62 research outputs found

    Antarctic Circumpolar Modes in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model

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    Eastward-propagating patterns in anomalous potential temperature and salinity of the Southern Ocean are analyzed in the output of a 1000-year simulation of the global coupled atmosphere–ocean GCM ECHO-G. Such features can be associated with the so-called Antarctic Circumpolar Wave (ACW). It is found that time–longitude diagrams that have traditionally been used to aid the visualization of the ACW are strongly influenced by the width of the bandpass time filtering. This is due to the masking of considerable low-frequency variability that occurs over a broad range of time scales. Frequency–wavenumber analysis of the ACW shows that the eastward-propagating waves do have preferred spectral peaks, but that both the period and wavenumber change erratically when comparing different centuries throughout the simulation. The variability of the ACW on a variety of time scales from interannual to centennial suggests that the waiting time for a sufficient observational record to determine the time scale of variability of the real world ACW (and the associated decadal time scale predictability of climate for southern landmasses) will be a very long one

    Climatology of the HOPE-G Global Ocean - Sea Ice General Circulation Model

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    TM2 is a three-dimensional atmospheric transport model which solves the continuity equation for an arbitrary number of atmospheric tracers on an Eulerian grid spanning the entire globe. It is driven by stored meteorological fields from analyses of a weather forecast model or from output of an atmospheric general circulation model. Tracer advection is calculated using the “slopes scheme” of Russell and Lerner [1981]. Vertical transport due to convective clouds is computed using a simplified version of the cloud mass flux scheme of Tiedke [1989]. Turbulent vertical transport is calculated by stability dependent vertical diffusion according to the scheme by Louis [1979]

    The Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation Model HOPE

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    HOPE is a primitive-equation model of the global ocean circulation, but may also be used for regional studies. Prognostic variables are the three-dimensional horizontal velocity fields, the sea-surface elevation, and the thermohaline variables. The equa- tions are discretized on prescribed horizontal surfaces using Arakawa-E-type grids. Two time levels are used for the integration. A Hibler-type dynamic sea-ice model allows a prognostic calculation of sea-ice thick- ness, compactness, and velocities. The thermodynamic growth of sea ice is calculated with heat balance equations using simple bulk formulae. A snow layer is included. HOPE is in particular useful for altimetry data assimilation purposes because of the prognostic calculation of the sea-surface elevation

    Ocean-sea-ice coupling in a global ocean general circulation model

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    A global ocean general circulation model has been coupled with a dynamic-thermodynamic sea-ice model. This model has been spun-up in a 1000 year integration using daily atmosphere model data. Main water masses and currents are reproduced as well as the seasonal characteristics of the ice cover of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Model results for the Southern Ocean, however, show the ice cover as too thin, and there are large permanent polynyas in the Weddell and Ross Seas. These polynyas are due to a large upward oceanic heat flux caused by haline rejection during the freezing of sea ice. Sensitivity studies were performed to test several ways of treating the sea-surface salinity and the rejected brine. The impact on the ice cover, water-mass characteristics, and ocean circulation are described

    Climate field reconstruction uncertainty arising from multivariate and nonlinear properties of predictors

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    Climate field reconstructions (CFRs) of the global annual surface air temperature (SAT) field and associated global area-weighted mean annual temperature (GMAT) are derived in a collection of pseudoproxy experiments for the past millennium. Pseudoproxies are modeled from temperature (T), precipitation (P), T + P, and VS-Lite (VSL), a nonlinear and multivariate proxy system model for tree ring widths. Spatial patterns of reconstruction skill and spectral bias for the T + P and VSL-derived CFRs are similar to those previously shown using temperature-only pseudoproxies but demonstrate overall degraded skill and spectral bias for SAT reconstruction. Analysis of GMAT spectra nevertheless suggests that the true GMAT frequency spectrum is resolved by those pseudoproxies (T, T + P, and VSL) that contain some temperature information. The results suggest that mixed temperature and moisture-responding paleoclimate data may produce actual GMAT reconstructions with skill, error, and spectral characteristics like those expected from univariate and linear temperature responders, but spatially resolved CFR results should be analyzed cautiousl

    The role of the land-surface model for climate change projections over the Iberian Peninsula

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    The importance of land-surface processes within Regional Climate Models for accurately reproducing the present-day climate is well known. However, their role when projecting future climate is still poorly reported. Hence, this work assesses the influence of the land-surface processes, particularly the contribution of soil moisture, when projecting future changes for temperature, precipitation and wind over a complex area as the Iberian Peninsula, which, in addition, shows great sensitivity to climate change. The main signals are found for the summer season, when the results indicate a strengthening in the increases projected for both mean temperature and temperature variability as a consequence of the future intensification of the positive soil moisture-temperature feedback. The more severe warming over the inner dry Iberian Peninsula further implies an intensification of the Iberian thermal low and, thus, of the cyclonic circulation. Furthermore, the land-atmosphere coupling leads to the projection of a wider future daily temperature range, since maximum temperatures are more affected than minima, a feature absent in non-coupled simulations. Regarding variability, the areas where the land-atmosphere coupling introduces larger changes are those where the reduction in the soil moisture content is more dramatic in future simulations, i.e., the so-called transitional zones. As regards precipitation, weaker positive signals for convective precipitation and more intense negative signals for non-convective precipitation are obtained as a result of the soil moisture-atmosphere interactions. These results highlight the crucial contribution of soil moisture to climate change projections and suggest its plausible key role for future projections of extreme events