43 research outputs found

    Campylobacter epidemiology from breeders to their progeny in Eastern Spain

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    [EN] While horizontal transmission is a route clearly linked to the spread of Campylobacter at the farm level, few studies support the transmission of Campylobacter spp. from breeder flocks to their offspring. Thus, the present study was carried out to investigate the possibility of vertical transmission. Breeders were monitored from the time of housing day-old chicks, then throughout the laying period (0 to 60 wk) and throughout their progeny (broiler fattening, 1 to 42 d) until slaughter. All samples were analyzed according with official method ISO 10272:2006. Results revealed that on breeder farms, Campylobacter isolation started from wk 16 and reached its peak at wk 26, with 57.0% and 93.2% of positive birds, respectively. After this point, the rate of positive birds decreased slightly to 86.0% at 60 wk. However, in broiler production all day-old chicks were found negative for Campylobacter spp, and the bacteria was first isolated at d 14 of age (5.0%), with a significant increase in detection during the fattening period with 62% of Campylobacter positive animals at the end of the production cycle. Moreover, non-positive sample was determined from environmental sources. These results could be explained because Campylobacter may be in a low concentration or in a non-culturable form, as there were several studies that successfully detected Campylobacter DNA, but failed to culture. This form can survive in the environment and infect successive flocks; consequently, further studies are needed to develop more modern, practical, cost-effective and suitable techniques for routine diagnosis.We thank the ASAV (Valencian Poultry Association) and the Santander bank for the financial support of the project and the staff of the CECAV (Center for Poultry and Animal Feed Quality of the Valencian Region) for their assistance. Sofia Ingresa was supported by a research grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education (programme FPU13/03306). English text version was revised by N. Macowan English Language Service.Ingresa-Capaccioni, S.; Jiménez Trigos, ME.; Marco Jiménez, F.; Català, P.; Vega García, S.; Marin Orenga, C. (2016). Campylobacter epidemiology from breeders to their progeny in Eastern Spain. Poultry Science. 95(3):676-683. https://doi.org/10.3382/ps/pev338S67668395

    Synthesis and evaluation of novel 7- and 8-aminophenoxazinones for the detection of β-alanine aminopeptidase activity and the rapid identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in clinical samples

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    A series of novel 8-aminophenoxazin-3-one and 7-aminophenoxazin-3-one chromogens and their corresponding β-alanine derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their ability to detect β-alanyl aminopeptidase activity in bacteria known to hydrolyse β-alanine derivatized substrates. The results provided insight into the structural requirements for effective visualization of enzymatic activity and the mechanism of formation of phenoxazinon-3-ones. 8-Aminophenoxazin-3-one substrates 23c, 23d and 23e were prepared in good to high overall yield and were selective for β-alanyl aminopeptidase activity in bacteria, producing a lighter agar background coloration facilitating visualization of colored colonies, with variable localization to the colonies, but had lower sensitivities for the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in comparison to the analogous 7-aminophenoxazin-3-one substrates. The synthetic methodology employed here allows the preparation of a range of substrates for evaluation and the establishment of structure-activity relationships. For example, the 2-pentyl substituted aminophenoxazin-3-one 22b performed with analogous sensitivity to the corresponding 1-pentyl-7-aminophenoxazin-3-one substrate 1 used commercially, highlighting that the position of the pentyl substituent can be varied while maintaining detection sensitivity

    Litter aeration and spread of Salmonella in broilers

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    Litter quality in the poultry sector is one of the main parameters of health, productivity, and animal welfare. Therefore, innovative management methods have been developed to improve the quality of litter. One of them is litter aeration (LA) by tumbling. However, there is little information related to the effect of this technique on the spreading of pathogens of public health importance such as Salmonella. In this context, the objective of this study was to determine the epidemiology of Salmonella in poultry farms, when serial LA were implemented during the rearing cycle of broilers. For this purpose, an experimental broiler farm with 3 identical rooms was used in the study. Two rooms were assigned to the LA treatment, and the other one served as the control room. Environmental samples were taken in poultry houses after LA in 4 consecutive weeks at the end of the cycle. All samples collected were analyzed according to the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 6579:2002, Annex D). The results of this study showed that in the control and treated rooms, the percentage of positive samples for Salmonella decreased in the first 3 LA sessions (LA 1, LA 2, and LA 3). However, in the last LA session of rearing (LA 4), the percentage of positive samples increased from 8.2 to 33.2% in the control room instead the treated rooms where the positive samples decreased (P = 0.017). Thus, the aeration of the litter as litter management technique in poultry broiler production does not increase the shedding or the spread of Salmonella throughout broiler houses. In addition, it could be an effective technique to reduce the infective pressure of this bacterium in several areas of the farm or in certain moments of the rearing period with more risk of multiplication and spreading of Salmonella

    Relación entre calidad del sitio y comunidades vegetales en restauraciones forestales de la provincia de Valencia. Aplicación a la delimitación de rodales

