352 research outputs found

    Specific volumes of the Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10.0Be22.5 alloy in the liquid, glass, and crystalline states

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    The specific volumes of the Zr41.2Ti13.8CU12.5Ni10.0Be2.25 alloy as a function of temperature, T, are determined by employing an image digitizing technique and numerical calculation methods applied to the electrostatically levitated spherical alloy. The linear fitting of the volumes of the alloy in the liquid, V-l, glass, V-g, and crystalline V-c, states in the temperature ranges shown in parentheses are V-l(T) = 0.1583 + 8.877 x 10(-6)T(cm^(3)/g) (700-1300 K); V-g(T) = 0.1603 + 5.528 x 10^(-6)T (400-550 K); V-c(T) = 0.1583 + 6.211 x 10(-6)T(400-850 K). The average volume thermal expansion coefficients within the temperature ranges are determined to be 5.32, 3.39, and 3.83 x 10^(-5) (1/K) for the liquid, glass, and crystalline states, respectively

    Optimum Arrangement of Resonator in Micro-bunch Free Electron Laser(III. Accelerator, Synchrotron Radiation, and Instrumentation)

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    Using a short-bunched beam of electrons from a linear accelator, the output of the micro-bunch FEL has been studied experimentally to clarify the optimum arrangement of an open resonator on the electron orbit. The output depends sharply on the arrangement, and the maximum output is observed when the resonator axis intersects the electron orbit with the angle of 3°

    Densities of Si determined by an image digitizing technique in combination with an electrostatic levitator

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    We have determined the densities of Si in the liquid, rhol(T), and solid, rhos(T), states as a function of temperature, T, by employing an image digitizing technique and numerical calculation methods in combination with an electrostatic levitator. The obtained density data can be fitted with the following equations: rhol(T) = rhol(Tm) – 1.71 × 10^–4(T – Tm) – 1.61 × 10^–7(T – Tm)2(g/cm^3); rhos(T) = rhos(Tm) – 2.63 × 10^–5(T – Tm)(g/cm^3),where Tm is the melting point, 1687 K, and rhol(Tm) and rhos(Tm) are 2.580 and 2.311 (g/cm^3), respectively. The error involved in the determination is estimated to be ±0.006 (g/cm3). The rhol(T) value smoothly varies through Tm and does not indicate a reported anomalous density variation. The rhol(Tm) value is 2% larger than the literature value and the coefficient of the linear temperature dependence is approximately half of a reported value. The rhos(Tm) value closely agrees with the literature value

    Atomic Transport in Dense, Multi-Component Metallic Liquids

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    Pd43Ni10Cu27P0 has been investigated in its equilibrium liquid state with incoherent, inelastic neutron scattering. As compared to simple liquids, liquid PdNiCuP is characterized by a dense packing with a packing fraction above 0.5. The intermediate scattering function exhibits a fast relaxation process that precedes structural relaxation. Structural relaxation obeys a time-temperature superposition that extends over a temperature range of 540K. The mode-coupling theory of the liquid to glass transition (MCT) gives a consistent description of the dynamics which governs the mass transport in liquid PdNiCuP alloys. MCT scaling laws extrapolate to a critical temperature Tc at about 20% below the liquidus temperature. Diffusivities derived from the mean relaxation times compare well with Co diffusivities from recent tracer diffusion measurements and diffsuivities calculated from viscosity via the Stokes-Einstein relation. In contrast to simple metallic liquids, the atomic transport in dense, liquid PdNiCuP is characterized by a drastical slowing down of dynamics on cooling, a q^{-2} dependence of the mean relaxation times at intermediate q and a vanishing isotope effect as a result of a highly collective transport mechanism. At temperatures as high as 2Tc diffusion in liquid PdNiCuP is as fast as in simple liquids at the melting point. However, the difference in the underlying atomic transport mechanism indicates that the diffusion mechanism in liquids is not controlled by the value of the diffusivity but rather by that of the packing fraction

    Structural characterization and electrical properties of sintered magnesium-titanate ceramics

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    In this article the influence of ball miling process on structure of MgO-TiO2 system, as well as the electrical properties of samples after sintering, was investigated. The mixtures of MgO-TiO2 powders were mechanically activated in a planetary ball mill for the time period from 0 to 120 min. The influence of mechanical activation and sintering on the lattice vibrational spectra was studied by Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. Structural investigations have been performed on produced powders. Nitrogen adsorption method was used to determine the BET specific surface area and pore size distribution. Unusual results have been obtained: specific surface area continuosly decreased up to 40 min of activation and increased after that, reaching its minimun value of 5.5 m(2)/g. The Raman spectra of activated powders have shown that anatase modes have been decreasing in intensity and broadening as the time of activation extended. Also, the additional modes attributed to TiO2 II, srilankite and rutile phases started to appear as a consequence of activation. The small differences noticed in the Raman spectra of sintered samples have been explained by structural modification of MgTiO3 phase due to the presence of defects. The effects of activation and sintering process on microstructure were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrical measurements showed difference in dielectric constant (epsilon(r)), loss tangent (tg delta) and specific resistance (rho) as a function of time of mechanical treatment

    Tuning the critical gelation temperature of thermo-responsive diblock copolymer worm gels

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    Amphiphilic diblock copolymer nano-objects can be readily prepared using reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. For example, poly(glycerol monomethacrylate) (PGMA) chain transfer agents (CTA) can be chain-extended using 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA) via RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization to form well-defined spheres, worms or vesicles at up to 25% solids. The worm morphology is of particular interest, since multiple inter-worm contacts lead to the formation of soft free-standing gels, which undergo reversible degelation on cooling to sub-ambient temperatures. However, the critical gelation temperature (CGT) for such thermo-responsive gels is ≤20 °C, which is relatively low for certain biomedical applications. In this work, a series of new amphiphilic diblock copolymers are prepared in which the core-forming block comprises a statistical mixture of HPMA and di(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (DEGMA), which is a more hydrophilic monomer than HPMA. Statistical copolymerizations proceeded to high conversion and low polydispersities were achieved in all cases (Mw/Mn < 1.20). The resulting PGMA-P(HPMA-stat-DEGMA) diblock copolymers undergo polymerization-induced self-assembly at 10% w/w solids to form free-standing worm gels. SAXS studies indicate that reversible (de)gelation occurs below the CGT as a result of a worm-to-sphere transition, with further cooling to 5 °C affording weakly interacting copolymer chains with a mean aggregation number of approximately four. This corresponds to almost molecular dissolution of the copolymer spheres. The CGT can be readily tuned by varying the mean degree of polymerization and the DEGMA content of the core-forming statistical block. For example, a CGT of 31 °C was obtained for PGMA59-P(HPMA91-stat-DEGMA39). This is sufficiently close to physiological temperature (37 °C) to suggest that these new copolymer gels may offer biomedical applications as readily-sterilizable scaffolds for mammalian cells, since facile cell harvesting can be achieved after a single thermal cycle