117 research outputs found

    Evaluation of endothelial function and subclinical atherosclerosis in association with hepatitis C virus in HIV-infected patients: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Relationship of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in HIV-infected patients remains controversial. We evaluated endothelial function and subclinical atherosclerosis in HIV-infected patients with and without HCV.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of the brachial artery and circulating levels of cell adhesion molecules (CAM) were measured in HCV/HIV-coinfected and HIV-monoinfected patients. Subclinical atherosclerosis was assessed by carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>63 (31%) HCV/HIV-coinfected and 138 (69%) HIV-monoinfected patients were included. Median soluble vascular CAM-1 (sVCAM-1) and intercellular CAM-1 (sICAM-1) levels were significantly higher in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients (P < 0.001 for both cases). Median (interquartile range) FMD was 6.21% (2.86-9.62) in HCV/HIV-coinfected and 5.54% (2.13-9.13) in HIV-monoinfected patients (P = 0.37). Adjustment for variables associated with HCV and FMD disclosed similar results. FMD correlated inversely with cIMT and age. Carotid IMT did not differ between HCV/HIV-coinfected and HIV-monoinfected patients in unadjusted (0.61 [0.55-0.65] mm vs 0.60 [0.53-0.72] mm; P = 0.39) or adjusted analyses.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HCV infection was associated with higher levels of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1, but no evidence of increased subclinical atherosclerosis was found when endothelial function was evaluated through FMD, or when assessing the cIMT.</p

    Impact of an enhanced screening program on the detection of non-AIDS neoplasias in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection

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    Background The incidence of non-AIDS defining cancer (NADC) is higher in people living with HIV (PLWH) than in the general population, and it is already one of the leading causes of death in the HIV-infected population. It is estimated that the situation will be aggravated by the progressive aging of PLWH. Early diagnosis through intensive cancer screening may improve the ability for therapeutic interventions and could be critical in reducing mortality, but it might also increase expenditure and harms associated with adverse events. The aim of this study is to evaluate an enhanced screening program for early diagnosis of cancer in PLWH compared to standard practice. The specific objectives are (1) to compare the frequency of cancer diagnosed at an early stage, (2) to analyze safety of the enhanced program: adverse events and unnecessary interventions, (3) to analyze the cost-utility of the program, and (4) to estimate the overall and site-specific incidence of NADC in PLWH. Methods We will conduct a multicenter, non-blinded, randomized, controlled trial, comparing two parallel arms: conventional vs enhanced screening. Data will be recorded in an electronic data collection notebook. Conventional intervention group will follow the standard of care screening in the participating centers, according to the European AIDS Clinical Society recommendations, and the enhanced intervention group will follow an expanded screening aimed to early detection of lung, liver, anal, cervical, breast, prostate, colorectal, and skin cancer. The trial will be conducted within the framework of the Spanish AIDS Research Network Cohort (CoRIS). Discussion The trial will evaluate the efficacy, safety, and efficiency of an enhanced screening program for the early diagnosis of cancer in HIV patients compared to standard of care practice. The information provided will be relevant since there are currently no studies on expanded cancer screening strategies in patients with HIV, and available data estimating cost effectiveness or cost-utility of such as programs are scarce. An enhanced program for NADC screening in patients with HIV could lead to early diagnosis and improve the prognosis of these patients, with an acceptable rate of unnecessary interventions, but it is critical to demonstrate that the benefits clearly outweigh the harms, before the strategy could be implemented

    Gender gap in STEM: a cross-sectional study of primary school students’ self-perception and test anxiety in mathematics