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    [ES] La determinación de la calidad de estación o sitio a escala de rodal es un factor crucial en restauración forestal pues permite la identificación de microambientes y por tanto la optimización de las mezclas de especies según un patrón más similar al natural. La vegetación pre-existente puede ayudar a esta caracterización al reflejar en buena medida las condiciones ecológicas del sitio. Sin embargo, esta información es en ocasiones relegada debido a la necesidad de elaborarla y ajustarla localmente, lo que complica la dinámica de la obra, tanto en su fase de proyecto como de ejecución. Se han seleccionado varias reforestaciones distribuidas por la provincia de Valencia y se ha realizado un muestreo sistemático sobre ellas, inventariando en cada punto la vegetación natural presente y su cobertura, la calidad del sitio, la humedad edáfica y el estado de los brinzales plantados. Sobre esta base de datos, se ha estudiado la relación entre las variables y, en base a ello, se han buscado indicadores de calidad local de estación fácilmente identificables, relacionados con la respuesta posttrasplante y que permitan al técnico de campo una mejor asignación sitio-especie. Los resultados indican que la profundidad del suelo es el factor clave en la calidad de estación en la generalidad de los casos y que la presencia de determinadas especies así como su cobertura puede predecirla adecuadamente (R2 > 72%), ayudando a extrapolar una información puntual a superficial.Este estudio está integrado en los convenios de I+D realizados entre la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y las empresas TRAGSA y DIMESA, auspiciados por la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda de la Generalitat Valenciana. La Universidad Politécnica de Valencia ha contri-buido a través del Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo 2007.Campo García, ADD.; Segura Orenga, G.; Molina Grau, S.; Tárraga Pina, R. (2008). Relación entre calidad del sitio y comunidades vegetales en restauraciones forestales de la provincia de Valencia. Aplicación a la delimitación de rodales. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. 25:145-151. https://doi.org/10.31167/csef.v0i25.9674S1451512

    Fracturas de radio distal. ¿Progresa el desplazamiento entre la segunda y la sexta semana?.

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    Las fracturas de radio distal son las más frecuentes en nuestra especialidad. El tratamiento conservador con inmovilización, basado en una serie de parámetros radiológicos, sigue siendo el más utilizado hoy en día. El objetivo de nuestro estudio ha sido evaluar el desplazamiento secundario de estas fracturas entre la segunda y sexta semana de evolución. Para ello hemos evaluado las fracturas de radio distal tratadas de forma conservadora en nuestro Servicio, durante el año 2016. De un total de 53 fracturas de muñeca tratadas de forma conservadora, un 49% de los casos presentó algún tipo de desplazamiento, si bien la mayor parte de estos tuvieron lugar antes de la segunda semana. Nuestros resultados fueron similares a los revisados en la literatura, en cuanto a datos demográficos y tasa de desplazamiento. Por lo que recomendamos intercalar algunos controles radiográficos semanales en aquellas fracturas que presenten desde el inicio algún parámetro de inestabilidad

    Estudio de las lesiones en el judo

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    Judo is a martial art whose origins come from jujutsu, created in 1882 by the master Jigoro Kano, who proposed a method that was based on techniques that could be applied in real combat, as well as practiced with the partner without risk of injury .The objective of the present study is to assess the prevalence, type and distribution of the injuries suffered. Check whether sex or sports performance influences the appearance of injuries, determine which technique intervenes more frequently, assess whether they occur mostly in training or competition, and analyze how they act.This is a descriptive crosssectional observational study, in which four clubs were asked to participate, in which they had to answer an anonymous survey.Regarding the results, a total of 652 injuries were registered, in 63 men and 38 women. The most commonly injured body regions were the upper limbs 254 (38.95 %%). Contusions and sprains were the most frequent injuries and the most frequently associated technique was Seoi Nage. The number of injuries was higher during the competition if we take into account time. Most of the injuries (74.1%) were of slight characteristics, with a sports rest of less than a week and only 38.95% forced the judoka to interrupt the sport.After the study carried out, we can conclude that the results obtained are comparable to the bibliography, confirming the stated objective

    Characteristics of major Escherichia coli reductases involved in aerobic nitro and azo reduction

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    International audienceAIMS: Escherichia coli is able to reduce azo compounds such as methyl red (MR) and nitro compounds such as 7-nitrocoumarin-3-carboxylic acid (7NCCA). The aim of this study was to clarify the specificity of the major E.~coli reductases. METHODS AND RESULTS: Enzymatic assays with pure enzymes obtained after cloning, overproduction and purification under native or denaturing conditions were performed on three enzymes: AzoR, NfsA and NfsB. Their dependence on putative cofactors such as flavin mononucleotide (FMN), NADH and NADPH was studied as well as the reductase capacity of E.~coli mutants depleted for one, two or three of the corresponding genes. CONCLUSIONS: AzoR was able to reduce both MR and 7NCCA, whereas NfsA and NfsB could only reduce the nitro compound. AzoR and NfsB were strictly FMN dependent in contrast to NfsA. At a low oxygen concentration, the three proteins were not mandatory for azo reduction and nitro reduction, but in optimal aerobic conditions, azoR was essential for MR reduction, and an nfsA/nfsB combination was important for 7NCCA reduction. Overexpression of azoR gene was able to compensate for the loss of nfsA and nfsB under aerobic conditions. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: These data provide new insights into the substrate specificity of major E.~coli nitroreductases and demonstrate that oxygen is an important parameter to take into account in studies of nitroreductase activity