24 research outputs found

    Intelligent Control and Security of Fog Resources in Healthcare Systems via a Cognitive Fog Model

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    There have been significant advances in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) recently, which have not always considered security or data security concerns: A high degree of security is required when considering the sharing of medical data over networks. In most IoT-based systems, especially those within smart-homes and smart-cities, there is a bridging point (fog computing) between a sensor network and the Internet which often just performs basic functions such as translating between the protocols used in the Internet and sensor networks, as well as small amounts of data processing. The fog nodes can have useful knowledge and potential for constructive security and control over both the sensor network and the data transmitted over the Internet. Smart healthcare services utilise such networks of IoT systems. It is therefore vital that medical data emanating from IoT systems is highly secure, to prevent fraudulent use, whilst maintaining quality of service providing assured, verified and complete data. In this paper, we examine the development of a Cognitive Fog (CF) model, for secure, smart healthcare services, that is able to make decisions such as opting-in and opting-out from running processes and invoking new processes when required, and providing security for the operational processes within the fog system. Overall, the proposed ensemble security model performed better in terms of Accuracy Rate, Detection Rate, and a lower False Positive Rate (standard intrusion detection measurements) than three base classifiers (K-NN, DBSCAN and DT) using a standard security dataset (NSL-KDD)

    Providing Secure and Reliable Communication for Next Generation Networks in Smart Cities

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    Finding a framework that provides continuous, reliable, secure and sustainable diversified smart city services proves to be challenging in today’s traditional cloud centralized solutions. This article envisions a Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) solution that enables node collaboration among IoT devices to provide reliable and secure communication between devices and the fog layer on one hand, and the fog layer and the cloud layer on the other hand. The solution assumes that collaboration is determined based on nodes’ resource capabilities and cooperation willingness. Resource capabilities are defined using ontologies, while willingness to cooperate is described using a three-factor node criteria, namely: nature, attitude and awareness. A learning method is adopted to identify candidates for the service composition and delivery process. We show that the system does not require extensive training for services to be delivered correct and accurate. The proposed solution reduces the amount of unnecessary traffic flow to and from the edge, by relying on nodeto-node communication protocols. Communication to the fog andcloud layers is used for more data and computing-extensive applications, hence, ensuring secure communication protocols to the cloud. Preliminary simulations are conducted to showcase the effectiveness of adapting the proposed framework to achieve smart city sustainability through service reliability and security. Results show that the proposed solution outperforms other semicooperative and non-cooperative service composition techniques in terms of efficient service delivery and composition delay, service hit ratio, and suspicious node identification

    Intelligent control and security of fog resources in healthcare systems via a cognitive fog model

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    There have been significant advances in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) recently, which have not always considered security or data security concerns: A high degree of security is required when considering the sharing of medical data over networks. In most IoT-based systems, especially those within smart-homes and smart-cities, there is a bridging point (fog computing) between a sensor network and the Internet which often just performs basic functions such as translating between the protocols used in the Internet and sensor networks, as well as small amounts of data processing. The fog nodes can have useful knowledge and potential for constructive security and control over both the sensor network and the data transmitted over the Internet. Smart healthcare services utilise such networks of IoT systems. It is therefore vital that medical data emanating from IoT systems is highly secure, to prevent fraudulent use, whilst maintaining quality of service providing assured, verified and complete data. In this paper, we examine the development of a Cognitive Fog (CF) model, for secure, smart healthcare services, that is able to make decisions such as opting-in and opting-out from running processes and invoking new processes when required, and providing security for the operational processes within the fog system. Overall, the proposed ensemble security model performed better in terms of Accuracy Rate, Detection Rate, and a lower False Positive Rate (standard intrusion detection measurements) than three base classifiers (K-NN, DBSCAN and DT) using a standard security dataset (NSL-KDD)

    Intelligent intrusion detection system in smart grid using computational intelligence and machine learning

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    Smart grid systems enhanced the capability of traditional power networks while being vulnerable to different types of cyber-attacks. These vulnerabilities could cause attackers to crash into the network breaching the integrity and confidentiality of the smart grid systems. Therefore, an intrusion detection system (IDS) becomes an important way to provide a secure and reliable services in a smart grid environment. This article proposes a feature-based IDS for smart grid systems. The proposed system performance is evaluated in terms of accuracy, intrusion detection rate (DR), and false alarm rate (FAR). The obtained results show that the random forest and neural network classifiers have outperformed other classifiers. We have achieved a 0.5% FAR on KDD99 dataset and a 0.08% FAR on the NSLKDD dataset. The DR and the testing accuracy on average are 99% for both datasets

    A Novel Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach for Task-offloading in Vehicular Networks

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    Next-generation vehicular networks will impose unprecedented computation demand due to the wide adoption of compute-intensive services with stringent latency requirements. Computational capacity of vehicular networks can be enhanced by integration of vehicular edge or fog computing; however, the growing popularity and massive adoption of novel services make edge resources insufficient. This challenge can be addressed by utilizing the onboard computation resources of neighboring vehicles that are not resource-constrained along with the edge computing resources. To fill the gaps, in this paper, we propose to solve the problem of task offloading by jointly considering the communication and computation resources in a mobile vehicular network. We formulate a non-linear problem to minimize the energy consumption subject to the network resources. Further-more, we consider a practical vehicular environment by taking into account the dynamics of mobile vehicular networks. The formulated problem is solved via a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based approach. Finally, numerical evaluations are performed that demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed scheme

    Impact of temperature and storage time on the migration of antimony from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers into bottled water in Qatar

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    Prosperity in Qatar and the consequent stresses on water resources resulted in a sustainable increase in the bottled drinking water market. Reports on health concerns and possible migration of chemicals from the plastic material into the water have driven the current investigation. This study aims to address the extent of antimony (Sb) leaching from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) water bottles subject to temperature variations (24–50 °C) due to Qatar’s hot climate and improper storage conditions. A representative basket including 66 different imported and locally produced water bottles was considered. The concentrations of Sb in bottled water ranged from 0.168 to 2.263 μg/L at 24 °C and from 0.240 to 6.110 μg/L at 50 °C. Antimony concentrations in PET bottles at 24 °C was significantly lower than those at 50 °C (p = 0.0142), indicating that the temperature was a principal factor affecting the release of Sb from the plastic into the water. Although the detected Sb amounts were below the guidelines endorsed by WHO and Qatar (standard 5 μg/L) at 24 °C, the concentration measured at 50 °C was higher than the recommended WHO values (6.11 μg/L).Scopu

    Mass psychogenic illness following tetanus-diphtheria toxoid vaccination in Jordan.

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    In September 1998, more than 800 young people in Jordan believed they had suffered from the side-effects of tetanus-diphtheria toxoid vaccine administered at school; 122 of them were admitted to hospital. For the vast majority, their symptoms did not result from the vaccine but arose from mass psychogenic illness. The role played by the media, the children's parents, and the medical profession in the escalation of this mass reaction appeared, at first sight, to be unusual and even unique to the circumstances in Jordan at the time. A review of the literature showed, however, that this mass reaction was similar in many ways to previous outbreaks, even though the underlying causes varied. There are about 200 published accounts of mass responses to situations involving suspected poisoning or other events. Because such mass reactions are relatively rare and the triggers so diverse, individuals faced with responding to them are unlikely to have prior experience in how to handle them and are unlikely to take bold steps to prevent their escalation. Indeed they may be unaware that such events have been recorded before. The lessons learned from this incident in Jordan may help other immunization programme managers to handle crisis situations elsewhere