364 research outputs found

    Truly unentangled photon pairs without spectral filtering

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    We demonstrate that an integrated silicon microring resonator is capable of efficiently producing photon pairs that are completely unentangled; such pairs are a key component of heralded single photon sources. A dual-channel interferometric coupling scheme can be used to independently tune the quality factors associated with the pump and signal and idler modes, yielding a biphoton wavefunction with Schmidt number arbitrarily close to unity. This will permit the generation of heralded single photon states with unit purity.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Surface Sampling System for Low-Gravity Missions

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    SpaceWorks has identified several sampling missions that could benefit from the technology developed under this project. Requirements were established for the surface sampling system. SpaceWorks teamed with Virginia Tech to identify and select a baseline adhesive suitable for the surface sampling system. SpaceWorks identified Solimide foam as the baseline substrate material. SpaceWorks conducted extensive testing to characterize the performance of the substrate/adhesive combination. A prototype version of the sampler head was designed and built by SpaceWorks

    Oral Health Quality Improvement in the Era of Accountability

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    The purpose of this report is to review the current status and trends in quality measurement and improvement and describe efforts underway to expand and enhance those efforts. The report will also describe opportunities to use emerging oral health measurement and quality improvement systems to improve and maintain the oral health of the U.S. population

    Ultrafast all-optical switching in a silicon-nanocrystal-based silicon slot waveguide at telecom wavelengths

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technica editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/articlesonrequest/index.htmlWe demonstrate experimentally all-optical switching on a silicon chip at telecom wavelengths. The switching device comprises a compact ring resonator formed by horizontal silicon slot waveguides filled with highly nonlinear silicon nanocrystals in silica. When pumping at power levels about 100 mW using 10 ps pulses, more than 50% modulation depth is observed at the switch output. The switch performs about I order of magnitude faster than previous approaches on silicon and is fully fabricated using complementary metal oxide semiconductor technologies.The work was financially supported by the EU through project PHOLOGIC (FP6-IST-NMP-017158).Martínez Abietar, AJ.; Blasco Solbes, J.; Sanchis Kilders, P.; Galan Conejos, JV.; García-Rupérez, J.; Jordana, E.; Gautier, P.... (2010). Ultrafast all-optical switching in a silicon-nanocrystal-based silicon slot waveguide at telecom wavelengths. Nano Letters. 10(4):1506-1511. doi:10.1021/nl9041017S1506151110

    The Moral Economy of Heroin in ‘Austerity Britain’

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    This article presents the findings of an ethnographic exploration of heroin use in a disadvantaged area of the United Kingdom. Drawing on developments in continental philosophy as well as debates around the nature of social exclusion in the late-modern west, the core claim made here is that the cultural systems of exchange and mutual support which have come to underpin heroin use in this locale—that, taken together, form a ‘moral economy of heroin’—need to be understood as an exercise in reconstituting a meaningful social realm by, and specifically for, this highly marginalised group. The implications of this claim are discussed as they pertain to the fields of drug policy, addiction treatment, and critical criminological understandings of disenfranchised groups

    Integrated photon sources for quantum information science applications

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    Ring resonators are used as photon pair sources by taking advantage of the materials second or third order non-linearities through the processes of spontaneous parametric downconversion and spontaneous four wave mixing respectively. Two materials of interest for these applications are silicon for the infrared and aluminum nitride for the ultraviolet through the infrared. When fabricated into ring type sources they are capable of producing pairs of indistinguishable photons but typically suffer from an effective 50% loss. By slightly decoupling the input waveguide from the ring, the drop port coincidence ratio can be significantly increased with the trade-off being that the pump is less efficiently coupled into the ring. Ring resonators with this design have been demonstrated having coincidence ratios of 96% but requiring a factor of ∼10 increase in the pump power. Through the modification of the coupling design that relies on additional spectral dependence, it is possible to achieve similar coincidence ratios without the increased pumping requirement. This can be achieved by coupling the input waveguide to the ring multiple times, thus creating a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This coupler design can be used on both sides of the ring resonator so that resonances supported by one of the couplers are suppressed by the other. This is the ideal configuration for a photon-pair source as it can only support the pump photons at the input side while only allowing the generated photons to leave through the output side. Recently, this device has been realized with preliminary results exhibiting the desired spectral dependence and with a coincidence ratio as high as ∼ 97% while allowing the pump to be nearly critically coupled to the ring. The demonstrated near unity coincidence ratio infers a near maximal heralding efficiency from the fabricated device. This device has the potential to greatly improve the scalability and performance of quantum computing and communication systems.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ECCS- 1542081)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award No. ECCS14052481

    First lasing of the Jefferson Lab IR Demo FEL

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    As reported previously [1], Jefferson Lab is building a free-electron laser capable of generating a continuous wave kilowatt laser beam. The driver-accelerator consists of a superconducting, energy-recovery accelerator. The initial stage of the program was to produce over 100 W of average power with no recirculation. In order to provide maximum gain the initial wavelength was chosen to be 5 mu-m and the initial beam energy was chosen to be 38.5 MeV. On June 17, 1998, the laser produced 155 Watts cw power at the laser output with a 98% reflective output coupler. On July 28th, 311 Watts cw power was obtained using a 90% reflective output coupler. A summary of the commissioning activities to date as well as some novel lasing results will be summarized in this paper. Present work is concentrated on optimizing lasing at 5 mu-m, obtaining lasing at 3 mu-m, and commissioning the recirculation transport in preparation for kilowatt lasing this fall
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