229 research outputs found

    Narrow band photometry of selected asteroids

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    The CCD photometry of selected asteroids was carried out to check for possible cometary activity in them. To distinguish the asteroids with possible cometary activity from those of the main belt, each object of interest was observed in two filters; one centered on the C2 emission band at 5140A (90A bandpass) and the other centered on the nearby continuum at 4845A (65A bandpass). None of the observed asteroids appear to have any C2 emission

    Fiber Optic Raman Sensor to Monitor Concentration Ratio of Nitrogen and Oxygen in a Cryogenic Mixture

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    A spontaneous Raman scattering optical fiber sensor is developed for a specific need of NASA/SSC for long-term detection and monitoring of the quality of liquid oxygen (LOX) in the delivery line during ground testing of rocket engines. The sensor performance was tested in the laboratory and with different excitation light sources. To evaluate the sensor performance with different excitation light sources for the LOX quality application, we have used the various mixtures of liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen as samples. The study of the sensor performance shows that this sensor offers a great deal of flexibility and provides a cost effective solution for the application. However, an improved system response time is needed for the real-time, quantitative monitoring of the quality of cryogenic fluids in harsh environment

    CNS activity of Pokeweed Anti-viral Protein (PAP) in mice infected with Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV)

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    BACKGROUND: Others and we have previously described the potent in vivo and in vitro activity of the broad-spectrum antiviral agent PAP (Pokeweed antiviral protein) against a wide range of viruses. The purpose of the present study was to further elucidate the anti-viral spectrum of PAP by examining its effects on the survival of mice challenged with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). METHODS: We examined the therapeutic effect of PAP in CBA mice inoculated with intracerebral injections of the WE54 strain of LCMV at a 1000 PFU dose level that is lethal to 100% of mice within 7–9 days. Mice were treated either with vehicle or PAP administered intraperitoneally 24 hours prior to, 1 hour prior to and 24 hours, 48 hours 72 hours and 96 hours after virus inoculation. RESULTS: PAP exhibits significant in vivo anti- LCMV activity in mice challenged intracerebrally with an otherwise invariably fatal dose of LCMV. At non-toxic dose levels, PAP significantly prolonged survival in the absence of the majority of disease-associated symptoms. The median survival time of PAP-treated mice was >21 days as opposed to 7 days median survival for the control (p = 0.0069). CONCLUSION: Our results presented herein provide unprecedented experimental evidence that PAP exhibits antiviral activity in the CNS of LCMV-infected mice

    Time-Series Photometry of M67: W UMa Systems, Blue Stragglers, and Related Systems

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    We present an analysis of over 2200 V images taken on 14 nights at the Mt. Laguna 1 m telescope of the open cluster M67. Our observations overlap but extend beyond the field analyzed by Gilliland et al. (1991), and complement data recently published by van den Berg et al. (2002) and Stassun et al. (2002). We show variability in the light curves of all 4 of the known W UMa variables on timescales ranging from a day to decades (for AH Cnc). We have modeled the light curve of AH Cnc, and the total eclipses allow us to determine q = 0.16 +0.03/-0.02 and i = 86 +4/-8 degrees. The position of this system near the turnoff of M67 makes it useful for constraining the turnoff mass for the cluster. We have also detected two unusual features in the light curve of AH Cnc that may be caused by prominences. We have also monitored cluster blue stragglers for variability, and we present evidence hinting at low level variations in the stragglers S752, S968, and S1263, and we place limits on the variability of a number of other cluster blue stragglers. Finally, we provide photometry of the sub-subgiant branch star S1063 showing variability on timescales similar to the orbital period, while the ``red straggler'' S1040 shows evidence of an unexplained drop in brightness at phases corresponding to the passage of the white dwarf in front of the giant.Comment: 44 pages, 16 figures, AASTeX, accepted for A

    Sub-Subgiants in the Old Open Cluster M67?

