583 research outputs found

    Mass number and excitation energy dependence of the Θeff/Θrig\Theta_{eff}/\Theta_{rig} parameter of the spin cut-off factor in the formation of an isomeric pair

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    The Θeff/Θrig\Theta_{eff}/\Theta_{rig} parameter of the spin distribution of the level density was determined for 61 nuclei covering the mass range of 44 to 200. The experimental isomeric cross-section ratios for 25 isomeric pairs were compared with the model calculation to find the best fit to the experimental data. The model calculations were carried out with the TALYS code using the BSFG model for the level density. The reduced χ2\chi ^2 values were calculated to describe the deviation of the experimental data from the model calculation. An ηd\eta_d was introduced calculating the Θeff/Θrig\Theta_{eff}/\Theta_{rig} value from the low energy discrete levels of the nucleus. The η/ηd\eta /\eta_d values seem to be independent of the mass number, their average value near to one. The η/ηd\eta /\eta_d values also seem to be independent of the average excitation energy in the continuum, indicating that η\eta is independent of the excitation energy. The mass number and (N-Z) dependence of the η\eta values were studied. The η\eta values for the nuclei with odd mass number show an exponential decrease as a function of A or (N-Z). The η\eta values for the odd-odd type of nuclei appear to be constant, near one, up to the mass number 110 or (N-Z) of 13. Above these values, the η\eta values show exponential decrease. The η\eta values for even-even type nuclei decrease exponentially up to A equal to 142 or (N-Z) equal to 20. The values are lower than those for the nearby odd-odd type nuclei. The η\eta values increase for nuclei with A between 142 and 156 and (N-Z) between 20 and 28, and they finally reach the value of odd-odd type systematics.Comment: 67+3 pages, 52+2 figures. Calculations with EMPIRE have been added to Section IV.

    Yield Effects of Tissue Culture Bananas in Kenya: Accounting for Selection Bias and the Role of Complementary Inputs

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    We analyze yield effects of tissue culture (TC) banana technology in the Kenyan small farm sector, using recent survey data and an endogenous switching regression approach. TC banana plantlets, which are free from pests and diseases, have been introduced in East Africa since the late-1990s. While field experiments show significant yield advantages over traditional banana suckers, a rigorous assessment of impacts in farmers' fields is still outstanding. A comparison of mean yield levels between TC adopters and non-adopters in our sample shows no significant difference. However, we find a negative selection bias, indicating that farmers with lower than average yields are more likely to adopt TC. Controlling for this bias results in a positive and significant TC net yield gain of 7%. We also find that TC technology is more knowledgeintensive and more responsive to irrigation than traditional bananas. Simulations show that improving access to irrigation could lift TC productivity gains to above 20%. The analytical approach developed and applied here may also be useful for the evaluation of other knowledgeintensive package technologies and innovations in perennial crops. --Biotechnology,adoption,productivity,impact,endogenous switching regression,Kenya

    Nuclear data for medical applications: An overview of present status and future needs

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    A brief overview of nuclear data required for medical applications is given. The major emphasis is on radionuclides for internal applications, both for diagnosis and therapy. The status of the presently available data is discussed and some of the emerging needs are outlined. Most of the needs are associated with the development of non-standard positron emitters and novel therapeutic radionuclides. Some new developments in application of radionuclides, e.g. theranostic approach, multimode imaging, radionanoparticles, etc. are described and the related nuclear data needs are discussed. The possible use of newer irradiation technologies for medical radionuclide production, e.g. intermediate energy charged-particle accelerators, high-power electron accelerators for photon production, and spallation neutron sources, will place heavy demands on nuclear data

    Can genetic engineering for the poor pay off? : an ex-ante evaluation of Golden Rice in India

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    Genetic engineering (GE) in agriculture is a controversial topic in science and society at large. While some oppose genetically modified crops as proxy of an agricultural system they consider unsustainable and inequitable, the question remains whether GE can benefit the poor within the existing system and what needs to be done to deliver these benefits? Golden Rice has been genetically engineered to produce provitamin A. The technology is still in the testing phase, but, once released, it is expected to address one consequence of poverty ? vitamin A deficiency (VAD) ? and its health implications. Current interventions to combat VAD rely mainly on pharmaceutical supplementation, which is costly in the long run and only partially successful. We develop a methodology for ex-ante evaluation, taking into account the whole sequence of effects between the cultivation of the crop and its ultimate health impacts. In doing so we build on a comprehensive, nationally representative data set of household food consumption in India. Using a refined disability-adjusted life year (DALY) framework and detailed health data, this study shows for India that under optimistic assumptions this country?s annual burden of VAD of 2.3 million DALYs lost can be reduced by 59.4% hence 1.4 million healthy life years could be saved each year if Golden Rice would be consumed widely. In a low impact scenario, where Golden Rice is consumed less frequently and produces less provitamin A, the burden of VAD could be reduced by 8.8%. However, in both scenarios the cost per DALY saved through Golden Rice (US$ 3.06-19.40) is lower than the cost of current supplementation efforts, and it outperforms international cost-effectiveness thresholds. Golden Rice should therefore be considered seriously as a complementary intervention to fight VAD in rice-eating populations in the medium term

