794 research outputs found

    Histomorphometrical study of silver carp fish testis in two age classes

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    In this research, morphological and histomorphometrical structure of testis of 20 silver male carp fish were studied in two classes or groups. Group1 was composed of 10 fish with average (±SD) weight of 1.247+0.656kg and average(±SD) length of 43.675+1.414cm with about 2 years age, Group2 was composed of 10 fish with average(±SD) weight of 5.716+0.519kg and average(±SD) length of 81.5+1.643cm. Average (±SD) weight of testis were 2.34+1.47gr and 83.33+25.81gr with average (±SD) GSI of 0.187+0.224 and 1.457+4.974 in groups 1 and 2 respectively. Samples from testis were taken by maximum thickness of 0.5cm and after fixation in bouin , s fixative and 5-6µm thickness section were made routine paraffin embedding method and stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin and PAS staining. The microscopic results showed that the silver carp testis was lobular and cystic type in two groups. In group 1, there was no spermatozoon activity and PGCs were only germ cells in the cysts. But in group2, the numbers of PGCs were decreased significantly and spermatogenic cells were seen in different phases including spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocysts, early and late spermatid, and spermatozoa which each one was located in a separated cyst. There was no significant difference in nucleus diameter of PGCs in testis of group1 (6.97+0.438µ) and group (6.13+0.438µ). In group2, the nucleolus diameter of spermatogonia was 2.97+0.112µm, primary spermatocyt 3.59+0.107µ, early spermatid 1.59+0.761µ, late spermatid 1.24+0.132µ, spermatozoa 1.16+0.054µ, and the length of spermatozoia 17.412+1.946µ. The interesting finding was immature testis in fish of group 1 with average weigh (1.247+0.656kg) and average length (43.675+1.414cm) in about 2 years age and mature testis in fish of group 2 with average weight of (5.716+0.519kg) and average length of (81.5+1.643cm) with about 4 years age in Khuzestan climate conditions

    The effects of brown algae Sargassum angustifolium extract on growth performance, survival and Vibriosis resistance in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei

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    In this study, the effect of ethanolic extracts of Sargassum angustifolium on growth and survival of shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei juvenile was investigated under challenge with shrimp pathogen bacteria Vibrio harveyi. Powder form of the extract was bioencapsulated in Artemia and fed to L. vannamei juvenile reared as 5 groups inclouding C- (unenriched Artemia, without bacteria), C+ (unenriched Artemia, with bacteria), T1 (enriched Artemia with 200 mg l-1 SA extract, with bacteria), T2 (enriched Artemia with 400 mg l-1 SA extract, with bacteria), T3 (enriched Artemia with 600 mg l-1 SA extract, with bacteria). One week after culture all groups except C- were inoculated with V. harveyi at the rate of 1.5 × 108 CFU ml-1 for 15 minutes then after every water exchange 10 ml of V. harveyi at the rate of 1.5 × 107 CFU ml-1 was added to aquaria. Shrimps at group C- showed maximum survival (86.6%), specific growth rate (SGR, 11.33%) and less bacterial load (0.5 ± 0.03× 102 CFU g-1 tissue). While (C2) exhibited lowest survival (33.3%), SGR (9.90%) and more bacterial load (3.4 ± 0.05× 105 CFU g-1 tissue) and the difference was significant (p<0.05). In treatment groups survival and SGR were significantly (p< 0.05) more than C+ and less than C-, also bacterial load were less than C+ and more than C-. Among treatment groups T2 that fed with enriched artemia with 400 mg l-1 SA extract gave better results than the other treatments

    Primary Malignant Cardiac Tumors (PMCTs) Successful Resection of a Huge Liposarcoma of the Heart

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    Primary cardiac tumors are rare with an incidence ranging from 0.001% to 0.03% in autopsy series. The prognosis of cardiac sarcomas remains poor because it proliferates rapidly, and distant metastases are often found at diagnosis. We present a case of liposarcoma in the atrium of the heart as case report and same time ,we do a literature review about it.&nbsp; Case Report: We present the case of a young 30 years old female with a significant tumor of cardiac liposarcoma, with chief complaint of dyspnea, tachycardia and heart failure even angina pectoris. Conclusion: The diagnostician’s differential diagnosis must be broad when encountering common chief complaints, such as tachycardia, heart failure and angina pectoris

    Neurophysiological markers predicting recovery of standing in humans with chronic motor complete spinal cord injury