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    Contribution: Significant gender differences are observed on primary school students’ perception of self-efficacy and test anxiety in mathematics. Girls perceive themselves to be significantly worse than boys in mathematics and report higher test anxiety toward mathematics exams. Gender differences in self-efficacy become more pronounced as students grow up, and test anxiety increases for all students. However, the present study shows that teachers’ do not perceive differences in self-efficacy in mathematics between boys and girls. Background: The low presence of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) might be explained by the attitude of young students toward mathematics. Different studies show that girls are less interested in STEM areas than boys during secondary school. A study on the reasons for this fact pointed out that the early years of education can provide a relevant insight to reverse the situation. Research Questions: Is there any age-dependent gender difference in primary school students in aspects related to mathematics? Are teachers aware of students’ perceptions? Methodology: This work presents a study of over 2000 primary school students (6–12 years old) and 200 teachers in Aragón (Spain). The study consists of a survey on aspects that influence the experience of female and male students with mathematics and Spanish language for comparison purposes and teacher’s awareness of students’ perception. Findings: The present study shows that during primary school, girls are more likely to experiment a negative attitude toward mathematics than boys as they grow up, and teachers may not perceive girls’ situation. La baja presencia de mujeres en ciencia, tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM) podrían explicarse por la actitud de las niños y niñas hacia las matemáticas. Diferentes estudios muestran que las niñas están menos interesadas en las áreas STEM que niños cuando cursan educación secundaria. Además, un estudio sobre los motivos para este hecho señaló que los primeros años de educación podrían proporcionar una visión relevante para revertir la situación. Por ello, este trabajo parte de las siguientes preguntas de investigación, ¿Existe alguna diferencia de género que sea dependiente de la edad en estudiantes de educación primaria en aspectos relacionados con las matemáticas? ¿Conoce el profesorado la autopercepción de sus estudiantes? Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo son que las diferencias significativas de género se observan en la percepción de autoeficacia de los estudiantes de primaria y ansiedad ante los exámenes en matemáticas. Las niñas se perciben a sí mismas significativamente peor que los niños en matemáticas e indican mayor ansiedad ante los exámenes de matemáticas. Las diferencias de género en la autoeficacia se vuelven más pronunciada a medida que los estudiantes crecen, mientras que la ansiedad ante los exámenes aumenta para todos los estudiantes. Pese a estos resultados, el presente estudio muestra que los profesores no perciben diferencias en la autoeficacia en matemáticas entre niños y niñas. Este estudio se basa en las encuestas realizadas a más de 2000 escolares (6-12 años) y 200 profesores en Aragón (España). El estudio consiste en una encuesta a los estudiantes sobre aspectos que pueden influir en la experiencia de los niños y niñas con las matemáticas, así como con la lengua española para disponer de una materia que permita establecer comparaciones y una encuesta al profesor que incluye cuestiones sobre su percepción de los estudiantes. El principal hallazgo del estudio es que, durante la escuela primaria, es más probable que las niñas experimenten una actitud negativa hacia matemáticas que los niños a medida que crecen, y que los maestros pueden no ser conscientes de la situación de las niñas

    Larger visual changes compress time: The inverted effect of asemantic visual features on interval time perception; 35316292

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    Time perception is fluid and affected by manipulations to visual inputs. Previous literature shows that changes to low-level visual properties alter time judgments at the millisecond-level. At longer intervals, in the span of seconds and minutes, high-level cognitive effects (e.g., emotions, memories) elicited by visual inputs affect time perception, but these effects are confounded with semantic information in these inputs, and are therefore challenging to measure and control. In this work, we investigate the effect of asemantic visual properties (pure visual features devoid of emotional or semantic value) on interval time perception. Our experiments were conducted with binary and production tasks in both conventional and head-mounted displays, testing the effects of four different visual features (spatial luminance contrast, temporal frequency, field of view, and visual complexity). Our results reveal a consistent pattern: larger visual changes all shorten perceived time in intervals of up to 3min, remarkably contrary to their effect on millisecond-level perception. Our findings may help alter participants'' time perception, which can have broad real-world implications

    A preliminary study about gender gap perception in informatics studies in Spain

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    The gender gap in STEM is an issue that affects regions and countries worldwide. Furthermore, the percentage of women in these areas depends on a range of different factors. In particular, the gender gap is critical in technology in general and, more specifically, in informatics. This problem affects not only the business sector but also society. Informatics is part of our lives; however, 50% of the world population is not represented in the teams that are developing solutions for solving society's problems. In Spain, the number of women with informatics degrees is around 15%. This work describes a case study developed by the committee of Women in Informatics at the Scientific Society of Spanish Informatics (SCIE) to analyse the perception of informatics scientists on the gender gap in informatics

    M2 Macrophages Activate WNT Signaling Pathway in Epithelial Cells: Relevance in Ulcerative Colitis

