792 research outputs found

    Content of exercise programmes targeting older people with sarcopenia or frailty – findings from a UK survey

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    Objectives: To establish whether existing exercise programmes offered to people with sarcopenia or frailty adhere to the current evidence base. Methods: We conducted a national survey of practitioners delivering exercise programmes to older people with sarcopenia or frailty in the UK. The link to the online survey was distributed through email lists of professional societies, practice networks and social media. Questions covered target population and programme aims, type, duration and frequency of exercise, progress assessment and outcome measures. Results: One hundred and thirty-six responses were received. 94% of respondents reported prescribing or delivering exercise programmes to people with sarcopenia or frailty. Most programmes (81/135 [60%]) were primarily designed to prevent or reduce falls. Resistance training was the main focus in only 11/123 (9%), balance training in 61/123 (50%) and functional exercise in 28/123 (23%). Exercise was offered once a week or less by 81/124 (65%) of respondents. Outcome measures suitable for assessing the effect of resistance training programmes were reported by fewer than half of respondents (hand grip: 13/119 [11%]; chair stands: 55/119 [46%]). Conclusions: Current UK exercise programmes offered to older people with sarcopenia or frailty lack the specificity, frequency or duration of exercise likely to improve outcomes for this patient group

    Renal ammonia in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Renal ammonia in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Recent studies have suggested that defective medullary trapping of ammonia underlies the acidosis associated with renal failure and sets in motion maladaptive compensatory mechanisms that contribute to the progression of renal disease. Since a renal concentrating defect is an early functional abnormality in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), defective medullary trapping and urinary excretion of ammonia may also occur early and have important pathophysiological consequences. The urinary pH and excretions of ammonia, titratable acid, and bicarbonate, were measured during a 24-hour baseline period and following the administration of ammonium chloride (100 mg/kg body wt) in ADPKD patients with normal glomerular filtration rate and in age- and gender-matched healthy control subjects. The distal nephron hydrogen ion secretory capacity was assessed during a bicarbonate infusion. Ammonia, sodium, pH, C3dg, and C5b-9 were measured in cyst fluid samples. The excretion rates of ammonia during the 24-hour baseline period and following the administration of ammonium chloride were significantly lower, and the relationship of ammonia excretion to urinary pH was significantly shifted downward in ADPKD. No difference in the increment of urinary pCO2 (Δ pCO2) or the peripheral blood-urine pCO2 gradient (U-B pCO2) between ADPKD patients and control subjects was detected during a sodium bicarbonate infusion. Calculated concentrations of free-base ammonia in cyst fluid samples exceeded those calculated from reported concentrations of ammonia in renal venous blood of normal subjects. C3dg and C5b-9 were detected in some cyst fluids. The urinary excretion of ammonia is reduced in ADPKD patients with normal glomerular filtration rate. This reduction is not explained by a lower production of ammonia in the renal cortex or by a defect of proton secretion in the collecting ducts. It is likely due to an impaired renal concentrating mechanism and reduced trapping of ammonia in the renal medulla. It may contribute to the pathogenesis of nephrolithiasis and, more importantly, to the progression of the interstitial inflammation and cystic changes seen in ADPKD

    Understanding seed dormancy and germination aids conservation of rainforest species from tropical montane cloud forest: a case study confirming morphophysiological dormancy in the genus Tasmannia

