82 research outputs found

    Progress and challenges to the global waste management system

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    Rapid economic growth, urbanization and increasing population have caused (materially intensive) resource consumption to increase, and consequently the release of large amounts of waste to the environment. From a global perspective, current waste and resource management lacks a holistic approach covering the whole chain of product design, raw material extraction, production, consumption, recycling and waste management. In this article, progress and different sustainability challenges facing the global waste management system are presented and discussed. The study leads to the conclusion that the current, rather isolated efforts, in different systems for waste management, waste reduction and resource management are indeed not sufficient in a long term sustainability perspective. In the future, to manage resources and wastes sustainably, waste management requires a more systems-oriented approach that addresses the root causes for the problems. A specific issue to address is the development of improved feedback information (statistics) on how waste generation is linked to consumption

    Mikrobilääkeresistenssi ja -jäämät nautatilalla - vaikutukset ympäristöön ja terveyteen (NAMI)

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    Tässä Ruokaviraston (ennen Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Evira), Luken ja SYKEn yhteisprojektissa tutkittiin mikrobilääkejäämien ja resistenttien suolistobakteerien kulkeutumista lääkityistä lypsylehmistä navettaympäristön kautta lantavarastoihin. Lisäksi arvioitiin niiden leviämistä lannan peltolevitysten välityksellä luonnon eliöihin sekä elintarviketuotantoketjussa. Projektissa tutkittiin myös anaerobisen mesofiilisen mädätyksen vaikutuksia lannassa oleviin mikrobilääkejäämiin ja resistentteihin suolistobakteereihin sekä toisaalta lannan mikrobilääkejäämien vaikutusta mädädysprosessin toimintaan. Lisäksi arvioitiin erilaisten lannan prosessointitapojen elinkaarisia ympäristövaikutuksia sekä vaikutuksia mikrobilääkejäämiin ja -resistenssiin. Resistentit ja moniresistentit suolistobakteerit kulkeutuivat lypsykarjatilalla lantavarastoihin, mutta ne eivät rikastuneet lantaketjussa. Lypsykarjan lietelannasta mitattiin hyvin pieniä pitoisuuksia mikrobilääkkeitä. Lääkittyjen eläinten sonnasta ja virtsasta taas mitattiin hoidon aikana hyvin korkeita pitoisuuksia mikrobilääkejäämiä, jolloin niistä muodostuvissa (kuivissa) lannoissa voi olla korkeita paikallisia pitoisuuksia mikrobilääkkeitä. Suomessa myös mikrobilääkkeillä lääkittyjen eläinten lannat levitetään pääosin käsittelemättöminä kasvinravinteiksi pelloille, jolloin lannan mukana voi levitä mikrobilääkejäämiä ja resistenttejä suolistobakteereita. Luonnon eliöt voivat altistua lannassa oleville mikrobilääkkeille ja resistenteille suolistobakteereille myös Suomen olosuhteissa. Lääkittyjen eläinten lantojen lannoitekäyttöä käsittelemättömänä tulisi arvioida kriittisesti. Mesofiilinen anaerobinen mädätys voi vähentää mikrobilääkejäämiä lannasta, mutta ei välttämättä hajota niitä. Se vähentää elävien suolistobakteerien määrää lannassa, mutta merkittävää vaikutusta resistenttien E. coli -bakteerien osuuteen ei havaittu. Erilaiset lannankäsittelytavat voivat kuitenkin soveltua – ravinteiden kierrätyksen ja energiantuoton lisäksi – mikrobilääkejäämien ja resistenssin torjumiseen, ja niitä tulisikin tässä tarkoituksessa tutkia tarkemmin Suomessa.I detta samprojekt mellan Livsmedelsverket (före detta Livsmedelssäkerhetsverket Evira), Luke och SYKE undersöktes spridningen av resthalter av antimikrobiella läkemedel och resistenta tarmbakterier från behandlade mjölkkor till gödsellager via ladugårdsmiljön. Därtill uppskattades spridningen till organismer i naturen via gödselspridning på åkrar samt i livsmedelskedjan. I projektet undersöktes även effekten av anaerob mesofil rötning på resthalter av antimikrobiella medel i gödsel och resistenta tarmbakterier samt även effekten av resthalter av antimikrobiella medel på rötningsprocessen. Dessutom analyserades livscykeln för miljöpåverkan av de olika gödselbearbetningsmetoderna samt effekterna på resthalter av antimikrobiella medel och resistens. Resistenta och multiresistenta tarmbakterier