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    Macrophages, which exhibit great plasticity, are important components of the inflamed tissue and constitute an essential element of regenerative responses. Epithelial Wnt signalling is involved in mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation and expression of Wnt ligands by macrophages has been reported. We aim to determine whether the macrophage phenotype determines the expression of Wnt ligands, the influence of the macrophage phenotype in epithelial activation of Wnt signalling and the relevance of this pathway in ulcerative colitis. Human monocyte-derived macrophages and U937-derived macrophages were polarized towards M1 or M2 phenotypes and the expression of Wnt1 and Wnt3a was analyzed by qPCR. The effects of macrophages and the role of Wnt1 were analyzed on the expression of β-catenin, Tcf-4, c-Myc and markers of cell differentiation in a co-culture system with Caco-2 cells. Immunohistochemical staining of CD68, CD206, CD86, Wnt1, β-catenin and c-Myc were evaluated in the damaged and non-damaged mucosa of patients with UC. We also determined the mRNA expression of Lgr5 and c-Myc by qPCR and protein levels of β-catenin by western blot. Results show that M2, and no M1, activated the Wnt signaling pathway in co-culture epithelial cells through Wnt1 which impaired enterocyte differentiation. A significant increase in the number of CD206+ macrophages was observed in the damaged mucosa of chronic vs newly diagnosed patients. CD206 immunostaining co-localized with Wnt1 in the mucosa and these cells were associated with activation of canonical Wnt signalling pathway in epithelial cells and diminution of alkaline phosphatase activity. Our results show that M2 macrophages, and not M1, activate Wnt signalling pathways and decrease enterocyte differentiation in co-cultured epithelial cells. In the mucosa of UC patients, M2 macrophages increase with chronicity and are associated with activation of epithelial Wnt signalling and diminution in enterocyte differentiation

    Transcriptomic, biochemical and individual markers in transplanted Daphnia magna to characterize impacts in the field.

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    Daphnia magna individuals were transplanted across 12 sites from three Spanish river basins (Llobregat, Ebro, Jucar) showing different sources of pollution. Gene transcription, feeding and biochemical responses in the field were assessed and compared with those obtained in re-constituted water treatments spiked with organic eluates obtained from water samples collected at the same locations and sampling periods. Up to 166 trace contaminants were detected in water and classified by their mode of action into 45 groups that included metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, illicit drugs, and other industrial compounds. Physicochemical water parameters differentiated the three river basins with Llobregat having the highest levels of conductivity, metals and pharmaceuticals, followed by Ebro, whereas the Jucar river had the greatest levels of illicit drugs. D. magna grazing rates and cholinesterase activity responded similarly than the diversity of riparian benthic communities. Transcription patterns of 13 different genes encoding for general stress, metabolism and energy processes, molting and xenobiotic transporters corroborate phenotypic responses differentiated sites within and across river basins. Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Square Projections to Latent Structures regression analyses indicated that measured in situ responses of most genes and biomarkers and that of benthic macroinvertebrate diversity indexes were affected by distinct environmental factors. Conductivity, suspended solids and fungicides were negatively related with the diversity of macroinvertebrates cholinesterase, and feeding responses. Gene transcripts of heat shock protein and metallothionein were positively related with 11 classes of organic contaminants and 6 metals. Gene transcripts related with signaling paths of molting and reproduction, sugar, protein and xenobiotic metabolism responded similarly in field and lab exposures and were related with high residue concentrations of analgesics, diuretics, psychiatric drugs, β blockers, illicit drugs, trizoles, bisphenol A, caffeine and pesticides. These results indicate that application of omic technologies in the field is a promising subject in water management

    Progastrin Represses the Alternative Activation of Human Macrophages and Modulates Their Influence on Colon Cancer Epithelial Cells

