2,825 research outputs found

    Evolution of Network Architecture in a Granular Material Under Compression

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    As a granular material is compressed, the particles and forces within the system arrange to form complex and heterogeneous collective structures. Force chains are a prime example of such structures, and are thought to constrain bulk properties such as mechanical stability and acoustic transmission. However, capturing and characterizing the evolving nature of the intrinsic inhomogeneity and mesoscale architecture of granular systems can be challenging. A growing body of work has shown that graph theoretic approaches may provide a useful foundation for tackling these problems. Here, we extend the current approaches by utilizing multilayer networks as a framework for directly quantifying the progression of mesoscale architecture in a compressed granular system. We examine a quasi-two-dimensional aggregate of photoelastic disks, subject to biaxial compressions through a series of small, quasistatic steps. Treating particles as network nodes and interparticle forces as network edges, we construct a multilayer network for the system by linking together the series of static force networks that exist at each strain step. We then extract the inherent mesoscale structure from the system by using a generalization of community detection methods to multilayer networks, and we define quantitative measures to characterize the changes in this structure throughout the compression process. We separately consider the network of normal and tangential forces, and find that they display a different progression throughout compression. To test the sensitivity of the network model to particle properties, we examine whether the method can distinguish a subsystem of low-friction particles within a bath of higher-friction particles. We find that this can be achieved by considering the network of tangential forces, and that the community structure is better able to separate the subsystem than a purely local measure of interparticle forces alone. The results discussed throughout this study suggest that these network science techniques may provide a direct way to compare and classify data from systems under different external conditions or with different physical makeup

    Hubungan Dukungan Pasangan Usia Subur dengan Penggunaan Metode Kontrasepsi Senggama Terputus di Kelurahan Meteseh Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang

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    Data dari Kelurahan Meteseh sebesar 1669 PUS dari jumlah Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) yang ada 4299 jiwa (38,8%) sedangkan di 3 RW yaitu RW XIV dengan jumlah PUS 240 orang yang menggunakan senggama terputus 8 orang, RW XXIII dengan jumlah PUS 75 orang yang menggunakan senggamaterputus 10 orang, dan RW XXIV dengan jumlah PUS 134 orang yang menggunakan senggama terputus 21 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan pasangan usia subur dengan metode penggunaan senggama terputus di Kelurahan Meteseh Kecamatan Tembalang KotaSemarang. Metode Penelitian diskiptif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data yaitu berupa analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Hasil penelitian dukungan PUS mayoritas responden mendukungantara suami dan istri yaitu sebanyak 20 PUS (51,3%), dan mayoritas responden tidak teratur dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi senggama terputus yaitu sebanyak 21 PUS (53,8%). Dari hasil hubungan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan PUS dengan penggunaan senggama terputus. Simpulan penelitian ini anyak responden yang mendukung maka semakin teratur penggunaan metode kontrasepsisenggama terputus, sebaliknya jika banyak responden yang tidak mendukung maka semakin tidak teratur penggunaan senggama terputus

    Analisis Perbandingan Hubungan Perdagangan Surat Berharga Syariah Negara dan Variabel Makro Ekonomi Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    The development of Islamic finance has been very rapid in the last 10 years. From many varoius products, one instrument of Islamic finance that can drives economic growth is sukuk. One type of sukuk issued by Indonesian government is State Sharia Securities (SBSN). this study uses interest rate, exchange rate, and inflation as independent variables. The results of this study reveal that the interest rate variable has no significant impact on SBSN trading through transactions in the secondary market. However, there is a change in interest rate before and after the covid era. Then the exchange rate variable also does not have significant effect on SBSN but it also has an increasing coefficient change after the pandemic happened. Then finally there is inflation that does not have a significant effect on SBSN. However, there is also a change in coefficient which was initially positive to negative after the covid 19 pandemic


