317 research outputs found

    Magnetorotational turbulence transports angular momentum in stratified disks with low magnetic Prandtl number but magnetic Reynolds number above a critical value

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    The magnetorotational instability (MRI) may dominate outward transport of angular momentum in accretion disks, allowing material to fall onto the central object. Previous work has established that the MRI can drive a mean-field dynamo, possibly leading to a self-sustaining accretion system. Recently, however, simulations of the scaling of the angular momentum transport parameter \alphaSS with the magnetic Prandtl number \Prandtl have cast doubt on the ability of the MRI to transport astrophysically relevant amounts of angular momentum in real disk systems. Here, we use simulations including explicit physical viscosity and resistivity to show that when vertical stratification is included, mean field dynamo action operates, driving the system to a configuration in which the magnetic field is not fully helical. This relaxes the constraints on the generated field provided by magnetic helicity conservation, allowing the generation of a mean field on timescales independent of the resistivity. Our models demonstrate the existence of a critical magnetic Reynolds number \Rmagc, below which transport becomes strongly \Prandtl-dependent and chaotic, but above which the transport is steady and \Prandtl-independent. Prior simulations showing \Prandtl-dependence had \Rmag < \Rmagc. We conjecture that this steady regime is possible because the mean field dynamo is not helicity-limited and thus does not depend on the details of the helicity ejection process. Scaling to realistic astrophysical parameters suggests that disks around both protostars and stellar mass black holes have \Rmag >> \Rmagc. Thus, we suggest that the strong \Prandtl dependence seen in recent simulations does not occur in real systems.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. as accepted to Ap

    The Stability of Magnetized Rotating Plasmas with Superthermal Fields

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    During the last decade it has become evident that the magnetorotational instability is at the heart of the enhanced angular momentum transport in weakly magnetized accretion disks around neutron stars and black holes. In this paper, we investigate the local linear stability of differentially rotating, magnetized flows and the evolution of the magnetorotational instability beyond the weak-field limit. We show that, when superthermal toroidal fields are considered, the effects of both compressibility and magnetic tension forces, which are related to the curvature of toroidal field lines, should be taken fully into account. We demonstrate that the presence of a strong toroidal component in the magnetic field plays a non-trivial role. When strong fields are considered, the strength of the toroidal magnetic field not only modifies the growth rates of the unstable modes but also determines which modes are subject to instabilities. We find that, for rotating configurations with Keplerian laws, the magnetorotational instability is stabilized at low wavenumbers for toroidal Alfven speeds exceeding the geometric mean of the sound speed and the rotational speed. We discuss the significance of our findings for the stability of cold, magnetically dominated, rotating fluids and argue that, for these systems, the curvature of toroidal field lines cannot be neglected even when short wavelength perturbations are considered. We also comment on the implications of our results for the validity of shearing box simulations in which superthermal toroidal fields are generated.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Sections 2 and 5 substantially expanded, added Appendix A and 3 figures with respect to previous version. Animations are available at http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~mpessah/research

    Connections Between Local and Global Turbulence in Accretion Disks

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    We analyze a suite of global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) accretion disk simulations in order to determine whether scaling laws for turbulence driven by the magnetorotational instability, discovered via local shearing box studies, are globally robust. The simulations model geometrically-thin disks with zero net magnetic flux and no explicit resistivity or viscosity. We show that the local Maxwell stress is correlated with the self-generated local vertical magnetic field in a manner that is similar to that found in local simulations. Moreover, local patches of vertical field are strong enough to stimulate and control the strength of angular momentum transport across much of the disk. We demonstrate the importance of magnetic linkages (through the low-density corona) between different regions of the disk in determining the local field, and suggest a new convergence requirement for global simulations -- the vertical extent of the corona must be fully captured and resolved. Finally, we examine the temporal convergence of the average stress, and show that an initial long-term secular drift in the local flux-stress relation dies away on a time scale that is consistent with turbulent mixing of the initial magnetic field.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 Figures ApJ, In Pres

