236 research outputs found

    Photoinduced 3D orientational order in side chain liquid crystalline azopolymers

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    We apply experimental technique based on the combination of methods dealing with principal refractive indices and absorption coefficients to study the photoinduced 3D orientational order in the films of liquid crystalline (LC) azopolymers. The technique is used to identify 3D orientational configurations of trans azobenzene chromophores and to characterize the degree of ordering in terms of order parameters. We study two types of LC azopolymers which form structures with preferred in-plane and out-of-plane alignment of azochromophores, correspondingly. Using irradiation with the polarized light of two different wavelengths we find that the kinetics of photoinduced anisotropy can be dominated by either photo-reorientation or photoselection mechanisms depending on the wavelength. We formulate the phenomenological model describing the kinetics of photoinduced anisotropy in terms of the isomer concentrations and the order parameter tensor. We present the numerical results for absorption coefficients that are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. The model is also used to interpret the effect of changing the mechanism with the wavelength of the pumping light.Comment: uses revtex4 28 pages, 10 figure

    Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-Stabilized Polymer Particles from Radical Dispersion Polymerization in Nonpolar Solvent: Influence of Stabilizer Properties and Monomer Type

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    Particles used in electrophoretic display applications (EPD) must possess a number of specific properties ranging from stability in a nonaqueous solvent, high reflectivity, low polydispersity, and high charge density to name but a few. The manufacture of such particles is best carried out in the solvent of choice for the EPD. This opens up new interests in the study of nonaqueous dispersion polymerization methods, which deliver polymer particles suspended in low dielectric constant solvents. We explore in this article the use of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) macromonomer for the stabilization of poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer particles in dodecane, a typical solvent of choice for EPDs. The use of this stabilizer is significant for this method as it is directly soluble in the reaction medium as opposed to traditionally used poly(12-hydroxystearic acid)-based stabilizers. Additionally, the present study serves as a baseline for subsequent work, where nonaqueous dispersion polymerization will be used to create polymer particles encapsulating liquid droplets and solid pigment particles. In this article, the influence of the macromonomer molecular weight and concentration on the properties of the synthesized particles is studied. In addition, we investigate the possibility of synthesizing polymer particles from other monomers both as a comonomer for methyl methacrylate and as the only monomer in the process. The influence of macromonomer concentration is also studied throughout all experiments

    Organic nanofibers embedding stimuli-responsive threaded molecular components

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    While most of the studies on molecular machines have been performed in solution, interfacing these supramolecular systems with solid-state nanostructures and materials is very important in view of their utilization in sensing components working by chemical and photonic actuation. Host polymeric materials, and particularly polymer nanofibers, enable the manipulation of the functional molecules constituting molecular machines, and provide a way to induce and control the supramolecular organization. Here, we present electrospun nanocomposites embedding a self-assembling rotaxane-type system that is responsive to both optical (UV-visible light) and chemical (acid/base) stimuli. The system includes a molecular axle comprised of a dibenzylammonium recognition site and two azobenzene end groups, and a dibenzo[24]crown-8 molecular ring. The dethreading and rethreading of the molecular components in nanofibers induced by exposure to base and acid vapors, as well as the photoisomerization of the azobenzene end groups, occur in a similar manner to what observed in solution. Importantly, however, the nanoscale mechanical function following external chemical stimuli induces a measurable variation of the macroscopic mechanical properties of nanofibers aligned in arrays, whose Young's modulus is significantly enhanced upon dethreading of the axles from the rings. These composite nanosystems show therefore great potential for application in chemical sensors, photonic actuators and environmentally responsive materials.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figure

    Stimuli Thresholds for Isomerization-Induced Molecular Motions in Azobenzene-Containing Materials.

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    We use large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of the isomerizations of azobenzene molecules diluted inside a simple molecular material to investigate the effect of a modification of the cis isomer shape on the induced diffusion mechanism. To this end we simulate incomplete isomerizations, modifying the amplitude of the trans-to-cis isomerization. We find thresholds in the evolution of the host molecules mobility with the isomerization amplitude, a result predicted by the cage-breaking mechanism hypothesis (Teboul, V.; Saiddine, M.; Nunzi, J. M.; Accary, J. B. J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 114517) and by the gradient pressure mechanism theory (Barrett, C. J.; Rochon, P. L.; Natansohn, A. L. J. Chem. Phys. 1998, 109, 1505–1516.). Above the threshold the diffusion then increases linearly with the variation of the chromophore size induced by the isomerization

    Yttrium tetraoxychloride Y3O4Cl

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    Spin Diffusion and Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Multiphase Polymers

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    A model which treats spin diffusion and spin-lattice relaxation in multiphase polymers on the same footing is proposed. This new approach allows for more accurate determination of domain sizes and interfacial thickness in the probed polymers. In a poly(styrene-b-isoprene) copolymer example a significant improvement in the agreement between the NMR measurements and the simulated results can be obtained with the incorporation of a spin-lattice relaxation term into the spin diffusion process. The obtained microphase structural parameters are similar to the small angle X-ray scattering results. In addition, the spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) in different domains can be predicted reasonably well based on T1s of the component homopolymers and on the microphase structure in the present model. © 1997 American Institute of Physics