110 research outputs found

    New data on distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the Aral Sea Basin and surrounding areas of Kazakhstan. Part I. The Green Toads of Bufo viridis complex (Amphibia: Anura)

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    First the data on distribution of the toads of Bufo viridis complex are presented for Aral Sea Basin and surrounding areas of Southern and Western Kazakhstan. Karyological analysis revealed a presence of diploid toad populations in the valley of the middle and low flows of Syr-Darya River; in the northern coast of Aral Sea and the desert areas between the last and Irgyz-Turgay Basin; in the northern part of Karatau Range. The only tetraploid population was discovered in the central part of Karatau Range

    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacter cloacae ventriculitis successfully treated with intraventricular colistin

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    We present a case of post-neurosurgical ventriculitis caused by carbapenemase-producing Enterobacter cloacae successfully treated with intraventricular colistin. Enterobacter spp are intrinsically resistant to aminopenicillins, cefazolin, and cefoxitin due to the production of constitutive chromosomal AmpC beta-lactamases. Moreover, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacter spp have been identified in the USA and Europe, and carbapenems are considered the drug of choice in these cases. Our isolate was sensitive only to fosfomycin, tigecycline, and colistin, and 6 days of intravenous colistin had failed to eradicate the infection. This case provides clinical evidence to support the administration of intraventricular colistin in such patient

    First karyological analysis of the endemic malagasy phantom gecko matoatoa brevipes (Squamata: Gekkonidae)

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    The genus Matoatoa includes two Malagasy endemic species, M. brevipes and M. spannringi. Due to their cryptic behaviour, the two species are known only from a handful of specimens and have been included in few molecular studies. Here we carried out a molecular barcoding analysis using a fragment of the mitochondrial NADH dehy-drogenase subunit 2 (ND2) and the first chromosomal analysis of M. brevipes. The molecular analysis confirmed the identity of the studied samples as M. brevipes. However, the level of genetic divergence (4% uncorrected p-distance) between our samples and other sequences of M. brevipes, suggests previously unrecognised diversity within the spe-cies. The karyotype of M. brevipes is composed of 2n = 34 chromosomes: the first pair is metacentric, while all the other pairs are telocentric and gradually decreasing in length (Arm Number, AN = 36). C-banding revealed little evidence of centromeric heterochromatin, while NOR-associated heterochromatin was found on the telomeres of a medi-um sized telocentric pair. No heteromorphic chromosome pairs were found in the karyotype of the species, suggesting that putative sex chromosomes are at an early stage of differentiation. Karyological comparisons with closely related species were performed with Christinus marmoratus, and representatives of the genera Phelsuma, Ebenavia, Paroedura and Uroplatus. Comparisons across genera suggest that chromosome diversification in this group of geckos probably occurred by means of chromosome fusions and inversions, leading to a reduction of the chromosome number and the formation of biarmed elements in different species

    Helix straminea Briganti, 1825 in Italy (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): taxonomic history, morphology, biology, distribution and phylogeny

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    The land snail taxon Helix straminea Briganti, 1825 has been reintroduced as a valid species in 2014. We provide here a comprehensive account of its taxonomy, distribution, anatomy, phylogeny and karyology in Italy. An overview of the historical views on the validity of the species is presented and faunistic data are reviewed and implemented with new records from Campania and Basilicata. A lectotype is fixed for H. straminea from the syntypes stored in the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle of Genève, as well as for three other taxa (Helix straminiformis Bourguignat, 1876, Helix yleobia Bourguignat, 1883 and Helix straminea ssp. elongata Bourguignat, 1860). Genital system, radula and karyotype are described for the first time. Molecular analysis of two mitochondrial genes combining GenBank data and the new sequences presented in this paper showed no differentiation between the northern and southern Italian populations. The conservation status of the species and its possible threats are discussed