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    Context: Seed dormancy is one issue hindering implementation of conservation actions for rainforest species. Aims: We studied dormancy and germination in Tasmannia sp. Mt Bellenden Ker and Tasmannia membranea, two tropical montane rainforest species threatened by climate change, to develop a better understanding of dormancy in the species and the genus. Methods: Dormancy was classified for T. sp. Mt Bellenden Ker on the basis of an imbibition test, analysis of embryo to seed length (E:S) ratios and germination in response to the following four dormancy-breaking treatments: (I) scarification of the seedcoat near the micropylar end; (2) removal of the seedcoat; (3) application of 100 mg L(-1)or (4) 500 mg L-1 gibberellic acid. The most effective treatment was then tested on T. membranea. The requirement for light for germination was also assessed. Key results: Both scarified and intact seeds imbibed water. Initial E:S ratios were <0.22 for both species and increased up to 0.74 after 40 days, just before radicle emergence, for T. sp. Mt Bellenden Ker. Germination proportions were significantly higher in Treatments 1 and 2 than the remaining treatments for T. sp. Mt Bellenden Ker; T. membranea responded similarly well to Treatment 1. Germination under alternating light/dark conditions was slightly, but not significantly, greater than germination in the dark alone. Conclusions: Both species have morphophysiological dormancy and treatments that remove seedcoat resistance to embryo growth facilitate germination. These treatments may improve germination in other species from the genus Tasmannia. Implications: This knowledge will aid the germination of seeds to implement conservation strategies for Tasmannia spp

    Dynamic changes in gene expression and signalling during trophoblast development in the horse

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    Equine chorionic girdle trophoblast cells play important endocrine and immune functions critical in supporting pregnancy. Very little is known about the genes and pathways that regulate chorionic girdle trophoblast development. Our aim was to identify genes and signalling pathways active in vivo in equine chorionic girdle trophoblast within a critical 7 days window. We exploited the late implantation of the equine conceptus to obtain trophoblast tissue. An Agilent equine 44K microarray was performed using RNA extracted from Chorionic Girdle and Chorion (control) from equine pregnancy days 27, 30, 31 and 34 (n=5), corresponding to the initiation of chorionic girdle trophoblast proliferation, differentiation and migration. Data was analysed using R packages limma and maSigPro, Ingenuity Pathway Analysis and DAVID and verified using qRT-PCR, promoter analysis, western blotting and migration assays. Microarray analysis showed gene expression (absolute log FC > 2, FDR-adjusted P<0.05) was rapidly and specifically induced in the chorionic girdle between days 27 and 34 (compared to day 27, day 30=116, day 31=317, day 34=781 genes). Pathway analysis identified 35 pathways modulated during chorionic girdle development (e.g. FGF, Integrin, Rho GTPases, MAPK) including pathways that have limited description in mammalian trophoblast (e.g. IL-9, CD40 and CD28 signalling). Rho A and ERK/MAPK activity was confirmed as was a role for transcription factor ELF5 in regulation of the CGB promoter. The purity and accessibility of chorionic girdle trophoblast proved to be a powerful resource to identify candidate genes and pathways involved in early equine placental development

    Effect of Hesperidin with and without a Calcium (Calcilock®) Supplement on Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women

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    Context: Citrus fruits contain unique flavanones. One of the most abundant of the flavanones, hesperidin, has been shown to prevent bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Objective: The objective of the study was to measure the effect of hesperidin with or without calcium supplementation on bone calcium retention in postmenopausal women. Design: The study was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized-order crossover design of 500 g hesperidin with or without 500 mg calcium supplement in 12 healthy postmenopausal women. Bone calcium retention was determined from urinary excretion of the rare isotope, 41Ca, from bone. Results: Calcium plus hesperidin, but not hesperidin alone, improved bone calcium retention by 5.5% (P < .04). Conclusion: Calcium supplementation (Calcilock), in combination with hesperidin, is effective at preserving bone in postmenopausal women. - See more at: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/10.1210/jc.2015-3767#sthash.ztalWWcv.dpu

    Topically Applied Recombinant Chemokine Analogues Fully Protect Macaques from Vaginal Simian-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Challenge

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    Effective strategies for preventing human immunodeficiency virus infection are urgently needed, but recent failures in key clinical trials of vaccines and microbicides highlight the need for new approaches validated in relevant animal models. Here, we show that 2 new chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 inhibitors, 5P12-RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and 6P4-RANTES, fully protect against infection in the rhesus vaginal challenge model. These highly potent molecules, which are amenable to low-cost production, represent promising new additions to the microbicides pipelin

