392 research outputs found

    Karisal Mind Through K. Alagirisamy’s Creations

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    It could be said that the role of Karisal literature in literary development is immeasurable. Because Karisal soil has produced many writers. One-third (35) of the 105 stories written by K. Alagirisamy, who can be said to be the harbinger of Karisal in particular, reflect the life of the Karisal land. The story of 'Kumarapura Station' displays the people living in the Karisal area as realistic people, and the way they live their lives, regardless of their ups and downs, through the scenes where the station master and the uneducated hotelier sit down equally to each other and converse. In the story 'Raja has come', he brilliantly illustrates the lives of children in the Karisal area living in poverty without giving up themselves. And those who have money do not mind. One who has the mind has no money. He exhibits this situation. We hope that the gift items will appeal to everyone, especially children, and that the child's nature will speak to us again and again, no matter what we scold. But he denies them and points out through the 'gift' story that children do have pride and we need to understand them. He describes the state of suffering as a result of not having access to water because the livelihood of soil depends on rain, and the plight of walking many miles beyond even the most basic necessities. He beautifully points out that the people of Karisal love the soil and want to die on that soil, regardless of the difficulties they face. The Karisal region often has an unpredictable economic environment in the absence of the monsoon. K. Alagirisamy subtly expresses in his stories the difficulties that people face in leading their lives in an environment of poverty and the joy and emotional struggles that appear from time to tim

    Internal Psychology in Vetkai Pathu Songs

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    Man's knowledge is moving towards new discoveries every day. No matter how much you discover it is a bit of a challenge to figure out what the human mind is thinking. What do we think in our hearts when we all know the proverb that ‘being in a pot is like being in a bag’? That's what we'll talk about. But do we speak in all cases and circumstances? Seems to think a bit if. Searching for the answer, Sigmund Freud says that the outside does not show what the inside thinks. I put forward this idea and searched in the Sangam literature in which a lot of the literature had the claim of a friend but in five of the five consecutive songs the friend's claim is in the same mood as the friend's mentality. The way the friend answers the leader's question of what you and the leader thought of me during the time I went to the leader's whore shows the friend's inner state most wonderfully. There are many reasons why an individual may not disclose his inner state to others out of fear, shame, danger, indifference, good, evil, etc. Here the friend does not disclose to the leader what she thinks inwardly because the leader is not saying it is in the best interest of the family not to split up. At the same time what you do directly to the leader is wrong and only you know how to make a mistake? Can we go to the whore too? Thinking that there will be trouble in the family again if asked, the friend hides the virtuous deeds of the leader without revealing anything and at the same time hides the false whore behavior of the leader indirectly through the parable without revealing what he thought indirectly. It was only in the eighteenth century that Sigmund Freud stated that the external mind does not reflect what the inner mind thinks. But it can be seen that Oram Pokiyar, who wrote the Sangam literary Vetkai Pathu in Tamil 2000 years ago, has shown the psychology that the external does not show what the inner thinks

    Identification of risk factors leading to cost and time overrun in B-O-T projects

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    As infrastructural investments are vital in developing countries, it’ll not solely facilitate to foster the economic growth of a nation, however it’ll additionally act as a platform within which new kinds of partnership and collaboration may be developed. The developments of BOT have attracted participation of native and foreign non-public sector capitalist to secure funding and to deliver projects on time, within the budget and to the desired specifications. There are many complexities in projects because of the variety of factors in project’s trend and also the dependence of project primarily on national factors. Because of these complexities and their long-term operation, the projects meet with uncertainty and numerous risks. Effective risk management methods and good managerial skills are required in guaranteeing the success of the project. In recent years, due to substantial increase in the amount of construction companies along with the changes in the government administrations, the construction projects are exposed to cost and time overrun and has huge impact on the progress of works within the industry. Although, the sector is considered to be a key driver of economic growth, time and cost overruns threaten to limit the sector’s potential to help achieve the desired growth and ensure efficient capital expenditure. Keywords—BOT, cost overrun, delays, ris

    Diffusion coefficient and shear viscosity of rigid water models

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    We report the diffusion coefficient and viscosity of popular rigid water models: Two non polarizable ones (SPC/E with 3 sites, and TIP4P/2005 with 4 sites) and a polarizable one (Dang-Chang, 4 sites). We exploit the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the system size [Yeh and Hummer, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 15873 (2004)] to obtain the size-independent value. This also provides an estimate of the viscosity of all water models, which we compare to the Green-Kubo result. In all cases, a good agreement is found. The TIP4P/2005 model is in better agreement with the experimental data for both diffusion and viscosity. The SPC/E and Dang-Chang water overestimate the diffusion coefficient and underestimate the viscosity.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. To be published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Kecernaan Bahan Kering dan Bahan Organik secara In Vitro Hijauan Desmodium Cinereum pada Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair dan Jarak Tanam

