811 research outputs found

    Consumer-based actions to reduce plastic pollution in rivers: a multi-criteria decision analysis approach

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    The use and management of single use plastics is a major area of concern for the public, regulatory and business worlds. Focusing on the most commonly occurring consumer plastic items present in European freshwater environments, we identified and evaluated consumer-based actions with respect to their direct or indirect potential to reduce macroplastic pollution in freshwater environments. As the main end users of these items, concerned consumers are faced with a bewildering array of choices to reduce their plastics footprint, notably through recycling or using reusable items. Using a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach, we explored the effectiveness of 27 plastic reduction actions with respect to their feasibility, economic impacts, environmental impacts, unintended social/environmental impacts, potential scale of change and evidence of impact. The top ranked consumer-based actions were identified as: using wooden or reusable cutlery; switching to reusable water bottles; using wooden or reusable stirrers; using plastic free cotton-buds; and using refill detergent/ shampoo bottles. We examined the feasibility of top-ranked actions using a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to explore the complexities inherent in their implementation for consumers, businesses, and government to reduce the presence of plastic in the environment

    Qualitative models to predict impacts of human interventions in a wetland ecosystem

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    The large shallow wetlands that dominate much of the South American continent are rich in biodiversity and complexity. Many of these undamaged ecosystems are presently being examined for their potential economic utility, putting pressure on local authorities and the conservation community to find ways of correctly utilising the available natural resources without compromising the ecosystem functioning and overall integrity. Contrary to many northern hemisphere ecosystems, there have been little long term ecological studies of these systems, leading to a lack of quantitative data on which to construct ecological or resource use models. As a result, decision makers, even well meaning ones, have difficulty in determining if particular economic activities can potentially cause significant damage to the ecosystem and how one should go about monitoring the impacts of such activities. While the direct impact of many activities is often known, the secondary indirect impacts are usually less clear and can depend on local ecological conditions. <br><br> The use of qualitative models is a helpful tool to highlight potential feedback mechanisms and secondary effects of management action on ecosystem integrity. The harvesting of a single, apparently abundant, species can have indirect secondary effects on key trophic and abiotic compartments. In this paper, loop model analysis is used to qualitatively examine secondary effects of potential economic activities in a large wetland area in northeast Argentina, the Esteros del Ibera. Based on interaction with local actors together with observed ecological information, loop models were constructed to reflect relationships between biotic and abiotic compartments. A series of analyses were made to study the effect of different economic scenarios on key ecosystem compartments. Important impacts on key biotic compartments (phytoplankton, zooplankton, ichthyofauna, aquatic macrophytes) and on the abiotic environment (nutrients and sediment resuspension) were observed through model analysis. These models results do not indicate a definite relationship between activity and a possible impact, but a potential impact that can be further studied and modelled. Likewise, the model is not intended to be an end in itself, but as a tool to help focus further ecological study, monitoring and modelling. In the real world of wetland management, it is not always possible to conduct extensive (and expensive) analysis of all the principal ecological compartments. In the same manner, the construction of larger and more complex models for resource management usually needs to be focused to those areas most likely to effect resource quality or ecosystem functioning. In this light, the development of qualitative models was considered as a first step to help researchers and decision makers focus their efforts (and economic resources) in an intensive ecological sampling programme and the construction of predictive models

    COVID-19 lockdown improved river water quality in China

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    The impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns on air quality around the world have received wide attention. In comparison, assessments of the implications for water quality are relatively rare. As the first country impacted by COVID-19, China implemented local and national lockdowns that shut down industries and businesses between January and May 2020. Based on monthly field measurements (N = 1693) and daily automonitoring (N = 65), this study analyzed the influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on river water quality in China. The results showed significant improvements in river water quality during the lockdown period but out-of-step improvements for different indicators. Reductions in ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) began relatively soon after the lockdown; chemical oxygen demand (COD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) showed improvements beginning in late January/early February and mid-March, respectively, while increases in pH were more temporally concentrated in the period from mid-March to early May. Compared to April 2019, the Water Quality Index increased at 67.4% of the stations in April 2020, with 75.9% of increases being significant. Changes in water quality parameters also varied spatially for different sites and were mainly determined by the locations and levels of economic development. After the lifting of the lockdown in June, all water quality parameters returned to pre-COVID-19 lockdown conditions. Our results clearly demonstrate the impacts of human activities on water quality and the potential for reversing ecosystem degradation by better management of wastewater discharges to replicate the beneficial impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown. Capsule summary: River water quality improved during China's COVID-19 lockdown, but returned to normal conditions after the lockdown

