90 research outputs found

    Analisis Efektivitas Sumber Radiasi pada Brakiterapi Paru-paru Kiri berdasarkan Jumlah Seed menggunakan Simulasi Monte Carlo

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    Menurut Global Burden of Cancer Study (Globocan) dari World Health Organization (WHO) pada 2020, dari 19,3 juta kasus kanker sekitar 10 juta kematian akibat kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sumber radiasi efektif pada pengobatan brakiterapi kanker paru-paru kiri menggunakan MCNP6 berdasarkan variasi jumlah seed yang dilakukan pada phantom ORNL-MIRD 1996. Seed atau benih sumber radiasi diletakkan secara acak pada geometri paru-paru kiri dengan tally F8 dan NPS (­N-particle source) sebesar 1000000 kemudian diperoleh hasil running berupa energi deposisi yang diterima organ paru-paru kiri dan organ lainnya seperti paru-paru kanan, jantung, hati dan pangkreas dalam satuan MeV/Trans kemudian dikonversi menjadi Joule/Trans yang selanjutnya dibagi dengan massa organ untuk mendapatkan dosis serap dengan satuan gray (Gy). Dosis optimal yang digunakan untuk brakiterapi paru-paru dalam dunia medis sebesar 42 Gy, diperoleh jumlah seed untuk menghasilkan dosis serap optimal tersebut dari setiap sumber radiasi I-125, Pd-103 dan Cs-131 dengan jumlah seed berturut-turut 29, 61 dan 148 seed. Berdasarkan perbandingan jumlah seed tersebut, sumber radiasi yang dianggap paling efektif untuk pengobatan kanker paru-paru kiri adalah I-125.Menurut Global Burden of Cancer Study (Globocan) dari World Health Organization (WHO) pada 2020, dari 19,3 juta kasus kanker sekitar 10 juta kematian akibat kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sumber radiasi efektif pada pengobatan brakiterapi kanker paru-paru kiri menggunakan MCNP6 berdasarkan variasi jumlah seed yang dilakukan pada phantom ORNL-MIRD 1996. Seed atau benih sumber radiasi diletakkan secara acak pada geometri paru-paru kiri dengan tally F8 dan NPS (­N-particle source) sebesar 1000000 kemudian diperoleh hasil running berupa energi deposisi yang diterima organ paru-paru kiri dan organ lainnya seperti paru-paru kanan, jantung, hati dan pangkreas dalam satuan MeV/Trans kemudian dikonversi menjadi Joule/Trans yang selanjutnya dibagi dengan massa organ untukmendapatkan dosis serap dengan satuan gray (Gy). Dosis optimal yang digunakan untuk brakiterapi paru-paru dalam dunia medis sebesar 42 Gy, diperoleh jumlah seed untuk menghasilkan dosis serap optimal tersebut dari setiap sumber radiasi I-125, Pd-103 dan Cs-131 dengan jumlah seed berturut-turut 29, 61 dan 148 seed. Berdasarkan perbandingan jumlah seed tersebut, sumber radiasi yang dianggap paling efektif untuk pengobatan kanker paru-paru kiri adalah I-125

    Pengaruh Edukasi Gizi terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi dan Asupan Energi, Protein dan Besi pada Remaja

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    Bad knowledge leads to nutritional problems. One of the efforts to improve the nutritional status of adolescents is by providing nutritional knowledge about balanced diet so they can achieve optimal health. This study aims to determine the effect of nutritional education on nutritional knowledge, energy, protein and iron intake of adolescents in SMP Negeri 35 Makassar. This research is Quasi Experimental with one pre-test and post-test group design. Samples are 34 students of class VIII selected by cluster random sampling. This study analyzed by paired sample t test. Nutrition education is given by lecture method and discussion using leaflet with frequency 3 times meeting in 3 weeks. The results showed that there is an effect of nutritional education on nutritional knowledge, energy and protein intake with p value = 0,000, p = 0,005 and p = 0,002 (α 0,05). Nutritional education is useful in improving nutritional knowledge, energy and protein intake

    Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Biji Kapuk (Ceiba Pentandra) dengan Katalis Lempung Teraktivasi; Pengaruh Konsentrasi Katalis dan Aktivasi Katalis