spreds på mjölkgården till gödsellagren, men anrikades inte i gödselkedjan. Mycket små halter av antimikrobiella medel uppmättes i mjölkkornas flytgödsel. Men mycket höga resthalter av antimikrobiella medel uppmättes i gödsel och urin medan djuren behandlades, och då kan det finnas höga lokala halter av antimikrobiella medel i deras (torr)gödsel. I Finland sprids gödsel även av antibiotikabehandlade djur till största delen obehandlad som växtnäring på åkrar, och då kan resthalter av antimikrobiella medel och resistenta tarmbakterier spridas med gödseln. Organismer i naturen kan utsättas för antimikrobiella medel i gödsel och resistenta tarmbakterier även i finländska förhållanden. Användningen av obehandlad gödsel från medicinerade djur borde utvärderas kritiskt. Mesofil anaerob rötning kan minska på mängden resthalter av antimikrobiella medel i gödseln, men bryter inte nödvändigtvis ned dem. Den minskar på mängden levande tarmbakterier i gödseln, men ingen betydande effekt på andelen resistenta E.coli-bakterier påvisades. Olika sätt att behandla gödsel kan ändå, utöver återvinning av näringsämnen och energiproduktion, lämpa sig för bekämpning av antimikrobiella resthalter och resistens, och de borde undersökas mera detaljerat i Finland i det syftet.This study was conducted by Finnish Food Authority (formerly Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira), Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke and Finnish Environment Institute SYKE in 2015–2018. The aims of the study were to examine how antimicrobial residues and antimicrobial-resistant E. coli bacteria spread via the manure chain from the dairy cows treated with antimicrobials to the farm environment and manure storages. Furthermore, the dissemination routes to the surrounding environment, ecosystems and back to the food chain in Finnish conditions were profiled. The effect of mesophilic anaerobic digestion process on the level of antimicrobial residues and antimicrobial-resistant E. coli was examined and, conversely, the effect of antimicrobial residues on the process as well. Finally, the life-cycle of different manure handling and processing methods, and their potential effects on nutrient recycling, energy production, antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria were evaluated. Resistant and multi-resistant E. coli spread to the manure storages, although enrichment in their proportion over the manure chain was not detected. Only minor concentrations of antimicrobial residues were measured from the liquid manure. Instead, very high concentrations of antimicrobial residues were measured from the faeces, urine and milk of dairy cows medicated with antimicrobials, which may lead to high local concentrations in (dry) manures composed of them. In Finland, there is no withdrawal period for manure of medicated animals to be used as a fertilizer. Therefore, manures may contain antimicrobial residues, as well as resistant bacteria, which disseminate to the environment when applied to the fields. Animals and plants may be exposed to antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria in agricultural and natural ecosystems in Finnish conditions as well. Therefore, fertilizer usage of faeces, urine and milk excreted by animals treated with antimicrobials should be subjected to critical assessment. Treating the manure with mesophilic anaerobic digestion may reduce the concentration of antimicrobial residues but does not necessarily destroy them. Furthermore, the process reduced the number of total E. coli bacteria, although it did not have an effect on the proportion of resistant E. coli. Along with energy production and nutrient recycling, different manure handling and processing methods may, however, be suitable for destroying and reducing antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria from manure, and substantially reduce the emission of antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria to the environment, as well as to the food chain. The aspect of tackling the spread of antimicrobial resistance is to be considered when manure processing methods are developed in Finland

    Novel, Real-Time Cell Analysis for Measuring Viral Cytopathogenesis and the Efficacy of Neutralizing Antibodies to the 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Virus