    Resolving an inconsistency in the estimation of the energy for excitation of cardiac muscle contraction

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    In the excitation of muscle contraction, calcium ions interact with transmembrane transporters. This process is accompanied by energy consumption and heat liberation. To quantify this activation energy or heat in the heart or cardiac muscle, two non-pharmacological approaches can be used. In one approach using the “pressure-volume area” concept, the same estimate of activation energy is obtained regardless of the mode of contraction (either isovolumic/isometric or ejecting/shortening). In the other approach, an accurate estimate of activation energy is obtained only when the muscle contracts isometrically. If the contraction involves muscle shortening, then an additional component of heat associated with shortening is liberated, over and above that of activation. The present study thus examines the reconcilability of the two approaches by performing experiments on isolated muscles measuring contractile force and heat output. A framework was devised from the experimental data to allow us to replicate several mechanoenergetics results gleaned from the literature. From these replications, we conclude that the choice of initial muscle length (or ventricular volume) underlies the divergence of the two approaches in the estimation of activation energy when the mode of contraction involves shortening (ejection). At low initial muscle lengths, the heat of shortening is relatively small, which can lead to the misconception that activation energy is contraction mode independent. In fact, because cardiac muscle liberates heat of shortening when allowed to shorten, estimation of activation heat must be performed only under isometric (isovolumic) contractions. We thus recommend caution when estimating activation energy using the “pressure-volume area” concept

    Measuring Team Functioning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Cancer Care Team Members

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    Samar Attieh,1 Kelley Kilpatrick,2 Denis Chênevert,3 Marie-Pascale Pomey,4– 6 Carmen G Loiselle7– 9 1Department of Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada; 2Susan E. French Chair in Nursing Research and Innovative Practice, Ingram School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada; 3Department of Human Resources Management, HEC Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada; 4Research Centre of the University of Montreal Hospital Centre, Montréal, QC, Canada; 5Centre d’excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public, Montréal, QC, Canada; 6Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, School of Public Health, University of Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada; 7Ingram School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Montréal, Canada; 8Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Montréal, Canada; 9Segal Cancer Center, Jewish General Hospital, Montréal, CanadaCorrespondence: Samar Attieh, Department of Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, 550 Sherbrooke Street West, West Towers, Suite 775, Montréal, QC, H3A 1B9, Canada, Email [email protected]: In a public health crisis such as COVID-19, cancer teams face significant challenges including acute work disruptions, rapid shifts in clinical practice, and burnout. Within this context, it is crucial to explore team functioning from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.Objective: This quantitative pilot study aimed to 1) measure perceptions of multi-stakeholders on key indicators of team functioning (Team Effectiveness, TE, and Team Relational Coordination, TRC) during COVID-19 and its transition, and 2) document whether patient perceptions of TE/TRC are significantly associated with their cancer care experiences.Methods: A descriptive design with repeated measures was used. Through convenience sampling, participants were recruited from two outpatient cancer clinics at a large university-affiliated hospital, in Montréal, Qc, Canada. Sixty-six participants (ie, 13 healthcare professionals, 40 patients, 6 informal caregivers, and 7 volunteers) completed e-measures at T1 (years 2021– 2022) and n = 44 at T2 (year 2023).Results: At T1, participants reported high perceptions of Team Effectiveness (scale 1 to 6) M = 4.47; SD = 0.7 (Mdn = 4.54; IQR: 4.06– 5) and Relational Coordination (scale 1 to 5) M = 3.77; SD = 0.77 (Mdn = 3.81; IQR: 3.12– 4.38) with no significant differences in perceptions across the four groups. At T2, no significant changes in TE/TRC perceptions were found. At both time points, patient perceptions of TE/TRC were significantly correlated with positive cancer care experiences (Spearman rank correlation rs ranging from 0.69 and 0.83; p < 0.01).Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study documenting perceptions of cancer team functioning amidst the pandemic as reported by multiple stakeholders. Significant relationships between patient perceptions of TE/TRC and their cancer care experiences underscore the importance of including patients’ views in team functioning processes. Future work should rely on larger sample sizes to further explore key elements of optimal team functioning.Keywords: team functioning, team effectiveness, team relational coordination, cancer care, patient satisfaction, patient experiences, COVID-19, pandemic, health crisi