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    Macrophage infiltration is a negative prognostic factor for most cancers but gastrointestinal tumors seem to be an exception. The effect of macrophages on cancer progression depends on their phenotype, which may vary between M1 (pro-inflammatory, defensive) to M2 (tolerogenic, pro-tumoral). Gastrointestinal cancers often become an ectopic source of gastrins and macrophages present receptors for these peptides. The aim of the present study is to analyze whether gastrins can affect the pattern of macrophage infiltration in colorectal tumors. We have evaluated the relationship between gastrin expression and the pattern of macrophage infiltration in samples from colorectal cancer and the influence of these peptides on the phenotype of macrophages differentiated from human peripheral monocytes in vitro. The total number of macrophages (CD68+ cells) was similar in tumoral and normal surrounding tissue, but the number of M2 macrophages (CD206+ cells) was significantly higher in the tumor. However, the number of these tumor-associated M2 macrophages correlated negatively with the immunoreactivity for gastrin peptides in tumor epithelial cells. Macrophages differentiated from human peripheral monocytes in the presence of progastrin showed lower levels of M2-markers (CD206, IL10) with normal amounts of M1-markers (CD86, IL12). Progastrin induced similar effects in mature macrophages treated with IL4 to obtain a M2-phenotype or with LPS plus IFNγ to generate M1-macrophages. Macrophages differentiated in the presence of progastrin presented a reduced expression of Wnt ligands and decreased the number and increased cell death of co-cultured colorectal cancer epithelial cells. Our results suggest that progastrin inhibits the acquisition of a M2-phenotype in human macrophages. This effect exerted on tumor associated macrophages may modulate cancer progression and should be taken into account when analyzing the therapeutic value of gastrin immunoneutralization

    Cardiovascular risk estimated after 13 years of follow-up in a low-incidence Mediterranean region with high-prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Murcia (south-east Spain) shows increased cardiovascular (CV) morbimortality as compared to other Spanish regions. Our objective was to assess the CV risk associated with major risk factors (RF) among adult population of Murcia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cohort of 2314 subjects (18-70 years) with full biochemical and questionnaire data was followed-up for 13 years. Incident cases of ischemic heart disease and stroke were identified by record linkage, individual questionnaires and revision of medical records. Relative risks were obtained by multivariate Cox regression stratified by age and sex, and ischemic risk attributable to CVRF was calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After more than 26276 person-years of follow-up, 57 incident ischemic events (77% men) and 37 stroke cases (62% men) were identified. Independent risk factors of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and all CV events combined, with RR ranging from 1.6 to 2.6, were total serum cholesterol ≥ 240 mg/dl (HR = 2.6, 95%CI:1.3-5.1), blood pressure levels ≥ 140/90 mmHg (HR = 2.6, 95%CI:1.4-4.8), ever tobacco smoking (HR = 2.2; 95%CI:1.1-4.5), and diabetes (HR = 2.0; 95%CI: 1.0-3.8). No increased CV risk was detected for known participants under treatment who showed cholesterol and blood pressure values below the clinical risk threshold. Smoking was significantly associated with stroke. For all events combined, the major risk factors were hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and ever use of tobacco. Despite its high prevalence, obesity was not associated to CV risk. Most of the IHD cases were attributable to smoking (44%), hypertension (38%) and hypercholesterolemia (26%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the Region of Murcia, smoking accounted for the largest proportion of cardiovascular risk, whereas hypertension displaced hypercholesterolemia as the second leading cause of CV disease. Our study deepens in our understanding of the cardiovascular epidemiology in Spanish areas of Mediterranean Europe with relatively high cardiovascular morbimortality, that are poorly represented by the available risk equations.</p

    Functional analysis of the C-reactive protein (CRP) gene -717A>G polymorphism associated with coronary heart disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Atherosclerosis underlies the major pathophysiological mechanisms of coronary heart disease (CHD), and inflammation contributes to all phases of atherosclerosis. C-reactive protein (CRP), a sensitive, but nonspecific marker of inflammation has been shown to play proatherogenic roles in the process of atherosclerosis. Our previous report showed that rs2794521 (-717A>G), located in the promoter of the CRP gene, was independently associated with CHD in Chinese subjects. In the present study, we tried to investigate the biological significance of this genetic variation <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The influence of G to A substitution at the site of rs2794521 on the transcriptional activity of the promoter of the CRP gene was assessed by luciferase reporter assay, and protein binding to the site of rs2794521 was detected by EMSA assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The G to A exchange at the site of rs2794521 resulted in an increased transcriptional activity of the promoter of CRP gene, and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) protein factor bound drastically differently to the A and G alleles at the site of rs2794521.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results provided functional evidence supporting the association of the SNP rs2794521 of the CRP gene with CHD probably through regulating the expression level of CRP by different variations of rs2794521.</p