    Current knowledge on threatened plant species of French Guiana

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    The elaboration of a first list of the most threatened species of the overseas territory of French Guyana was undertaken in 2009 by the Association for Botanical Conservation in French Guiana in collaboration with the National Botanical Conservatory of Brest. Carried out in synergy with the updating of the species list for Natural Areas of Ecological, Faunistic and Floritic Interests supervised by the Region Science Council for Natural Heritage, this work includes 97 vascular plants, 18 of which can be considered as threatened in the state of current knowledge, according to the IUCN criteria which are recommended by the Federation of National Botanical Conservatories. Among these 18 taxa, threatened because of their rarity and the fragility of their natural habitats, 17 are already protected by a 2001 ministry decree and one is from a new genus, Hekkingia bordenavei; nine of these appear to be of high concern for conservation: Cleistes grandiflora (Orchidaceae), Cornutia pubescens (Verbenaceae), Antirhea triflora (Rubiaceae), Himathantus drasticus (Apocynaceae), Axonopus oiapocensis (Poaceae), Psychotria granvillei (Rubiaceae), Eriocaulon guyanense (Eriocaulaceae) along with two palm species subject to National Action Plans for their conservation since 2009, Astrocaryum minus and Bactris nancibaensis. This study also contributes to the on-going “regional Red List” of the French Guiana floraL’élaboration d’une première liste des espèces de plantes les plus menacées de Guyane, département français d’outre-mer situé en Amérique du Sud, a été entreprise en 2009 par l’Association pour la conservation botanique en Guyane (ACBG) avec l’aide du Conservatoire botanique national de Brest. Mené de concert avec la réactualisation de la liste des espèces déterminantes pour les ZNIEFF, coordonnée par le Conseil scientifique régional du patrimoine naturel, ce travail portant sur 97 taxons a abouti à la désignation d’une première liste de 18 espèces pouvant être considérées comme menacées en l’état des connaissances et d’après les critères de l’UICN, préconisés par la fédération des Conservatoires botaniques nationaux. Parmi ces 18 espèces considérées comme les plus menacées du fait de la rareté de leurs populations ou de la vulnérabilité de leur habitat restreint, 17 sont protégées par l’arrêté ministériel de 2001 et une appartient à un genre nouveau, Hekkingia bordenavei. Deux de ces espèces font l’objet depuis 2009 de Plans nationaux d’action en faveur de leur conservation. Il s’agit de palmiers particulièrement rares, Astrocaryum minus et Bactris nancibaensis. Neuf de ces espèces apparaissent comme prioritaires. Ce travail prépare également l’établissement de la « Liste rouge » régionale de la flore de Guyane français

    Helix straminea Briganti, 1825 in Italy (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): taxonomic history, morphology, biology, distribution and phylogeny

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    The land snail taxon Helix straminea Briganti, 1825 has been reintroduced as a valid species in 2014. We provide here a comprehensive account of its taxonomy, distribution, anatomy, phylogeny and karyology in Italy. An overview of the historical views on the validity of the species is presented and faunistic data are reviewed and implemented with new records from Campania and Basilicata. A lectotype is fixed for H. straminea from the syntypes stored in the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle of Genève, as well as for three other taxa (Helix straminiformis Bourguignat, 1876, Helix yleobia Bourguignat, 1883 and Helix straminea ssp. elongata Bourguignat, 1860). Genital system, radula and karyotype are described for the first time. Molecular analysis of two mitochondrial genes combining GenBank data and the new sequences presented in this paper showed no differentiation between the northern and southern Italian populations. The conservation status of the species and its possible threats are discussed

    Age estimation and growth of striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba stranded along the coasts of south-western Italy

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    The knowledge of demographic traits such as longevity, growth rates and age at sexual maturity is crucial for understanding the structure of a population in its natural environment and implementing appropriate strategies for its management and conservation. Based on counts of growth layer groups in sections of decalcified teeth using the paraffin technique, we estimated the age and growth of 25 individuals of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) found dead stranded along the coast of Campania and Calabria (south Italy, central-western Mediterranean) from 2013 to 2018. Seven individuals, with TL of 100–110 cm, were calves under 1 year old. The oldest male and female individuals were 19 and 14 years old, respectively. Growth curve estimated using the Gompertz growth model (GGM) showed that in S. coeruleoalba male growth trajectories are partly in accordance with those reported in other studies on the same species from different Mediterranean areas. The high frequency (28%) of calves strongly suggests that females of this species use the marine area all around the south-western Italian coasts to give birth to their offspring. Furthermore, a comparison with the estimated age of striped dolphins from other Mediterranean marine areas shows that the longevity of the individuals examined in this study is much lower. Our study provides information toward understanding the demographic traits of S. coeruleoalba from Mediterranean Sea. The results reported here can be useful for future research aimed at understanding population structure, mortality patterns and the effects of anthropogenic activity on the survival of this species in this marine area