    Zeros of the i.i.d. Gaussian power series: a conformally invariant determinantal process

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    Consider the zero set of the random power series f(z)=sum a_n z^n with i.i.d. complex Gaussian coefficients a_n. We show that these zeros form a determinantal process: more precisely, their joint intensity can be written as a minor of the Bergman kernel. We show that the number of zeros of f in a disk of radius r about the origin has the same distribution as the sum of independent {0,1}-valued random variables X_k, where P(X_k=1)=r^{2k}. Moreover, the set of absolute values of the zeros of f has the same distribution as the set {U_k^{1/2k}} where the U_k are i.i.d. random variables uniform in [0,1]. The repulsion between zeros can be studied via a dynamic version where the coefficients perform Brownian motion; we show that this dynamics is conformally invariant.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, updated proof

    Which executive functioning deficits are associated with AD/HD, ODD/CD and comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD?

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    Item does not contain fulltextThis study investigated (1) whether attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is associated with executive functioning (EF) deficits while controlling for oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder (ODD/CD), (2) whether ODD/CD is associated with EF deficits while controlling for AD/HD, and (3)~whether a combination of AD/HD and ODD/CD is associated with EF deficits (and the possibility that there is no association between EF deficits and AD/HD or ODD/CD in isolation). Subjects were 99~children ages 6–12 years. Three putative domains of EF were investigated using well-validated tests: verbal fluency, working memory, and planning. Independent of ODD/CD, AD/HD was associated with deficits in planning and working memory, but not in verbal fluency. Only teacher rated AD/HD, but not parent rated AD/HD, significantly contributed to the prediction of EF task performance. No EF deficits were associated with ODD/CD. The presence of comorbid AD/HD accounts for the EF deficits in children with comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD. These results suggest that EF deficits are unique to AD/HD and support the model proposed by R. A. Barkley (1997).17 p

    Combined effects of franchise management strategies and employee service performance on customer loyalty: a multilevel perspective

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    Although franchisee performance is likely to be influenced by franchisors’ management strategies, little is known about whether and how franchisors’ strategies affect franchisee employees’ performance. This study examines the combined effects of three franchisor management strategies, namely innovative culture, support services and autonomy on service performance of the franchisee store employees and the loyalty of their customers. Data were collected from a total of 38 employees and 679 customers of 25 franchisee stores. The study employs multilevel analysis on a nested data-set created by matching customer data with employee data for each store. The results reveal that customer loyalty of a franchisee store is positively influenced by the service performance of its employees and the support services received by the employees of the store from its franchisor. On the other hand, it has been found that franchisor management strategy such as innovative culture and autonomy negatively influence customer loyalty of the franchisee store. The paper discusses relevant theoretical and managerial implications of the findings

    A research agenda for seed-trait functional ecology

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    Trait-based approaches have improved our understanding of plant evolution, community assembly and ecosystem functioning. A major challenge for the upcoming decades is to understand the functions and evolution of early life-history traits, across levels of organization and ecological strategies. Although a variety of seed traits are critical for dispersal, persistence, germination timing and seedling establishment, only seed mass has been considered systematically. Here we suggest broadening the range of morphological, physiological and biochemical seed traits to add new understanding on plant niches, population dynamics and community assembly. The diversity of seed traits and functions provides an important challenge that will require international collaboration in three areas of research. First, we present a conceptual framework for a seed ecological spectrum that builds upon current understanding of plant niches. We then lay the foundation for a seed-trait functional network, the establishment of which will underpin and facilitate trait-based inferences. Finally, we anticipate novel insights and challenges associated with incorporating diverse seed traits into predictive evolutionary ecology, community ecology and applied ecology. If the community invests in standardized seed-trait collection and the implementation of rigorous databases, major strides can be made at this exciting frontier of functional ecology.Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Grant Number: R‐90470‐0