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of person center counseling to reduce anxiety in children. The research method uses a Single-Subject Design (SSD) with the A-B intervention model. The subject is an orphaned counselee whose parents died of Covid-19. Individual counseling is carried out in 4 phases approach. The data processing method uses the SPSS statistical test with the Wilcoxon Test by comparing the pre-test and post-test. The results of the hypothesis test show the results of Asymp. sign. (2-tailed) 0.035 <0.05 which means there is a significant decrease in anxiety through the Person-Centered approach.  Article visualizations

    “Passport to Information Day” as a Promotion Tool

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    “If you build it, they will come” (Frankish & Robinson, 1989) was a powerful motivation for transforming an Iowa cornfield into a baseball diamond, but does it apply to librarians when faced with purchasing new information resources? What happens if you buy it and no one comes? This is precisely the dilemma many libraries face when purchasing new resources. Librarians painstakingly select the best resources for their users, despite overcoming budget constraints, only to have the usage statistics show that these resources are continually underutilized. This issue has mystified librarians for years. How can a library effectively market its electronic resources to its users and increase the usage

    Peranan Usahatani Tembakau di Berbagai Agro Ekosistem terhadap Pendapatan Petani dan Kesempatan Kerja di Kabupaten Sampang, Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian peranan USAhatani tembakau di berbagai agro ekosistem terhadap pendapatan petani dan kesempatan kerja dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Sampang Jawa Timur musim tanam 2009/2010 menggunakan metode survei. Obyek penelitian adalah USAhatani di lahan tembakau dalam satu siklus USAhatani selama satu tahun. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui: (1) tingkat pendapatan USAhatani di berbagai agro ekosistem, (2) kontribusi USAhatani tembakau terhadap pendapatan petani, dan (3) peranan USAhatani tembakau terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja. Lokasi penelitian di 12 desa dari 6 kecamatan sentra produksi tembakau. Petani contoh adalah petani tembakau di tiga agro ekosistem (sawah, tegal, dan gunung/perbukitan) yang menanam tembakau dengan sistem pergiliran tanaman. Dari ketiga agro ekosistem teridentifikasi ada 5 tipe pola tanam dominan. Dari 5 tipe pola tanam yang tersebut, masing-masing dipilih dan ditetapkan secara acak sederhana (sampling random sample) sebanyak 10 petani contoh, sehingga secara keseluruhan terpilih 50 petani contoh sebagai responden (20 petani tembakau sawah, 10 petani tembakau tegal, dan 20 petani tembakau gunung/perbukitan). Data komponen kegiatan USAhatani dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis USAhatani enterprise. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, USAhatani di lahan sawah, tegal dan gunung/perbukitan dalam satu siklus USAhatani, masing-masing menghasilkan pendapatan Rp 6.192.354,00, Rp 7.162.827,00, dan Rp 5.508.954,00. Total pendapatan ini diperoleh dari USAhatani tembakau sebesar Rp 4.978.437,00, Rp 5.233.159,00, dan Rp 3.460.058,00. Usahatani tembakau pada masing-masing agro ekosistem memberikan kontribusi pendapatan sebesar 80 %, 73 %, dan 63 % dan penyerapan tenaga kerja 59 %, 67 %, dan 76 %. Kontribusi pendapatan dan serapan tenaga kerja yang relatif tinggi menunjukkan bahwa USAhatani tembakau memiliki keunggulan komparatif terhadap USAhatani padi dan palawija di lahan tradisional tembakau. Kondisi ini mendorong eksistensi pengembangan USAhatani tembakau secara berkelanjutan

    Detection of Drug Interaction in GICU (General Intensive Care Unit) at One Hospital in Bandung

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    ICU defined as an intensive monitoring place and life support activities as well as definite therapy in life-threatens disease patients. In this Unit, patients generally receive treatment from various doctors that a patient can receive a variety of drugs from different doctors (polypharmacy). This unit also has higher frequency of drug demand than the other units in the hospital so the potential or actual drug interactions can occur. This study begins with a retrospective pilot study in ICU, concurrent studies in GICU (General Intensive Care Unit), data analysis and conclusions. Detection of drug interactions concurrently on 185 patients obtained 78 drug interactions that consists of 46 (58.97%) pharmacodynamic interactions and 27 (34.61%) pharmacokinetic interactions