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    A novel electronic cell sensor array technology, the real-time cell analysis (RTCA) system, was developed to monitor cell events. Unlike the conventional methods labeling the target cells with fluorescence, luminescence, or light absorption, the RTCA system allows for label-free detection of cell processes directly without the incorporation of labels. Here, we used this new format to measure the cytopathic effect (CPE) of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus and the efficacy of neutralizing antibodies in human sera to this virus. The real-time dynamic monitoring of CPE was performed on MDCK cell cultures infected with the H1N1 virus, ranging from 5.50×102 to 5.50×107 copies/mL. The resulting CPE kinetic curves were automatically recorded and were both time and viral load dependent. The CPE kinetics were also distinguishable between different H1N1 stains, as the onset of CPE induced by the A/Shanghai/37T/2009 H1N1 virus was earlier than that of the A/Shanghai/143T/2009 H1N1 virus. Furthermore, inhibition of H1N1 virus-induced CPE in the presence of human specific anti-sera was detected and quantified using the RTCA system. Antibody titers determined using this new neutralization test correlated well with those obtained independently via the standard hemagglutination inhibition test. Taken together, this new CPE assay format provided label-free and high-throughput measurement of viral growth and the effect of neutralizing antibodies, illustrating its potential in influenza vaccine studies

    Panel 4 : Report of the Microbiology Panel

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    Objective. To perform a comprehensive review of the literature from July 2011 until June 2015 on the virology and bacteriology of otitis media in children. Data Sources. PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine. Review Methods. Two subpanels comprising experts in the virology and bacteriology of otitis media were created. Each panel reviewed the relevant literature in the fields of virology and bacteriology and generated draft reviews. These initial reviews were distributed to all panel members prior to meeting together at the Post-symposium Research Conference of the 18th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, National Harbor, Maryland, in June 2015. A final draft was created, circulated, and approved by all panel members. Conclusions. Excellent progress has been made in the past 4 years in advancing our understanding of the microbiology of otitis media. Numerous advances were made in basic laboratory studies, in animal models of otitis media, in better understanding the epidemiology of disease, and in clinical practice. Implications for Practice. (1) Many viruses cause acute otitis media without bacterial coinfection, and such cases do not require antibiotic treatment. (2) When respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumovirus, and influenza virus peak in the community, practitioners can expect to see an increase in clinical otitis media cases. (3) Biomarkers that predict which children with upper respiratory tract infections will develop otitis media may be available in the future. (4) Compounds that target newly identified bacterial virulence determinants may be available as future treatment options for children with otitis media.Peer reviewe

    Phosphorus–iron interaction in sediments : can an electrode minimize phosphorus release from sediments?

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    All restoration strategies to mitigate eutrophication depend on the success of phosphorus (P) removal from the water body. Therefore, the inputs from the watershed and from the enriched sediments, that were the sink of most P that has been discharged in the water body, should be controlled. In sediments, iron (hydr)oxides minerals are potent repositories of P and the release of P into the water column may occur upon dissolution of the iron (hydr)oxides mediated by iron reducing bacteria. Several species of these bacteria are also known as electroactive microorganisms and have been recently identified in lake sediments. This capacity of bacteria to transfer electrons to electrodes, producing electricity from the oxidation of organic matter, might play a role on P release in sediments. In the present work it is discussed the relationship between phosphorus and iron cycling as well as the application of an electrode to work as external electron acceptor in sediments, in order to prevent metal bound P dissolution under anoxic conditions.The authors are grateful to two anonymous reviewers of a previous version of the manuscript for the constructive comments and suggestions. The authors also acknowledge the Grant SFRH/BPD/80528/2011 from the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal, awarded to Gilberto Martins

    Effectiveness of Public Innovation Support in Europe. Does Public Support Foster Turnover, Employment and Labour Productivity?

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    In the European Union (EU), twenty Member States offer public innovation support for private research and development (R&D) activities through either subsidies or a combination of tax cuts and subsidies. Existing studies show ambiguous results regarding the effectiveness of public innovation support in different countries. Accordingly, following a description of the current public innovation framework in Europe, this paper analyses data from the European Community Innovation Survey concerning the effectiveness of public support. The measures chosen relate to changes in turnover as well as the number of employees and labour productivity (measured as turnover per employee) between 2006 and 2008. The paper finds a positive influence of public innovation support on labour productivity in an innovating company, a negative influence on turnover changes and a negative yet not significant influence on the development of employment. The influences of these factors are very weak, whereas other coefficients such as the money spent on innovative activities clearly show positive effects for all three indicators