    Low-Frequency Oscillations in Global Simulations of Black Hole Accretion

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    We have identified the presence of large-scale, low-frequency dynamo cycles in a long-duration, global, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of black hole accretion. Such cycles had been seen previously in local shearing box simulations, but we discuss their evolution over 1,500 inner disk orbits of a global pi/4 disk wedge spanning two orders of magnitude in radius and seven scale heights in elevation above/below the disk midplane. The observed cycles manifest themselves as oscillations in azimuthal magnetic field occupying a region that extends into a low-density corona several scale heights above the disk. The cycle frequencies are ten to twenty times lower than the local orbital frequency, making them potentially interesting sources of low-frequency variability when scaled to real astrophysical systems. Furthermore, power spectra derived from the full time series reveal that the cycles manifest themselves at discrete, narrow-band frequencies that often share power across broad radial ranges. We explore possible connections between these simulated cycles and observed low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (LFQPOs) in galactic black hole binary systems, finding that dynamo cycles have the appropriate frequencies and are located in a spatial region associated with X-ray emission in real systems. Derived observational proxies, however, fail to feature peaks with RMS amplitudes comparable to LFQPO observations, suggesting that further theoretical work and more sophisticated simulations will be required to form a complete theory of dynamo-driven LFQPOs. Nonetheless, this work clearly illustrates that global MHD dynamos exhibit quasi-periodic behavior on timescales much longer than those derived from test particle considerations.Comment: Version accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, 8 pages, 7 figure

    Saturation of Magnetorotational Instability through Magnetic Field Generation

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    The saturation mechanism of Magneto-Rotational Instability (MRI) is examined through analytical quasilinear theory and through nonlinear computation of a single mode in a rotating disk. We find that large-scale magnetic field is generated through the alpha effect (the correlated product of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations) and causes the MRI mode to saturate. If the large-scale plasma flow is allowed to evolve, the mode can also saturate through its flow relaxation. In astrophysical plasmas, for which the flow cannot relax because of gravitational constraints, the mode saturates through field generation only.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures to appear in ApJ, Jun 2009, 10 v69

    Toxicology in the Fast Lane: Application of High-Throughput Bioassays to Detect Modulation of Key Enzymes and Receptors

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    BackgroundLegislation at state, federal, and international levels is requiring rapid evaluation of the toxicity of numerous chemicals. Whole-animal toxicologic studies cannot yield the necessary throughput in a cost-effective fashion, leading to a critical need for a faster and more cost-effective toxicologic evaluation of xenobiotics.ObjectivesWe tested whether mechanistically based screening assays can rapidly provide information on the potential for compounds to affect key enzymes and receptor targets, thus identifying those compounds requiring further in-depth analysis.MethodsA library of 176 synthetic chemicals was prepared and examined in a high-throughput screening (HTS) manner using nine enzyme-based and five receptor-based bioassays.ResultsAll the assays have high Z' values, indicating good discrimination among compounds in a reliable fashion, and thus are suitable for HTS assays. On average, three positive hits were obtained per assay. Although we identified compounds that were previously shown to inhibit a particular enzyme class or receptor, we surprisingly discovered that triclosan, a microbiocide present in personal care products, inhibits carboxylesterases and that dichlone, a fungicide, strongly inhibits the ryanodine receptors.ConclusionsConsidering the need to rapidly screen tens of thousands of anthropogenic compounds, our study shows the feasibility of using combined HTS assays as a novel approach toward obtaining toxicologic data on numerous biological end points. The HTS assay approach is very useful to quickly identify potentially hazardous compounds and to prioritize them for further in-depth studies

    Uncoupling of ATP-Mediated Calcium Signaling and Dysregulated Interleukin-6 Secretion in Dendritic Cells by Nanomolar Thimerosal

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    Dendritic cells (DCs), a rare cell type widely distributed in the soma, are potent antigen-presenting cells that initiate primary immune responses. DCs rely on intracellular redox state and calcium (Ca(2+)) signals for proper development and function, but the relationship between these two signaling systems is unclear. Thimerosal (THI) is a mercurial used to preserve vaccines and consumer products, and is used experimentally to induce Ca(2+) release from microsomal stores. We tested adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-mediated Ca(2+) responses of DCs transiently exposed to nanomolar THI. Transcriptional and immunocytochemical analyses show that murine myeloid immature DCs (IDCs) and mature DCs (MDCs) express inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R) and ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca(2+) channels, known targets of THI. IDCs express the RyR1 isoform in a punctate distribution that is densest near plasma membranes and within dendritic processes, whereas IP(3)Rs are more generally distributed. RyR1 positively and negatively regulates purinergic signaling because ryanodine (Ry) blockade a) recruited 80% more ATP responders, b) shortened ATP-mediated Ca(2+) transients > 2-fold, and c) produced a delayed and persistent rise (≥ 2-fold) in baseline Ca(2+). THI (100 nM, 5 min) recruited more ATP responders, shortened the ATP-mediated Ca(2+) transient (≥ 1.4-fold), and produced a delayed rise (≥ 3-fold) in the Ca(2+) baseline, mimicking Ry. THI and Ry, in combination, produced additive effects leading to uncoupling of IP(3)R and RyR1 signals. THI altered ATP-mediated interleukin-6 secretion, initially enhancing the rate of cytokine secretion but suppressing cytokine secretion overall in DCs. DCs are exquisitely sensitive to THI, with one mechanism involving the uncoupling of positive and negative regulation of Ca(2+) signals contributed by RyR1