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    Biodiesel is a methyl ester transesterification reaction products of triglycerides derived from vegetable oils or animal fats. One among of vegetable oils that can produce biodiesel is kapok seed oil. Kapok seed oil had higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids are high that they could be made to produce biodiesel. This research is aim to make biodiesel from kapok seed oil, studying the effect of concentration of activated clay catalyst to the amount of biodiesel produced, determine the characteristics of biodiesel from kapok seed oil and determine the best catalyst activation of the activation of acid or base. The transesterification process occured at a temperature of 60oC, the weight of oil 50 grams, the reaction time 1,5 hours, mole ratio of oil to methanol 1 : 9, variation of the catalyst concentration 0,1%, 0,5%, and 1%-weight of oil, and variations of acid solution (0,47%, 0,62%, dan 0,78%) and alkaline solution (0,33%, 0,44%, 0,66%) for activation of catalyst. From the result is obtained the highest biodiesel of 1% catalyst concentration of acid activation 0,78%, methanol mole ratio of 1: 9 for 1,5 hours as much as to 92,62 %. Characterization of physical properties of biodiesel is density of 871 kg/m3, 3,11 mm2/s kinematic viscosity, acid number 0.36 mg KOH / g sample, and the flash point 200oC respectivity

    Integrasi Remediasi Miskonsepsi dalam Pembelajaran Model Problem Solving Materi Suhu dan Kalor di Man

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    The purpose of this Quasi-Experimental Research Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design was used to determine remediation that integrated in the learning is effective to reduce the number of students' misconception about temperature and heat material in senior high school. This study involved 33 students of class X IPA 3 (experimental group) and 33 students of class X IPA 1 (control group) as the sample which had been chosen by intact group. The results based on the U Mann-Whitney test was obtained Zscore < -Ztable (-5.78 < -1.96), so Ho is rejected. This showed that there are differences significant decreasement the number of students' misconception (α = 5%) between the experimental group and control group. The effect size implementation of the remediation that integrated in the learning to decreased the number of students' misconception is high (d = 1.46). Thus, the use of integrated remediation in learning is effective to reduce the number of students' misconception in the temperature and heat material

    Identifying Local Community's Empowerment in Developing Sustainable Tourism in Pahawang Island, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province

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    One of the problems on current road infrastructure development in Indonesia is the difficulty of getting road data and information. For example, data and information, which related on sustainable road infrastructure development.&nbsp; Moreover, some of road authorities did not realize that data is important element in the cycle process of road infrastructure development. Inaccurate road data will decrease the quality of road budgeting and programming, on the other hand it will affect the period service of road itself. The good road data could support sustainable road by providing the road value such as historical, current condition, and prediction. Indonesian Road Data Center Operations (IRODCO) is a concept of integrated road database storage. Collaborate data from Indonesian road authority (Ministry of Public Work and Housing, Ministry of Transportation, National Police and Local Government) can be stored, processed and managed to be a value-added information. IRODCO will provide data and information easily and quickly, for supporting the sustainable development of road infrastructure. This paper will explain the background of IRODCO concept, type of road database, the architecture, and how this concept will be implemented in Indonesia, particularly for supporting the sustainable road infrastructure development

    Identifying Local Community\u27s Empowerment in Developing Sustainable Tourism in Pahawang Island, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province

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    One of the problems on current road infrastructure development in Indonesia is the difficulty of getting road data and information. For example, data and information, which related on sustainable road infrastructure development.&nbsp; Moreover, some of road authorities did not realize that data is important element in the cycle process of road infrastructure development. Inaccurate road data will decrease the quality of road budgeting and programming, on the other hand it will affect the period service of road itself. The good road data could support sustainable road by providing the road value such as historical, current condition, and prediction. Indonesian Road Data Center Operations (IRODCO) is a concept of integrated road database storage. Collaborate data from Indonesian road authority (Ministry of Public Work and Housing, Ministry of Transportation, National Police and Local Government) can be stored, processed and managed to be a value-added information. IRODCO will provide data and information easily and quickly, for supporting the sustainable development of road infrastructure. This paper will explain the background of IRODCO concept, type of road database, the architecture, and how this concept will be implemented in Indonesia, particularly for supporting the sustainable road infrastructure development