    GM crops and gender issues

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    Correspondence in the December issue by Jonathan Gressel not only states that gender issues in rural settings have not been adequately addressed with respect to weed control biotech but also asserts that such technology can increase the quality of life of rural women in developing countries. Improved weed control is a labor-saving technology that can result in less employment in a labor surplus rural economy. Often in rural areas, wage income is the main source of income and an important determinant of the quality of life, particularly where employment opportunities are generally limited. Apart from soil preparation, planting and weeding, harvesting is also 'femanual' work that can generate more employment if yields are higher. Biotech can enhance the quality of life of women but only if the technology is associated with overall generation of rural employment

    Development of Cyclotron Radionuclides for Medical Applications: From fundamental nuclear data to sophisticated production technology

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    Soon after the discovery of radioactivity it was shown that radionuclides can be used both for diagnostic and therapeutic studies, depending on the characteristic radiations emitted by them. By 1960’s the radionuclide production technology using nuclear reactors was well established. In early 1970’s a renaissance of the cyclotrons occurred because many of the neutron deficient radionuclides could only be produced using irradiations with charged particles, like protons, deuterons, α-particles, etc. Initially, interest was directed towards radioactive gases for inhalation studies and other radionuclides for scintigraphy. Later, with the advent of emission tomography, i.e. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), the emphasis shifted to 123I and positron emitters [cf. 1–3], and tremendous progress ensued. In order to keep abreast of the fast developments, a Symposium was organized at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), USA, in 1976, with the title “Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry”. This became a biennial event, with alternate meetings in North America and Europe. It included all aspects of radionuclide and radiopharmaceutical research. About a decade later, however, it was realized that for discussion of technical aspects, a separate forum would be more appropriate. A group of experts therefore convened the first Targetry Workshop in Heidelberg in 1985. Thereafter it was established as a recurring Workshop, with its scope enlargened to include also nuclear and radiochemical problems. Today, the major conference on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and the specialist International Workshop on Target-ry and Target Chemistry are held in alternate years. The present Workshop is No. 15 in the series and it is being jointly held by the research groups in Dresden and Prague, both of which have a long tradition of cyclotron production of radionuclides. In this talk, some personal reminiscences and impressions of the historical de-velopments in the field over the last 40 years will be briefly described

    Experimental studies and nuclear model calculations on (p,xn) and (p,pxn) reactions on 85Rb from their threshold up to 100 MeV

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    Excitation functions were measured by the stacked-foil technique for the reactions Rb-85(p, pxn)Rb-89m,Rb-g83,Rb-82m.81 from their thresholds up to 100MeV. Nuclear model calculations were performed using the code ALICE-IPPE both on (p, xn) reactions reported earlier and (p, pxn) reactions described here. The experimental excitation curves and the results of nuclear model calculations were found to be qualitatively in agreement. With the exception of the (p, n) reaction above 40MeV, the theory appears to reproduce all the experimental data within deviations of about 50%. The cross section ratios for the isomeric pairs Sr-85m,Sr-g and Rb-84m,Rb-g are discussed qualitatively in terms of the spins of the states involved and the increasing projectile energy

    Supermarket purchase contributes to nutrition-related non-communicable diseases in urban Kenya

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    Background While undernutrition and related infectious diseases are still pervasive in many developing countries, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCD), typically associated with high body mass index (BMI), is rapidly rising. The fast spread of supermarkets and related shifts in diets were identified as possible factors contributing to overweight and obesity in developing countries. Potential effects of supermarkets on people’s health have not been analyzed up till now. Objective This study investigates the effects of purchasing food in supermarkets on people’s BMI, as well as on health indicators such as fasting blood glucose (FBG), blood pressure (BP), and the metabolic syndrome. Design This study uses cross-section observational data from urban Kenya. Demographic, anthropometric, and bio-medical data were collected from 550 randomly selected adults. Purchasing food in supermarkets is defined as a binary variable that takes a value of one if any food was purchased in supermarkets during the last 30 days. In a robustness check, the share of food purchased in supermarkets is defined as a continuous variable. Instrumental variable regressions are applied to control for confounding factors and establish causality. Results Purchasing food in supermarkets contributes to higher BMI (+ 1.8 kg/m2 ) (P<0.01) and an increased probability (+ 20 percentage points) of being overweight or obese (P<0.01). Purchasing food in supermarkets also contributes to higher levels of FBG (+ 0.3 mmol/L) (P<0.01) and a higher likelihood (+ 16 percentage points) of suffering from pre-diabetes (P<0.01) and the metabolic syndrome (+ 7 percentage points) (P<0.01). Effects on BP could not be observed. Conclusions Supermarkets and their food sales strategies seem to have direct effects on people’s health. In addition to increasing overweight and obesity, supermarkets contribute to nutrition-related NCDs. Effects of supermarkets on nutrition and health can mainly be ascribed to changes in the composition of people’s food choices