    In Vitro Biologic Activities of the Antimicrobials Triclocarban, Its Analogs, and Triclosan in Bioassay Screens: Receptor-Based Bioassay Screens

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    BackgroundConcerns have been raised about the biological and toxicologic effects of the antimicrobials triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) in personal care products. Few studies have evaluated their biological activities in mammalian cells to assess their potential for adverse effects.ObjectivesIn this study, we assessed the activity of TCC, its analogs, and TCS in in vitro nuclear-receptor-responsive and calcium signaling bioassays.Materials and methodsWe determined the biological activities of the compounds in in vitro, cell-based, and nuclear-receptor-responsive bioassays for receptors for aryl hydrocarbon (AhR), estrogen (ER), androgen (AR), and ryanodine (RyR1).ResultsSome carbanilide compounds, including TCC (1-10 muM), enhanced estradiol (E(2))-dependent or testosterone-dependent activation of ER- and AR-responsive gene expression up to 2.5-fold but exhibited little or no agonistic activity alone. Some carbanilides and TCS exhibited weak agonistic and/or antagonistic activity in the AhR-responsive bioassay. TCS exhibited antagonistic activity in both ER- and AR-responsive bioassays. TCS (0.1-10 muM) significantly enhanced the binding of [(3)H]ryanodine to RyR1 and caused elevation of resting cytosolic [Ca(2+)] in primary skeletal myotubes, but carbanilides had no effect.ConclusionsCarbanilides, including TCC, enhanced hormone-dependent induction of ER- and AR-dependent gene expression but had little agonist activity, suggesting a new mechanism of action of endocrine-disrupting compounds. TCS, structurally similar to noncoplanar ortho-substituted poly-chlorinated biphenyls, exhibited weak AhR activity but interacted with RyR1 and stimulated Ca(2+) mobilization. These observations have potential implications for human and animal health. Further investigations are needed into the biological and toxicologic effects of TCC, its analogs, and TCS

    Interaction of the magnetorotational instability with hydrodynamic turbulence in accretion disks

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    Accretion disks in which angular momentum transport is dominated by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) can also possess additional, purely hydrodynamic, drivers of turbulence. Even when the hydrodynamic processes, on their own, generate negligible levels of transport, they may still affect the evolution of the disk via their influence on the MRI. Here, we study the interaction between the MRI and hydrodynamic turbulence using local MRI simulations that include hydrodynamic forcing. As expected, we find that hydrodynamic forcing is generally negligible if it yields a saturated kinetic energy density that is small compared to the value generated by the MRI. For stronger hydrodynamic forcing levels, we find that hydrodynamic turbulence modifies transport, with the effect varying depending upon the spatial scale of hydrodynamic driving. Large scale forcing boosts transport by an amount that is approximately linear in the forcing strength, and leaves the character of the MRI (for example the ratio between Maxwell and Reynolds stresses) unchanged, up to the point at which the forced turbulence is an order of magnitude stronger than that generated by the MRI. Low amplitude small scale forcing may modestly suppress the MRI. We conclude that the impact of hydrodynamic turbulence on the MRI is generically ignorable in cases, such as convection, where the additional turbulence arises due to the accretion energy liberated by the MRI itself. Hydrodynamic turbulence may affect (and either enhance or suppress) the MRI if it is both strong, and driven by independent mechanisms such as self-gravity, supernovae, or solid-gas interactions in multiphase protoplanetary disks.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Sex‐specific alterations in whole body energetics and voluntary activity in heterozygous R163C malignant hyperthermia‐susceptible mice

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    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is characterized by induction of skeletal muscle hyperthermia in response to a dysregulated increase in myoplasmic calcium. Although altered energetics play a central role in MH, MH‐susceptible humans and mouse models are often described as having no phenotype until exposure to a triggering agent. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the R163C ryanodine receptor 1 mutation, a common MH mutation in humans, on energy expenditure, and voluntary wheel running in mice. Energy expenditure was measured by indirect respiration calorimetry in wild‐type (WT) and heterozygous R163C (HET) mice over a range of ambient temperatures. Energy expenditure adjusted for body weight or lean mass was increased (P < .05) in male, but not female, HET mice housed at 22°C or when housed at 28°C with a running wheel. In female mice, voluntary wheel running was decreased (P < .05) in the HET vs WT animals when analyzed across ambient temperatures. The thermoneutral zone was also widened in both male and female HET mice. The results of the study show that the R163C mutations alters energetics even at temperatures that do not typically induce MH