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    The appropriate selection of individual-specific spinal cord epidural stimulation (scES) parameters is crucial to re-enable independent standing with self-assistance for balance in individuals with chronic, motor complete spinal cord injury, which is a key achievement toward the recovery of functional mobility. To date, there are no available algorithms that contribute to the selection of scES parameters for facilitating standing in this population. Here, we introduce a novel framework for EMG data processing that implements spectral analysis by continuous wavelet transform and machine learning methods for characterizing epidural stimulation-promoted EMG activity resulting in independent standing. Analysis of standing data collected from eleven motor complete research participants revealed that independent standing was promoted by EMG activity characterized by lower median frequency, lower variability of median frequency, lower variability of activation pattern, lower variability of instantaneous maximum power, and higher total power. Additionally, the high classification accuracy of assisted and independent standing allowed the development of a prediction algorithm that can provide feedback on the effectiveness of muscle-specific activation for standing promoted by the tested scES parameters. This framework can support researchers and clinicians during the process of selection of epidural stimulation parameters for standing motor rehabilitation

    Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate-Induced Hippocampus-Derived Neural Stem Cells Proliferation

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    The brain and spinal cord have a limited capacity for self-repair under damaged conditions. One of the best options to overcome these limitations involves the use of phytochemicals as potential therapeutic agents. In this study, we have aimed to investigate the effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on hippocampus-derived neural stem cells (NSCs) proliferation to search phytochemical candidates for possible treatment of neurological diseases using endogenous capacity. In this experimental study, neonatal rat hippocampus-derived NSCs were cultured and treated with various concentrations of DEHP (0, 100, 200, 400 and 600 mu M) and Cirsium vulgare (C. vulgare) hydroethanolic extract (0, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 mu g/ml) for 48 hours under in vitro conditions. Cell proliferation rates and quantitative Sox2 gene expression were evaluated using MTT assay and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We observed the highest average growth rate in the 400 mu M DEHP and 800 mu g/ml C. vulgare extract treated groups. Sox2 expression in the DEHP-treated NSCs significantly increased compared to the control group. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) results demonstrated that the active ingredients that naturally occurred in the C. vulgare hydroethanolic extract were 2-ethyl-1-hexanamine, n-heptacosane, 1-cyclopentane-carboxylic acid, 1-heptadecanamine, 2,6-octadien-1-ol, 2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene, and DEHP. DEHP profoundly stimulated NSCs proliferation through Sox2 gene overexpression. These results provide and opportunity for further use of the C. vulgure phytochemicals for prevention and/or treatment of neurological diseases via phytochemical mediated-proliferation of endogenous adult NSCs

    Apolipoprotein E Genotypes in Alzheimer's Disease in Central Algerian Population

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    Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disorder associated with cognitive decline and is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. Early-onset familial AD accounts for less than 1% of AD cases and develops before the age of 65 years because of mutations in either the APP gene or genes encoding presenilin 1 (PSEN1) or presenilin 2 (PSEN2). The majority of sporadic AD cases are referred to as late-onset AD (LOAD) because they occur late in life (&gt;65 years). Apolipoprotein E (APOE) polymorphic alleles are the major genetic risk factor for AD. The human APOE gene exists as three polymorphic alleles, ε2, ε3, and ε4, with a worldwide frequency of 8%, 78%, and 13%, respectively, with ε4 reaching frequencies of 40% in AD patients. The purpose of this preliminary study was to determine ApoE genotype status since no previous association studies between LOAD and ApoE gene were available for the Central Algerian population. Methods: The cohort of our study was composed of 47 AD patients recruited from the Neurology Department of Frantz Fanon Hospital of Blida. Forty-seven controls with no type of dementia were also included in the study. All samples were genotyped for the ApoE Polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP method. Statistical studies can use the Fisher exact test or Chi-2 using the GraphPad Prism 7.0 software. Results: The results show that the genotype ɛ3/ɛ3 is most common in both groups followed by the heterozygous genotype ɛ3/ɛ4 which showed an increased frequency in patients compared to controls (27.66% vs. 12.77%, OR=3.66, IC=0.89-7.9, p=0,11). Although rare, all other possible genotypes have been observed in our cohort, namely ɛ2/ɛ2, ɛ2/ɛ3, ɛ2/ɛ4 and ɛ4/ɛ4. The ɛ2/ɛ4 genotype was observed only in AD patients, while the ɛ2/ɛ2 genotype was observed only in controls. As expected, the homozygous genotype ɛ4/ɛ4 was more frequent in AD patients, compared to controls (6.38% vs. 2.13%, respectively OR=2.64, IC=0.36-37.33; p=0,33). At the allelic level, ɛ4 allele was significantly associated with AD compared to controls (21,28% vs. 4,26%&nbsp;; OR= 2.75, 95% CI= 1.109-6.35; p = 0.02, respectively), while the ɛ2 allele seems to be protective (4,26% vs. 9,57%, OR = 0.49&nbsp;; 95% CI=0.14-1.66&nbsp;; p=0,38, respectively), but without statistical significance. In population-based studies, the ApoEɛ4-AD association was weaker among African Americans (ε4/ε4, OR 5.7) and Hispanics (ε4/ε4, OR 2.2) and was stronger in the Japanese population (ε4/ε4, OR 33.1) compared with Caucasian cases (ε4/ε4, OR 12.5). The results obtained in our preliminary study indicate that the ApoEɛ4-AD association in the Central Algerian population is similar to that observed in the Mediterranean populations. Conclusion: We have presented, for the first time in the North Central Algerian population, the association of the ɛ4 allele with AD, which could be of great use in the diagnosis but also the follow-up of patients with this disease