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    This research was conducted with the objective of identifying and studying the dry matter digestibility (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) in vitro forage D. cinereum at various doses of liquid organic fertilizer and plant spacing. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) 4 x 2 factorial with three replications. Liquid organic fertilizer (P) as the factor A (0, 1, 3, and 5 ml / 1 l water / plot) and spacing (S) as the factor B (50 x 75 cm and 25 x 50 cm). Parameters measured were DMD and OMD. The results showed that the highest DMD and OMD achieved by comparison P1S0 P2S0, P0S1, P2S1, P3S1, P1S1, P0S0 and P3S0. Liquid organic fertilizer significantly (p <0.05) against DMD and OMD. Planting space did not significantly affect DMD and OMD. DMD and OMD value is 61.64; 61.39; 59.98; 59.67; 58.97; 58.86; 57.86; 53.88% and 59.63; 59.45; 57.67; 57.23; 56.73; 56.15; 55.75; 48.02%. Liquid organic fertilizer dose 3 ml / 1 l water / plot (P2) to give effect to the values DMD 60.53% and OMD 58.34% which is the highest digestibility values

    Pengaruh Proteksi Protein Ampas Kecap dengan Tanin terhadap Konsentrasi Amonia, Produksi Protein Total dan Persentase Rumen Undegraded Dietary Protein secara In Vitro

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    The aimed of this research was to determine the effect of level tannin of mangrove leaf to protected soy pulp protein on ammonia concentration (NH3), total protein production and percentage of rumen undegraded dietary protein (RUDP) in vitro. The material used is soy pulp, mangroves leaves as a natural source of tannins, rumen liquor and reagents used in the analysis of NH3, total protein and RUDP. Parameters measured were NH3 concentrations, total protein production and percentage of RUDP. The experiment was conducted used a completely randomized designed with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments are T0 (soy pulp + without tannin), T1 (soy pulp + tannin 0.25%), T2 (soy pulp + tannin 0.50%), T3 (soy pulp + tannin 0.75%). The results were analyzed statistically by variance analysis, and if there is a real effect due to treatment followed by Duncan test at 5% level to detect a difference between treatment effects. The results obtained NH3 concentration of soy pulp protein protected with different tannin are 4.34; 3.46; 3.29; 3.10 mM. The results total protein production are 315.37; 330.05; 334.04; 304.45 mg/g. The results percentage RUDP are 27.91; 27.96; 28.03; 27.36%. The variant test results showed that the protective soy pulp protein used mangrove tannin significantly decrease NH3 concentrations, but no significantly on total protein production and percentage RUDP. The DMRT test result showed that NH3 concentrations on T0 significantly higher (p<0.05) from T1, T2 and T3 while T1, T2 and T3 not significantly different (p>0.05). From the results of this research concluded that the protection of soy pulp protein used mangrove leaves tannin proven to decrease ammonia concentration (NH3) but did not affected to total protein production and percentage RUDP

    PICU mortality of children with cancer admitted to pediatric intensive care unit : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Outcomes for children diagnosed with cancer have improved dramatically over the past 20 years. However, although 40% of pediatric cancer patients require at least one intensive care admission throughout their disease course, PICU outcomes and resource utilization by this population have not been rigorously studied in this specific group. Methods: Using a systematic strategy, we searched Medline, Embase, and CINAHL databases for articles describing PICU mortality of pediatric cancer patients admitted to PICU. Two investigators independently applied eligibility criteria, assessed data quality, and extracted data. We pooled PICU mortality estimates using random-effects models and examined mortality trends over time using meta-regression models. Results: Out of 1218 identified manuscripts, 31 studies were included covering 16,853 PICU admissions with the majority being retrospective in nature. Overall pooled weighted mortality was 27.8% (95% confidence interval (CI), 23.7-31.9%). Mortality decreased slightly over time when post-operative patients were excluded. The use of mechanical ventilation (odds ratio (OR): 18.49 [95% CI 13.79-24.78], p < 0.001), inotropic support (OR: 14.05 [95% CI 9.16-21.57], p < 0.001), or continuous renal replacement therapy (OR: 3.24 [95% CI 1.31-8.04], p = 0.01) was significantly associated with PICU mortality. Conclusions: PICU mortality rates of pediatric cancer patients are far higher when compared to current mortality rates of the general PICU population. PICU mortality has remained relatively unchanged over the past decades, a slight decrease was only seen when post-operative patients were excluded. This compared infavorably with the improved mortality seen in adults with cancer admitted to ICU, where research-led improvements have led to the paradigm of unlimited, aggressive ICU management without any limitations on resuscitations status, for a time-limited trial

    [Eksplorasi Jamur Endofit Asal Tanaman Cendana Santalum album L. di Sekitar Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur] : Review

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    Cendana merupakan tanaman endemik asal NTT dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi karena merupakan penghasil minyak atsiri dan merupakan hasil hutan bukan kayu yang potensial di NTT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi dan mengoleksi jamur endofit yang berada di dalam jaringan tanaman cendana di sekitaran Universitas Nusa Cendana. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan eksplorasi terhadap jamur endofit pada daun dan batang tanaman cendana. Sampel tanaman cendana diambil dari Universitas Nusa Cendana dan penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Nusa Cendana pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2021. Dipilih lima tanaman cendana sehat atau yang tidak bergejala penyakit dari lokasi tersebut untuk diambil daun dan batangnya. Penilitan ini dilakukan dengan mengisolasi sampel daun dan batang tanaman cendana sehat yang telah dipotong dan disterilkan pada media PDA. Apabila terdapat jamur yang tumbuh, dilakukan permurnian terhadap jamur yang terlihat berbeda secara makroskopis. Dari penelitian ini, diperoleh delapan isolat jamur endofit, terdiri dari genus Aspergillus, Gliocladium, Phoma, dan Trichoderma
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