    Age estimation and growth of striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba stranded along the coasts of south-western Italy

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    The knowledge of demographic traits such as longevity, growth rates and age at sexual maturity is crucial for understanding the structure of a population in its natural environment and implementing appropriate strategies for its management and conservation. Based on counts of growth layer groups in sections of decalcified teeth using the paraffin technique, we estimated the age and growth of 25 individuals of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) found dead stranded along the coast of Campania and Calabria (south Italy, central-western Mediterranean) from 2013 to 2018. Seven individuals, with TL of 100–110 cm, were calves under 1 year old. The oldest male and female individuals were 19 and 14 years old, respectively. Growth curve estimated using the Gompertz growth model (GGM) showed that in S. coeruleoalba male growth trajectories are partly in accordance with those reported in other studies on the same species from different Mediterranean areas. The high frequency (28%) of calves strongly suggests that females of this species use the marine area all around the south-western Italian coasts to give birth to their offspring. Furthermore, a comparison with the estimated age of striped dolphins from other Mediterranean marine areas shows that the longevity of the individuals examined in this study is much lower. Our study provides information toward understanding the demographic traits of S. coeruleoalba from Mediterranean Sea. The results reported here can be useful for future research aimed at understanding population structure, mortality patterns and the effects of anthropogenic activity on the survival of this species in this marine area

    Exploring the impact of providing evidence-based medicine training to service users

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    © 2015 Gibson et al. Background Within the UK, health services research in the 1990s was marked by growing interest in evidence-based medicine (EBM) and in the potential of patient and public involvement (PPI) in research. However, there has been relatively little discussion of how these two developments might relate to each other, despite their common concern to improve the quality and transparency of clinical decision making. Indeed, some in the user involvement movement have expressed doubts about the implications of EBM for PPI. The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential for EBM and PPI to complement one another. Methods We used a case study design. Fifteen EBM workshops, involving PPI members, were conducted between June 2010 and December 2014. All 13 lay participants, who attended the first five workshops, were asked to fill in a standard feedback proforma designed by a member of the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for the South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC) Public Involvement Group (PenPIG). Ten responses were received, and these were analysed thematically. Results Four themes emerged from the thematic analysis: research knowledge, research skills, shared clinical decision making and learning environment. Participation in the workshops appears to have increased the ability and confidence of members of the public to actively participate as both producers and consumers of research evidence. Conclusions There is an untapped potential for EBM and PPI to complement one another in their shared desire to improve the quality and transparency of clinical decision making

    Sex Differences in Sand Lizard Telomere Inheritance: Paternal Epigenetic Effects Increases Telomere Heritability and Offspring Survival

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    To date, the only estimate of the heritability of telomere length in wild populations comes from humans. Thus, there is a need for analysis of natural populations with respect to how telomeres evolve.Here, we show that telomere length is heritable in free-ranging sand lizards, Lacerta agilis. More importantly, heritability estimates analysed within, and contrasted between, the sexes are markedly different; son-sire heritability is much higher relative to daughter-dam heritability. We assess the effect of paternal age on Telomere Length (TL) and show that in this species, paternal age at conception is the best predictor of TL in sons. Neither paternal age per se at blood sampling for telomere screening, nor corresponding age in sons impact TL in sons. Processes maintaining telomere length are also associated with negative fitness effects, most notably by increasing the risk of cancer and show variation across different categories of individuals (e.g. males vs. females). We therefore tested whether TL influences offspring survival in their first year of life. Indeed such effects were present and independent of sex-biased offspring mortality and offspring malformations.TL show differences in sex-specific heritability with implications for differences between the sexes with respect to ongoing telomere selection. Paternal age influences the length of telomeres in sons and longer telomeres enhance offspring survival
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