    Targeted Selection of Stimulation Parameters for Restoration of Motor and Autonomic Function in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury

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    Study Design: This is a report of methods and tools for selection of task and individual configurations targeted for voluntary movement, standing, stepping, blood pressure stabilization, and facilitation of bladder storage and emptying using tonic-interleaved excitation of the lumbosacral spinal cord. Objectives: This study aimed to present strategies used for selection of stimulation parameters for various motor and autonomic functions. Conclusions: Tonic-interleaved functionally focused neuromodulation targets a myriad of consequences from spinal cord injury with surgical implantation of the epidural electrode at a single location. This approach indicates the sophistication of the human spinal cord circuitry and its important role in the regulation of motor and autonomic functions in humans

    Bilevel optimization approach to design of network of bike lanes

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    A bike lane is an effective way to improve cycling safety and to decrease greenhouse gas emissions with the promotion of cycling. Improvements include high-quality off-road facilities and on-road bike lanes. Whereas construction of off-road lanes is not always possible because of urban land constraints and construction costs, on-road lanes can be a cost-effective alternative. An optimization framework for the design of a network of bike lanes in an urban road network was proposed. This framework identified links on which a bike lane could be introduced. Allocation of a lane to cyclists would increase the use of cycling, although it could disadvantage auto traffic. The presented approach balances the effects of a bike lane for all stakeholders. A bilevel optimization was proposed to encompass the benefits of cyclists and car users at the upper level and a model for traffic and bike demand assignment at the lower level. The objective function was defined by a weighted sum of a measure for private car users (total travel time) versus a measure for bike users (total travel distance on bike lanes). A genetic algorithm was developed to solve the bilevel formulation, which included introduction of a special crossover technique and a mutation technique. The proposed optimization will help transport authorities at the planning stage to quantify the outcomes of various strategies for active transport

    Hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymer Based naproxen buccal mucoadhesive film: design and in vitro evaluation

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    The aim of the present study was to develop a sustained release mucoadhesive buccal film of naproxen, which can be used to treat the inflammation in the oral cavity. The mucoadhesive buccal films were prepared by solvent casting method. The prepared films were evaluated for their physicochemical parameters and in vitro release pattern. All the formulations showed uniform weight, thickness, content uniformity and folding endurance. Surface pH was found to be compatible with salivary pH. Na-CMC and HPMC based films (F-3 and F-1) showed highest water uptake (80 and 72% at 4 h) and weight loss (33.40 and 38.48%) as well as ex vivo residence time (270 and 230 min, respectively). Mucoadhesive strength was found to be decreased with the incorporation of hydrophilic polymers. Highest sustained release up to 4 h was found for F-3 (43.56%, MDT 3.941 h) and then for F-1 (69.26%, MDT 3.342 h).Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    En reconstruction mammaire : intérêt du dépistage du portage de Staphylococcus aureus dans la prévention de l’infection du site opératoire

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    National audienceThe incidence of prosthesis infections after breast reconstruction is of the order of 4% to 13% according to the literature. In surgical patients, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the bacterial species most often responsible for surgical site infections. In cardiac surgery, screening for carriage of S. aureus and preoperative decontamination are carried out routinely before prosthetic surgery. We retrospectively reviewed data from patients at our institution between January 2011 and December 2013. Our series showed that the prosthesis infection rates were in the range of 5.92% in 2008 with an ISO rate of S. aureus 3.61%. Routine screening for prosthetic reconstructions was performed to assess the impact of preoperative decontamination patients in carriers of S. aureus. This screening was done in 381 patients: 17.8% of patients were carriers of S. aureus ; 11 patients have an ISO (or an incidence rate of 2.88%) ; 5 patients have an ISO S. aureus (an incidence of S. aureus ISO 1.3%). The introduction of the screening process, allowed a drop of 5.92% ISO rate at 1.46% with a passage of S. aureus SSI rates of 3, 60% to 0.72%. In the near future, studies are needed to confirm these encouraging results, to demonstrate the efficacy of preoperative decontamination in carriers of S. aureus patients before laying prosthesis