1,275 research outputs found

    Pseudo Random Binary Sequences Obtained Using Novel Chaos Based Key Stream Generator and their Auto-correlation Properties

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    In this paper, psuedo random binary sequences are generated from the “Chaos Based Key Stream Generator- using novel Permutation technique with two dimensional patterns and substitution technique with Z4 mapping” and investigation of auto correlation property for the generated seuwnces is presented. Initially a chaotic function, considering Logistic map is used to generate a Pseudo Random Numbers (PRNs). Then these numbers are converted into binary sequences using binary mapping. These sequences are further modified by novel permutation techniques defined using 2-Dimensional patterns, and substitution technique defined over Z4 transformation in order to improve their statistical properties. The resulting sequences are investigated for auto correlation properties using Normalized Hamming Auto Correlation function. The purpose of this work is to assessing the quality of sequences of uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers from the proposed generator. It is found that, generated sequences exhibit good auto-correlation property which is suitable for key sequence or secret key for cryptographic applications

    A rare case report of amniotic band syndrome associated with gastroschisis and limb body wall complex

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    The amniotic band syndrome can cause a wide range of anomalies and the most common associated anomalies include amputations, constriction bands, encephalocele, acrania, syndactyly, craniofacial defects, club feet and cleft lip. Vertebral and abdominal wall defects such as gastroschisis and scoliosis are extremely rare. A 19-year-old female, G1P0 (primi) presented to our outpatient department for her first antenatal visit at 14 weeks + 6 days’ period of gestation according to her LMP. Ultrasonography (USG) features suggestive of limb body wall complex/ amniotic band syndrome, undergone MTP after counselling. In amniotic band syndrome there is no known inheritance pattern. The prognosis in case of amniotic band syndrome is dependent on the specific anomalies present. Severe and complex malformations as seen in this case are incompatible with extra uterine life and are an indication for termination of pregnancy. This condition is diagnosable prenatally. It can also lead to lethal deformation of vital internal organs in rare cases. Because limb body wall complex is incompatible with life, early diagnosis is crucial for parental counseling

    Visual inspection on cervix with acetic acid and Lugol’s iodine as a screening tool in detection of carcinoma cervix

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    Background: Cervical cancer is a preventable and curable disease. In Indian women cervical malignancy accounts for 26.1–43.8% of all cancers. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) or visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI) are considered to be a promising screening tools alternative to cervical cytology for primary cervical cancer screening in low resource setting. The purpose of the study is to evaluate VIA and VILI as cervical cancer screening tools in low resource setting; and to compare the efficacy of VIA and VILI in early detection of cancer cervix via colposcopy.Methods: The clinical study was conducted on 80 gynecological patients with history of heavy menstrual bleed and post-coital bleeding are included in study. Unmarried women patients, and active vaginal bleeding, were excluded. A biopsy was taken in patients with abnormal findings or suspicious findings of VIA/VILI.Results: In the present study, sensitivity of VIA and VILI is 90% and 50% respectively, specificity of VIA and VILI is 98.57% and 100% respectively, positive predictive value of VIA and VILI are 90%, 100% respectively, negative predictive value of VIA and VILI are 98.57% and 93.3% respectively with biopsy as the reference standard.Conclusions: It is concluded that VIA and VILI are good screening test in low resource setting as it can used in strategy of see and treat and screen and treat since there is low compliance of follow up of patients

    Some results on the distance r-b-coloring in graphs

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    Given a positive integer r, two vertices u, v ∈ V (G) are r- independent if d(u, v) > r. A partition of V (G) into r-independent sets is called a distance r-coloring. A study of distance r-coloring and distance r-b-coloring concepts are studied in this paper.Publisher's Versio

    Experimental evaluation of anticonvulsant effect of human placental extract in pentylenetetrazole induced convulsions in mice

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    Background: Human placental extract (HPE) is used in different clinical conditions. Human placental extract (HPE), a folklore medicine, prepared from fresh, healthy human placenta has been in use, as single dose therapy in the treatment of epilepsy in some parts of India. Hence, present study was carried out to explore anticonvulsant property of Human placental extract (HPE) in Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced convulsions in albino mice.Methods: Effects of human placental extract (HPE) (1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 ml / 100 gm body weight) as test drug, sodium valproate (150 mg / kg body weight) as standard and distilled water as control were studied in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced convulsions in albino mouse model. Failure to observe even a single episode of tonic spasm for 5 sec. duration for 1 hour was taken as index of anticonvulsant activity. Onset, duration, complete recovery from convulsion and percent protection was calculated and statistical analysis was carried out using student ‘t’ test.Results: Pretreatment with human placental extract (HPE) administered in the dose of 1.0 ml / 100 gm body weight provided 33.33% and in the doses of 1.2 and 1.4 ml / 100 gm body weight and sodium valproate provided 100% protection from convulsions induced by Pentylenetetrazole in albino mice.Conclusion: Human placental extract (HPE) has shown promising anticonvulsant effect on Pentylenetetrazole induced mouse model

    Study to evaluate the effectiveness of coagulation factor concentrate prophylaxis in children with severe hemophilia

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of prophylaxis with coagulation factor concentrates VIII/IX (FVII/IX) in children with severe hemophilia A/B, respectively. Materials and Methods: Retrospective observational study was done on children enrolled in our hemophilia clinic, who initially received “on demand” therapy and were on prophylaxis with factor VIII/IX concentrate at the time of the study. The study group consisted of 8 children. Annual hemarthrosis rate (AHR) over a period of 1-year during on demand therapy was compared with AHR during a period of 1-year on prophylaxis with FVIII/IX. Results: There was reduction in AHR by 87% in hemophilia A and 85% in hemophilia B during prophylaxis compared to on demand therapy. There was a significant reduction in hemarthrosis/patient/year from 2.5 to 0.3 on prophylaxis with factor concentrate compared to on demand therapy. There was also reduction in other bleeding manifestation like psoas muscle bleed, oral bleeds, epistaxis, and number of target joints involved. Conclusion: Prophylaxis with coagulation factor concentrate significantly reduces the AHR, and hence, decreases the disability associated with it compared to “on demand” therapy

    Larvicidal and Repellent efficacy of some of the weed plant extracts against Culex quinquefasciatus Say

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    The indiscriminate use of synthetic insecticides over years to control mosquitoes has caused an array of adversities to human beings as well as to nature and to a greater extent it has inflicted damages to the natural environment and disturbed ecological balances. Insecticides in plant origin play an important role in the interruption of the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases at the individual as well as at the community levels. The present study tested the larvicidal activity of methanolic extracts of four plants viz., Uvaria narum A. DC. (Annonaceae), Morinda pubescens Sm. (Rubiaceae), Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Linn.) Sw. (Leguminosae) and Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. (Vitaceae) and repellent activity of Uvaria narum against Culex quinquefasciatus Say. From the tested plants it is observed that methanolic extracts of U. narum possesses the highest larvicidal activity and ensure 100% protection. The findings of the present investigation revealed that the methanolic extracts of the selected plants have remarkable larvicidal activity against Cx. quinquefasciatus
