeckung ermöglichen würde, was aber eine quasi Versicherungspflicht darstellt


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    Airbus Defence and Space's WorldDEM™ provides a global Digital Elevation Model of unprecedented quality, accuracy, and coverage. The product will feature a vertical accuracy of 2m (relative) and better than 6m (absolute) in a 12m x 12m raster. The accuracy will surpass that of any global satellite-based elevation model available. WorldDEM is a game-changing disruptive technology and will define a new standard in global elevation models. The German radar satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X form a high-precision radar interferometer in space and acquire the data basis for the WorldDEM. This mission is performed jointly with the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Airbus DS refines the Digital Surface Model (e.g. editing of acquisition, processing artefacts and water surfaces) or generates a Digital Terrain Model. Three product levels are offered: WorldDEMcore (output of the processing, no editing is applied), WorldDEM™ (guarantees a void-free terrain description and hydrological consistency) and WorldDEM DTM (represents bare Earth elevation). Precise elevation data is the initial foundation of any accurate geospatial product, particularly when the integration of multi-source imagery and data is performed based upon it. Fused data provides for improved reliability, increased confidence and reduced ambiguity. This paper will present the current status of product development activities including methodologies and tool to generate these, like terrain and water bodies editing and DTM generation. In addition, the studies on verification & validation of the WorldDEM products will be presented

    Engaging inhabitants into energy transition in climate and energy model (CEM) regions: case studies of Freistadt, Ebreichsdorf and Baden

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    Austria has settled a target to reach 34% of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption by 2020. The Climate and Energy Model (CEM) regions are the major vehicles for implementation of this target. Until now little research was done on existing participatory governance measures in the Austrian CEM regions, which involve not only stakeholders but also inhabitants into decision-making processes on energy transition. The aim of this paper is to collect information about existing participatory governance measures in three CEMs, such as Freistadt, Baden and Ebreichsdorf, and to analyze these measures by using methodologies developed by Arnstein in his ladder of participation. Our results show that the majority of existing measures are at the level of providing information and awareness building. However, there are also some measures, such as energy groups, which allow all interested inhabitants for providing feedback about proposed in their CEM projects. Other measures, such as Helios or Badener Sonnerkraft, allow for financial participation of inhabitants in deployment of renewable energy projects in their region

    A Frequency-Controlled Magnetic Vortex Memory

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    Using the ultra low damping NiMnSb half-Heusler alloy patterned into vortex-state magnetic nano-dots, we demonstrate a new concept of non-volatile memory controlled by the frequency. A perpendicular bias magnetic field is used to split the frequency of the vortex core gyrotropic rotation into two distinct frequencies, depending on the sign of the vortex core polarity p=±1p=\pm1 inside the dot. A magnetic resonance force microscope and microwave pulses applied at one of these two resonant frequencies allow for local and deterministic addressing of binary information (core polarity)


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    Sequential chemical extraction and mineralogical bonding of metals from Styrian soils

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