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    We report the discovery of two spectroscopic binaries in the field of the old open cluster M67 -- S1063 and S1113 -- whose positions in the color-magnitude diagram place them approximately 1 mag below the subgiant branch. A ROSAT study of M67 independently discovered these stars to be X-ray sources. Both have proper-motion membership probabilities greater than 97%; precise center-of-mass velocities are consistent with the cluster mean radial velocity. S1063 is also projected within one core radius of the cluster center. S1063 is a single-lined binary with a period of 18.396 days and an orbital eccentricity of 0.206. S1113 is a double-lined system with a circular orbit having a period of 2.823094 days. The primary stars of both binaries are subgiants. The secondary of S1113 is likely a 0.9 Mo main-sequence star, which implies a 1.3 Mo primary star. We have been unable to explain securely the low apparent luminosities of the primary stars; neither binary contain stars presently limited in radius by their Roche lobes. We speculate that S1063 and S1113 may be the products of close stellar encounters involving binaries in the cluster environment, and may define alternative stellar evolutionary tracks associated with mass-transfer episodes, mergers, and/or dynamical stellar exchanges

    Some further measurements of Uranian ring condensations

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    The results of photometric observations of the occultation of BD-19° 4222 by Uranus on April 26, 1981 from two stations in India conform with the model proposed by Elliotet al. (1981)

    Role of the Two Component Signal Transduction System CpxAR in Conferring Cefepime and Chloramphenicol Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae NTUH-K2044

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative, non-motile, facultative anaerobe belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family of the c-Proteobacteria class in the phylum Proteobacteria. Multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae have caused major therapeutic problems worldwide due to emergence of extended-spectrum b-lactamase producing strains. Twocomponent systems serve as a basic stimulus-response coupling mechanism to allow organisms to sense and respond to changes in many different environmental conditions including antibiotic stress. Principal Findings: In the present study, we investigated the role of an uncharacterized cpxAR operon in bacterial physiology and antimicrobial resistance by generating isogenic mutant (DcpxAR) deficient in the CpxA/CpxR component derived from the hyper mucoidal K1 strain K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044. The behaviour of DcpxAR was determined under hostile conditions, reproducing stresses encountered in the gastrointestinal environment and deletion resulted in higher sensitivity to bile, osmotic and acid stresses. The DcpxAR was more susceptible to b-lactams and chloramphenicol than the wild-type strain, and complementation restored the altered phenotypes. The relative change in expression of acrB, acrD, eefB efflux genes were decreased in cpxAR mutant as evidenced by qRT-PCR. Comparison of outer membrane protein profiles indicated a conspicuous difference in the knock out background. Gel shift assays demonstrated direct binding of CpxR KP to promoter region of ompC KP in a concentration dependent manner

    The KNee OsteoArthritis Prediction (KNOAP2020) challenge:An image analysis challenge to predict incident symptomatic radiographic knee osteoarthritis from MRI and X-ray images

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    Objectives: The KNee OsteoArthritis Prediction (KNOAP2020) challenge was organized to objectively compare methods for the prediction of incident symptomatic radiographic knee osteoarthritis within 78 months on a test set with blinded ground truth. Design: The challenge participants were free to use any available data sources to train their models. A test set of 423 knees from the Prevention of Knee Osteoarthritis in Overweight Females (PROOF) study consisting of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray image data along with clinical risk factors at baseline was made available to all challenge participants. The ground truth outcomes, i.e., which knees developed incident symptomatic radiographic knee osteoarthritis (according to the combined ACR criteria) within 78 months, were not provided to the participants. To assess the performance of the submitted models, we used the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROCAUC) and balanced accuracy (BACC). Results: Seven teams submitted 23 entries in total. A majority of the algorithms were trained on data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. The model with the highest ROCAUC (0.64 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.57–0.70)) used deep learning to extract information from X-ray images combined with clinical variables. The model with the highest BACC (0.59 (95% CI: 0.52–0.65)) ensembled three different models that used automatically extracted X-ray and MRI features along with clinical variables. Conclusion: The KNOAP2020 challenge established a benchmark for predicting incident symptomatic radiographic knee osteoarthritis. Accurate prediction of incident symptomatic radiographic knee osteoarthritis is a complex and still unsolved problem requiring additional investigation.</p