    Observations of water transparency in China's lakes from space

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    Water transparency, usually denoted by Secchi disk depth (SSD), represents the first-order description of water quality and has important implications for the diversity and productivity of aquatic life. In China, lakes supply freshwater and ecosystem services to nearly a billion people. Therefore, real time monitoring of lake transparency is of great significance. Moreover, understanding how and why transparency varies in space and time in response to different driving forces is needed to understand, manage, and predict lake water quality. Based on the time-saving and low-cost Google Earth Engine cloud platform, this study developed a new algorithm for quickly mapping SDDs in Chinese lakes. SDDs were retrieved for 412 Chinese lakes (> 20 km2) for the period 2000–2018. Results demonstrated that lake water depth spatially differentiated transparency. Deep lakes usually had high transparency and water depth explained 88.81 % of the spatial variations. With increasing catchment vegetation coverage and lake water depth, 70.15 % of lakes witnessed increasing transparency during 2000–2018. Of these 42.72 % were significant (p<0.05). Transparency of deep lakes was generally determined by phytoplankton density not sediment resuspension. Minimum transparency occurred in summer. Future increases in lake water levels in response to factors such as climate change may contribute to further improvements in transparency. Management should focus on controlling eutrophication and increasing vegetation cover in catchments

    Narrow genetic base in forest restoration with holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Sicily

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    In order to empirically assess the effect of actual seed sampling strategy on genetic diversity of holm oak (Quercus ilex) forestations in Sicily, we have analysed the genetic composition of two seedling lots (nursery stock and plantation) and their known natural seed origin stand by means of six nuclear microsatellite loci. Significant reduction in genetic diversity and significant difference in genetic composition of the seedling lots compared to the seed origin stand were detected. The female and the total effective number of parents were quantified by means of maternity assignment of seedlings and temporal changes in allele frequencies. Extremely low effective maternity numbers were estimated (Nfe \approx 2-4) and estimates accounting for both seed and pollen donors gave also low values (Ne \approx 35-50). These values can be explained by an inappropriate forestry seed harvest strategy limited to a small number of spatially close trees

    Basin-Scale Control on the Phytoplankton Biomass in Lake Victoria, Africa

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    The relative bio-optical variability within Lake Victoria was analyzed through the spatio-temporal decomposition of a 1997–2004 dataset of remotely-sensed reflectance ratios in the visible spectral range. Results show a regular seasonal pattern with a phase shift (around 2 months) between the south and north parts of the lake. Interannual trends suggested a teleconnection between the lake dynamics and El-Niño phenomena. Both seasonal and interannual patterns were associated to conditions of light limitation for phytoplankton growth and basin-scale hydrodynamics on phytoplankton access to light. Phytoplankton blooms developed during the periods of lake surface warming and water column stability. The temporal shift apparent in the bio-optical seasonal cycles was related to the differential cooling of the lake surface by southeastern monsoon winds. North-south differences in the exposure to trade winds are supported by the orography of the Eastern Great Rift Valley. The result is that surface layer warming begins in the northern part of the lake while the formation of cool and dense water continues in the southern part. The resulting buoyancy field is sufficient to induce a lake-wide convective circulation and the tilting of the isotherms along the north-south axis. Once surface warming spreads over the whole lake, the phytoplankton bloom dynamics are subjected to the internal seiche derived from the relaxation of thermocline tilting. In 1997–98, El-Niño phenomenon weakened the monsoon wind flow which led to an increase in water column stability and a higher phytoplankton optical signal throughout the lake. This suggests that phytoplankton response to expected climate scenarios will be opposite to that proposed for nutrient-limited great lakes. The present analysis of remotely-sensed bio-optical properties in combination with environmental data provides a novel basin-scale framework for research and management strategies in Lake Victoria