    Efisiensi Kinerja Baznas Bogor dan Sukabumi: Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis

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    This study aims to know how performance efficiency BAZNAS in Bogor city, Bogor district, and Sukabumi district, and recommends things need BAZNAS have not been efficient can reach 100 percent efficiency level. This research using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, with intermediation approach and production approach. The input and output intermediation approach are collected funds, operational costs, and channeled funds. The input and output of production approach are operational costs, socialization costs, collected funds, and channeled funds. The result of this study show that with intermediate approach BAZNAS has descresed efficiency. Calculation of production approach indicates that BAZNAS has increased efficiency value. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Sukabumi district has obtained efficiency 100 percent in the both approaches. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional have not been efficient can diminished operational cost and socialization cost, then increased collected funds and channeled funds


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    Peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat pesisir sangat tergantung pada fasilitas, aktivitas pengusahaan pelabuhan perikanan dan SDM pengelola pelabuhan perikanan. Apabila ketiga hal tersebut kurang memadai akan berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Pelabuhan Perikanan Labuhan Lombok, yakni. Kurangnya fasilitas Pokok, fasilitas Penunjang dan Fasilitas fungsional sehingga berakibat terjadinya peningkatan keluarga miskin di daerah pesisir. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis fasilitas yang kurang memadai, menganalisis aktivitas pengusahaan pelabuhan perikanan, menganalisis SDM pengelola pelabuhan, menganalisis tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir, dan menganalisis sistem pengelolaan pelabuhan perikanan yang mendukung tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir. Metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan regresi logistik dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kerusakan fasilitas pelabuhan perikanan Labuhan Lombok mencapai 60 % dan aktivitas pelabuhan berjalan dan tidak berkembang. Kuantitas dan kualitas SDM pelabuhan perikanan Labuhan Lombok tenaga teknis Sarjana Perikanan 5 orang, tenaga administrasi&nbsp; 28 orang dan pegawai dengan kompetensi masih belum maksimal. Kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir berdasarkan NTN terdapat jauh dari kata sejahtera disebabkan oleh minimnya pendapatan nelayan, besarnya biaya operasional melaut dan kebutuhan rumah tangga semakin meningkat. Strategi pengelolaan Pelabuhan Perikanan Labuhan Lombok yang mendukung kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir dapat dilakukan melalui empat prioritas, yaitu meningkatkan operasionalisasi pelabuhan dalam rangka mendukung peluang usaha dan investasi, meningkatkan dan memperbaiki sarana dan prasarana yang dapat mendukung pengelolaan pelabuhan perikanan, memperpendek proses birokrasi dalam pengurusan perizinan usaha perikanan dan kerja sama, dan penambahan SDM yang mengelola pelabuhan perikanan dan meningkatkan kualitasnya melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan. Kata kunci: kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir, nilai tukar nelayan, strategi pengelolaan pelabuha

    Improving Students\u27 Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text Through Collaborative Writing

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    The main objective of this study is to know how effective the use of Collaborative Writing in teaching writing descriptive texts is. So this final project mainly aims at determining the effectiveness of using Collaborative Writing in teaching writing descriptive texts. This study was conducted under the consideration that the students often get difficulties in describing something. In order to achieve the objective of the study, the writer designed an action research. The population of this study was the second grade students of SMP Negeri 29 Medan. The number of the subjects of this study was 37 students. During the research, the students becoming the subjects were taught by using Collaborative Writing in teaching writing descriptive texts. There were two cycles in this action research. Each cycle consisted of four phases. Before giving treatments in those two cycles, the students were given pre-test. After each treatment in each cycle, the students were tested. And the last, they were given post-test and questionnaire. The main purpose of conducting it was to find out the validity and the reliability of the test as instrument. The result of this research showed that the students\u27 ability in writing descriptive texts improved after a series of treatments given in the cycles. It can be seen by comparing the means of their tests. The mean score for the pre-test was 53.92, the mean score for test 1 was 70.27, while the mean score for the post-test was 80.08. It is clear that after applying Collaborative Writing in each treatment, the mean of each test improves and gets better. The use of Collaborative Writing technique is one of the ways to make students interest in studying English especially writing descriptive text
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