13 research outputs found

    Agronomische und phytochemische Charakterisierung von Brotklee-Landsorten

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    Der Brotklee oder Schabziger Trigonella caerulea (L.) Ser. gehört zur Pflanzenfamilie der Fabaceae. Das getrocknete Kraut wird in der Alpenregion traditionell zum WĂŒrzen von KĂ€se und Brot verwendet. Verschiedene α-KetosĂ€uren sind fĂŒr das charakteristische Aroma verantwortlich, aber derzeit ist wenig ĂŒber deren Vorkommen im getrockneten Pflanzenmaterial bekannt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die agronomischen Eigenschaften und die Inhaltsstoffe von sieben Brotklee-Landsorten aus SĂŒdtirol (Italien) zu untersuchen. Die untersuchten Landsorten zeigten Ă€hnliche agronomische Eigenschaften aber deutliche Unterschiede im Gehalt an α-KetosĂ€uren und in deren Zusammensetzung.Trigonella caerulea (L.) Ser. is an annual herb that belongs to the Fabaceae plant family. The dried aerial parts of T. caerulea are traditionally used in the Alpine Region for flavoring cheese and bread. Different α-keto acids are considered responsible for the characteristic aroma, but at present very little is known about their quantity in the dried plant material. The aim of the present study was to analyze the agronomic traits and the phytochemical composition of seven accessions of T. caerulea from South Tyrol (Italy). The studied accessions showed similar agronomic traits, however differences in the overall content and composition of alpha-keto acids were found.AlternativeReviewe

    Normobaric hypoxia overnight impairs cognitive reaction time

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    Background: Impaired reaction time in patients suffering from hypoxia during sleep, caused by sleep breathing disorders, is a well-described phenomenon. High altitude sleep is known to induce periodic breathing with central apneas and oxygen desaturations, even in perfectly healthy subjects. However, deficits in reaction time in mountaineers or workers after just some nights of hypoxia exposure are not sufficiently explored. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the impact of sleep in a normobaric hypoxic environment on reaction time divided by its cognitive and motoric components. Eleven healthy non acclimatized students (5f, 6m, 21 2.1 years) slept one night at a simulated altitude of 3500 m in a normobaric hypoxic room, followed by a night with polysomnography at simulated 5500 m. Preexisting sleep disorders were excluded via BERLIN questionnaire. All subjects performed a choice reaction test (SCHUHFRIED RT, S3) at 450 m and directly after the nights at simulated 3500 and 5500 m. Results: We found a significant increase of cognitive reaction time with higher altitude (p = 0.026). No changes were detected in movement time (p = n.s.). Reaction time, the combined parameter of cognitive- and motoric reaction time, didnt change either (p = n.s.). Lower SpO2 surprisingly correlated significantly with shorter cognitive reaction time (r = 0.78, p = 0.004). Sleep stage distribution and arousals at 5500 m didnt correlate with reaction time, cognitive reaction time or movement time. Conclusion: Sleep in hypoxia does not seem to affect reaction time to simple tasks. The component of cognitive reaction time is increasingly delayed whereas motoric reaction time seems not to be affected. Low SpO2 and arousals are not related to increased cognitive reaction time therefore the causality remains unclear. The fact of increased cognitive reaction time after sleep in hypoxia, considering high altitude workers and mountaineering operations with overnight stays, should be further investigated.(VLID)3080994Version of recor

    Ultrasonic emissions during ice nucleation and propagation in plant xylem

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    New Phytol.ISI Document Delivery No.: CM6TZTimes Cited: 0Cited Reference Count: 59Charrier, Guillaume Pramsohler, Manuel Charra-Vaskou, Katline Saudreau, Marc Ameglio, Thierry Neuner, Gilbert Mayr, StefanAnr [i826-b25]; fwf [i826-b25]This project was funded by the French and Austrian research agencies (ANR and FWF), project I826-B25 'Acoufreeze'.Wiley-blackwellHobokenUltrasonic acoustic emission analysis enables nondestructive monitoring of damage in dehydrating or freezing plant xylem. We studied acoustic emissions (AE) in freezing stems during ice nucleation and propagation, by combining acoustic and infrared thermography techniques and controlling the ice nucleation point. Ultrasonic activity in freezing samples of Picea abies showed two distinct phases: the first on ice nucleation and propagation (up to 50AEs(-1); reversely proportional to the distance to ice nucleation point), and the second (up to 2.5AEs(-1)) after dissipation of the exothermal heat. Identical patterns were observed in other conifer and angiosperm species. The complex AE patterns are explained by the low water potential of ice at the ice-liquid interface, which induced numerous and strong signals. Ice propagation velocities were estimated via AE (during the first phase) and infrared thermography. Acoustic activity ceased before the second phase probably because the exothermal heating and the volume expansion of ice caused decreasing tensions. Results indicate cavitation events at the ice front leading to AE. Ultrasonic emission analysis enabled new insights into the complex process of xylem freezing and might be used to monitor ice propagation in natura